2021 BAREROOT WISH LIST PAGE 1 of 9 Customer Name: Order Contact Name: Customer Number: Contact Email: Telephone: Delivery Address: Postcode: Signature: Date: FRUIT TREES APPLE QTY ALMOND QTY Easy Care™ - Crimson Crisp™ cv. 'Co-op 39' A All-in-One™ Self-fertile Easy Care™ - Pixie Crunch™ cv. ‘Co-op 33’ A APRICOT QTY ‘Gala’ ‘Divinity’ ‘Golden Delicious’ ‘Moorpark’ ‘Granny Smith’ ‘Story’ ‘Jonathan’ ‘Trevatt’ Pink Lady™ CHERRY QTY ‘Red Delicious’ ‘Lapins’ Self-fertile ‘Red Fuji’ ‘Morello’ Sour cherry DWARF APPLE QTY Dwarf Easy Care™ - Crimson Crisp™ cv. ‘Co-op 39’ A Dwarf Easy Care™ - Pixie Crunch™ cv. ‘Co-op 33’ A Dwarf ‘Gala’ Dwarf ‘Golden Delicious’ ‘Minnie Royal’ A White, Low Chill Dwarf ‘Granny Smith’ ‘Royal Crimson’ A White, Low Chill Dwarf Pink Lady™ ‘Royal Lee’ White, Low Chill Dwarf ‘Red Fuji’ ‘Royal Rainier’ A White SPECIALTY APPLE QTY ‘Starkrimson’ Self-fertile ® Ballerina Columnar Apple - ‘Bolero’ A ‘Stella’ Self-fertile ® Ballerina Columnar Apple - ‘Flamenco’ A ‘Sunburst’ Self-fertile ® ® ® Ballerina Columnar Apple - ‘Polka’ A Trixzie Miniature Cherry Black Cherree Ballerina® Columnar Apple - ‘Waltz’ A Trixzie® Miniature Cherry White Cherree® Skinny® Columnar Apple - ‘Dita’ A CHESTNUT QTY Trixzie® Miniature Apple ‘Gala’ ‘Fleming’s Prolific’ Grafted Trixzie® Miniature Apple Pink Lady™ ‘Fleming’s Special’ Grafted Seedling Quarantine Restrictions: Subject to change by government authorities at any time. Minimum order quantities apply. Please read conditions of sale attached. All stock must be ordered in bundles *Eligibility of this plant as a registrable plant variety under Section 43(6) of the Plant Breeder’s Rights Act 1994 of five (excluding weepers). Broken bundles will incur a 20% surcharge. All prices are in $AUD. will expire on 1.6.2021. Fleming’s Nurseries Pty Ltd ABN 35 006 532 556 PO Box 1 Monbulk VIC 3793 AUST T 03 9756 6105 F 03 9752 0005 E [email protected] flemings.com.au Freecall order line:1800 72 74 76* *landlines only E&OE 2021 BAREROOT WISH LIST PAGE 2 of 9 Customer Name: Customer Number: FRUIT TREES ‘May Grand’ ® Okee Dokee Flat-style Nectarine Peacharine ® Queen Giant F2 CROSS BRED FRUITS QTY Trixzie® Miniature - ‘Nectazee’ A F2 Fruit® ‘Cot N Candy’ A Apricot x Plum ‘Sunbob’ Yellow flesh, Low chill F2 Fruit® ‘Flavor Supreme’ A* Plum x Apricot ‘Sun Snow’ White flesh, Low chill F2 Fruit® ‘PlumScrumptious’ A Plum x Apricot PEACH QTY F2 Fruit® ‘LittleChum’ A Plum x Cherry ‘Anzac’ White Flesh, Clingstone F2 Fruit® ‘Spicezee’ Nectarine x Plum Double Jewel® Yellow flesh F2 Fruit® ‘Sugar N Spice’ A Nectarine x Plum ‘Daisy’ White flesh FIG QTY ‘Elberta’ Yellow flesh ‘Black Genoa’ ‘Flordagold’ Yellow flesh, Low chill ‘Brown Turkey’ ‘Golden Queen’ Yellow flesh, Clingstone ® ‘Preston Prolific’ Okee Dokee Flat-style Peach Yellow flesh ® ‘White Adriatic’ Skinny Columnar Peach ‘Crimson Rocket’ ‘White Genoa’ ‘Tasty Zee’ A White flesh ® HAZELNUT QTY Trixzie Miniature Peach ‘Pixzee’ A Yellow flesh ‘American White’ ‘Tropic Beauty’ Yellow flesh Low chill ‘Cosford’ ‘White Opal’ White flesh Low chill ‘Lambert’ PEAR (European) QTY ‘Red Aveline’ ‘Beurre Bosc’ MEDLAR QTY ‘Corella’ ‘Dutch’ ‘Josephine’ MULBERRY QTY ‘Packham’s Triumph’ ‘Black English’ ‘Paradise’ Bite-size mini pear ‘Hicks Fancy’ ‘Sensation’ White Trixzie® Miniature Pear ‘Pyvert’ A NECTARINE QTY ‘Williams’ ‘Arctic Rose’ PEAR (Nashi Asian Pear) QTY ‘Fantasia’ ‘Nijisseiki’ ‘Goldmine’ ‘Shinseiki’ Quarantine Restrictions: Subject to change by government authorities at any time. Minimum order quantities apply. Please read conditions of sale attached. All stock must be ordered in bundles *Eligibility of this plant as a registrable plant variety under Section 43(6) of the Plant Breeder’s Rights Act 1994 of five (excluding weepers). Broken bundles will incur a 20% surcharge. All prices are in $AUD. will expire on 1.6.2021. Fleming’s Nurseries Pty Ltd ABN 35 006 532 556 PO Box 1 Monbulk VIC 3793 AUST T 03 9756 6105 F 03 9752 0005 E [email protected] flemings.com.au Freecall order line:1800 72 74 76* *landlines only E&OE 2021 BAREROOT WISH LIST PAGE 3 of 9 Customer Name: Customer Number: FRUIT TREES PLUM – European QTY Apricot ‘Moorpark’/’Trevatt’ ‘Angelina’ Cherry ‘Royal Rainier’ A / ‘Stella’ ‘Coe’s Golden Drop’ ‘Damson’ Cherry ‘Minnie Royal’ A / ‘Royal Lee’ ‘President’ F2 Fruit® ‘Flavor Supreme’ A / ’Mariposa’ Sugar Plum PLUM (Japanese) QTY Nashi ‘Nijisseiki’/ ’Shinsui’ ‘Luisa’ A Self-fertile Nectarine ‘Goldmine’/ ’May Grand’ ‘Mariposa’ ‘Primetime’ A OkeeDokee® Flat-style Nectarine / Peach ‘Santa Rosa’ Peach Double Jewel® / ‘Tasty Zee’ A POMEGRANATE QTY ‘Mollar de Elche’ Pear ‘Packham’s Triumph’/ ’Williams’ ‘Wonderful’ Trixzie® Miniature ’Nectazee’A / ‘Pixzee’A PRUNE QTY ‘d’Agen’ 3-WAY MULTI GRAFTED FRUIT TREES QTY ‘Robe de Sergeant’ Easycare™ Crimson Crisp™ cv. ‘Co-op 39’A QUINCE QTY Apple / Pixie Crunch™ cv. ‘Co-op 33’A / ’William’s Pride’ ‘Champion’ Apple ‘Gala’ / Pink Lady™ / ’Red Delicious’ ‘Smyrna’ WALNUT QTY Apple ‘Gala’ / Pink Lady™ / ’Red Fuji’ Juglans nigra Black Apple ’Golden Delicious’ / ’Granny Smith’/ ’Jonathan’ 2-WAY MULTI GRAFTED FRUIT TREES QTY Apricot ’Moorpark’ / ’Story’/ ’Trevatt’ Easycare™ Crimson Crisp™ cv. ‘Co-op 39’A F2 Fruit® ’Flavor Supreme’ A / ’Mariposa’ Apple / Pixie Crunch™ cv. ‘Co-op 33’A / ’Santa Rosa’ Apple ‘Gala’/ ’Red Delicious’ Nectarine ’Fantasia’ / ’Goldmine’/ ’May Grand’ Apple ’Gala’/ ‘Red Fuji’ Peach Double Jewel® / ’Redhaven’/ ’Tasty Zee’ A Peach/Nectarine Double Jewel®/ Queen Giant® Apple ‘Golden Delicious’/ ’Granny Smith’ / ’Tasty Zee’ A Apple ’Granny Smith’ / ‘Jonathan’ Pear ’Beurre Bosc’ / ’Packham’/ ’Williams’ Quarantine Restrictions: Subject to change by government authorities at any time. Minimum order quantities apply. Please read conditions of sale attached. All stock must be ordered in bundles *Eligibility of this plant as a registrable plant variety under Section 43(6) of the Plant Breeder’s Rights Act 1994 of five (excluding weepers). Broken bundles will incur a 20% surcharge. All prices are in $AUD. will expire on 1.6.2021. Fleming’s Nurseries Pty Ltd ABN 35 006 532 556 PO Box 1 Monbulk VIC 3793 AUST T 03 9756 6105 F 03 9752 0005 E [email protected] flemings.com.au Freecall order line:1800 72 74 76* *landlines only E&OE 2021 BAREROOT WISH LIST PAGE 4 of 9 Customer Name: Order Contact Name: Customer Number: Contact Email: Address: Postcode: Telephone: Facsimile: Signature: Date: ORNAMENTAL TREES Acer