ISSN 0378-6986 Official Journal C 222 Volume 43 of the European Communities 3 August 2000 English edition Information and Notices Notice No Contents Page I Information Commission 2000/C 222/01 List of accredited environmental verifiers for the purposes of the Community eco- management and audit scheme (Council Regulation (EEC) No 1836/93) (1) .......... 1 2000/C 222/02 List of sites registered in the European eco-management and audit scheme (Council Regulation (EEC) No 1836/93) (1)........................................ 59 Price: EUR 44,50 EN _________________ (1) Text with EEA relevance 3.8.2000 EN Official Journal of the European Communities C 222/1 I (Information) COMMISSION List of accredited environmental verifiers for the purposes of the Community eco-management and audit scheme (Council Regulation (EEC) No 1836/93) (2000/C 222/01) (Text with EEA relevance) The following list is published so as to comply with Article 7 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1836/93 (1). This Regulation establishes a voluntary environmental management scheme, based on harmonised lines and principles throughout the European Union, open to companies in the industrial sector operating in the European Union. The overall objective of the scheme is to promote continuous environmental performance improvements of industrial activities by committing sites to evaluate and improve their environmental performance and provide relevant information to the public. Sites who wish to be registered in the scheme must have their environmental policy, programme, management system, review or audit procedure and environmental statement or statements examined to verify that that they meet the requirements of this Regulation, and the environmental statements validated. This verification and validation must be carried out by an independent, appropriately accredited, environmental verifier. Article 7 of the Regulation specifies that the Commission shall publish in the Official Journal of the European Communities a list of all the accredited environmental verifiers in the Community. The list below contains details of all environmental verifiers whose registration has been notified to the Commission, by the accreditation systems in the Member States, up to and including 31 May 2000. ——— _________________ (1) OJ L 168, 10.7.1993, p. 1. C 222/2 3.8.2000 LISTA DE VERIFICADORES ACREDITADOS LISTE OVER AKKREDITEREDE MILJØVERIFIKATORER LISTE DER ZUGELASSENEN UMWELTGUTACHTER PIMAJAR ENOTRIODOSGLEMXM EKECJSXM LIST OF ACCREDITED VERIFIERS LISTE DES VE´ RIFICATEURS AGRE´ E´ S ELENCO DEI VERIFICATORI ACCREDITATI LIJST VAN ERKENDE MILIEUVERIFICATEURS LISTA DE VERIFICADORES ACREDITADOS AKKREDITOITUJEN TODENTAJIEN LUETTELO FO¨ RTECKNING O¨ VER ACKREDITERADE KONTROLLANTER A. Datos de los verificadores acreditados Kontaktdetaljer om akkrediterede miljøverifikatorer Detaillierte Angaben zu den zugelassenen Gutachtern Rsoiveißa epaugÞz le enotriodosgleÝmotz ekecjseÝz Contact details of accredited verifiers Renseignements utiles pour joindre les inte´resse´s Informazioni relative ai contatti con i verificatori accreditati Gegevens voor het opnemen van contact met erkende milieuverificateurs Dados relativos aos verificadores acreditados a contactar Akkreditoitujen todentajien tarkat