LCCC minutes 2014_04_28 FINAL Page 1 of 11 Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Leith Central Community Council, held in the McDonald Road Library on Monday 28 April 2014 at 7.00pm Actions and decisions are RED ITALIC UNDERLINED SMALLCAPS. NEM CON means that no-one spoke or voted against a decision. URLs added by minutes secretary. 1 Introduction, attendance and apologies 1.1 Attendance Marion Donaldson LCCC Bruce Ryan minutes secretary Charlotte Encombe LCCC (secretary) Liz Ballantyne resident Anne Finlay LCCC (treasurer) Adrian Graham resident Pamela Grant LCCC Peter Mellors resident John Hein LCCC (chair) R Rennie resident Ross McEwan LCCC Katherine Sced resident Julian Siann LCCC Chris Hellawell EdinBurgh Tool LiBrary/resident Irene Sweeney LCCC Cllr Nick Gardner Leith Walk ward (LaBour) Harald ToBermann LCCC (vice-chair) Ella Taylor-Smith Broughton Spurtle AleX Wilson LCCCC Kevin Weaver Police Scotland 1.2 Apologies Keith Hailes Leith Business Association Cllr Deidre Brock Leith Walk ward (SNP) Cllr Angela Blacklock Leith Walk ward (LaBour) Malcolm Chisholm MSP EdinBurgh North and Leith (LaBour) Leah Lockhart Greener Leith 2 Approval of Minutes of the meeting of 17th March 2014 Adopted without changes (proposed A Wilson, seconded C Encombe) 3 Matters Arising 3.1 Actions from previous month’s minutes 3.1.1 URLs in February minutes (item 2 in March minutes) The minutes secretary has checked these – they work. 3.1.2 Leith partnerships (item 3.1.2 in March minutes) Still no reply from A Herriman (Partnership and Information Manger, EdinBurgh Council) 3.1.3 Standing orders (item 3.1.3 in March minutes) The secretary stated that these are straightforward guidelines on running CCs. They are now on LCCC’s weBsite at http://leithccc.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/2013-edinBurgh-sos.pdf. DECISION: ADOPTED NEM CON. 4 Community Police Officer’s Report • As requested last meeting (item 4, paragraph 4), the CPO brought a map of Leith Police Station’s area. This confirms that all of LCCC’s area is covered By Leith Police Station. A PDF version of the map was requested. • The CPO stated that the community policing team covers Leith Walk. Actions include checking on two problem premises every day. • There have Been successes comBatting houseBreakings and Burglaries. Of note is the offender who was sentenced to 37 months for Braking into the Drill Hall. • There will Be extra action against antisocial Behaviour next week. This will Be in partnership with EdinBurgh Council. • In response to a resident’s report of nuisance noise from cars, the CPO stated that this could well Be classified as antisocial Behaviour. Such issues can also be reported at the regular police surgeries, each Wednesday, 12:00 to 2pm at the McDonald Road Library. A council officer is also at these surgeries. LCCC minutes 2014_04_28 FINAL Page 2 of 11 5 Officebearers’ reports 5.1 Secretary 5.1.1 Leith Festival The festival is on Saturday 14 June. (See details at http://leithcentralcc.co.uk/2014/04/19/leith-festival.) The secretary noted that previously LCCC has shared a stall with Leith NeighBourhood Partnership, often handing out consultation flyers. This year LCCC will share a stall with the other Leith CCs. ACTIONS: • PREPARE CONTENT FOR A FLYER, REPORT ON POTENTIAL PRINTING COSTS (ASSUME BUDGET OF £100) – M DONALDSON • LAY OUT THE FLYER – J HEIN • CHECK WITH L DUCKWORTH OF LEITH NP ABOUT TENT/STALL ARRANGEMENTS – C ENCOMBE 5.1.2 Leith CCs get-together (7pm, May 9th, Tourmalet, Iona St) The secretary pointed out that there are many ways Leith CCs can collaBorate, and asked everyone to attend. 5.1.3 Community Engagement meeting This will Be at 7pm on Tuesday 6th May 2014, in Nelson Room, McDonald Road Library 5.2 Treasurer Account balance now £1432·98 6 Leith Walk Repairs and Improvements H ToBermann reported • there has been progress following his presentation to Edinburgh Council’s transport committee, in that they have agreed to make repairs to pavements and potholes between Pilrig St and Piccardy. This should cure the current dangers of these pavements and road surfaces. The Budget and start date were not stated But work is apparently ‘not far away’. Cllr Gardner added that work will be restricted to daytimes outwith peak traffic times. For details of contractors and their duties, please see appendiX 1 (email from Cllr Gardner) • EdinBurgh Council will recruit an on-site project manager, rather than an overall project manager who might drive the whole repairs and improvements project onwards. • Concerning the stretch from Pilrig St to the foot of the walk, the contracts are now in place and work will start imminently. There will Be disruption But it will result in full improvements (replacement/installation of flagstones etc). This work should Be finished By the end of 2014. • Concerning the junction of Great Junction St, Leith Walk, Duke St, Constitution St, a design has now Been agreed By all