Natural Resources Inventory South Hampton, NH Grassy Brook Back River M M a a p p Pierce Brook 1 1 - - er iv 2 R 2 ow w 0 w 0 Po 0 0 5 5 Sawyer Hill 2005 Landuse Type Acres L L Brook Agricultural Land 375.2 a Brush or Transitional Between a n Open and Forested 134.1 n d d Powwow Cemeteries 0.9 r u Rive Commercial retail 13.8 u s Disturbed Land 6.4 s e Lake Gardner Educational 6.1 e Electric, gas and other utilities 34.5 T Forest Land 2,878.6 u x b u Government 1.9 r y P Industrial 3.0 o 1998 n d Institutional 2.2 Other Agricultural Land 24.2 Outdoor recreation 50.8 Road right-of-way 38.2 Services 30.5 Single family/duplex 408.9 Water 143.0 Wetlands 994.3 1962 1974 Grand Total 5,146.6 Base Features (transportation, political and hydrographic) were automated from the USGS Digital Line Graph data, 1:24,000, as Stream Mixed Urban Agriculture archived in the GRANIT database at Complex Systems Research Center, Institute for the study of Earth, Oceans and Space, This 2005 Landuse was accomplished by screen digitizing land University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH; 1992-1999. The roads within the Rockingham Planning Region have been updated by Rockingham Planning Commission and by NH Department of Transportation through ongoing efforts. · Waterbody Transportation Farmsteads use/land cover polygons at a recommended display scale of 1:2,400 (1"=200') using 1-foot resolution, natural color aerial NOTE: Base features for areas surrounding the Rockingham Region may be shown on this map. These features were automated from USGS 1:100,000 scale digital data sources. This information was provided for reference only. RPC makes no claim photography, acquired in April of 2005, as the background. Swamp / Marsh Railroads Forested to its completeness or accuracy. Residential Auxiliary Transportation Water Digital Data in NH GRANIT represent the efforts of the contributing agencies to record information from the cited source materials. Complex Systems Research Center (CSRC), under contract to the Office of State Planning (OSP), and in consultation with cooperating agencies, maintains a continuing program to identify and correct errors in these data. OSP, CSRC, and the cooperating Industrial/Commercial Playing Fields/Recreational Open Wetlands agencies make no claim as to the validity or reliability or to any implied uses of these data. Idle/Other 0 1,250 2,500 5,000 7,500 10,000 Feet Natural Resources Inventory 446B 547A 115 547A 62B 45D 5_38_0 44C 547B 129B 66C South Hampton, NH 5_43_0 45D 295 298 295 510D 129C 657B 5_21_0 62C 299 295 66D 67B 547B 63C 66B 29B 66B 33A 32A 547B 657B 29B 29B 495 44C 125 6_6_0 134 125 129B 6_47_0 62B 66C 32A 67D 129B 538A 66C 33A 67D M 62C M 6_5_0 115 305 63C 33A 129C 129B 67C 62C 62B 62B 66B 29B a 129C a 657B 66B 657B 44C 63C 32A p 657B 66C p 67D 42B 134 67C 129C W 44C 62C 33A 63C 62C 33A 129B 66D 2 67C 2 134 67C 67C 495 67C 67D 299 29B 538A 33A 63C 42B 538A 657B 44C 42C 129C 32B - 129B - 66C 63C 314A 44C 66C 30B 538A 395 44B 67C 305 67D 32B 67D 657B 66B 129B 38A 656A 295 125 63B S 129B S 446B 140B 38A 62C 66D 395 33A 657B 129C o 295 495 o 62B 66C 134 299 129C i 314A i 38B 67D 62C 63C 129C 66C 66C l 547A l 66D 446B 295 42C 38A 12B 538A 134 s 2_36_0 s 38A 29B 42B 66C 66D 140D 67E 66D 2_35_2 538A , 42C 115 656A , 299 66B 62C 62C 62B 657B T 62C T 134 657B 129B 66D 495 305 o 510C 43C 125 o 29B 66C 62C 29B 447B 656A 656A W 510B 44C p p 447A 125 447B 44C 29B 395 66C o 44B 62B o 44C 495 66B 12C 62C 495 129B g 62C g 44C 63C 66D 129B W 29B 12B r 33A r 446B 547B 63C 62B 12A 305 2_11_0 33A a 314A a 43C 66C 33A W p 67C 29B 129B p 66C 115 295 h 97 66C 62B h 657B 2_81_0 446A 2_32_0 42C 314A y y 66C 656A 314A 140B 33A 115 140B 115 29B 33A a 115 134 a 67D 66C 115 38B n 134 n 495 97 12C 510B 140B 66D 299 45D d d W 63B 12E 12B 45C Topography 657A W W 12A a W a CHARLTON-PAXTON-SQUAMSCOTT (NH011) t Powwow River H t IN C e K e L ) E 33 Y H0 - (N W IS L r IN OL r D E-H S IDG O BR s R OD s -C WO A N- N TO T AX h O P h N (N H 0 0 e 1 e HUC 12 Watersheds ) General Soils Type d d Hillshaded Elevation Model was produced from USGS 1:24,000, 7.5 minute digital elevation model (DEM) files. DEM files contain point arrays Base Features (transportation, political and