LITERALLY, FOR TORG ETERNITY DESIGN TEAM This product was created under license from Ulisses Writing and Design: Shane Lacy Hensley, North America. Torg Eternity, its respective logos, Darrell Hayhurst, Markus Plötz , Dean Gilbert, as well as Infiniverse, Storm Knight, Stormer, Aysle, Cyberpapacy, Living Land, Orrorsh, Nile Empire, EVERYONE Ross Watson Takta Ker, Tharkold, Maelstrom Bridge, and their Contributors: Greg Gorden, Jim Ogle, Steve respective logos, are trademarks of Ulisses North Kenson, Ed Stark, George Strayton, Henry Lopez, America. The title and contents of this book are Aaron Pavao, Angus Abranson, Steven Marsh, protected under the copyright laws of the United Patrick Kapera, Bill Keyes, John Terra, James States of America. No part of this publication may Knevitt, Jonathan Thompson, Andy Vetromile, be reproduced, stored in retrieval systems, or Joseph Wolf transmitted, in any form or by any means, without Art Director: Aaron Acevedo written consent from Ulisses North America. Graphic Design: Aaron Acevedo, Jason Engle This publication includes material that was produced by Ulisses North America and/or other CYBERWARE FOR EVERYONE authors and which is protected under applicable PRODUCT TEAM copyright laws. Use of such material is granted Writing & Editing: Christian Lonsing under the Community Content Agreement for the Art Direction: Aaron Acevedo, Christian Lonsing INFINIVERSE EXCHANGE. Graphic Design: Aaron Acevedo, Jason Engle, All original content in this work is copyright Christian Lonsing 2018 by Christian Lonsing and published under the Community Content Agreement for the Cover: Nadine Wewer INFINIVERSE EXCHANGE. Interior Illustrations: Nadine Wewer TOPICS • Cyberware Perks. page 3 • Cyberware List. page 7 • Price List. page 22 Torg, The Possibility Wars, and all unique Samplecharacters, concepts, locations,file and creatures are trademarks and / or copyrights of Ulisses North America. All rights reserved. 2 LITERALLY, FOR EVERYONE he cyberware implants presented in this the normal rules. In addition, the wearer becomes book and, at the GM’s discretion, all the im- subject to a high level version of Magical Affinity: Tplants of the Torg Basic Rules (Cyberware Any time she is in a zone with a Magic Axiom less and Occultech) as well as any items presented in than 24, any Fatigue result causes an extra point other sourcebooks, may be acquired by characters of Shock (see Torg Basic Rules, page 76). For elf of all cosms, by purchasing the appropriate Perk wearers, this effect replaces their normal Magical from the following list. Affinity. New Implants: This Perk may be taken more than HERMETIC IMPLANTS once. Each time after the first, it grants the user an- other $5,000 worth of implants. Prereq: Cosm Aysle At the bleeding edge of transformative Blood Magic, the “Hermetic Order of Haemal Haptics” DYNAMIC IMPLANTS (HHH), creates a special type of magic items that Prereq: Cosm Core Earth are fused with the wearer’s body, replacing organs This experimental cyberware from the laboratories and whole body parts. Forged from Elvish Silver, of the Dynamics Corporation are decades ahead of Meteoric Iron and other magic metals, and covered their competition, but not yet available on the open with glowing runes, these implants are rarely sub- market due to a large heap of legal issues and gov- tle, but always beautiful. Nevertheless, most elves ernmental red tape, as well as a very large catalog are disgusted by this kind of techno magic as they of potential malfunctions. Sometimes it is literally see it as an unforgivable intrusion into the “whole- enough to look these devices in the wrong way to ness of the body”, even though some of the best make them fail, resulting in a maintenance guide mage surgeons are in fact elves. with quasi-religious undertones. When this Perk is selected, the character may It has turned out that Reality-rated persons are choose up to $10,000 worth of implants. Instead more capable of preventing malfunctions, so the of their usual Tech Axiom value they have a Mag- Dynamics Corporation is eager to provide the Del- ic AxiomSample value of 24 and cause contradictions in file phi Council with new equipment and technicians zones with a Magic Axiom beyond that level, as per for “field-testing”. 