THE CAPITAL» VOLUME IX. WASHINGTON CITY, D. C., SEPTEMBEE, 21, 1879. NTJMBEH 30. rebuilt, enlarged and male elegant and presentable. a vote, and the diablerie of his originality blends with THE GRANT BOOM. A strong detachment of polfoe, under command o THE CAPITAL, On which the Star folks are to be congratulated ; bit the honest dash of a genuineness of a good-hearted- Chief Ktrkpatrlok, Grand Marshal Major General PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY W. L. Eliot-, with a brilliant retinue of aids, volunteer why don't the owners " go better" on that little enter- ness to win men to him. He Is a good fellow Is Ben. ULYS. IN RAH FRANCISCO — PARTICU- officers, soldiers and sailors of the warof the rebellion, THE CAPITAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, prise—build a model newspaper establishment, in and a philanthropist, If It were only for the reason that LARS OF IIIS RECEPTION. inoludlng ex-Confederate sold'ers and sailors, second 937 » street, Washington, ». C. architectural exterior finish Imposing, a thing of his style of beauty will never break up a family, and SAN FRANCISCO, September 20—3:25 p. m.—The brigade of the national guard, Oakland light cavalry m steamer City ot Toklo Is telegraphed as thirty miles an escort, carriage containing General Grant and beauty,which we may point out to strangers as a mon- his photograph is Invaluable to parents to scare their Mayor Bryant, followed by veterans of the Mexican DONN PIATT, . ¿1 . .. EDITOR. outside ot the Heads. ument of successful American journalism? To an children with. At the moment of the alarm giving notioe of the war as a guard ot honor, board of supervisors and outsider It would seem that a concern which pays a approach of the Cfty of Tokio was struck, the exeo executive committee, veterans of the warof 1812, regu- TERMS : Per year, (Including postage,) $2.50 ; sir THE mysterious disappearance of James Redpath, utive committee havlnir charge of the demonstration lar troops of the United States army, his excel- months, $1.50 ; three months, 75 oents—In advance. handsome dividend, say thirty to lorty thousand dol- journalist, agitator and lecture manager, gives every were in setsion at the Palace Hotel, warmly discuss- limy Governor Irwin and staff; Major General' lars per annum, distributable to but three parties, ing the question of carrying out the programme to- McDowell and staff, Commodore E. R. Calhoun ol! Single copies, 5 cents. reason to the belief that James has suicided. He was an the United States navy and stsff, judges ot the Su- could alford to erect a handsome building for its busi- morrow in case of the .steamer's arrival in time, or CLUBS : Ten copies to one address, (120 In advanoe, eccentric man, of strong Individualization, and would deferring It until Monday. The first stroke of the bell preme Court of the United States, of the United with one copy free. Twenty copies to one address, $35 ness purposes—" if they had a mind to." Hope 1 suicide on the slightest provocation, 11 he considered It ended the disoussion. It was three quarters of an States Circuit Court and district Judges of the Ninth don't Intrude. hour later than the limit that bad been previously circuit, committees on parade and decoration and In advance, with one copy free. essential to the fulfillment of the material fitness of determined upon, but It was at once resolved to carry other oommlttees connected with the reception. United —In a communication upon public school matters things. His has been a life of vagaries, and his ex- out the demonstration Immediately, in view of the States Senators and Representatives to Congress, perience has been that of a fanatic. As an Aboli- lateness of the hour all preconoerted limits of time foreign consuls, offioers of the Untted States army my attention is directed to the alleged prevalence will be contracted. A flotilla of steamers and yachts and navy and Marine corps, judges of the Supreme- CHRONICLES OF THE DAY. among children of myopy or short-slghtedaess, and tionist he was, while honest, rabid and extreme; he will leave the city front at 4:15 o'clook, and It is ex- Court of California and of tbe District Courts, United States district attorney and assistants, registrars in the fact that this disease, Incurable as It has proven to was one of old Ossawottomle Brown's associates in pected that the landing will be effected at half-past —It appears Irom comparison of notes daring the six or seven o'clock. The line of march will then be bankruptcy. United States marshal and deputies, col- be, is upon the Increase. The causes of this disease Kansas, and an earnest, hot-blooded Radloal during lector of customs, surveyor of the nort, naval officer, past week that certain ex-paving and other ex-con- taken up, and a general Illumination will compensate are found in the character of light or mode of lighting the war; one of the inciters, not the fighters; though for the absence of sunlight. United States Treasurer and surveyor General- tractors who did work for the old Board ot Public United States Collector of Internal Revenue the school rooms, construction of the lids or tops of the reason he did not fight was not through any tear Work«, and some who have had fat contraots since the SAN FRANCISCO, September 20.