hydrographic) were automated from the USGS Digital Line Graph data, 1:24,000, as s s of surface elevations at a spacing of 30 meters in both the x and y directions. Production and distribution by GRANIT, CSRC, Durham, NH. archived in the GRANIT database at Complex Systems Research Center, Institute for the study of Earth, Oceans and Space, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH; 1992-1999. The roads within the Rockingham Planning Region have been updated by Rockingham Planning Commission and by NH Department of Transportation through ongoing efforts. · Town Identified Conservation Land Soil boundaries are from NRCS county soil surveys, published at varying scales. All other features are from USGS 1:24,000 scale Digital Line Graphs. All features distributed by Complex Systems Research Center, Durham, NH. Soil unit boundaries that coincide with water body NOTE: Base features for areas surrounding the Rockingham Region may be shown on this map. These features were Stream boundaries in the field will not always coincide on this map, due to their differing data sources. Watersheds were delineated and automated automated from USGS 1:100,000 scale digital data sources. This information was provided for reference only. RPC makes no claim by the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, Water Resources Division. Source maps for this data layer are USGS 1:24,000 to its completeness or accuracy. Topographic Quadrangle maps and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service 1:250,000 watershed maps. Waterbody Generalized Digital Data in NH GRANIT represent the efforts of the contributing agencies to record information from the cited source materials. Complex Systems Research Center (CSRC), under contract to the Office of State Planning (OSP), and in consultation with Soil Map (State Soil Geographic (STATSGO) data base for New Hampshire) This data set is a digital general soil association map developed cooperating agencies, maintains a continuing program to identify and correct errors in these data. OSP, CSRC, and the cooperating Swamp / Marsh by the National cooperative Soil Survey. It consists of a broad based inventory of soils and nonsoil areas that occur in a repeatable agencies make no claim as to the validity or reliability or to any implied uses of these data. pattern on the landscape and that can be cartographically shown at the scale mapped. The soil maps for STATSGO are compiled by generalizing more detailed soil survey maps. Map unit composition for a STATSGO map is determined by transecting or sampling reason the more detailed 0 1,250 2,500 5,000 7,500 10,000 maps and expanding the data statistically to characterize the whole map unit. This data was published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Feet Soil Conservation Service in 1994. P!P! P!P! P! P! P! P!P! P! P! P! P! P!P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P!P! P!P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P!P! P!P! P! P! P! P!P! P! P! P! P! P! P!P! P! P! P! P! P! P!P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P!P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P!P! P!P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P!P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P!P! P! P!P! P! P! ! P! P! P!P P! P! P!P!P! P!!P! P P!P! P! P! ! P!P P! P! P!P! P! ! P! P! P! P P! P!P! P! P! P! P!P! P!P!P! P!P! P! P! P! P! P! P!P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P!P!P! P! P! P! P! P!P! P! P! P! P! P!P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P!P! P! P! P! P! P! P!P! P! P! P! P! P!P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P!P! P!P!P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P! ! P P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P! P! 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Public Water Supply Sources Base Features (transportation, political and hydrographic) were automated from the USGS Digital Line Graph data, 1:24,000, as archived in the GRANIT database at Complex Systems Research Center, Institute for the study of Earth, Oceans and Space, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH; 1992-1999.
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