palmatum ‘Shishigashira’ Dwarf Acer palmatum ‘Villa Taranto’ Acer rubrum ‘Bowhall’ Acer x freemanii ‘Armstrong’ ACER - Maple QTY Acer x freemanii Celebration™ Acer x freemanii Autumn Blaze® Acer x freemanii Scarlet Sentinel™ Acer rubrum ‘Fairview Flame’ A BETULA - Birch QTY ® Acer rubrum October Glory Betula pendula ‘Dalecarlica’ Acer rubrum ‘Frank Jr’ A Redpointe NEW! Betula pendula ‘Fastigiata’ This long awaited release of Canadian Maple is world renowned as “the best” of Betula pendula Silver birch the rubrum species. Acer rubrum ‘Frank Jr’ A Redpointe is set to lead the Lipstick revolution with blazing red autumn foliage and a superior form! Betula populifolia x ‘Royal Frost’ ACER - Maple QTY CELTIS - Hackberry QTY Acer buergerianum Trident maple Celtis australis Acer japonicum ‘Vitifolium’ Acer negundo Box elder Acer negundo ‘Sensation’ Sterile Acer palmatum ‘Atropurpureum’ Acer palmatum ‘Bonfire’ Acer palmatum ‘Butterfly’ CERCIS - Redbud QTY Acer palmatum ‘Dissectum Crimsonwave’ A Cercis canadensis ‘Aurelian’ A* Golden foliage Acer palmatum ‘Dissectum Seiryu’ Upright Cercis canadensis ‘Chain of Hearts’ A Golden foliage Acer palmatum ‘Elegans’ Cercis canadensis ‘Forest Pansy’ Purple foliage Acer palmatum (Polymorphum) Cercis canadensis ‘Oklahoma’ Green foliage Acer palmatum ‘Osakazuki’ Cercis. chinensis ‘Avondale’ Green foliage Acer palmatum ‘Red Pygmy’ CORNUS - Dogwood QTY Acer palmatum ‘Sango Kaku’ syn. ‘Senkaki’ Cornus sericea f. baileyi Red Twig Acer palmatum ‘Shaina’ Dwarf Cornus sericea ‘Flaviramea’ Yellow Twig Quarantine Restrictions: Subject to change by government authorities at any time. Minimum order quantities apply. Please read conditions of sale attached. All stock must be ordered in bundles *Eligibility of this plant as a registrable plant variety under Section 43(6) of the Plant Breeder’s Rights Act 1994 of five (excluding weepers). Broken bundles will incur a 20% surcharge. All prices are in $AUD. will expire on 1.6.2021. Fleming’s Nurseries Pty Ltd ABN 35 006 532 556 PO Box 1 Monbulk VIC 3793 AUST T 03 9756 6105 F 03 9752 0005 E [email protected] flemings.com.au Freecall order line:1800 72 74 76* *landlines only E&OE 2021 BAREROOT WISH LIST PAGE 5 of 9 Customer Name: Customer Number: ORNAMENTAL TREES COTINUS - Smoketree QTY Cotinus coggygria ‘Flame’ FRAXINUS - Ash QTY Fraxinus americana ‘Appldell’ Autumn Applause™ Fraxinus americana Sparticus™ LAGERSTROEMIA - Crepe Myrtle QTY Fraxinus angustifolia ‘Raywood’ Claret ash Lagerstroemia ‘Coral Magic’ A Coral pink flower Fraxinus excelsior ‘Aurea’ Golden ash Lagerstroemia ‘Midnight Magic’ A Purple-maroon foliage and dark pink flower Fraxinus pennsylvanica Cimmaron™ Lagerstroemia ‘Moonlight Magic’ A Deep purple foliage, white-palest pink flower Fraxinus pennsylvanica Urbanite™ Lagerstroemia ‘Plum Magic’ A Fuchsia pink flower GLEDITSIA - Honey-Locust QTY Lagerstroemia ‘Purple Magic’ A Deep green foliage, purple/Violet flower Gleditsia triacanthos ‘Continental’ Lagerstroemia ‘Ruffled Red Magic’ A Carnation-like glowing red flower Gleditsia triacanthos ‘Elegantissima’ Lagerstroemia ‘Sunset Magic’* NEW! Gleditsia triacanthos ‘Rubylace’ Featuring
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