Isaiah Davenport House Volunteer Newsletter January 2012 www.davenporthousemuseum.org 912/236-8097 Become a Facebook fan at “Davenport House Museum” The WEATHER – For the last four or DAVENPORT HOUSE CALENDAR Though the museum does not five weeks we have experienced the JANUARY 2012 need a lot of volunteers for this, if genial temperature of spring. Such has Sunday, January 1 – Museum you are able to volunteer time be- been the mildness of the season that Closed for New Year’s Day tween 9 a.m. and noon on Monday, sweet roses, jessamines and woodbines Tuesday, January 10 at 10:30 January 16, Tuesday, January 17 have put forth in the gardens of our city. a.m. – DHC planning for and Wednesday, January 18, let Yesterday at 12 o’clock, the Thermome- Preservation Fest Jamie know. tre stood at 72 degrees; by 9 o’clock last 12 noon – Davenport House Raleigh Marcell will coordi- night it was down to 58, and this morn- Committee nated cleaning for the week. ing at 12, it ranged at 47 degrees, mak- Thursday, January 12 at 2 p.m. – ing a difference of 25 degrees in 24 HSF/DH Preservation Fest COLLECTIONS: hours. The wind W. N. W. and blowing meeting On Friday, January 20 at 1:30 p.m. heavy. Saturday, January 14 at 1 p.m. – the Davenport House Committee’s Savannah Republican, January 19, 1824 2012 Oyster Roast Collections Committee will meet to Monday, January 16 through review the results of the cleaning, The Ladies. The longer a woman Friday, January 20 – DH An- assess the condition of the exhib- remains single, the more apprehensive nual Cleaning (museum closed) ited collections items and set goals she will be of entering into a state of Tuesday, January 17 at 6:30 p.m. for the year. wedlock. AT 17 or 18 a girl will plunge – January JI meeting into it often without feat or wit; at 20 Friday, January 20 at 1:30 p.m. – OYSTER ROAST: she will begin to think; at 24 will weigh Collections Committee/ Since the 2011 roast was such a and discriminate; at 28 will be afraid of Cleaning Review and Annual successful event both financially venturing; at 30 will turn about and Goal Setting and fun-wise, the museum will look down the hill she has ascended, have another on Saturday, January and sometimes rejoice and sometime ANNUAL CLEANING: 14 at 1 p.m. Nita Ann and Chris repent that she has attained that sum- January means annual Klein will host attendees at their mit! -- Such were the sentiments of a cleaning time at the DH. home on Three Rivers at 144 philosopher of the year 1600, who, it is Each year the staff reviews Schley Avenue. The Oyster Roast evident, knew very little of the matter. its housekeeping and Committee is comprised of Kim Columbia Museum and Savannah Gazette. cleaning methods and then Bockius-Suwyn, Sylvia Coker, January 10, 1820 cleans the house accordingly. To Connie Darbyshire, Cornelia do this the museum will be closed Groves, Nita Ann Klein and Almonds. Monday, January 16 through Fri- Jenny Long. Darbyshire is chair- 15 bags soft shelled Almonds – for sale by day, January 20. Prior to this, staff ing the event whose goal is to raise Hall and Hoyt. Savannah Republican. January 25, 1820 put away the holiday interpretation funds for maintenance issues at the materials, clean and organize the DH including garden lighting and To Hire, attic level which contains collection replacing window sashes. A young negro wench who is a good plain storage as well as decorations and As a special treat for attendees, cook and washer, or could serve as an catering storage. During the week Harris Lewis and John McEllen excellent wet nurse, apply at this office. the museum is closed each exhibit will open their garden with its Savannah Republican, January 28, 1820 rooms’ walls and blinds are wiped beautiful marsh-side views and the down with electrostatic cloths. group will have an opportunity to Oil and Candles 11 casks Train Oil The moulding and woodwork is view Camp Low on Rose Dhu Is- 13 boxes Spermaceti Candles – for sale very dusted. Collections items are land. low, to close a consignment, by evaluated and cleaned as necessary. DH volun- SCOTT & Balfour The textiles are shaken and/or vac- teers should Savannah Daily Republican, January 16, 1823. uumed. The brass is polished and have received an there are touch ups to the floor- invitation in the COAL, cloth (which is not sealed during mail as all are Of superior quality, landing from British cleaning because of its close prox- invited to attend. brig Jessie, at Anderson’s lower wharf, for imity to SuperMuseumSunday). If Call Jamie if you have ques- sale very low if taken from the vessel, by JOHN H. REID & Co. time and manpower allows some of tions 912/236-8097. Savannah Daily Republican, January 