Signs Signs w/Your Legend Signs Signs w/Your Legend SIGNSOSHA Approved & Safety LABELS Signs OSOSHAHA A ApprovedPPROVED Safety SAFE SignsTY S IGNS • Keep your your workers workers informed informed and safe and safe. All Header Signs available with YOUR CHOICE of wording at no extra charge. .040 aluminum • withKeepAll Header baked your Signs workers enamel available informedfinish with YOUR & 4 CHOICE andcorner safe. of holeswording All Header for at nomounting. extra Signs available with YOUR CHOICE of wording at no extra charge. .040 aluminum ROL charge • with.040 Aluminum baked enamel with baked finish enamel & finish4 corner & 4 corner holes holes for formounting. T Size/Typemounting Danger Notice Caution Price 7” x 10” Aluminum 1007-AD 1007-AN 1007-AC $10.95 Size/Type Danger Notice Caution Price 7” X 10” Vinyl 1007-DV 1007-NV 1007-CV $10.95 7” x 10” Aluminum 1007-AD 1007-AN 1007-AC $10.95 10” X 14” Aluminum 1014-AD 1014-AN 1014-AC $15.95 7” X 10” Vinyl 1007-DV 1007-NV 1007-CV $10.95 10” X 14” Vinyl 1014-DV 1014-NV 1014-CV $15.95 10” X 14” Aluminum 1014-AD 1014-AN 1014-AC $15.95 14” X 20” Aluminum 1420-AD 1420-AN 1420-AC $19.95 10” X 14” Vinyl 1014-DV 1014-NV 1014-CV $15.95 14” X 20” Aluminum 1420-AD 1420-AN 1420-AC $19.95 Made To Order Safety Signs We can make signs for all your needs. All signs are .040 aluminum – white with 4 corner holes for mounting. Assorted lettering MADEMade TO To OrderORDER Safety SAFE SignsTY S IGNS • andWe can colorscan make make available.signs signs for all foryour all needs your needs. All signs are .040 aluminum – white with 4 corner holes for mounting. Assorted lettering • Assorted lettering and colors available and colors available. • All signsPart are Number .040 aluminum – white withSize 4 corner holes for mountingPrice 1007-A 10” X 7” $10.95 Part Number Size Price NO 1014-A 10” X 14” $15.95 YOUR 1007-A 10” X 7” $10.95 1420-A 14” X 20” $19.95 LEGEND z 1014-A 10” X 14” $15.95 1824-A 18” X 24” $29.95 HERE SMOKING 1420-A 14” X 20” $19.95 2436-A 24” X 36” $36.95 SIGNS & TRAFFIC CON 1824-A 18” X 24” $29.95 0624-A 6” X 24” $17.95 2436-A 24” X 36” $36.95 0624-A 6” X 24” $17.95 Confined Space Signs and Labels CONFINED SPACE SIGNS AND LABELS Confined Space Signs and Labels Part Number Size/Style Price 1014-CSA 10” x 14” .040 Aluminum $15.95 Part Number Size/Style Price 1014-CS 10” x 14” Pressure Sensitive Vinyl $14.95 1014-CSA 10” x 14” .040 Aluminum $15.95 1014-CS 10” x 14” Pressure Sensitive Vinyl $14.95 BILINGUAL SIGNS – Many of our safety signs are available with bilingual wording. Keep all of your workers informed. Call for BILINGmoreBILINGUAL informationUAL SIGNSSIGNS – Many of our safety signs are available with bilingual wording. Keep all of your workers informed. Call for Manymore of information our safety signs are available with bilingual wording. PIPEmore MARKERS informationKeep all – ofWe your make workers pipe informed! markers in-house. Any STlegend/color.REET SIGN Call BRACKE or faxT yourS order. Please specify approximate size, Call for more information. Used for mounting street name signs to U-Channel posts. decal and letter color. Please call for pricing. PIPE MARKERS – We make pipe markers in-house. Any 606UFOlegend/color.Sign-to-Post Call Bracket or fax .................................... your order. Please$4.95 spec each ify approximate size, decal and letter color. Please call for pricing. 0010 Sign-to-Sign Cross Bracket ...........................$3.95 each Streetdecal and Name letter Signs color. Please call for pricing. NecessaryStreet Name for Signs 911 areas. 6” aluminum (.080) flat blade with Engineering Grade reflective background and letters on both sides. WhiteNecessary letters for on911 your areas. choice 6” aluminum of blue or (.080) green flat sign. blade Length with of Engineering sign depends Grade on name reflective of street. background and letters on both sides. White letters on your choice of blue or green sign. Length of sign depends on name of street. 0010 606UFO Part Number Size/Color Price 5618 18” Green Sign $29.95 Part Number Size/Color Price 5618**All-B signs on 18”this Bluepage Sign are made to order$29.95 with your legend. Please specify when ordering.