NANOG 76 Last Name First Name Company ASN Abbas Majdi S. 64512 Abbas Mark Seaborn Networks 13786 Abley Joe Public Interest Registry Adam Philipp Deutsche Telekom Technik GmbH 3320 Adamson Kayla Ball State University Addicks Charise StrataCore Agahian Kam Qualcomm Inc. Ahmed Syed Oracle 31898 Aldrup Heather VDMS/Edgecast 15133 Alexander Tyler Zenimax Media Inc 18733 Alfvin Rick Linespeed Events Alhanif Abdulkarim George Mason University Alkhalidi Amy Addrex, Inc. 2733 Allen Matthew The Hershey Company 30070 Allen Michael Windstream Allen Trey Windstream 7029 Allison Jared Verizon 701 Alonso Juan LACNIC 28000 Altizer Steve Compu Dynamics Anderson Celeste University of Southern California 226 Ansari Majid Juniper Networks Anthony James ADVA Optical Networking April Tim Akamai Technologies 20940, 32787 Ashton James P 365 Datacenters 19151 Avino Tony Telia Carrier 1299 Ayyangar Arthi Arrcus Azimov Alexadner Yandex 13238 Bagdonas Ignas Equinix Bagley Christian Amazon Web Services 16509 Baillie Sean QTS Richmond NAP 4136 Ballard Michael Cyxtera 12213 Ballew Dean CenturyLink 209 Baradar Nima NETSCOUT Barreto Oliver Oracle Barry Kristen Digital Realty Bartig Jeff Internet2 11164, 11537 Bashford Kelly NETSCOUT | Arbor Basso Frank Vapor IO 3925 Bates Tim AWS 16509 Bauer Kevin JLL Bayliff Nigel Aquacomms Beard Patrick Addon Networks NANOG 76 Last Name First Name Company ASN Beatrice Tim Charter Communications 20115, 7843 Beck Jody Charter Communications 7843 Becker Sebastian Deutsche Telekom AG 3320 Beecher Tom Yahoo / Verizon Media Group 10310 American Registry for Internet Bellante Robert Numbers 10745 Belson David Bemount Marcus Pavlov Media 23473 Bender Robert CTS Telecom 19653 BENGELLOUN-ZAHRYoussef Online.net / Scaleway 12876 Bennett Seth Apple 714 Berthier Yann Tata Communications 6453 Bethers Joel Amazon 16509 IPv4.Global, a division of Hilco Beyda Michael Streambank Bhiwapurkar Apurva University of Colorado Boulder Biegel Justin Kentik biggs tracy Digital Realty Bishop Erik Comcast 7922 Blackington Adam Amazon Web Services 16509 Blanchard Gabriel Start Communications 40788 Blankman Frank Amazon 16509 Block Aaron Akamai Technologies 20940, 32787 Blunk Aric Merit Network, Inc. 237 Blunk Larry Merit Network 237 Bly Jennifer ARIN Bock Alan Vapor IO 64216, 64222, Boekhout Colin Megaport / ECIX 9033 Bolger Stacey Precision Optical Transceivers Bonarius Joerg Extreme Networks Bonenberger Raymond ADVA Optical Networking Bong Shawna 20C, United IX, Peering Manager 63311, 33713 Bong Steve Equinix 14609 Bonilla Gerardo TELXIUS CABLE USA, INC 12956 Bono John Addrex, Inc 2733 Bopp Bradley Total Server Solutions 46562 Bortok Alex IXIA - A Keysight Business Bothe Jason Invesco 14630 Bourne Josh Kalorama Group Bower Patricia Ciena Bowling Joe Gray Cyber NANOG 76 Last Name First Name Company ASN Bozich Eric EdgeMicro 2886, 4560 Brader Dan West Chester University 29848 Brady David Myriad360 Branca Joe Corero Network Security Bratten Brad Arrcus Brazell Galen EvoSwitch Breed Dallas Kaskadian Bristol Claudia NANOG Brockdorff Brant Verizon 701 Brooks Bryan Pavlov Media 23473 Brooks Dustin Conterra Ultra Broadband 32505 Brooks Leigh NANOG Brower Austin Consolidated Communications 13977 