yhteystiedot Uppgifter om ackrediterade kontrollanter 3.8.2000 C 222/3 REINO DE BE´LGICA / KONGERIGET BELGIEN / KO¨ NIGREICH BELGIEN / BARIKEIO SOT BEKCIOT / KINGDOM OF BELGIUM / ROYAUME DE BELGIQUE / REGNO DEL BELGIO / KONINKRIJK BELGIE¨ / REINO DA BE´LGICA / BELGIAN KUNINGASKUNTA / KONUNGARIKET BELGIEN Nu´mero de registro Nombre y direccio´ n de la empresa Tel., fax y e-mail Persona de contacto Registreringsnummer Firmanavn og adresse Tlf., fax og e-post Kontaktperson Register-Nr. Name und Anschrift des Unternehmens Tel., Fax und E-mail Ansprechpartner Aqihloàz eccqaugÞz Omolarißa jai dietÆhtmrg esaiqeißaz Sgk., uan jai e-mail RtÆmderloz Registration Number Company name and address Tel., fax and e-mail Contact person Nume´ro d’enregistrement Nom et adresse de la socie´te´ Te´l., fax et e-mail Personne a` consulter Numero di registrazione Denominazione ed indirizzo della societa` Tel., telefax e E-mail Persona da contattare Registratienummer Naam en adres van het bedrijf Tel., fax en e-mail Contactpersoon Nu´mero de registo Nome e enderecào da empresa Tel., telefax e E-mail Contacto Rekistero¨intinumero Yrityksen nimi ja osoite Puh., faksi ja sa¨hko¨posti Yhteyshenkilo¨ Registreringsnummer Fo¨retagets namn och adress Tfn, fax och e-post Kontaktperson 12 34 B-V-014 Lloyd’s Register of Shipping v.z.w. Te´l./Tel. (32-3) 238 98 90 Ms G. Van Wesemael Karel Oomstraat 1 Fax (32-3) 248 09 77 B-2018 Antwerpen B-V-017 AIB-Vincotte Inter v.z.w. Te´l./Tel. (32-2) 536 82 11 Mr R. Vandamme A. Drouhartlaan 27-29 Fax (32-2) 537 46 19 B-1160 Brussel B-V-023 gie B.Q.A. esv Te´l./Tel. (32-2) 287 08 27 Mr A. Cochaux rue Montoyer 24 Fax (32-2) 230 32 46 B-1000 Bruxelles B-V-026 SGS EQCI E.E.S.V. Te´l./Tel. (32-3) 545 48 48 Mr G. D’Haese Noorderlaan 87 Fax (32-3) 545 48 09 B-2030 Antwerpen B-V-030 BVQI (Belgium) N.V. Te´l./Tel. (32-2) 520 20 90 Mr K. Bontinck Baraplaats 26 b 17/19 Fax (32-2) 520 20 30 B-1070 Brussel B-V-037 BCV KPMG Certification Te´l./Tel. (32-2) 708 43 00 L. Ruysen Bourgetlaan 40 Fax (32-2) 708 43 99 B-1130 Brussels REINO DE DINAMARCA / KONGERIGET DANMARK / KO¨ NIGREICH DA¨ NEMARK / BARIKEIO SGZ DAMIAZ / KINGDOM OF DENMARK / ROYAUME DE DANEMARK / REGNO DI DANIMARCA / KONINKRIJK DENEMARKEN / REINO DA DINAMARCA / TANSKAN KUNINGASKUNTA / KONUNGARIKET DANMARK Nu´mero de registro Nombre y direccio´ n de la empresa Tel., fax y e-mail Persona de contacto Registreringsnummer Firmanavn og adresse Tlf., fax og e-post Kontaktperson Register-Nr. Name und Anschrift des Unternehmens Tel., Fax und E-mail Ansprechpartner Aqihloàz eccqaugÞz Omolarißa jai dietÆhtmrg esaiqeißaz Sgk., uan jai e-mail RtÆmderloz Registration Number Company name and address Tel., fax and e-mail Contact person Nume´ro d’enregistrement Nom et adresse de la socie´te´ Te´l., fax et e-mail Personne a` consulter Numero di registrazione Denominazione ed indirizzo della societa` Tel., telefax e E-mail Persona da contattare Registratienummer Naam en adres van het bedrijf Tel., fax en e-mail Contactpersoon Nu´mero de registo Nome e enderecào da empresa Tel., telefax e E-mail Contacto Rekistero¨intinumero Yrityksen nimi ja osoite Puh., faksi ja sa¨hko¨posti Yhteyshenkilo¨ Registreringsnummer Fo¨retagets namn och adress Tfn, fax och e-post Kontaktperson 12 34 DK-V-6001 Det Norske Veritas, Danmark