UDC 025.4(05) Vol. 3 (1976) No.2 INTERNATIONAL CLASSI FICATION -- ------ - ---- Journal on Theory and Practice of Universal and Special Classification Systems and Thesauri Zeitschrift zur Theorie und Praxis universaler und spezieller Klassifikationssysteme und Thesauri Editors/Herausgeber Dr. I. Dahlberg. Frankfurt. BRD (Editor·in·Chiefi Prof. Dr. Dr. A. Diemer. Diisseldorf.IlRD Prof. A. Neelameghan, Bangalore, Inoia Prof. J. M. Perreault. Huntsville, Ala., USA co·sponsored by F IDICR and by the I F LA I nternational Office for UBC in collaboration with I in ZusammenCirbeit mit Prof. P. Atherton, Syracuse, N.Y., USA Dr. A. I. Chernyj, Moscow. USSR Dipl. Math. H. Fangmever. Ispra, Italy Dipl.·Volksw. O. Gekeler, Ulm, BRD Prof. E. de Gralier, Paris, France Dr. F. Lang, Vienna, Austria Cons. Eng. V. Nakamura, Tokyo, Japan Dr. E. Seib�r. Warsaw, Poland Prof. Dr. D. Soergel, College Park, M,i., USA Prof. Dr. R. Sakal, Stony Brook, N. Y.• USA Prof. A. L. C. Vicentini t. Brasilia, B,;.tsil Prof. B. C. Vickery, London. England Prof. Dr. E . Wuster, Wieselburg, Austl'ia and the Forschungsabt. Information und Dokumentation des Philosophischen Instituts. Universitat Dusseldorf (Direktor: Prof. Dr. N. Henrichsl Verlag Dokumentation, Publishers, Munchen I --_. - -- -_.--- I (SSN 0340·0050 - (ntern. Classificat.,](19]6) No. 2,-p._6_5_-134 (iVlii.llChEln, Nov. 197,s1 � INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION Vol. 3 (1976) No. 2 UDC 0254 (05) INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION Contents Journal on Theory and Practice of Universal and Special Classification Systems and Thesauri Zeitschrift zur Theorie und Praxis Editorial What is your opinion? . 65 universaler und spezieiler Klassifi­ In Memoriam-Abner L. C. Vicentini (1929/1976) 66 kationssysteme und Thesauri Articles Editorial Office/Redaktion: H. G. Small: Structural dynamics of scientific literature 67 c/o Or. I. Dahlberg, 0-6 Frankfurt 50 N. A. Stokolova: Syntactic tools and semantic power of information WODgstr. 36a, Tel.' (0611) 5236 90 languages . 76 W.-W. Hopker: Struktur und KompatibiliUit des Thesaurus der Medizin Issue frequency/Erscheinungsweise: (Structure and compatibility of the Thesaurus of Medicine) . 81 2 x/ann. I. Dahlberg: Classification theory, yesterday and today 85 Publisher/Verlag: J. B. Friis-Hansen: Library classification systems in Denmark 91 Verlag ookumentation Saur KG, M. Weitemeyer: Which way to "Shared Classification"? A Danish view 93 P.O.B. 711009, P6ssenbacher Str. 2, 0·8000 Munchen 71, Bundesrepublik Reports and Communications The DDC Allerton House Conference 96 Deutschland, Tel.' (089) 798901, U. Fellmann: European Centenary Seminar on the DDC 96 Telex: 5212067 saur d Classification Society Conference, USA 98 Annual Subscription Rates/ Abonnement: Classification and Phylogeny . 99 OM36,-. For members of national or M. Krommer�Benz: Colloque Internationale de Terminologie, Paris, international classificatiDn societies or June 1976 99 groups OM 27 ,-/Fur Mitglieder nationa· H. Felber: Moscow Meeting of ISO/TC 37 /WG 1 "Principles of ler oder internationaler Klassifikations­ Terminology" . 