PENNSYLVANIA GAME COMMISSION MIDDLE CREEK Wildflower Checklist COMMON NAME FAMILY X HABITAT F M A M J J A S O Agrimony Rose Woods & thickets -- -= == == --- Agrimony, Small-flowered Rose Woods & thickets -- -= == == --- Alfalfa Pea Roadsides & waste places -- -= == =- - Alum Root Saxifrage Woods & rocks - -= == == == -- Amaranth, Green Amaranth Garden weed, poor soil - == == =- Anemone, Rue Buttercup Open woods - == =- Anemone, Wood Buttercup Moist woods - == =- Angelica, Hairy Parsley Dry woods & clearings -= == == =- Arbutus, Trailing Heath Sandy or rocky woods -- == -- Arrowhead, Common Water Plantain Shallow water & marshes -- -= == =- - Arrowhead, Sessile-fruited Water Plantain Shallow water & marshes -- -= == =- - Arrowwood Honeysuckle Woods & borders - -= == == - Asparagus Lily Fields - -= == - Aster, Calico Composite Fields & borders - == == =- Aster, Heart-leaved Composite Woods & thickets - == == =- Aster, Heath Composite Fields, meadows & roadsides - == == =- Aster, Panicled Composite Meadows & shores - == == =- Aster, Purple-stemmed Composite Swamps & low thickets - == == =- Aster, White Wood- Composite Dry woods & clearings - == == =- Avens, White Rose Thickets & open woods -- -= == == --- Azalea, Clammy Heath Swamps -= =- Azalea, Pink Heath Woods & swamps - == =- Baneberry, White Buttercup Woodlands - == =- Bartonia, Yellow Gentian Dry woods & sandy bogs - == - Basil, Wild Mint Woods & borders -- -= == == == Beardtongue, Foxglove Figwort Fields & border of woods - -= == - Bedstraw, Clayton's Madder Swamps & lowgrounds -- -= == == == == Bedstraw, Hairy Madder Dry woods & thickets - -= == =- - Bedstraw, Rough Madder Damp woods - -= == == == == Beechdrops Broomrape Beech woods -= == Beggar-Tick, Swamp Composite Wet places - == == =- Bellflower, Marsh Bluebell Wet meadows & shores - -= == =- - Bellwort, Sessile-Leaved Lily Woods & thickets - == = - Bergamot, Wild Mint Dry hillside & wood brdr - -= == == == == Betony, Wood Figwort Dry woods & borders - -= == == - Bindweed, Black Buckwheat Garden weed - -= == == == == Bindweed, Field Morning Glory Weed of fields & waste places - -= == == == == Bindweed, Hedge Morning Glory Moist thickets - -= == == == == Bishop's-Cap Saxifrage Rich woods - == = - Bitter Cress, Pennsylvania Mustard Swamps & wet meadows - -= == == == == --- Bitter Cress, Small-flowered Mustard Dry Woods, ledges, sndy plcs - -= == == == == --- Blackberry, Common Rose Dry fields, clearings - -= == - Black-eyed Susan Composite Open places - -= == == == == Black Haw Honeysuckle Thickets & borders - -= == == - Bloodroot Poppy Rich woods -- == -- Blueberry, Highbush Heath Swamps, pastures, woods - -= == == - Blue Curls Mint Dry - == == =- Bluets Madder Meadows & open woods - -= == - 1 COMMON NAME FAMILY X HABITAT F M A M J J A S O Blue-eyed Grass Iris Fields & meadows - -= == - Blue Flag, Larger Iris Marshes & wet meadows - -= == - Boneset Composite Low ground - -= == == == == Bowman's Root Rose Woods - -= == == == -- Brooklime, American Figwort Swamps & brooks - -= == == == -- Buckwheat Buckwheat Fields & waste places - -= == == == == Buckwheat, Climbing False Buckwheat Moist Woods & Thickets -= == == =- Bugleweed, Northern Mint Moist & Wet