stakeholders. The work to implement this design should Be completed By spring 2015. Cllr Gardner stated that getting the repair work started was a triumph for LCCC, especially HT. These repairs are in addition to the renovations to make sure the road is in a fit and safe condition, especially for pedestrians and cyclists. A resident eXpressed eXtreme concern that Crummocks are involved. She stated that they had created ‘merry hell’ for residents near ShruB Place, and have a history of unauthorised and eXtremely unwelcome practices, yet have not Been penalised for this. It was suggested that while EdinBurgh Council should Be ensuring work occurs only during daytimes, they have a vested interest in getting the work done. HT suggested that is well worth developing a procedure/ready-to-role motion to condemn unauthorised activity. It was asked why there had Been so few prosecutions for unauthorised, unwelcome activity such as the aBove. Cllr Gardner confirmed that EdinBurgh Council does have approved contractor lists. 7 Friends of Pilrig Park • Balfour Botanics have given a donation to Grow Wild, who are now undertaking some projects in Pilrig Park. The first of these – a workshop on propagating wild flowers – was well attended yesterday (27th April). Another will take place on 10 May. • £eith Decides has awarded £1000 for the 1st litterwise project to create anti-litter posters. Workshop are due with Pilmeny youth development group, the Gaelic school, and Lorne primary school. • There will Be a clear-up in mid May. • Senior parks officials will Be visiting the park on 8 May. There are still potholes, as evidenced By I Sweeney’s injuries. • Green Leith had received money from Pilrig residents’s Association. This had been earmarked for new benches but has now been passed to FoPP for ‘capital improvements’ (new pavements, signs etc) LCCC minutes 2014_04_28 FINAL Page 3 of 11 8 Planning sub-committee report 8.1 14/00894/FUL Lidl, Easter Rd Lidl now have planning permission, so they are eXpected to take over this store soon 8.2 14/00624/ADV 10 Croall Place outcome • It was reported that retrospective planning permission for has Been given for this ‘internally illuminated digital display advertisment’, but that there are many conditions, e.g. permission granted for 5 years, at the end of which the site must Be reinstated within 3 months; illumination restricted to 07:00 to 23:0o; intensity limited to 30 kcd (daylight), 2·5 kcd (darkness); changes no more frequent than every 15 seconds; static images only – no animation. See appendix 2 for full details. • A resident stated that the no-animation condition has already Been Broken. This resident has little confidence in enforcement of conditions By EdinBurgh Council. He asked whether the situation could Be reviewed By a third party. • The secretary noted that stakeholders had not Been engaged, and had Been given no time to address the issue. For eXample, a letter dated 14 April (appendix 3) stated that application would be considered on 9th April; the letter (appendiX 2) stating permission had Been granted was also dated 14 April. • Concerning compliance, it was suggested that intensity seems to increase each day during peak traffic hours. It was questioned whether EdinBurgh Council possessed equipment to test without notice, or test continuously. This would prevent operators from Being warned and turning down intensity during tests It was also suggested that a change in the sign’s size meant the retrospective permission conditions had Been broken, as did the current position of the sign. ACTION: CLLR GARDNER TO FIND OUT WHAT RELEVANT EQUIPMENT EC POSSESSES., AND TO FIND OUT WHAT ENFORCEMENT ACTION IS POSSIBLE • Concerning action to reduce the sign’s impact or even get it removed, it was noted that several councillors have contacted the head of planning. Cllr Gardner suggested that LCCC should oBject to the sign Because it does not fit the area’s character, not simply because it allegedly breaks technical conditions. Residents have contact the owners, apparently without success. Cllr Gardner noted that compliance would be investigated at 5pm on 29 April, and that while it is easy to determine whether the sign does not fit permitted dimensions and positioning, he questioned whether it is possible to give permission on intensity, animation and similar conditions which cannot easily Be ‘policed’. It was suggested that the advertising code of conduct might Be a viaBle avenue for reducing the sign’s impact. • He similarly noted that LCCC does not (currently) have proof of Breaches of conditions, But oBjections aBout the timescale (see point 3 aBove) could Be made. ACTION: PLANNING SUBCOMMITTEE TO WRITE OBJECTION. IF THIS DOES NOT WORK, LCCC TO WRITE OBJECTION 8.3 Outcome of MacDonald Road Secondary School appeal J Siann stated that the Background to this item is that the school has been unused and derelict for several years.
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