PUBLIC NOTICE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 1919 M STREET N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 3667 News media information 202/632·5050. Recorded fisling of releases and texts 202/632-0002. June 18, 1990 Reclassification of Certain FM Facilities Re: MM Docket No. 88-375 The rules adopted in the First Report and Order in MM Docket 88-375, 54 Fed. Reg. 16363 (April 24, 1989), created an additional FM station class (Class C3) in Zone II effective June 1, 1989. The Second Report and Order in MM Docket 88-375, 54 Fed. Reg. 35335 (August 25, 1989), increased the maximum effective radiated power (ERP) for commercial Class A stations to 6 kilowatts. Existing Class C2 facilities with an ERP of 25 kW or less and an antenna height above average terrain (HAAT) such that the distance to the 1 mV/m contour is less than or equal to 39 km will be subject to reclassification to the new Class C3 or revised Class A as appropriate. Also, certain Class C facilities with an ERP greater than 100 kW but with an antenna HAAT such that the distance to the 1 mV/m contour is less than or equal to 72 km will be subject to reclassification to Class Cl or C2 as appropriate. Affected parties have until the close of business on Monday, June 3, 1991 to apply for at least the minimum facilities for their current class as set forth in 47 C.F.R. Section 73.211 of the Rules. Stations for which applications to retain their current classifications have not been filed will be automatically reclassified, with the new class to be determined in accordance with Sections 73.210 and 73.211, effective June 4, 1991, by operation of law pursuant to the above referenced Report and Orders. The ministerial act of updating the Table of Allotments and the Commission's FM Engineering Data Base to reflect such reclassifications will be accomplished as soon as practical thereafter. An explaination of the administration of the reclassification process, including an example, is contained in an earlier Public Notice Reclassification of FM Facilities Pursuant to BC Docket 80-90, FCC 87-93 March 247 1987[ mimeo 2459. The-administrative processes used in the Docket 80-90 reclassification will be followed in the reclassification which is to take place on June 4[ 1991. Noncommercial educational facilities will also be reclassified. The distance separation requirements between noncommercial educational facilities on channels 218, 219, and 220 or noncommercial facilities separated in frequency - 1 - by 10.6 or 10.8 MHz (53 or 54 channels) from allotments or assignments on the non-reserved channels will be based on these reclassifications and the distance obtained from Table A, B, or C, of 47 C.F.R. Section 73.207, as appropriate. For other noncommercial educational facilitie~, the reclasssification is for administrative purposes only. This notice contains a list of those facilities which are subject to reclassification and supercedes previous notices and may reflect different reclassifications. In particular, certain facilities earlier subject to reclassification as Class C3 may now be potentially reclassified as Class A. The list is arranged by channel number and then by state and city, and contains