Places - -= == == == == Bugleweed, Virginia Mint Moist & Wet Places - -= == == == == Burdock, Common Composite Weeds Of Poor Soil - -= == == == == Bur Marigold, Nodding Composite Wet Places -= == == =- Bur Marigold, White Composite Wet Places -= == == =- Bush Clover, Creeping Pea Sandy Soil - -= == == == == Bush Clover, Hairy Pea Dry Woods & Fields - -= == == == == Bush Clover, Wandlike Pea Dry Woods & Fields - -= == == == == Butter And Eggs Figwort Roadsides & Poor Soil - -= == =- - Buttercup, Bulbous Buttercup Fields & Roadsides - -= == == - Buttercup, Creeping Buttercup Ditches & Low Ground - -= == == == == --- Buttercup, Swamp Buttercup Wet Woods & Meadows - -= == == - Butterfly Weed Milkweed Dry Fields & Banks - -= == =- - Buttonbush Madder Wet Places - -= == =- - Buttonweed Madder Dry Sandy Soil - -= == == == == Campion, Bladder Pink Fields & Roadsides - -= == == == == --- Campion, White Pink Fields & Poor Soil - -= == == == == =- Cardinal Flower Lobelia Stream Bnks, Dmp Meadws - == == =- Carpetweed Carpetweed Weed-Gardens, Poor Soil - -= == == == == Carrion Flower Lily Woods & Thickets - -= == - Carrot, Wild (Queen Anne's Lace) Parsley Weed, Dry Flds & Pr Soil - -= == == == == Catchfly, Night-Flowering Pink Weed - Grdn, Wst Places - -= == == == == =- Catchfly, Sleepy Pink Dry Woods & Poor Soil - -= == =- - Catnip Mint Poor Soil - -= == == == == Cattail, Common Cattail Marshes - -= == =- - Celandine Poppy Damp Roadside, Poor Soil - == == == == == == == Centaury Gentian Meadows & Fields - -= == == == == Charlock Mustard Weed - Cltvtd Grd, Wst Pl - == == == == == == == Chickweed, Bog Pink Wet - -= == == == == --- Chickweed, Common Pink Weed - Gardens, Poor Soil - == == == == == == == Chickweed, Forked Pink Dry Rocky,Sandy Places - -= == == == == *Chickweed, Jagged (Alien) Pink Roadsides & Cultivated - == == == == == == == Chickweed, Mouse-Ear Pink Weed-Garden,Lawn,Rdsds - == == == == == == == Chicory Composite Roadsides, Flds, Poor Soil - -= == == == == Cinquefoil, Common Rose Fields & Open Woods - -= == == - Cinquefoil, Dwarf Rose Dry Soil - == =- Cinquefoil, Rough Rose Clrngs, Rdsds, Poor Soil - -= == == == == =- Cinquefoil, Rough-Fruited Rose Dry Fields & Roadsides - -= == =- - Clearweed Nettle Moist Shady Places - -= == == == == Cleavers Madder Woods, Thickets & Shores - -= == - Clotbur, Common Composite Farmlands, Rdsds, Pr Soil - -= == == == == Clover, Alsike Pea Fields & Roadsides - -= == == == == Clover, Hop Pea Fields & Roadsides - -= == == == == Clover, Least Hop Pea Fields & Roadsides - -= == == == == Clover, Low Hop Pea Fields & Roadsides - -= == == == == Clover, Rabbit's Foot Pea Dry Fields & Roadsides - -= == == == == Clover, Red Pea Fields & Meadows - == == == == == == == Clover, White Pea Fields & Roadsides - -= == == == == Clover, White Sweet Pea Roadsides & Poor Soil - -= == == == == =- Clover, Yellow Sweet Pea Roadsides & Poor Soil - -= == == == == =- 2 COMMON NAME FAMILY X HABITAT F M A M J J A S O Cohosh, Black Buttercup Woods -= == - Coltsfoot Composite Damp-Banks,Poor Soil -- == -- Comfrey, Wild Borage Open Woods - == =- Coneflower, Tall Composite Swamps & Moist Thickets - -= == == == == Cowwheat Figwort Dry Woods - -= == =- - Cranberry, Large