THE AMERICAN SOCIETY NEWS LEITER OF UNIVERSITY COMPOSERS SPRING-SUMMER, 1977/V1. 10, Nos. 1-2 1977 NATIONAL CONFERENCE IN URBANA Symphony" andLanyAustin's "Second Fantasy on Ives' 'Universe Symphony'" was delivered. In another room at The Twelfth Annual Conference of the American the same time a discussion with Fred Koenigsberg, Legal Society of University Composers was held in Champaign­ Staff of ASCAP; concerning "Thoughts on the New Urbana from March 3rd to the 7th, 1977. The Copyright Law" was held. These were followed by a well-attended event, boasting 160 Society members, was "Lecture-Concert-Demonstration on the Contemporary hosted by the University of Illinois. For its gracious Flute" by Robert Aitken (University of Toronto). One of hospitality, many thanks are extended to the host institu­ the tone-setting highlights of the conference was a lively tion and its representatives. Those of us· who attended presentation-discussion on "Music Criticism." Arranged i were impressed and delighted by the Krannert Center for and introduced by Randolph Coleman (Oberlin College), I ! the Performing Arts. The excellent acoustics of the many the panel included Herbert Brun (University of Illinois), !' theaters augmented the quality performances. Special Larry Austin (University of Southern Florida), Tom accolades must be offered for the successful planning of Johnson (critic, The Village Voice), and Hans G. Helms this smoothly run conference to program chairman (West German Radio-Television and Public Broad­ Randolph Coleman (Oberlin College) and conference casting System). A refreshing break at the Levis Center committee chairman Edwin London (University of concluded the afternoon session. Illinois). They were assisted by the local members of the The evening concert, featuring the Illinois Women's conference committee: Alfred Blatter, Ben Johnston, Glee Club, University Chorale, Wind Ensemble, and John Melby, Tom Yarber, and Paul Zonn. Others whose University Symphony, opened with two works by contributions were vital and to whom many thanks are Marshall Bialosky: 5 Nonsense Songs about Animals and due were the fine conductors of the various ensembles: Academic Graffiti. Also included on the program were Harold Decker, Robery Gray, Edwin London, Salvatore Notes in Silence by Leslie Bassett (University of Martirano, William Olson, Tom Siwe, and Paul Zonn. Michigan); Metalepsis II by Bernard Rands (University One of the best features of any national conference of of California, San Diego); White Lady by Robert the ASUC is the opportunity to hear members' composi­ Erickson (University of California, San Diego); tions performed. The Illinois meeting was outstanding in Murmurings by Edward Diemente (Hartt College, this regard. Participants heard one first-rate perfor­ University of Hartford); and Concerto for Brass Quintet mance after ·another in the acoustically and visually and Orchestra by Karel Husa (Cornell University). The magnificent spaces of the Krannert Center. In all, over excellence of these larger ensembles was appreciated by three dozen works by ASUC members were heard during all in attendance. the conference. Saturday began with several paper presentations. John Concert I, held Thursday evening in the Krannert White (University of Wisconsin) spoke on "An Approach Center Playhouse, featured performances of Divine to Musical Sounds in Style", Aurelio de la Vega (Califor­ Songs by Bernard Heiden (Indiana University); Music for nia State, Northridge) discussed "New Music in Latin English Horn and Piano by M. William Karlins (North­ America", and Robert Erickson (University of western University); Signature for Tempo four songs by California, San Diego) spoke about "Loops: An Informal Randall Shinn (University of New Orleans); Privacy One: Timbre Experiment". These were followed by a lecture­ Words Without Songs by Kenneth Gaburo (La Jolla, demonstration by Phillip Rehfeldt (University of California); Antiphon II "Quid Est Musica " by Richard Redlands) entitled "The Clarinet: Some Recent Hervig (University of Iowa); Lengeren by Sydney Thoughts on Multiphonics" and including the following Hodkinson (Eastman School); Klavierstuck by Curt compositions: Three Pieces by David Maslanka (Sarah Cacioppo (student composition contest co-winner from Lawrence); Echoes by Olly Wilson (University of New York University); Maud: A Monodrama for California, Berkeley); and RAN. I.X. by Victor Saucedo Soprano and Computer by Michael Dellarfo (student Tecayehatzin (Southwestern College, California). composition contest co-winner from Princeton Univer­ After a short break the afternoon session began with a sity); and Consort I by Brian Fennelly (New York lecture-demonstration by Karen Ervin (Sun Valley, University). California) on "New Techniques for Percussion: Welcoming