A/S Tlf. (45) 98 79 08 33 Afdelingen for Certificering af Ledelsessystemer Vandmanden 36 Fax (45) 98 79 04 33 DK-9200 Aalborg SV DK-V-6002 BVQI Denmark Tlf. (45) 75 92 22 44 Oldenborggade 1 B Fax (45) 75 92 55 00 DK-7000 Frederica DK-V-6003 Dansk Standard Tlf. (45) 39 96 61 01 Kollegievej 6 Fax (45) 39 96 61 03 DK-2920 Charlottenlund DK-V-6004 DBC Dansk Beton Certificering Gregersensvey PO 141 DK-2630 Taastrup C 222/4 3.8.2000 REPU´ BLICA FEDERAL DE ALEMANIA / FORBUNDSREPUBLIKKEN TYSKLAND / BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND / OLORPOMDIAJG DGLOJQASIA SGZ CEQLAMIAZ / FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY / RE´PUBLIQUE FE´DE´RALE D’ALLEMAGNE / REPUBBLICA FEDERALE DI GERMANIA / BONDSREPUBLIEK DUITSLAND / REPU´ BLICA FEDERAL DA ALEMANHA / SAKSAN LIITTOTASAVALTA / FO¨ RBUNDSREPUBLIKEN TYSKLAND Nu´mero de registro Nombre y direccio´ n de la empresa Tel., fax y e-mail Persona de contacto Registreringsnummer Firmanavn og adresse Tlf., fax og e-post Kontaktperson Register-Nr. Name und Anschrift des Unternehmens Tel., Fax und E-mail Ansprechpartner Aqihloàz eccqaugÞz Omolarißa jai dietÆhtmrg esaiqeißaz Sgk., uan jai e-mail RtÆmderloz Registration Number Company name and address Tel., fax and e-mail Contact person Nume´ro d’enregistrement Nom et adresse de la socie´te´ Te´l., fax et e-mail Personne a` consulter Numero di registrazione Denominazione ed indirizzo della societa` Tel., telefax e E-mail Persona da contattare Registratienummer Naam en adres van het bedrijf Tel., fax en e-mail Contactpersoon Nu´mero de registo Nome e enderecào da empresa Tel., telefax e E-mail Contacto Rekistero¨intinumero Yrityksen nimi ja osoite Puh., faksi ja sa¨hko¨posti Yhteyshenkilo¨ Registreringsnummer Fo¨retagets namn och adress Tfn, fax och e-post Kontaktperson 12 34 DE-V-0001 Abidin, Irawan Tel. (49-2234) 743 20 Go¨ttinger Str. 23 Fax (49-2234) 493 58 D-50858 Ko¨ln DE-V-0002 Ackermann, Wolfgang Lauenburger Str. 99 D-12169 Berlin DE-V-0003 Agimus Umweltberatungs-gesellschaft mbH Tel. (49-531) 25 67 60 Goslarsche Str. 82 Fax (49-531) 256 76 66 D-38118 Braunschweig DE-V-0004 Arthur D. Little International Umweltgutachter GmbH Tel. (49-611) 714 81 91 Andreas von Saldern Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 1 Fax (49-611) 714 82 97 D-65002 Wiesbaden DE-V-0005 Artischewski, Raphael Tel. (49-711) 517 44 70 Rosmarinweg 5 Fax (49-711) 517 44 69 D-70374 Stuttgart DE-V-0006 Baldauf, Wolfgang Tel. (49-2234) 49 81 46 An der Ronne 274 Fax (49-2234) 49 81 46 D-50859 Ko¨ln DE-V-0007 Beer, Dr Rainer Tel. (49-911) 51 33 11 Stallbaumer Str. 4 Fax (49-911) 51 33 99 D-90482 Nu¨rnberg DE-V-0008 Bode, Dr Matthias Tel. (49-211) 935 20 Von-Hauer-Str. 12 D-42799 Leichlingen DE-V-0009 Borm, Elke Tel. (49-211) 635 41 47 Rebhuhnweg 2 Fax (49-211) 746 52 25 D-40668 Meerbusch DE-V-0010 Brunk, Michael Tel. (49-531) 68 29 30 Zuckerbergweg 42 Fax (49-531) 68 29 30 D-38124 Braunschweig DE-V-0011 DEKRA Umwelt GmbH Tel. (49-711) 786 10 Manuela Held Handwerkstr. 15 Fax (49-711) 78 61 26 27 D-70565 Stuttgart DE-V-0012 Dilly, Dr Peter Tel. (49-40) 640 42 99 Holtweg 4 Fax (49-40) 640 40 31 D-22391 Hamburg DE-V-0013 DQS - Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Zertifizierung von Tel.
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