license, construction permit and application records in the Commission's FM Engineering Data Base as of June 11, 1990. The list contains all records for a facility if the classification of anyone record changes. This list is published for information purposes only. The inclusion or exclusion of any FM facility does not reflect a determination of any eventual class designation. The inadvertent exclusion of any FM facility from this list will not be grounds for an extension of the June 3, 1991, deadline for applications to meet the minimum requirements of present class designations. Questions regarding this list should be directed to Gary Kalagian (202) 632-2049. Questions regarding the First Report and Order or the Second Report and Order should be directed to Bernard Gorden (202) 632-9660. - 2 - List of Station Groups, as of 11-JUN-90, with a Potential Reclassification Channel Call ERP HAAT Ref New Class File Number Sign City/State Status (kW) (m) (km) Class .C2 860624MF NEW HUNTSVILLE AL APP 2.00 175 28 A 201C2 BLED261 KDPS DES MOINES IA LIC 5.2 87 26 A 201C2 BLED801224AE KBBG WATERLOO IA LIC 9.5 26 18 C3 201A BLED870507KB WCQS ASHEVILLE NC LIC .260 345 24 A 201C2 881214MF WCQS ASHEVILLE NC APP 1. 60 356 38 C3 201C2 BLED851213KC WPAR CLAREMONT NC LIC 10.0 79 28 C3 201C2 BLED870909KF KCEP LAS VEGAS NV LIC 10.0 -12 18 C3· 201C2 BPED890907MF KCEP LAS VEGAS NV APP 10.0 329 52 C2 201C2 BLED820901AB KTXTFM LUBBOCK TX LIC 18.5 104 37 C3 201C2 900227AM KTXTFM LUBBOCK TX APP 35. 129 46 C2 201C2 BLED830314AQ WJTY LANCASTER WI LIC 12.0 145 39 C3 202C2 BLED890302KA WTLG STARKE FL LIC 7.0 87 27 C3 202C2 BPED881207MA NEW UNION PARK FL APP 1. 90 183 29 C3 202C2 BLED1408 KCCKFM CEDAR RAPIDS IA LIC 10.0 128 36 C3 ?02C2 BLED881003KE KCEVFM WICHITA KS LIC 17.0 43 24 C3 BLED791113AT WlAA INTERLOCHEN MI LIC 115. 107 53 C1 202C2 BLED1200 WGWG BOILING SPRINGS NC LIC 4.7 67 22 A 202C2 BPED861015SY WHGG KNOXVILLE TN CP 1. 90 3,38 25 A 203C2 BPED880603MA NEW BIRMINGHAM AL APP 1. 70 142 25 A 203C2 BPED840822IF NEW BATON ROUGE LA APPGID 11. 5 82 30 C3 203C2 BPED840322CA NEW BATON ROUGE LA APPDID 4.0 83 24 A 203C2 BPED810112AQ KFSI ROCHESTER MN CP 7.0 98. 29 C3 203C2 BLED1464 KEYA BELCOURT ND LIC 19.0 110 38 C3 203C2 BPED881205MB NEW LINCOLN NE APP 5.0 96 27 A 203C2 BLED881205KD KSBA COOS BAY OR LIC 2.20 162 28 A 203C2 BPED851231MZ WECE DUE WEST SC CP 20.0 91 36 C3 203C2 BLED1240 WQOX MEMPHIS TN LIC 2.15 155 27 A 203C2 BPED870218MC WQOX MEMPHIS TN CP 30.0 131 45 C2 ~'"'4C2 BPED870513MC WDVI DADEVILLE AL CP 9.0 100 31 C3 'lC2 BLED870928KC WJFR JACKSONVILLE FL LIC 8.0 107 31 C3 - Page 1- List of Station Groups, as of 11-JUN-90, with a Potential Reclassification Channel Call ERP HAAT Ref New Class File Number Sign City/State Status (kW) (m) (km) Cl~sf 204C2 BLED851209KD WMMT WHITESBURG KY LIC 1. 00 434 37 204C2 BLED880126KA KNLU MONROE LA LIC 3.3 51 18 A 204C2 BLED880427KB KXMS JOPLIN MO LIC 10.0 56 24 C3 204C2 BPED890109MA KTPB KILGORE TX CP 10.0 122 35 C3 205C2 BLED800520AC WDNA MIAMI FL LIC 2.30 216 32 C3 205C2 BPED870417MB NEW MACON GA APP 12.0 110 35 C3 205C2 BLED1753 WLSU LA CROSSE WI LIC 8.3 165 38 C3 206C2 BLED840510CB WLBF MONTGOMERY AL LIC 15.0 64 28 C3 206C1 BMPED870724MF WLBF MONTGOMERY AL CP MOD 100. 