March 4-10, 2016 Your Neighborhood — Your News® 75 cents SERVING THROGGS NECK, PELHAM BAY, COUNTRY CLUB, CITY ISLAND, WESTCHESTER SQUARE, MORRIS PARK, PELHAM PARKWAY, CASTLE HILL $$ TO RESTORE BEACH PAVILION BP’s capital budget funds landmark BY ROBERT WIRSING access to the beach and es- Pelham Bay Park commu- A beloved Orchard Beach tablishing more food conces- nications coordinator and landmark may get the chance sions and tourist shops at the Museum of Modern Art cu- to relive its glory days. pavilion. rator emerita said. “It was During the State of the The project is dependent Robert Moses who suggested Borough Address, Borough on receiving $10 million from that the pavilion have a col- President Ruben Diaz, Jr. an- the borough president, NYS onnade that responds to the nounced he will allocate $10 senate and assembly mem- verticality of the trees in Pel- million from his capital bud- bers and NYC Parks. Parks. ham Bay Park and its curv- get to fund the restoration Once fully funded, Rausse ing wings echo the crescent of the memorable Orchard said early estimates have shoreline of the beach.” Beach Pavilion. construction starting by at “The NYC Landmarks According to James least 2018. Preservation Commission Rausse, AICP, director of “NYC Parks appreciates has called Orchard Beach capital programs for the bor- Borough President Ruben ‘among the most remarkable ough president’s offi ce, this Diaz Jr.’s enthusiasm and ea- public recreational facili- marks the fi rst phase of a $40 gerness to restore Orchard ties ever built in the United million multi-phase project Beach Pavilion,” said Bronx States’,” said Judge Lizbeth slated for the ‘Bronx Rivi- Parks Commissioner Iris Gonzalez, FPBP president, era’. Rodriguez-Rosa. “We under- adding. Rausse explained the ob- stand the importance of this According to Lloyd Ultan, jectives are to redesign the project and look forward to Bronx borough historian, pavilion within its landmark continuing the dialogue with Orchard Beach was artifi - parameters while better for- our elected partners and cially created in 1936 under tifying it against hurricanes, community stakeholders.” the leadership of NYC Parks providing additional direct Deborah Wye, Friends of Continued on Page 71 Celebrating Black History Shereece Love performs an African dance during the New York Bo- Two buildings collapse during windstorm tanical Garden’s Black History Month Celebration on Wednesday, BY STEVEN GOODSTEIN hour that evening. area, said that the collapse of February 24. The event included workshops, presentations and AND PATRICK ROCCHIO Although neither of the the facade did not affect the musical performances. More photos on page 45. A pair of building col- buildings experienced a total museum, but that the neglect lapses in the Bronx were the collapse, what was left of the of the building next door (and result of last week’s intense vacant building in Belmont the building’s brickwork) has windstorm. had to be knocked down and resulted in leaks and damage Last Wednesday night, was demolished last Thurs- inside the museum. February 24, brought a wild day night. She also mentioned that windstorm that brought The building on City Is- another piece of metal on down portions of two differ- land experienced a facade the building, which was also ent buildings across the bor- collapse, when sheathing nailed over brickwork, will ough - one a vacant building on one side of the building, soon collapse as well as a re- located at East 183rd Street which was nailed over brick- sult of the storm’s aftermath. and Beaumont Avenue and work, fell to the ground. No individuals were re- the other one located at 190 Barbara Dolesnek, man- ported injured during either Fordham Street on City Is- ager of the City Island Nau- of the building collapses. land, more than likely re- tical Museum, located right Following the vacant sulting from wind gusts that next to the building at 190 reached up to 50 miles per Fordham Street, an off-limits Continued on Page 71 A CNG Publication • Vol. 36 No. 10 www.bxtimes.com GoFor To More Our Blog Information To See Our Weekly Visit Specials!Us At VistVisit Our Our New www.bronxdentistny.comNEW Web-ite: Web-Site: www.reliablebronxdentist.com www.reliablebronxdentist.com GOT IMPLANTS DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO NEXT COME SEE US (718) 547-5280 2 BRONX TIMES REPORTER, MARCH 4-10, 2016 BTR Welcome to Your Health Care Home Affordable, Compassionate, Family-Centered, Convenient, Quality Health Care Accepting New Patients – Open Evenings! 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TWEET Locations throughout the Bronx providing Quality Medical, Dental and Specialty Services 260 East 188th Street 2021 Grand Concourse 2101 Quarry Rd 470 East Fordham Rd 4487 Third Avenue BTR BRONX TIMES REPORTER, MARCH 4-10, 2016 3 Exercise stations planned for 3 parks BY PATRICK ROCCHIO rial Park in Throggs Neck, 1571 Vietnam War veterans Get ready to strengthen according to a Parks Depart- from New York City who died your abs and biceps. ment spokesman. during that confl ict is pre- Three east Bronx parks The equipment is slated for served, said Pat Devine, one were selected to receive body anyone over 12 years of age. of the veterans who lobbied to building equipment within The construction of the get the park built. the next year or two. athletic equipment in Pelham “We support it, but not Bay Park is expected to begin in the memorial area,” said fi rst, in the spring, and will Devine, referring to an area of complement pieces already in trees and shrubs next to a fl ag- I want to get place at the park. pole in the park. Councilman James Vacca The preliminary plans rid of the Bronx’ secured the funding for all show the workout equipment distinction of three projects, which accord- A sampling of the workout equipment to be placed in Pelham Bay Park is located next to the memorial ing to a Parks Department area, said Devine. depicted here in a Parks Department presentation. spokesman includes $418,000 He believes that the loca- being the 62nd Photo courtesy of Parks Department for Pelham Bay Park, and tion of the equipment can be county in the state about $100,000 each for the two worked out before construc- locations. and vertical press. door fi tness area for the park,” tion begins, and that there is out of 62 when it “I want to get rid of the “Hopefully, people will sup- stated Judge Lizbeth Gonza- ample space for it elsewhere in comes to being Bronx’s distinction of being plement using these with an lez, FPBP president. “Once the park. the 62nd county in the state appropriate diet and they will construction for that area be- “The veteran community healthy. out of 62 when it comes to be- see results,” said the council- gins, the Friends will work would like to have an on-site ing healthy,” said Vacca. man. with the Pelham Bay admin- meeting with the Parks De- James Vacca The Pelham Bay Park in- Donations to the Friends istrator’s offi ce to re-locate the partment so we can all get on Councilman stallation will include at least of Pelham Bay Park funded three pieces that we funded. the same page,” said Devine. 12 pieces when complete, ac- three pieces of workout equip- A healthy Bronx is a great Vacca said he was aware cording to a Parks presenta- ment that were installed next Bronx!” of the issue and he believes it The City Council allocated tion. to the park’s running track in At Bicentennial Veterans can be resolved. According to about $618,000 towards con- These pieces are a leg ex- 2014. Memorial Park, six pieces Parks, construction at Veter- structing new exercise sta- tension, lat pull down, shoul- The group applauded the of workout equipment are ans Park is slated for the fall tions in Bronx Park East at Ly- der rotator, sit up bench, latest development. planned, but a coalition of lo- of 2017. dig Avenue, Pelham Bay Park hanging rings, pullup bar, “We are grateful that cal veterans is insisting that A meeting was held on the near the running track, and parallel bars, upright cycle, Councilman Vacca allocated the area adjacent to a living Bicentennial Veterans Park Bicentennial Veterans Memo- chest press, captain’s chair funding for a full-size out- memorial dedicated to the plan on Monday, February 29. Thank you GuildNet. Now that Mom is safe at home, my job is more secure, too. 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