100 gesellschaften oder ...gremien OM 27,­ G. Heinrich: Bibliothekarische Ausbildung in SacherschlieBung Single issue/Einzelheft: OM 20,- (A library classification training program) . 101 1/74 I. Dahlberg: Classification theory course in Rio de Janeiro 103 Advertising prices/Anzeigenpreisliste Libraries honoured . 107 Bankverbindungen: E. de Andrade Oliveira: Translation and computerization of the PostscheckkD nto Mlinchen 2061 41-804; Portuguese Medium Edition of the UDC 107 Bayer. Hypotheken- und Wechselbank, Munchen, Kto. Nr. 3 388 662 Terminology Comer Classification Terminology - DDC 105 Printed by/Druck: Hain-Druck KG, 0-6554 Meisenheim/Glan Book Reviews Sodeur, W.: Empirische Vcrfahren zur Klassifikation (P. Vogel) 108 All rights reserved/Aile Rechte vDrbe­ Terminologie der Information und Dokumentation (H. Wellisch) . 109 halten. Printed in West Germany 1976 Buchanan, B.: A glossary of indexing terms (J. Farradane). 110 Brown, A, G.: An introduction to subjcct indexing (S, Reball) III Infotenn: International co-operation in terminology (R. Kocourek) III Schneider, K.: Computer aided subject index system for the life sciences (G. Lambert) 112 Dictionary of Rcpwgraphy (R. Agte) 114 Fluck, H. R,: Fachsprachen (H.-R. Spiegel) . 114 Bausch, K.-J" Schewe, W. H. U., Spiegel, H.-R.: Fachsprachcn (I. Dahlbcrg). 115 N'A .) Classification Literature 3(1976) No, 2, Nos. 1873-2200 116 Index to vots. 1-3 131 Verlag Dokumentation, Publishers Editors/Herausgeber: Dr. FriAdrich Larlg. IBM, A-1040 Wien, Mar9are­ Mr, M. W8itemcyer, The Royal Library, Christians Or. phil lngelraut Dahlberg 0-6 Frankfurt 50. thens!r.3/4. Austria Brygge 8, 17.19 Copenhagen.K. Danmark Woogstr. 36a, BRD Yu�io Nakamura. Authorized Con,ultin� Engineur. Dr. U, Fellmann. Hochschulblbliothek der T. H. Prof. Dr. med. Dr. Phil Alwin Diemer. Philosophi· 14-8 Nisikata-1 Bunkyo-Ku,') okyo 113,Japan Aachen, T emplergraban 61,5100 Aachen,BR D sches Irlstitut der UniversitEitDiisseldorf, 0-4 Dussel· Dr. Eugen Scibor, Ins!ilu! Informacji Natlkowej. Vis. M.Krommp.r-Benz. I nlotcrm, Osterr. Normungs­ dorf 1, Universit;;tsstr.1 . SRD Technic,nej i Ekonomlczrlej IIiNTEI. AI. Niepod­ ",slltUt, Postfach 130, 1021 Wien 2. Au5tri" leglosci 188. Warszawa, Poland Prot. Jean M. Perreault, Director of the UniversiTy Mr. H. Felber, InfOlerm, OSlerr. Norrnungsins!ilut. Library.University of Alabama, P .o.B. 1247 Hunts­ Prof. Dr. Daqohert Soerg�l. School of Library and In. Postfach 130. 1021 Wien 2, Austria ville, Alabama 35 807, USA forrnation $ervic<,s. Uniwrsity of MQryland, Colle�e rr. Doz. G. Heinrich. Btbliothekar_Lehrinstitut, Uni. Prot, Ara$harlipalal Neelameghan. Documentation Park. Md .. 20742 USA versltat�tr. 33,5000 Koln 41, BRD ResearCh and Training Centre {DRTC), 112 Cross Prof. Dr. Rolle" R. Sokal, StaTe University of New M,. �. de AndradA Oliveira, c/o IBICT. avu, Goneral Road 11, Malleswaram Bangalore-560003, I�dia York. Stony Brook. New York 11 794. USA Justo 171,Rio de Janp.iro. Brasil co-sponwredbYFID/CR (F&leration Intern3tionala Prof. Bryarl C. Vickery. School of Library, Archive Prof. Dr, F. Vogol, Institut fUf Statistik und Okono_ de Documentation, Committee on Classification , and Information Studies, University Col loge Gower metria, Univursitat Kiel,Olshau5enstr. 