Brown Kevin Cox 22773 Brown Sandra IPv4 Market Group Brown Scott Pixel Factory Data Center 32425 Brown Tom Datagryd , LLC. Brust Cristy Public Interest Registry Brzezicki Kathleen 33713, 53264. Budic Darrell UnitedIX, LLC 63311 701, 702, 703, Budney Jeff Verizon 14551, 2828 Buffalow Eric NTT Communications 2914 Bulbul Oz Nokia 38016 Bull Alexander Bell Canada Burden Darren Total Server Solutions 46562 Burkis Michael Frontier Communications Burns Mike IPTrading.com 62976 Buys Dwight Juniper Networks Byambasuren Batsuren Addrex, Inc. 2733 Byambasuren Jargal Addrex, Inc. 2733 Matthew Cacacho Jeffrey KDDI Calabro Alberto Telecom Italia Sparkle 6762 Calantoni Phil Netrality Data Centers Caldevilla Adriano Globenet 52320 Calkins Mark PacketFabric // IX-West 4556 // 394594 Callahan Leah Corero Network Security National Science Calvert Kenneth Foundation/University of Kentucky NANOG 76 Last Name First Name Company ASN Calvo Ryan Global Cloud Xchange 18101, 15412 Campbell Chris Ball State University Cannady Thomas Cyxtera 12213 Cantrall Wes Telia Carrier 1299 Capuano Mike Pluribus Networks Cardona Omar Microsoft Carlin Ashley TXO Systems Carney Mark WGU Casado Carlos TELXIUS CABLE Casados Nancy 910 Telecom Caselman North TierPoint Cassal Erick Akamai Technologies 20940, 32787 Castro Santiago TELXIUS CABLE Celindro Vincent Dell Technologies Chabbra Mo Juniper Networks Chaffe Stone Daniel PoP-GO / RNP 1916 Chambers Jeff Windstream 7029 Chandekar Sudhanshu George Mason University 11279 Chandorkar Vibhum University of Colorado Boulder Charnock William Fastly 54113 Chase Wallace REANNZ AS38022 4637, 1221, Chen Michael Telstra 10026 Chenampara Ajay Red Hat Cheong Adam DR Fortress LLC 40300 Chin Christopher Workday 18465, 198301 Choate Bobby QTS Richmond NAP 4136 Chong Tae Tier1Fiber Chu Christina NTT Communications 2914 Chu Yi Sprint 1239 Clark Stephen Verizon 701 1280, 3557, 23710, 30132, 33080, Clegg Alan ISC 205488, 33072 Clifford Michaela Netflix 2906 Clouthier Terry Fujitsu Network Communications Cocker Nabeel Nokia Cohen Peter QTS Richmond NAP 4136 Cole Anthony Atlantic Broadband 11776 Collins Abby Addrex, Inc. 2733 NANOG 76 Last Name First Name Company ASN Congdon Paul Tallac Networks Contag Erick GlobeNet 52320 Coonfield Scott SkyWire 19919 Cooper Alissa IETF Corley Joseph Infinera Cornachini George J. Cornman James Atlantic Metro Communications 29838 Costello Michael Netflix 2906 Courtney Scott Verisign 26415 Crabbe Edward Oracle 31898 Crabtree Cory Kentik Crate Don PCCW Global Crew David TELXIUS CABLE Croff Micah Wish 205994 Cromleigh Bob Champion ONE Cuevas Roberto NTT Communications 2914 Culley Elizabeth Comcast 7922 Curran John ARIN (1-x) Cushing Todd 1623 Farnam 17378, 11383, Czumbil Romeo TierPoint 17113 da Silva Ron Internet Tool & Die Company Daigle Leslie ThinkingCat Enterprises, LLC Dalberg Steve Ciena 1239, 10507, Dalton Paul Sprint 3651 Daly Tom Fastly 54113 Dampf Andrew Linode 63949 Darling David Nebraska Link 16851 Daum George LightRiver Davis Dan Arcadian Infracom Davis Don Iron Mountain Data Centers 62947 Davis Evan Edge Intelligence Davis Mark Crown Castle Fiber 46887 Day Ryan MICROSOFT de Bruijn Marc Salesforce 14340 De Oliveira Jose Eduardo Microset 