INSIDE:• Independent Ukraine – a special section to commemorate • the anniversary beginning on page 7. Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association Vol. LXVI HE KRAINIANNo. 34 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 23, 1998 EEKLY$1.25/$2 in Ukraine SevenT years after:U frustrated dreams Finance ministerW assures investors by Roman Woronowycz Yulia Hulieva, 21, an accountant, com- Kyiv Press Bureau mented: “Independence started not badly. of Ukrainian market’s stability All of our dreams were fulfilled. ... KYIV – Seven years after Ukraine’s Independence in Ukraine came and we declaration of independence, this county by Roman Woronowych notes, Finance Minister Mitiukov said, were all optimists. Everybody dreamed Kyiv Press Bureau “In purely technical terms, the Finance of more than 50 million people feels as that as the years progressed, we would Ministry can accommodate all of its debt though it has seen few results. Seven better understand.” Then she added, “But KYIV – The Ukrainian financial market commitments in any [type of] currency Ukrainians strolling the Khreshchatyk, with every year the dream becomes less will be able to withstand the monetary col- Kyiv’s main thoroughfare, expressed understandable.” lapse of the Russian ruble, Ukraine’s min- within days, if needed.” their feelings as Ukrainian independence Liuda Onyshchenko was critical of ister of finance assured the public and the Viktor Yuschenko, chairman of the day approaches. Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada: It is like a international community on August 18. National Bank of Ukraine, was more “What do you want from me? I am a stable, “you cannot enter without getting “The government of Ukraine and the forthcoming about possible develop- photographer,” said Kostiatyn Verbetskii, “I dirty.” National Bank of Ukraine will take all ments of this situation in the economy don’t see it as Ukraine. I used to be an elec- Anatolii Stoliar, 51, once worked for the necessary measures to stabilize the when he said, “If the crisis in Russia trical engineer, now I have become a pho- KGB. “I could not have admitted this to continues to deepen, then we have to tographer. Now I have more variety, but national financial market,” said Minister anybody seven years ago,” said Mr. of Finance Yurii Mutiukov. (Continued on page 14) less money, so they tell me that is good.” Stoliar. “I look at Ukraine’s independence Nonetheless, the hryvnia, besieged by “Get out of here, America,” he added. with happiness. We are now sovereign and a depleted monetary reserve fund caused A visitor from Ivano-Frankivsk, Taras free. The problem is that we cannot trust Barachuk, said, “Look at it this way, our leadership. Do you understand?” he by the government’s inability to collect when you give a dog freedom, that dog added. revenue and hard currency, and affected UNA executives hold eats less but barks and bites more.” Svitlana Storozhuk, 40, stated, “I don’t by the financial collapse in Asia as well His friend, slightly built with an aggres- look at Ukraine at this moment as an as Russia, continued to fall after the sive attitude, shared her feelings on the independent country. The Communists finance minister’s statement. post-convention meeting Ukrainian economy, which is in transition: maintain power in government. Towards In one day, the trading value of by Martha Lysko Ukraine’s currency, the hryvnia, dropped “Seventy years of communism – as a phi- what are we striving?” PARSIPPANY, N.J. — The first post- by 7 percent, even as the National Bank losophy student, I understand that,” said Unscientific though it may be, this convention meeting of the Executive of Ukraine attempted to prop it up. Oleksandra Fokseli. “But I don’t under- short survey of public attitudes seems to Committee of the Ukrainian National stand why Ukraine still does not have a Seeking to reassure international banks indicate that the roll of the dice has not Association was held on Saturday, middle class.” yet given Ukraine its lucky sevens. that have invested in Ukraine’s treasury August 8, at the UNA Home Office. Ulana Diachuk, UNA president, warmly greeted and congratulated the newly elected executive committee. Yachting expedition’s goal: to help world discover Ukraine In attendance were: Stefko Kuropas, by Roman Woronowycz first vice–president; the Rev. Myron Kyiv Press Bureau Stasiw, director for Canada; Martha Lysko, national secretary; Stefan KYIV – Imagine a round-the-world voyage on a 25-meter Kaczaraj, treasurer; and the chairman of yacht with a cement hull. Dmytro Birioukovitch has the Auditing Committee, William dreamed it and now wants to make the trip a reality. Pastuszek. Anya Dydyk-Petrenko, sec- He and the enthusiasts he has gathered around him ond vice-president, was unable to attend. believe that too little is known around the world about The participants of the Executive Ukraine, and that a trans-global sailing voyage would help Committee’s quarterly meeting heard the world discover Ukraine. reports for the first half of 1998 and The 59-year-old owner of the two sailing vessels, the 25- meter schooner Batkivschyna and