164 60 Cl 206C2 BLED860424KC WBSNFM NEW ORLEANS LA LIC 10.0 160 39 C3 206C2 BLED821213AJ KLPI RUSTON LA LIC 4.0 87 24 A 206C2 BPED840629IC WBYF BAY CITY MI CP 16.0 202 47 C2 206C2 BMPED880914MB WBYF BAY CITY MI APP 1l.5 44 23 C3 206C2 BLED871231KE KSMF ASHLAND OR LIC .230 412 26 A 206C2 BPED890807MA KSMF ASHLAND OR APP 2.30 412 43 c'? 207C2 BLED840418DM WPIO TITUSVILLE FL LIC 7.0 91 28 207C2 BPED840613AU WPIO TITUSVILLE FL CP 3.00 149 29 C3 207C2 BLED810918AH WRFG ATLANTA GA LIC 24.5 90 37 C3 207C2 BLED841029CY KUCBFM DES MOINES IA LIC 9.7 34 19 C3 207C2 BLED810813AB WNKJ HOPKINSVILLE KY LIC 12.0 101 33 C3 207C2 BPED870706ME KCCU LAWTON OK CP 2.00 141 26 A 207C2 BLED840416CB KBHEFM RAPID CITY SD LIC 9.8 125 35 C3 208C2 BLED880929KB WGTF DOTHAN AL LIC 5.5 65 23 A 208C2 BLED880401KB KTSCFM PUEBLO CO LIC 8.0 55 23 C3 208C2 BPED881007MH NEW MAYO FL CP 20.0 76 33 C3 208C2 BLED791029AU KHKE CEDAR FALLS IA LIC 10.0 125 35 C3 208A BLED810706AH KQAL WINONA MN LIC 1. 30 -46 II A 208C2 BPED880509ML KQAL WINONA MN CP 1. 80 191 29 C3 208C2 BLED801128AH WVTH GOODMAN MS LIC 20.0 82 34 C3 208C2 BLED861125KB KPPR WILLISTON ND LIC 10.5 150 39 - Page 2- List of Station Groups, as of ll-JUN-90, with a Potential Reclassification Channel Call ERP HAAT Ref New Glass File Number Sign City/State Status (kW) (m) (km) Class ~dC2 BLED870720KA KMOC WICHITA FALLS TX LIC 3.00 207 34 C3 208C2 BPED900518MC KMOC WICHITA FALLS TX APP 10.0 207 44 C2 209C2 BLED890303KA KTLF COLORADO SPRINGS CO LIC 0.40 625 37 C3 209C2 BPED890629MA KTLFFM COLORADO SPRINGS CO APP 6.5 -88 16 C3 209C2 BLED850422KK WNKU HIGHLAND HEIGHTS KY LIC 12.0 97 33 C3 209C2 BLED851218KF KTDB NM LIC 15.0 88 33 C3 209C2 BPED870316MH WSTY PLATTSBURGH NY CP .190 675 32 C3 210C2 BLED801205AA KZIG CAVE CITY AR LIC 3.3 107 26 A 210C2 BLED810430AE WUCFFM ORLANDO FL LIC 7.9 49 22 C3 210Cl 861020ME WUCFFM ORLANDO FL APP 100. 56 41 Cl 210C2 BLED850219KP WVBA FRANKFORT KY LIC 7.1 42 20 C3 210C2 BLED890719KC WSOFFM MADISONVILLE KY LIC 15.0 86 33 C3 210C2 BPED891214MH WSOFFM MADISONVILLE KY APP 39. 86 40 C2 210C2 BLED840501DT KGPR GREAT FALLS MT LIC 9.0 115 33 C3 210C2 BLED860212KH WEVL MEMPHIS TN LIC 12.5 75 29 C3 IC2 BLED850416KT WWSP STEVENS POINT WI LIC 3.6 71 21 A 211C2 BLED780906AO WOCG HUNTSVILLE AL LIC 25.0 70 33 C3 211C2 BLED870831KB WTJT CRESTVIEW FL LIC 5.0 77 24 A 211C2 BPED870107MI NEW INVERNESS FL APP 4.5 108 27 A 211C2 BPED890112MT KIPU LIHUE HI CP 25.0 100 39 C3 211C2 BLED890405KC WJSO PIKEVILLE KY LIC 3.8 139 29 C3 211C2 BLED850528KO WNAA GREENSBORO NC LIC 10.0 132 36 C3 211C2 BLED890731KA KSAU NACOGDOCHES TX LIC 3.5 137 29 C3 211C2 BLED1602 KOLU PASCO WA LIC 3.9 -20 14 A 211C2 BLED86l008KB KYDZ CODY WY LIC 10.0 -140 18 C3 212C2 880308MB WTJT BAKER FL APP 25.0 80 35 C3 212C2 BLED821227AB WKWC OWENSBORO KY LIC 5.0 22 15 A 212A BLED850812KQ WBRH BATON ROUGE LA LIC 2.60 44 15 A 212C2 BPED890227MA WBRH BATON ROUGE LA CP 7.0 47 21 C3 BLED870417KC KIBC BURNEY CA LIC 0.41 403 29 C3 - Page 3- List of Station Groups, as of 11-JUN-90, with a Potential Reclassification Channel Call ERP HAAT Ref New Class File Number Sign City/State Status (kW) (m) (km) C1;;"SE 213C2 BLED800125AG KEPC COLORADO
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