3 When this Perk is selected, the character may implants look bizarre and out-of this world even choose up to $15,000 worth of implants. These next to the other oddities that can be found in a items have a Tech Axiom value of 23 and a Magic group of Storm Knights. Axiom value of 9 and are subject to the When this Perk is selected, normal rules for contradictions. In ad- the character may choose up dition, the following rules apply: to $15,000 worth of implants. Once per day at sunrise roll 1d20 for These items have a Tech Axiom each single Dynamic Implant. (This value of 27 and cause 7-case-con- roll is not subject to contradictions.) tradictions, meaning that the wearer On a result of 1-5, the implant ceases disconnects on rolling a 1-7, if she is to function for 24 hours. If it replaces in a zone with a Tech Axiom val- a natural function of the character’s ue below 27. All normal rules body like a cyber leg or a cyber for contradictions apply, but the eye, that body part works like a Wondrous Implants continue to normal body part for the duration. function even while the wearer is So the character does not go blind disconnected from her cosm. or becomes paralysed, but simply New Implants: This Perk may be taken doesn’t profit from the implant’s more than once. Each time after the first, usual special capabilities. it grants the user another $7,000 worth of In case of an emergency, a charac- implants. ter is allowed to make a Reality test (DN 14) to get a non-functional implant NANITE IMPLANTS working for an hour. Prereq: Cosm Pan Pacifica If the wearer of a Dynamics Implant is an ord, it fails on a result of 1-10 and Kanawa Corporation is well known she cannot try to get it working again for its large portfolio of high-tech before the 24 hours have passed. products, but they currently lack in the field of body enhancements and New Implants: This Perk may be tak- cyberware. In order to close this en more than once. Each time after gap, they have founded a variety of the first, it grants the user another subsidiaries, one of which $7,000 worth of implants. is the Tokyo based Do- demo Corporation. This WONDROUS little tech company is still IMPLANTS in its early research and devel- opment stages, with a large number of prototypes, Prereq: Cosm Living Land tech demos and promotional viral videos about These highly futuristic implants don’t originate their latest breakthroughs, but thus far without a from the Living Land, but from one of the lost civi- single commercial item on the market. lizations hidden within. They are as dead as “dead However, every once in a while, people with con- things” can be, but were made specifically to with- tacts to the crime syndicates and black markets of stand the effects of a low tech environment. the Greater Tokyo Metropolitan Area get a chance The character stumbled into one of these lost to lay their hands on the newest Dodemo experi- worlds and came in contact with an intelligent ma- mental hardware. Some of these people are Storm chine that grabbed her and turned her into a cyber- Knights, and some of these Storm Knights are play- neticSample super-human (or super-edeinos). Made from er characters—and so the circlefile is complete. crystals and a strange kind of “living” metal, these 4 Dodemo cyberware is said to be nanite based, ject to the normal rules for contradictions. In addi- while other sources talk about some kind of “exot- tion, the following rules apply: ic matter”. In any case, it is sleek and elegant and Once per day, when the character is standing close at the same time robust and reliable, so those who to a machine of appropriate size (vending machine, equip their bodies with it show a high degree of ATM, car, ...), the GM may decide that she has to customer satisfaction. Until they find out the hard roll a d20 and add the result to her current Gremlin way, why this technology is not yet available on Threat Level (GTL). If this results in a GTL of 20 or the open market. higher, the GTL is reduced to 0 and the machine When this Perk is selected, the character may becomes infected by mischievous Gremlin Nanites, choose up to $15,000 worth of implants. These turning it into a Gremlin Machine (see box below), items have a Tech Axiom value of 24 and are sub- which immediately starts to attack. GREMLIN MACHINE to the surrounding area as possible. Again a player character can choose to take the blow, Attributes: Charisma 8, Dexterity 10, Mind 8, Spirit 10, Strength 13 as described above, but might not feel as much inclined to do so as if a human being Skills: Dodge 13, energy weapons 13, find 12, intimidation 12, maneuver 12, stealth 12, taunt were in danger. If nobody stops the machine, (10), tracking 12, trick (10), unarmed combat 15 it causes damage to the environment as the GM sees fit. Instead of causing a wound it Move: 15; Tough: 15 (2); Shock: 10; Wounds: 3 could also decide to spray the area with sticky Possibilities: Never machine oil or cause other kinds of havoc. Special Abilities: • If nobody • Armor: Metal skin +2.
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