263536 Dean Will Zenoss DeBartolomeo Kevin Seaborn Networks 13786 DeBerry Ryan SMS Data Products Group Deccio Casey Brigham Young University 6510 NANOG 76 Last Name First Name Company ASN 9299, 7707, Dela Cruz Roselle PLDT (US) LTD 24095, 10139 Delgado Josue Cyxtera 12213 DeMartino Dominick Competitive Telecoms Group Dendy Greg Equinix 24115 DeNiro Cody Symantec 27471 Deprez Rich TDS Telecom 4181 Desjardine Richard Hay Communications 395261 DeVos David Precision Optical Transceivers Diaz Johnny Telxius Cable USA, Inc. 12956 Dickerson David Seagate Technology Dickinson Steve Comcast Diego Eddie ARIN Dieken Chris Verisign 7342 Dillon Taylor Ball State University Dixon Jerry Crowdstrike Donelan John Kentik Donelan Sean Qmulos LLC Donoghue William ThousandEyes Douglas Michael Cisco 65535 Dowling Anthony Clarkson University Duda Ryan 123Net / Detroit Internet Exchange 12129, 7949 Dudek Aaron T-Systems 1800, 2792 Dugan Thomas USESI Duncan Karen TELXIUS CABLE USA, INC 1337, 15133, Duren Kyle Verizon Media 1668, 10310 Duymayan Ibrahim UCLA IT Services 52 Dykeman Gerald Red Hat Ebersman Paul Neustar Ecklesdafer Christopher Managedway 53292 Egan Kim Kentik Elliot Andrew Neustar 19905 Ellis Lee GSA .Gov Domain Elswick Ryan Paladyn Group LLC Elverson Chris FBI Elzur Uri Intel Emmons Paul Ninja-IX 5118 Epperson Kevin Netflix 2906 Eriksson Martin Netnod Internet Exchange 8674 Erkman Ingrid Microsoft 8075, 8068 Escobar Alejandro Verizon Digital Media 15133 NANOG 76 Last Name First Name Company ASN Esquivel Cesar NIC MEXICO Evans Suzanne ARIN Evenson Bob 123NET 12129 Eyal Assaf DriveNets Fair Brian NTT Communications 2914 Fantalin Dmitriy IPTP Networks 41095 Farrar Stacey XKL Fashina Oluseyi MITRE Feldman Steve CBS Interactive 6623 Fennelly Shawn Inphi Corporation Fentress Scott Zayo Group Fernandez Esther TELXIUS CABLE USA, INC 12956 Ferraro Lou Telia Carrier 1299 Ferrel John QTS Richmond NAP 4136 Fetting Matt Zenimax Media Inc 18733 Fichtmüller René Flexoptix GmbH 199121 Fields Bryan Nokia 38016 Fisher Aaron EdgeConneX Fisher Andy Myriad360 6461, 8218, Fisher Mike Zayo 15290, 19092 Fisher Scott Team Cymru AS23028 Fishler Reid Hurricane Electric 6939 1239, 3651, Fiumano Michael Sprint 10507 6300, 14051, 18712, 12042 5742, Flanagan Greg Consolidated Communications 13977,13333 Fordyce Russell Infinera Forney Susan Hurricane Electric 6939 Forster Reggie Oneweb LLC 800 Foster Corey Atlantic Broadband - Quincy, MA 11776 Foust Amanda NTT Communications Foust Brian NTT Communications 2914 Fox Barbara Ciena Freedman Avi Kentik 6169 Freiding Christian DE-CIX 6695 Friant David Windstream Communications 7029 Friedman Lonni NETFLIX 2906 Funke Stefan IPB Internet Provider in Berlin 20647 Furukawa Shin-ichiro SoftBank 17676 NANOG 76 Last Name First Name Company ASN Furushio Takanori Japan Internet Exchange Co.,Ltd. 7527 Gallagher Mike Verizon 701, 702, 703 Gallagher PJ Fastly, Inc. 54113 Gallegos Ramon Cox Communications 22773 Ganapathi Devi Telia Company Inc 1299 Garaycochea Octavio PCCW Global Garland Ryan Twitch 46489 Garnier Derek Arcadian Infracom Garrigus James OSI Global IT Gashinsky Igor Yahoo / Verizon Media 10310 15133 Geesey
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