22, 1823. the floors will be waxed. LOCAL FEBRUARY current and anticipated needs. Be- A server is the hardware that hosts FIELD TRIP FEA- cause we really are not small pota- multiple clients (staff) with space, TURES SCAD: toes since we see 35,000 visitors computing capabilities and intercon- Architectural histo- through a variety of programs and nections amongst clients. Currently rian and SCAD provide a gift shop with over 400 the DH does not have a server alum Jonathan items the DH must present itself as though some staff can access the Stalcup of Archi- a professional establishment to keep HSF server. With its own server, the tectural Savannah up with customer expectations and DH will be able to store large pro- will be the DH’s host for the Febru- institutional needs. DH staff does a grams (of particular importance is ary field trip. Features of the cus- lot of computing which includes the PastPerfect collections manage- tomized tour will include a visit to shop management and accounting, ment program) and files, and more the new SCAD Museum of Art and collections management, publicity than one user can have access to it. other treasures of his alma mater. and research. Led by Jeff Freeman Having a server will allow interns, Details including the price and and Paula Cummins the DH plans etc. to do work in PastPerfect with- lunch choices will be emailed at mid a couple of new initiatives to facili- out having to be at Jeff’s pc. Larger -month. Mark your calendar for tate interdepartmental interfacing files can be placed on the server to Friday, February 24 from 9:30 a.m. and equipment upgrades. free up space on individual com- until 2:30 p.m. While the museum is closed for puters and these programs can be See Jonathan’s website cleaning, the shop anticipates getting shared between people on the same www.archtecturalsavannah.com a new point of sale system which server. is compatible with Historic Savan- SHOP NEWS: nah Foundation’s accounting pro- DOCENT NEWS: - January is Atlanta Gift Market gram. Point of Sale/Point of Pur- - Hurray for Lynn Townsend who time. This year Beth Kinstler will chase systems are the hardware and completed DH Docent Training by be the shop’s buyer and will be away software that handle the sales trans- doing her evaluation tour with making contacts and purchasing for actions. A Retail Point of Sales sys- Dottie in December. Her first tour, the spring busy season at mid- tem typically includes a computer, on a very busy day, had 22 patrons month. monitor, cash drawer, receipt on it! - New items in the shop: printer, customer display and a bar- - February Docent Training Pro- The Ultimate Gullah Cookbook code scanner, and the majority of gram: The museum will offer its which retails for $21. retail POS systems also include a Docent Training Program in Febru- A silk scarf with line designs of ar- debit/credit card reader. The POS ary. If you know of someone who is chitectural motifs which retails system software can typically handle interested, please contact Dottie or for $65. many customer based functions Jamie. An agreeable training sched- A gold embossed leather journal for such as sales, returns, exchange, etc. ule will be worked out between the $14.95. Also, ―back office‖ computers typi- participants and staff. A desk compass in a wooden box cally handle other functions of the for $17.50. POS system such as inventory con- JIS IN THE NEW YEAR: A telescope in a wooden box for trol, purchasing, receiving and trans- JI meeting: The January JI meeting $25. ferring of products to and from will be on Tuesday, January 17 at An anchor bottle opener for $5. other locations. Other typical func- 6:30 p.m. This meeting will include A monkey-paw (sailor craft) key tions of a POS system are to store all participating JIs at the chain for $4. sales information for reporting pur- DH including newly poses, sales trends and cost/price/ trained SAA JIs as well as THE LITTLE OLE MUSEUM profit analysis. The wonderful thing all of our veterans. The NEEDS TECHNOLOGY JUST LIKE about our new system is that Jeff program will focus on ANYONE OTHER BUSINESS will be able to customize reports, if General Lafayette. How- The days of the necessary, which will allow for a ever, the most important cash box and pocket more efficiently managed shop and business to cover is JI participation calculator are gone in museum. in SuperMuseumSunday on Feb- the museum world. Also in January, the Davenport ruary 5. In the past JIs have staffed Even though the DH House plans to acquire Historic Sa- the house for this important com- may seem like ―small vannah Foundation’s old server.
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