World Aero Data: MCMURDO STATION ICE RUNWAY --... http://worldaerodata.com/wad.cgi?id=AY00002 Airports Navaids Links | Message Board | FAQ MCMURDO STATION ICE RUNWAY General Info Country Antarctica ICAO ID NZIR Time UTC+12(+13DT) -77.853950 Latitude 77° 51' 14.22" S 166.468761 Longitude 166° 28' 07.54" E 1 feet Elevation 0 meters Magnetic Variation 144° E (05/06) Communications 126.2 ICE TWR 134.1 Opr 3 hrs prior to, til 30 min after 270.6 sked OPS.(E) 340.2 2182 INTL DISTRESS 4123 118.2 MCMURDO CNTR 360.2 Communications Remarks EMR (2182 As rqr) (4123 USAP). (9032 11256 5726 SSB) Grd freq cont mnt dur opr CNTR season, nml 1 Oct to 25 Feb annually. Runways ID Dimensions Surface PCN ILS (Click fo r details.) 10000 x 220 feet 11/29 ICE. - NO 3048 x 67 meters 10000 x 220 feet 16/34 ICE. - NO 3048 x 67 meters Navaids 1 of 2 27/12/2011 21:23 World Aero Data: MCMURDO STATION ICE RUNWAY --... http://worldaerodata.com/wad.cgi?id=AY00002 Distance Bearing Type ID Name Channel Freq From From Field Navaid TACAN ZIR ICE RUNWAY 075X - At Field - Supplies/Equipment O-156, MIL L 23699 (Synthetic Oil Base)Turboprop/Turboshaft Engine Other Fluids HPOX, High pressure oxygen servicing Remarks Rwy brg strength surveyed for United States Antarctic Program (USAP) acft only -ALL OTHERS CAUTION USE AT OWN RISK. For addn info call C-1-843-218-5316/5757. FLUID 1(LHNIT) 2(LPOX) FUEL JP-8 JASU 2(GTC-85) 4(AM32-A) 6(ESSEX B809) No hgr space avbl. Ice rwy posn determined annually by late Aug, avbl Oct - Dec,Ice rwy mrk with 4' x 4' black panels at 400' intervals for the entire length of the rwy, Feet remaining boards for the entire length of the runway. Heliportlctd S77 MISC 51.1' E166 42.8', elev 60', for USAP participants only. Lcl std time equivalent to NZ lcl std time. 25(NGH heaters). No ovrn, ice rwy grooved entire len, rwy hdgs chg annually. Ref to tmpry chg and other NOTAM info related to annual sea ice rwy, publ on MCMURDO.USAP.GOV OIL O-156 Source: DAFIF If you have a question or comment, use the message board. (It's up and running again.) ©2011 WorldAeroData.com. This data is not intended to be a replacement fo r o fficial publicatio ns o r flight briefings. By using this site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the legal info . 2 of 2 27/12/2011 21:23 World Aero Data: MCMURDO STATION ICE RUNWAY R... http://worldaerodata.com/wad.cgi?runway=AY0000229 Airports Navaids Links | Message Board | FAQ MCMURDO STATION ICE RUNWAY Runway 11/29 10000 x 220 feet 3048 x 67 meters Runway 11 Surface ICE. True Heading 173.3 0.000000 Latitude - 0.000000 Longitude - 10000 feet Landing Distance 3048 meters 10000 feet Takeoff Distance 3048 meters Runway 29 Surface ICE. True Heading 353.3 0.000000 Latitude - 0.000000 Longitude - 10000 feet Landing Distance 3048 meters 10000 feet Takeoff Distance 3048 meters REIL Lighting System A3 PAPI Source: DAFIF If you have a question or comment, use the message board. (It's up and running again.) ©2011 WorldAeroData.com. This data is not intended to be a replacement fo r o fficial publicatio ns o r flight briefings. By using this site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the legal info . 1 of 1 27/12/2011 21:24 World Aero Data: MCMURDO STATION ICE RUNWAY R... http://worldaerodata.com/wad.cgi?runway=AY0000234 Airports Navaids Links | Message Board | FAQ MCMURDO STATION ICE RUNWAY Runway 16/34 10000 x 220 feet 3048 x 67 meters Runway 16 Surface ICE. True Heading 123.5 0.000000 Latitude - 0.000000 Longitude - 10000 feet Landing Distance 3048 meters 10000 feet Takeoff Distance 3048 meters Runway 34 Surface ICE. True Heading 303.5 0.000000 Latitude - 0.000000 Longitude - 10000 feet Landing Distance 3048 meters 10000 feet Takeoff Distance 3048 meters REIL Lighting System PAPI Source: DAFIF If you have a question or comment, use the message board. (It's up and running again.) ©2011 WorldAeroData.com. This data is not intended to be a replacement fo r o fficial publicatio ns o r flight briefings. By using this site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the legal info . 