International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-11, September 2019 Modeling change of Land use on Hydrological Response of River by Remedial Measures using Arc SWAT: Case of Weib Catchment, Ethiopia Tesfahun Addisu Messele, Dereje Tolosa Moti most basic ways Piao, S. et al [3]. For instance, stream flow Abstract: Ethiopia has altered natural ecosystems through worldwide has increased noticeably since 1900, and the experiencing a huge amount of land use change has effect on study suggests that terrestrial use modification may be the hydrological condition. Therefore, this study was initiated to directly responsible for the rise by 50% Lambin, et al [4]. compare the past and potential future change of land use with its Study of land use changes emerged as the research agenda effect the hydrological response of the Weib catchment which is on global ecological variation several years ago, along with found in the upper Genale Dawa River basin which covers a total the concept that land surface deviations and processes area of 7407.42km2. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool model influence climate Lambin, et al [5]. The potential impact of was used to compare the impact of land use change on stream flow of the study area. The study was used model by using land cover changes and global changes of climate on surface readily available spatial and temporal data and calibrated water have been of great concern in the past few decades against measured discharge. The analysis of land use change resulting in unbalanced water occurs. It results in a conflict has shown that the Settlement area has increased from 12.8% to in water use and demands global water balance. However, 30.8%, cultivated land from 10.8% to 39.1% between 1986 and methodological analysis of the on hydrological responses are 2010, while area of Forest has reduced from 32.5% to 9.4 % and still very critical for interpretation of result of land use Grassland from 20.9% to 12.3%. The performance of the model changes Lambin, et al [5]. Different models are used to was evaluated based on performance rating criteria, coefficient analyze the surface water and groundwater quantity and of determination, Nash and Sutcliff efficiency values for quality with development and protection, surface water and monthly runoff were 0.85 and 0.81during calibration, 0.88 and groundwater conjunctive use, water distribution systems, 0.87 during validation, respectively. The evaluation of the model water use, and extent for water resources conservation t response to changes indicated that the mean wet monthly flow activities Singh, V.P. and D.A Woolhiser. [6]. Land use for 2010 land cover enlarged by 40.7 % from 1986 land cover. Similarly, the 1986 land cover mean month flow was higher by change in Africa is currently increasing that resulted for 10% than the 1995 land cover flow for wet months. The dry unbalanced water resource Read, J. M., and Lam, N. S [7]. average monthly flow was less by 45.2 %, for 2010 and 26 % for This is important because the changing patterns of land use 1995 land covers when compared to that of 1986 land cover. The reflect changing economic and social conditions. rapid conversion of Forest and Grassland cover to Urban and Land use comprises of complex topography and wide cultivated land resulted in higher peak flow and less base flow altitudinal variations contribute to the presence of various on Weib river hydrology. types of land use land cover class. However, the land use land cover system is a very dynamic process and various practices Keyword: ArcSWAT, DEM, Calibration, Land Use, Weib control the rate of this change Assen, M [8]. River Catchment, Validation. Land use changes are a threat to life existence in the river basins at different parts of the country. Hydrologic retort to I. INTRODUCTION changes in Land.This change in LUCC causes a significant Land uses are an important factor influencing the physical impact on the hydrology by disturbing the normal conditions of the catchment as well as an indicator of the hydrological processes. Future change in runoff magnitude, types of sources of water which are active for the change variability, duration of the river flow event are used within the catchment. The terrestrial use and hydrology hydrological issues. Reduction of land cover results in relationship is complex, with linkages existing spatial and significant changes in basin hydrologic responses, such as temporal scales; however, land use unquestionably has a decreased interception, evapotranspiration, increased runoff large impact on regional water yield. Land use directly volumes, higher river flow peaks and lower base flows. GIS impact on the hydrology of surface and subsurface flow that and remote sensing serve to prepare inputs to the SWAT occurs during and after rainfall occurrence Mustard, J., R. et model which helped to predict and quantify the impacts of al [1]. Changes in land use alter water balance in hydrologic land use change