—Immediately on and deputies, postmaster and deputies. State the desks, &c., &c. In the Brooklyn polytechnic of risking life, but because he knew that his hate receipt ot the Intelligence that the City of Toklo was offloere, olty and county officers, California Pioneers, golden days of that board, are combining qnletly to nearlng port, the reception committee, consisting of schools the percentage of near-sighted students was could better batten as a civil agitator. Of course, like Territorial Pioneers, board of trade, city authorities o& move upon the President, upon the I ¡liter's return, to Frank M. Pixby. ex-Senaror Cole, General Miller and Stockton, committee of citizens of Saoramento, Span- found to be 9.2 In the academic and 21.8 in the col- all men of his sort, Redpath was a socialist In his prevent the appointment of Mr. French to be a com- P. B. Cornwall, repaired to the tug Miller Griffith, ish Benevolent Society, Oakland oity authorities, legiate. In Cincinnati in the district sohools 13.3 per ideas, both as to moral and domestic existence; henee lying with steam up at the Pnclflc mall dock, and at board of trustees of the olty of Benlcia University, missioner of the District. Of course these patriotic once started to meet the incoming steamer. The battalion Garibaldi Guard, Italian Bersogherl, Aus- centum, in the Immediate 13.8,¡and In the high and he was divorced some five years ago. He belonged to' ex-contractors will not oall upon Mr. Hayes in propria Griffith stood well out to sea. and several miles out- trian Ysegers, German Fusileers, St. Patrick's Cadets, normal schools 22.8 per centum were near-sighted. that breed ot people who know too much to be as their side the Heads met the Tohio coming In. The Italian Fishermen, Patriotic Sons ot America, dele- persona, but they are to put In an appearance by Other statistics, from New York and from foreign fathers were, and too little to know as much as God. tug drew alongside, and the executive committee, gation of the fire department, messenger boys, Pacific proxy; It wouldn't be politic for the principals to quarantine officer and customs officials and a number Club, Union League. McClellan Legion, Occidental cities, are furnished of the same character. This is a They believe Implicitly and emphatically that they come upon the surface, tor some of them have a very ot renresentatives ol the press boarded her. No oere- Club, Second Ward Republican Club, Eureka Club most Important subject, one which addresses itself to are possessed of the former amount ot Intelligence, mony was observed, except the general shaking of German Republican Club, Mutual Benevolent As- bad status, as tradition goes, among the District offi- hands, and after the committee had announced the the consideration of our trustees of public schools. but could not for the world admit the latter proposi- sociation, West .Indian Benevolent Association, cials, and there is reason to believe the President has object of their visit, and Informed General Grant of Oakland L. and H. Society, school ohildren, Handel The disease may not be so general In Wsshington as tion. Facts prove, and the facts of all of their lives been apprised of the yet to be developed rottenness of the reoeptlon prepared 'or him, the conversation and Hayden Society, Nellie Grant Invlnolbles, Grant In the other places named; but myopos are numerous evince, that they are, In the long run of 'ife, distanced became general as the City of Toklo continued her Invlnclbles, an organization not yet reported; steam District aiialrs, in which the paving and-other ex-con- oourse. calliope and bells. Amid tremendous cheers of the among adults, we all know, and there Is medical au- by the people who believe that Jesus Christ was the tractors are Involved. There are some suits pending crowd, discharge of cannon, ringing of bells and thority tor saying that myopia is transmissible Irom best teacher of men, and that the greatest expanse of Soon after the Government steamer McPherEOn screaming of whistles, the prooeeslon started up Mar which, I am informed., but remotely indicate the came alongside, and Major General McDowell, com- parent to child.
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