1 of 1 27/12/2011 21:25 Airport MCMURDO STATION ICE RUNWAY http://www.fallingrain.com/icao/NZIR.html ICAO: NZIR 77° 51' 14S 166° 28' 8E MCMURDO STATION ICE RUNWAY 1 ft AMSL Mag Var: 144.243E Small Airport Time Zone UTC+12(+13DT) Wiki Rwy Size(ft) Surface 29/11 10000x220 ICE 34/16 10000x220 ICE No reported fuel 1 of 3 30/12/2011 14:05 Airport MCMURDO STATION ICE RUNWAY http://www.fallingrain.com/icao/NZIR.html Code IATA Kind Name City Distance Bearing Airlines MCMURDO STATION McMurdo NZPG Medium 6 nm S 173 PEGASUS FIELD Station McMurdo NZWD Medium MCMURDO STATION 7 nm E 96 Station Nearby Waypoints: REGAT AY 11 nm W 302 BYRD AY 28 nm N 317 LAVIS AY 100 nm N 354 KALVA AY 171 nm N 0 ZUKKY AY 221 nm N 1 2 of 3 30/12/2011 14:05 Airport MCMURDO STATION ICE RUNWAY http://www.fallingrain.com/icao/NZIR.html Presentation Copyright © Falling Rain Genomics, Inc. 1996-2010 3 of 3 30/12/2011 14:05 McMURDO SNOWMOBILE CHECKLIST Department: Equipment No.: A v~sualcheck of aN /terns on th~sform should be completed dally, lf anything appears broken, leak~ngor not worklng properly call the MEC 8 2352 / I I I , ;t* -- -- ... -- mm -,... - -- - - - - - - - If at any time you question the status of the machine, DO NOT OPERATE and contact the MEC for assistance. Raytheon OP-M-201a Posting Date 9/29/03 Raytheon Polar Services Co~npcmy OP-M-501b Stutelnent qf Uizderstmding and Responsibilih (Snon'r~mbiles) Revisioi~1 McMzrrdo Station 12 Dec 2005 TO: USAP Airfield Manager The following statement of understanding is used to ensure personnel have been trained. have read and understood the rules for operating snowmobiles on the McMurdo airfields. and have met the operator training requirements for use before operating the snowmobiles. 1. Before starting the snowmobile, the Operator will use Form OP-M-SOla, McMlrrck, Stzo~wzobileCl~ecklist, to conduct an inspection including fuel level, engine oil level. coolant level. engine belts and any loose fasteners, or damage to the snowmobile. etc. Damage observed or anything out of the ordinary will be reported immediately to the USAP Airfield Manager, and the snowmobile will not be used without the USAP Airfield Manager's consent. 2. In the event the snowmobile needs fuel, the Operator will first coordinate with the on-duty AGE Lead on the active airfield to ensure the Operator uses a proper mix of fuel to refuel the fuel tank. Additionally, the Operator will top-off the snowmobile fuel tank before parking the snowmobile after use. The Operator will immediately report any fuel or oil spills to the Fire House, regardless of the amount of fluid spilled. 3. Snowmobile operations are limited to the airtield snow roads and McMurdo Airfields. Use outside of these areas requires prior approval from the USAP Airfield Manager. 4. Speed Limits: Snownlobile speed limits: Within 100 ft of an aircraft = 5 MF'H; Ramp and access roads leading to airfields = 10 MPH; Taxiways, Runways, Skiways and Airfield snow and ice roads = 25 MPH. This does not mean that 25 miles per hour is acceptable at times when the road ia rough. Reduce speed to suit the weather and snow conditions at all times. Snowmobiles w~llnot be operated off of primary. flagged routes during Weather Condition 2 and will not be operated anywhere during Weather Condition I. Operators will exercise due caution when in the vicinity of other personnel and will yield the right-of-way to heavy equipment and all other traffic, including aircraft. 5. Due to the quick turning reaction of snowmobiles, operators must exercise extra care while turning to ensure the snowmobile does not tlip or become unstable. Reduce speed prior to turning to ensure a safe turn. 6. Snowmobiles are multiple-occupant vehicles. Operators must take passengers into account when they are aboard, and adjust operating parameters to maintain safety at all times. 7. When towing sleds behind the snowmobiles, operators must remain cognizant of the effects of the tow on the stability of the snowmobile, reduce speed and make the necessary adjustments to ensure safety. 8. Airfield support and related work activities are the primary roles of the snowmobiles and their use for recreation is not authorized unless approved in advance by the RPSC Station Site Manager in conjunction with the USAP Airfield Manager. 9. Operating a snowmobile in an unsafe manner or demonstrating a blatant disregard for operating procedures will result in the suspension of the operator's snowmobile and vehicle driving privileges and may lead to termination of employment as coordinated by the USAP Airfield Manager through the McMurdo Station Area Director (and the NSF Representative for those not assigned to RPSC). I have read the statement of understanding and responsibility, SOP OP-M-501, Sizowmobiles Assigned to McMurdo Station Airfields, attended snowmobile training at the MEC and attended airfield driver training IAW SOP OP-M- 500, Airfield Management. Printed NameISignature Supervisor Signature Office Date Signed Forward signed, completed form to building 165, USAP Airfield Manager's office. Areu Directorate Approved by Jim Scott C'oizrrczct No. OPP (K)(1037.? pqe I of I UNITED STATES ANTARCTIC PROGRAM (USAP) AIR OPERATIONS MANUAL 1 AUGUST 2OO7 Flying Operations OPR: 13 AEGICC (Col Ronald J.
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