40-60, 2300 Research), address see Prot. A. Neelamegharl Street, London WC 1, England Kiel,BRD and by the International Federation of Library Prof. Dr. Eugerl WUstAf. A 3250 Wiuselburg, AU.»ria Prof. Hans Welliscll; College of Library and I nforma­ Associatio!ls (IFLAllnternational Office for USC, in collabor�tion with/in Zusammenarbeit mit: tion Survices, University of Maryland, College Park nirector� Mrs. D. Anderson, c/o The British Library, 20742, Md. USA Ref. Div., London WC1B 30G, England For�churlg""bt�ilung Information "nd Dokumenta­ lion des Philosophischcn IrlstituTs der Universinit Prof.. J�son Farr1ldane,School of Library and Infor_ Dusseldorf. D-4 DU05eldorf, Urliversitatsstr 1, BRO. mQtion Science, The Urliversity of Western Ontario, Prof. Dr. phil Norbert Hen"chs London N6A 5S9, Canada .Consulting Editors/Redaktionsbeirat: Dipl. Phys. S. Reball, Forschungsinstitllt Manfred Pro!. Pauline Atherton. School of Library Science, von Ardenne. Zeppelinstr. 7, 8051 Dresden, DDR Syracu�e UnivArsity, Syracuse, 13210 USA Authors of this i.-lie N. Y., Prof. Dr. R. Kowurek, Department of French, Dal_ Dr. A. I. Olernyj, VINITI. Moscow A·219, Baltijs­ Or. H. G. Small. fnstilute for Scientific Information, housie UniverSity, Halifax. N. S .. Canada kaja ul. 14, USSR 325 Chestrlut Street,Philadelphia, Pa. 19106, USA Ms. G. Lilmbert, Sibl iOlhi?qUA de l'Univp.rsi!e de Dipl. Math. Hermann Fangmeyer, Euratom CCR Dr. N. A. Slokolova,c!o I nstitute for Scientific Infor­ Rouen, Bd Mauric�-de-Broqlie, 76 Mont-Saint. C. E. T. I.S.IEuropeQn Scientific Information mation, 325 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Pa. 19106, Aignan. France Processing Centre), 1·-21020 Ispra (Varese) Italy USA Mr. R. Agte, FOG RA, Brurlnerstr. 2, 8000 Miinchen Dipl. Volksw. Otto Gekeler. AEG_Tclefurlkerl {Nl), Priv. 02t. Dr. W.-W. Hopkor,Pathnlogisches I nstitut 13. BRD 79 Ulm,Postfach 830. BRD der Universitat, Weslring 17,44 Munster. BR 0 Dr. H.-A. Spiegel. Stifterverband fur die Deutsche Prof. Eric de Grolier, Conseil International des Prof. J. B. Friis·Hanson. Danmarks Biblioteksskole, WissenSGhatt, Brucker Holt 56,4300 E�en-Bredeney. Sciences. 1. rue Miollis, F-·75 Pari, 15e. Frarlce Birketingel 6. 2300 Copenh3gen S. Danmark "eD UDC 02 5.4 (05) INTERNATIONAL CLASSI FICATION Vol. 3 (1976) No. 2, p. 65-134, Nov. 1976 Journal on Theory and Practice of Universal and Special Classification Systems and Thesauri Zeitschrift zur Theorie und Praxis universaler und spezieller Klassifikationssysteme und Thesauri Publisher: Verlag Dokumentation Saur KG, P.O.Box, P6ssenbacher Str. 2, D·8000 Munchen 71, BRD Te l.: (089) 798901, Telex 5212067 saur d Editorial offices: c/o Dr. I. Dahlberg, Woogstr. 36 a, D·6 000 Frankfurt 50, BRD, Tel.: (0611) 52 3690 Issue frequency/ Erscheinungsweise: 2/ann.; Subscription/Preis: DM 36,-/ann. Contents page /1 nhaltsfahne This contents page may be reproduced without charge - Diese Inhaltsfahne dad gebiihrenfrei vcrvielfaltlgt werden (DIN 1428) Small, H. G.: Structural dynamics of scientific literature. Dahlberg, I.: Classification theory, yesterday and today. In: Intern. Classificat. 3(1976) No.2, p. 67-74 In: Intern. Classificat. 3(1976) No. 2, p. 85--90 A methodology is
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