the 25-meter brigantine closely examined all membership gains Pochaina, said he got the idea for the voyage after sailing the and losses. The pre-convention member- Mediterranean and realizing that seven years after independ- ship campaign netted 79 new applica- ence few people know something about Ukraine, or even tions for total annual premiums of that such a country exists. $13,684.48. The UNA is still looking to “In Israel,” Mr. Birioukovitch recalled, “we were amazed increase membership. At the same time, at the number of people who came up to our boat and asked, the pool of willing and capable organiz- ‘That flag, what country does it represent?” ers is dwindling, and they must be Mr. Birioukovitch and his partner, Roman Maliarchuk, replaced with a new sales force. 34, who owns a travel agency in Kyiv, decided that they At the end of June, 22,000 letters were could let the world know about Ukraine and further their sent from the Home Office to all mem- own sailing interests by sailing around the globe in Mr. bers who have life insurance policies Birioukovitch’s two vessels and acting as goodwill ambassa- with the UNA. The letter briefly dors for Ukraine. informed the members about convention The “Discover Ukraine” expedition, as the project has resolutions regarding the increase in fra- been dubbed in English (in Ukrainian it is being called “Let ternal dues and the decrease in subscrip- the World Discover Ukraine”), plans 90 ports-of-call during tion prices for the UNA’s two newspa- its five-year journey. At each port, crew members will set up pers. In the same mailing the UNA intro- a pavilion with information on Ukraine, its history, geogra- duced a new membership package that phy, natural resources, industries, investment possibilities offers a discount card for members. As and agricultural potential. part of its fraternal benefits, the UNA Mr. Maliarchuk said the emphasis will be on getting paid nearly $100,000 in annual premi- information about Ukraine out to the general public. “The ums for 2,170 UNA members who are governments of the world may know about Ukraine, but the age 79 and older. average person doesn’t,” said Mr. Maliarchuk. Captain Dmytro Birioukovitch (right) with Roman As previously reported, the Ukrainian (Continued on page 6) Maliarchuk, project director of “Discover Ukraine.” Fraternal Association at its quadrennial (Continued on page 3) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 23, 1998 No. 34 NEWS ANALYSIS NEWSBRIEFSNEWSBRIEFS Independent Orthodox parish Ukrainians divided on independence been printed. The salary debt for educa- tional workers totals 419.1 million hrv. KYIV – A study published in The The situation is worst in the Kirovohrad, fights for its rights in Donetsk Willard Group Report by the Institute of Ternopil, Chernivtsi and Rivne oblasts by Felix Corley Street, which had been closed in 1962 Social and Political Psychology of the and Crimea, where salaries have not been Keston News Service during the persecutions of Nikita Academy of Psychological Science paid for three to seven months. (Eastern Khrushchev. The regional executive reports that 61 percent of citizens feel Economist) DONETSK – Nearly six months after committee ruled on September 6, 1995, Ukraine should remain independent, 19 Ukraine’s Supreme Arbitration Court ruled (Decision No. 203) to hand over the percent do not feel Ukraine should be Yalta anniversary fest under way that it no longer had the right to use its church to the community at the end of independent and 21 percent are undecid- church building or even call itself a reli- ed. Furthermore, 31 percent said that a YALTA – A celebration of Yalta’s 1997, after the occupant, the 160th anniversary began on August 15 gious community, the independent Donetskvuhillia company, had finished referendum should be held on “restoring Orthodox Spaso-Preobrazhenska Parish in the union of brother Soviet nations.” with a fair, performances by song and building a new administration complex. dance ensembles, theatrical productions, Donetsk has vowed to carry on the fight Since gaining possession, the communi- Thirty-seven percent oppose such a refer- for its rights. “We have shown resoluteness endum. (Eastern Economist) an air show and a parade of brass bands. ty has done extensive repairs to the in fighting for our legitimate right to be an Ukrainian Naval and Russia Black Sea building. independent Orthodox community, some- Coal disaster takes lives of 20 miners fleet personnel are participating in the Increasingly dissatisfied with inter- thing that does not contradict the legisla- celebrations. (Eastern Economist) Orthodox disputes in Ukraine and the LUHANSK – Twenty miners have tion of Ukraine and international legal Kyiv Patriarchate’s stand, the parish been killed and four more people are Chernihiv workers discover treasures standards,” Archimandrite Yurii Yurchyk, decided to leave the Kyiv missing after a methane explosion at the pastor, told Keston News Service on July KYIV –Workers at a McDonald’s con- Patriarchate’s jurisdiction in August LuhanskVuhillia Party Congress mine 16.
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