Heath Bogs - -= == =- - Cranesbill, Small-Flowered Geranium Roadsides & Waste Places - -= == == == == Cress, Common Winter Mustard Roadsides & Meadows - -= == == == == --- Cress, Early Winter Mustard Roadsides & Meadows - == =- Cress, Marsh Yellow Mustard Wet Shores & Damp Soil - == == == == == == Cress, Spring Mustard Wet Places - -= == == - Crowfoot, Cursed Buttercup Pools & Wet Ditches - -= == == == == --- Crowfoot, Small-Flowered Buttercup Woods & Moist Slopes - -= == == - Crown Vetch Pea Roadsides - -= == =- - Cucumber Root, Indian Lily Rich, Moist Woods - -= == - Cuphea, Clammy Loosestrife Fields - -= == == == == Cynthia Composite Open Woods & Meadows - -= == == == -- Daisy, Ox Eye Composite Fields & Meadows - == == == == == == == Dame's Rocket Mustard Fields & Roadsides - -= == == == == --- Dandelion Composite Abundant Weed - == == == == == == == Dandelion, Dwarf Composite Poor Soil - -= == == == == --- Dayflower, Asiatic Spiderwort Moist, Shaded - -= == == == == Daylily, Common Lily Roadsides & Meadows - -= == =- - Dead Nettle, Purple Mint Roadsides & Poor Soil - == == == == == == == Deerberry Heath Dry Woods - -= == == - Dewberry, Swamp Rose Wet Woods, Shores, Banks - -= == =- - Dock, Curled Buckwheat Fields & Poor Soil - -= == == == -- =- Dodder Morning Glory Low Grounds - -= == == == =- Dogbane, Intermediate Dogbane Roadsides & Thickets - -= == =- - == Dogbane, Spreading Dogbane Dry Fields & Thickets - -= == =- - =- Dogwood, Flowering Dogwood Woods - == = - Dogwood, Silky Dogwood Wet Or Moist - -= == == - Elder, Common Honeysuckle Moist - -= == == == -- Evening Primrose, Common Evening Primrose Dry Open Places - -= == == == == Everlasting, Sweet Composite Dry Fields - -= == == == == Eyebane Spurge Dry Fields & Roadsides - -= == == == == Flax, Wild Yellow Flax Open Woods & Clearings - -= == =- - Fleabane, Common Composite Open Woods & Fields - -= == == == == --- Fleabane, Daisy Composite Fields & Poor Soil - -= == == == == =- Fleabane, Lesser Daisy Composite Fields & Poor Soil - -= == == == == =- Flower-Of-An-Hour Mallow Poor Soil - -= == == == == Forget-Me-Not, Smaller Borage Springs & Muddy Shores - -= == == == == =- Galinsoga Composite Weed Of Gardens - -= == == == == Garlic, Field Lily Weed - Garden, Lawn, Fld - -= == =- - Gentian, Closed Gentian Damp Woods & Meadows - == == =- Geranium, Wild Geranium Woods & Meadows - -= == == - Germander, American Mint Shores & Moist Thickets - -= == =- - Ginger, Wild Birthwort Rich Woods - == = - Ginseng, Dwarf Ginseng Moist Woods - == =- Goatsbeard, Greater Yellow Composite Fields & Roadsides - -= == == == == Goatsbeard, Yellow Composite Fields & Roadsides - -= == == == == Goldenrod, Blue-Stemmed Composite Rich Open Woods - == --- Goldenrod, Early Composite Fields & Borders - == --- Goldenrod, Lance-Leaved Composite Moist To Dry Open Soil - == --- Goldenrod, Rough-Leaved Composite Swamps & Wet Meadows - == --- Goldenrod, Rough-Stemmed Composite Fields & Thickets - == --- Goldenrod, Sharp-Leaved Composite Dry Open Woods - == --- 3 COMMON NAME FAMILY X HABITAT F M A M J J A S O Goldenrod, Showy Composite Woods & Fields - == --- Goldenrod, Slender-Leaved
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