** 5618 18” Green Sign $29.95 5624 24” Green Sign $29.95 5618-B 18” Blue Sign $29.95 5624-B 24” Blue Sign $29.95 5624 24” Green Sign $29.95 5630 30” Green Sign $29.95 For Orders:5624-B Phone 1.800.592.694024” Blue Sign / Fax 318.688.6487$29.95 / www.cspcatalog.com 334 5630-B 30” Blue Sign $29.95 5630 30” Green Sign $29.95 5636 36” Green Sign $29.95 5630-B 30” Blue Sign $29.95 5636-B 36” Blue Sign $29.95 5636 36” Green Sign $29.95 5636-B 36” Blue Sign $29.95 Highway Warning Signs OrangeHighway or Warning Yellow engineering Signs grade reflective sheeting on .080 aluminum. Diamond shape. Your choice of legend or symbols. Orange or Yellow engineering grade reflective sheeting on .080 aluminum. Diamond shape. Your choice of legend or symbols. Part Number Size/Color Price 2424-AO 24” x 24” Orange $33.95 Part Number Size/Color Price 2424-AY 24” x 24” Yellow $33.95 2424-AO 24” x 24” Orange $33.95 3030-AO 30” x 30” Orange $45.95 2424-AY 24” x 24” Yellow $33.95 3030-AY 30” x 30” Yellow $45.95 3030-AO 30” x 30” Orange $45.95 3636-AO 36” x 36” Orange $59.95 3030-AY 30” x 30” Yellow $45.95 3636-AY 36” x 36” Yellow $59.95 3636-AO 36” x 36” Orange $59.95 4848-AO 48” x 48” Orange $99.95 3636-AY 36” x 36” Yellow $59.95 *****Many others available***** 4848-AO 48” x 48” Orange $99.95 *****Many others available***** Street Sign Brackets *****Many others available***** UsedStreet for Sign mounting Brackets street name signs to U-Channel posts. 606UFOUsed for mountingSign street-to-Post name Bracket signs to U -Channel$4.95 posts. 0010606UFO Sign-to-SignPost CrossBracket Bracket $3.95$4.95 0010 Sign-to-Sign Cross Bracket $3.95 **All signs on this page are made to order with your legend. Please specify when ordering.** **All signs on this page are made to order with your legend. Please specify when ordering.** Signs Signs w/Your Legend OSHA Approved Safety Signs Keep your workers informed and safe. All Header Signs available with YOUR CHOICE of wording at no extra charge. .040 aluminum with baked enamel finish & 4 corner holes for mounting. Size/TypeSigns Signs w/Your LegendDanger Notice Caution Price 7” x 10” Aluminum 1007-AD 1007-AN 1007-AC $10.95 OSHA Approved Safety Signs 7” X 10” Vinyl 1007-DV 1007-NV 1007-CV $10.95 10”Keep X your14” workersAluminum informed and1014 safe.-AD All Header Signs1014 available-AN with YOUR CHOICE1014-AC of wording at no$15.95 extra charge. .040 aluminum 10”with X baked 14” Vinyl enamel finish & 4 corner1014- holesDV for mounting.1014 -NV 1014-CV $15.95 14” X 20” Aluminum 1420-AD 1420-AN 1420-AC $19.95 Size/Type Danger Notice Caution Price 7” x 10” Aluminum 1007-AD 1007-AN 1007-AC $10.95 Made7” X 10” To Vinyl Order Safety Signs1007 -DV 1007-NV 1007-CV $10.95 We10” Xcan 14” make Aluminum signs for all 1014your- ADneeds. All signs1014 are-AN .040 aluminum1014 – white-AC with 4 corner$15.95 holes for mounting. Assorted lettering 10” X 14” Vinyl 1014-DV 1014-NV 1014-CV $15.95 and14” Xcolors 20” Aluminum available. 1420-AD 1420-AN 1420-AC $19.95 Part Number Size Price Made 1007To Order-A Safety Signs 10” X 7” $10.95 We can1014 make-A signs for all your10” needs. X 14” All signs are .040$15.95 aluminum – white with 4 corner holes for mounting. Assorted lettering and colors1420 available.-A 14” X 20” $19.95 1824-A 18” X 24” $29.95 Part2436 Number-A 24”Size X 36” Price$36.95 10070624--AA 10”6” X X 7” 24” $10.95$17.95 1014-A 10” X 14” $15.95 1420-A 14” X 20” $19.95 1824-A 18” X 24” $29.95 Confined Space Signs and Labels 2436-A 24” X 36” $36.95 0624-A 6” X 24” $17.95 Part Number Size/Style Price 1014-CSA 10” x 14” .040 Aluminum $15.95 1014Confined-CS Space Signs10” and x 14” Labels Pressure Sensitive Vinyl $14.95 Part Number Size/Style Price BILINGUAL1014-CSA SIGNS10” – xMany 14” .040 of ourAluminum safety signs are available$15.95 with bilingual wording. Keep all of your workers informed. Call for more1014- CSinformation 10” x 14” Pressure Sensitive Vinyl $14.95 PIPE MARKERS – We make pipe markers in-house. Any legend/color. Call or fax your order. Please specify approximate size, BILINGUAL SIGNS – Many of our safety signs are available with bilingual wording. Keep all of your workers informed. Call for SIGNSdecal and letter & color. LABELS Please call for pricing. more information SIGNS & STStreetPIPEREE MARKERS TName NAM SignsE – SWeIGNS make pipe markers in-house. Any legend/color.PIPE M CallARKERS or fax your order. Please specify approximate size, Necessary for 911 areas.
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