- and Patricia MeOraw. 28. 1808 lfthi Hobart at. n.w.. and Lucllla Lillian. end Anne cnimtn Wallace. at n.w. | , 18. Brook- I Laisarl. 23. 2701 14th at. n.w. I ling. Maas. THE SUNDAY STAR, Washington, D. C. Paul Arnold Gorge. 30. and Mavma Ar- Richard Ware Stone. 28. 2707 Adame i Octree Pearson 10. 5313 Dig at. n.e.. Pierce. 21. both SUNDAY. MAT 8. 1987 A-41 MARRIAGE Mill rd. n w and Nance Lee Nelson. Klrkeraay. of 2820 18th MEETINGS 25. Sprint. and Delorae 24. 312 Dl- CITIZENS' Silver | I vision ave. n.e. Joseph Ball. Ir., 20. 001 Fifth at. as Harry William Turner. 35. and Edith and Dorothy young. 17, Oladya Radford. 30. both of 1820 [Uriah Vermillion Move. 28. Port Belvolr, Mae 413 (Meeting announcements Tuesday LICENSE ! Va.. and Fonda Marie Akera, 18, Second at. a.e. Monroe at. n.w. 1 Oroveton. Pa. Whirled Mehrlng. 25, 1008 Florida ave- •tore boon Monday: Langley Perk, 12:39 to p.m. must be in the hands the Culpeper. nue Margaret Sylvia Smith. of Brlghtwood Citizens’ Associa- William Persuaon. 80. Va.. and Elvina, 24. 2112 pi. n.w.. and editor by noon Maraaret Ella Smith. 48. 1020 Ben-1 [Peter Bancroft n.w.. 23. 1900 BUtmore at. n.w. Washington, to • Civic Calendar tion, Paul Junior High School, APPLICATIONS nett pi. n.e. 9:30 p.m. Thursday of each week to in- Eighth and Oglethrope streets John Vincent Jonei. 28, 1725 Capitol sure publication in the column Under D. C. law couples must ave. n.e.. and Mildred Virginia Sloan. NW. 31. 1707 Capitol ave n.e. apply for a marriage license on / Sunday. Those received too Crestwood Citizens’ Associa- Joel Webb. 40. 1110 lat it. e.w., and late will not be used separately one day, wait three full days Annie BUI Btone. 40. 1265 HaU at. tion, Grace Lutheran Church, a.w. unless there is some special and receive the license on the Sixteenth and Vamum streets fifth day. Sundays and holi- Elmer Woodrow Pettit. Ir.. 21. Hyatta- news significance attached to N.W. vllle. and Melva Jeanna Raecke. 23. them.) days are counted the same as Andrewa Air Force Base. other Rciirr Wlnsfleld Lueby. Ir.. 21. 5707 Palisades Citizen* Association. days. 14th at. n.w.. and Margot Marta Poo- Claude Mahoney, radio com* Palisades Field House, Sherrler ler 20. 1348 Madison at. n.w. Edward Eugune Tartar. <7. and Lucille mentator, will speak Edmunds places N.W. Shepard. Daniel Wilfred Strlshock. 28. 3000 Con- tomorrow and 38. both of 70 O at. n.e. necticut ave. n.w.. and Joan* Marie night of Jamea Willard Zeberiein. 23. Haddonfleld, 2022 Tennyson at. at the annual dinner Southeast Council, Eastern N. Cook. 25. n.w. J.. and Ann Mae Llnthlcum. 20. Ocorge Irving Murrey. 25, Varnum the American University Park Branch of the YMCA, 1611 2231 Oue at. n.w. 721 at. n.w.. and Barbara Anne May. 20. | Citizens Association in West- S.E. John Edaar Pancoat. 33, 533 I at. a.e., I 5080 sheriff rd. n.e. Seventeenth street . Garland Glenn Brandy- j/gnsburgh's Moore. 24. 701 moreland Congregational Church, wine at. a.e.. Betty S and Adnora Archer. Wednesday • Massachusetts avenue and West- 18. 13IH Congress at. a.e. WASHINGTON 0 C lANGIfV PARK MARYLAND Cora Kelly School, Reed and George Bernard Kalb. 35. Baltimore, moreland circle NW. The dinner Association of Oldest Inhabi- and Bvlvla Spltalsky. 27, 1738 18th begins Commonwealth avenues, Alexan- IlfCj V * ] at 6:30 o’clock with a tants, Board Room of the Na- John David Carpenter, 21. 4305 Third V.'V business meeting following. Savings dria. at n.w.. and Mary Lue Austin, 10. tional and Trust Co., 203 D at. n.w. Representative Dawson, Dem- Fifteenth street and New York I Tuesday Thomas Henry Koese. 23. 2700 Adams ocrat of Illinois, will address the Mill rd. n.w.. and Bettye Jean Martin. avenue N.W. Arlington Civic Federation, 24. Cincinnati. Ohio. Ivy City-Trinidad Citizens As- ; Leonard Williams. 28. 3901 Tunlaw rd. - Douglas Heights p.m. Friday Garfield Barnes and Kimel Auditorium, n.w.. and Joann Miles. 27. 4004 Ed- sociation at 8 in the Association, Turner Ele- munds at n.w Wheatley Elementary School, Civic Clarendon. ißenJamln Franklin Holeman. 