remarks were given Friday morning· by Invention and Ingenuity". This was followed by three Robert Bays, director of the School of Music at paper presentations, including: "Whole Language University of Illinois. Greetings were extended by Language" by Kenneth Gaburo (La Jolla); "Kurt Marshall Bialosky (National Chairman) and remarks Schwitters' 'Ursonate' " by Dary John Mizelle (Oberlin offered by Ross Lee Finney (University of Michigan). College); and "Intensive Approach in Beginning Com­ The first presentation, "Remembering Dallapiccola", position through Motivic Development" by Charles was given by Marshall Bialosky (California State, Smith (Southeast Missouri State). Dominguez Hills), Bernard Rands (University of The 1977 general business meeting was held following California, San Diego), Henry Weinberg (Queens the afternoon's presentations. Outgoing National College), and Salvatore Martirano (University of Illinois). Council Chairman Marshall Bialosky gave a clear and Each reflected on their great teacher, now passed away. thorough overview of the Society's present situation. After a short break, a paper by Donald Walker Among his announcements was the election of Edwin (University of South Florida) on Charles Ives' "Universe London as the new Chairman. Richard Brooks has . J replaced Bruce Taub as chairman of the Executive (California State, Northridge) and Carlton Gamer Committee. Both Priscilla and Barton McLean are now (Colorado College). on the Executive Committee, since they do a two-person Concert V, unfortunately scheduled at three o'clock job keeping the radio show going. Sam Hope, a Society Sunday afternoon (after many members had left the member in Washington DC, has been asked to be the campus), included performances of Capriccios by Ursula Society's liaison with such matters as National Mamlok (Manhattan School of Music): Ludus: Chamber Endowment for the Arts. The National Council and Concerto by Donald Harris (New England Conservatory Executive Committee both approved a 1978 raise in dues of Music); Chamber Music - Percussion and Taped to $35 per year for full membership. A rebate of some of Electronic Sounds by Lukas Foss (Brooklyn Philhar­ this money is intended to go back to the Regions for their monic) and Joel Chadabe (SUNY, Albany); Black Topaz own activities. The price of Proceedings has been raised by Joan Tower (Bard College); Labdanum by Aurelio de to $8 a copy. Richmond Browne will edit the Newsletter la Vega (California State, Northridge); Three Poems (e.e. while Tom Cleman is in England. The Student Composi­ cummings) by James Lewis (University of South Florida); tion Contest will continue. Conversations by Walter Aschaffenburg (Oberlin Smith Music Hall was the location for Concert III, in College); and Welcome to Whipperginny by Barney which the Audubon String Quartet played Celestial Childs (Redlands University). Bodies, Concerto for Flute and String Quartet by Ezra The Twelfth Annual Conference was exciting and Laderman (SUNY Binghampton), with guest flutist Eric spirited, well planned and professionally executed, and Hoover; Dances - Real and Imagined by Will Bottje almost too full of excellent events. One looks forward (Southern Illinois University); and the String Quartets of with great expectations to the 1978 national meeting. Dennis Kam (University of Miami) and Lawrence Moss (University of Maryland). Report prepared by the Editor, from material Conference participants returned to the Playhouse for graciously supplied by Ann Noble (University of the final two concerts. Concert IV featured performances Redlands) and Stephen Scott (The Colorado College). of Nahua Songs by Walter Winslow (University of California, Berkeley); Blue Music for Jazz Actor, Tape 1978 NATIONAL CONFERENCE IN FLORIDA and Light by Jonathan Kramer (Yale University); Narrative for Solo Cello and 14 lnstrumentalists by Ross The Society's Thirteenth annual meeting will be ,held Lee Finney (University of Michigan); Second Fantasy on March 23-26, 1978 at the University of MiamJ under the Ives' "Universe Symphony" . .. the heavens by Larry sponsorship of that University and the University of Austin (University of South Florida); Faces by Stuart South Florida. The deadline for submission of scores is Smith (University of Maryland - Baltimore County); At October 15, 1977: scores should be sent to Dennis Kam at the End of the Parade, Six Songs by Yehuda Yannay the University of Miami School of Music (Coral Gables (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee); Nad by Michael 33124). Musical forces available will include soloists, Hunt (St. Louis, Missouri); and Rituals for 40 Flutes by string quartet, woodwind and brass quintets, large and Robert Ceely (New England Conservatory of
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