on the hydrology of any watershed. cycle such as evaporation, groundwater recharge and stream Consequently, such effect of land use/cover change have discharge Chase, et al [2]. been widely contributing change of hydrological parameters The study on Microclimate models have even indicated that in Weib River Watershed. land use land cover change affects global metrological General Objective patterns, which initiate the global hydrological cycle in the The aim of this study is to compare the spatial and temporal pattern and magnitude Revised Manuscript Received on September 07, 2019 Tesfahun Addisu, Water resources and Irrigation Engineering, Madda Walabu University, College of Engineering, Bale Robe , Ethiopia. Published By: Retrieval Number J95310881019/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.J9531.0981119 2381 & Sciences Publication Modeling change of Land use on Hydrological Response of River by Remedial Measures using Arc SWAT: Case of Weib Catchment, Ethiopia of land use change on hydrology of Weib river flow by using following figure shows the ways for water balance within GIS ArcSWAT interface simulation Model SWAT2009. Generally, the land phase of the hydrologic cycle of Specific objective SWAT2009 model simulation is established on the water Assess the extent of past space-time land use changes balance equation below. Evaluate the hydrological performance of the To compare the hydrological impacts on the river flow t SWt SWo (R Qs Ea Ws Q ) (1) Recommend necessary water conservation measures i1 d d Surface Runoff Generation To address the aforementioned objectives, the research SWAT2009 model used two surface runoff calculation questions for this study are: methods; a modification of the Soil Conservation Service Curve Number method or the Green & Ampt infiltration Is there LULC change in Weib Watershed over the past method Green, W.H. and Ampt, G.A [9]. The CN method three decades? was originally established for small agronomic catchments What is the trend of LULC and its effect on Weib and varies non-linearly with the moisture content of the soil. River? In this method, the ratio of actual retention to maximum Does the LULC change affect the watershed hydrology? retention is assumed to be equal to the ratio of direct runoff to How will the land cover changes affect the hydrologic rainfall minus initial abstraction by using the equation response of the watershed? 2 Rd Ia II. MATERIALS AND METHODS Qs (2) R Ia S Description of Study Area d 2 The total area of the watershed is 7407.42 Km . In terms The variable S varies with antecedent soil moisture and other of geographic coordinates the catchment is bounded between variables, it can be estimated as; 7022’ and 7043’ N Latitude and 39058’ and 41004’ E 25400 Longitude. The rainfall of Weib River watershed is generally S 254 (3) highest on the highlands at elevations over 3072m a.m.s CN reaches mean annual as high as 1380mm and lowest in the lowlands with a mean annual value 547mm. The mean air By considering surface retention the surface runoff temperature in the area ranges between 6.6-16.4oC. equation becomes: 2 Rd 0.2S Qs (4) Rd 0.8S Equation 3 is used to modify the curve number if a wet condition exists: 20CN CN S (5) 10 0.1CN S Peak Runoff Rate The peak discharge or the peak surface runoff rate is the maximum volume flow rate passing a particular location during a storm event. SWAT calculates the peak runoff rate with a modified rational method. tc*QSurf * Area q (6) peak 3.6*tc Figure II.1: Topography of study area Description of Swat Model The hydrological processes simulated by SWAT2009 SWAT estimates the value of α using the following equation include precipitation, evapotranspiration, surface run-off, groundwater flow, and river flow. The model is adept of tc 1 exp2*tconc * Ln(10.5 ) (7) simulating channel routes and receiving hydrologic cycle in time-steps. Moreover SWAT2009, a daily water balance is recognized used for every HRU based on these parameters that increase physical description of the model. The Published By: Retrieval Number J95310881019/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.J9531.0981119 2382 & Sciences Publication International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-11, September 2019 Computation of Evapotranspiration The Penman approach is used for approximating evapotranspiration combines the mass transfer and energy balance approach because of which it gained strong physical base Dingman, S.L. [10].The Penman Monteith requires radiation, air temperature, air humidity, and wind speed data. 900 0.408(R n G) u 2 (es e a ) ET T 273 (8) o (1 0.34u ) 2 SWAT Model Input Parameters Digital Elevation Data To create Arc Swat Dataset, the model need to access ArcGIS compatible raster (Grids) and vector datasets (shape files and feature classes) and database files which provide Fig II.2: Land use classes of Weib watershed certain types of information about the watershed.
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