36, 1704 mentary School, road Montello avenue and street Stanton Neal and Alabama avenue S.E. N.E. ? Greater Selection—Better Values Hawthorne Citizens Associa- Tomorrow tion, Chevy Chase Community Citizens Association of Ta- Center, Connecticut avenue and koma. D. C„ Takoma Elementary Northampton street N.W. MEN, School, Piney Branch road and FOR WOMEN Dahlia street N.W. Rhode Island Avenue Citizens AND CHILDREN Dupont Association. Bateman’s Store, Circle Citizens Asso- 2004 Rhode Island N.E. Thousands of fht finest quality m ciation, pjn., Mayflower avenue 4:30 Sunglasses. Expensive Hotel. Thursday frame from Forest Hills Citizens Associa- our regular stack. OIMV tion, Congress Heights Citizens As- Many French end Italian imports recreation room of the Congress Heights Brandywine Apartments, 4545 sociation. Ele- Fancy special mentary street and DOWNTOWN frames. avenue N.W. School. Fifth Connecticut 1 One-es-a-number . exclusive items. Nichols avenue S.E. Fort Dupont Civic Association, All the flattering newest shapes No. 14 police precinct. Forty- Federation of Citizens Associa- fl PARK-SHOP flllr«dUC«d tO optical second street and Benning road tions, Board Room of the District in frames. Oil*low pHct N.E. Building, Fourteenth and E Lamond-Riggs Citizens’ Asso- streets N.W. 2 sos 4 50 ciation, Christian Reformed Northeast Washington Citi- it Church, Oneida street and New zens Association. 1010 Massachu- Hampshir’e avenue N-E- setts avenue N.E. ' ‘"B. Everyday—wherever • 520 10th St. N.W. Manor Park Citizens' Associa- Friday ¦ you see this sign SMmQ tion. Whittier Elementary School, OPTICAL cqj Fifth and Sheridan streets N.W. The Washington Citizens As- RE. 7-5150 .. PARK North Randle Citizens’ Asso- sociation. 8:15 p.m., Altamont FREE Elementary Apartments, 1901 Wyoming avF- ciation, Bunker Hill ttsttimnimmmmTjmsmmmmmmimsmmmacm School, Fourteenth street and nue N.W. Michigan avenue N.E. Maryland * 0 store I m Minnesota-River Terrace- Tomorrow hours Monday: Langley Park, 12:30 to 0:30 p.nt.; Washington, 9:30 to 0 p.m. r\ North Handle Citizens’ Asso- Randolph Civic Association. m I Greenway Shop, ciation, Rocking Horse Road Elementary 3538 East Capitol Jlarber street. , School, Randolph Hills. National Gateway Citizens’ Association, Avalon Heights Wednesday ‘ VjaagfK ll|| ’' i Church of Christ, Twenty-eighth Rock Creek Hills Citizens As- •" B W&mm '¦ * flHll and Douglas streets N.E. sociation, Kensington Junior t j&k -X Public Interest Civic Associa- High School, Kensington. Jwnsbi/rghs tion, Northeastern Public li- y&ifi Silver Hill Citizens Association, Wmt brary, Seventh street and Mary- Heights 8:30 pm.. Hillcrest WASHINGTON 0 t lANGtfV SASK MASUANO land avenue N.E. Elementary School. Hillcrest ¦JP k 9 Southwest Citizens’ Associa- Heights. tion, Southwestern Public li- Ww k brary, Seventh and H streets , Tomorrow Glencarlyn Citizens Associa- w JBm Mm. S.W. \ K ft v . Rr m Stanton Park Citizens’ Associ- , tion, Carlin Hall. 5711 Fourth icy-cool, and so tvell groomed! ation, Peabody Elementary . street South, Arlington. School, Fifth and C streets N.E. .1 Lynhaven Citizens Association, First Americans View cotton cord Cliff Art in Guiana summer v Back In Washington with a 1 1by plane. Thy decided to lnves- /fSSj Uy Efc suits fu\J) <3 documentary trophy from the tlgate. ysNIiB •JB -11 | Hjt Jungles of British Guiana are The paintings were described /IH. M two future businessmen who willtjas covering the side of a cliff soon get their diplomas from the > which is protected from the University of Maryland. weather. The drawings, they The pair are Marty April. 24. , said, are crude—mainly of ani- of 1604 Roxanna road N.W.. and l mals or hand prints—and “hun- Edward Heymann, 25, of Balti- dreds of years old.” more. Their prize is a statement, on g*lil7rTilTmlilS¥7Tfi official British Guiana govern- ¦ ' There'* something special about a ment stationery saying that the '’m MiJl two “are the first Americans to aTcotton cord suit! Something won- reach the Indian cliff paintings SWIM! ’ vjj. xJKZjQA JJP i derful about the woy it stays crisp known as the Tramen Cliffs, lo- A Ljf &¦ end fresh looking through a muggy cated in the Pakaraima Moun- tain Range in Western British : Guiana.” \ -W young J The adventurers fin- Expert Instruction ished Maryland’s Business Ad- ministration School in February, “ADMISSION tATIS" —Mr. April with a major in > ADULTS, 80c; Military, 65c transportation. Mr. Heymann 16) with relations. 1 Student. <l2 to 65c a major in public Children 50c at All They spend Tina* decided to the in- ' ROHM: 11 A.M. 111 10 P.M. Dally. terim. between February and | Incl Saturday., Sandaya and hallday. V 1 m WaU» Tea aura tar. SO D.eraa. June graduation “exploring the Suam Tea aura tar. SA Degraaa business possibilities” in the An-Condiitonte lochar 'Rooms little-known South American i country. they While in British Guiana jEff I;!>SSE?T \ . Lansburgh's—BUDGET SUITS- heard stories of the cliff paint- Wattlino ton and Langley Park, ings—located more than 200 1 Rjy| miles inland and accessible only V.; special! % Monday hour*: Langley Park, 12:3* to 9:30 p.m.f Washington, _ PR 9:30 a.aa. to • p.M. just when you need it! pS jfansburghs handsome new styles! WASHINGTON Os - LANGLEY PARK MARYLAND smart under the sun: lightweight washable, handsome spun rayon! Eska* protein wave JR * proportioned .
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