JL VOL. X X X V i. N O. 44 MAINE WOODS, PHILLIPS, MAINE MAY 28, 1914 V* Remington Cubs find that speed helps in the woods G R EY LAKE «■ • - 4 . i rv«. ■ -*• •; V J ^ m & S T Steel Lined SHOT SHELLS^ Cut down your lead—Get your bird with the center of the load IN the making of shotfthells. the greatest forward step since the invention of smokeless powder is the steel lining to grip the powder and concentrate all the drive of the explosion back of the shot It3 a Remington special Invention—tuat steel lining. You find it in Remington-UMC Arrow and Nitro Clubs. One of the Finest Appointed Resort Hotels in the State of Maine 1 hese steel lined shells get their shot to the target quicker man any other shells known to the shooting fraternity. T hey cut down the guess-work about lead and angles! They put the center of the load right on your bird. Center o f the best Trout and Salmon Fishing The steel lining is moisture-proof—no dampness can get throutrh. Jar-proof—no powder can get out. Waste-proof—no energy is lost. Shoot Remington-UMC Arrow and Nitro Club Steel Lined Eastern GOLF, TENNIS, MUSIC, BOATING, BATHING, AUTOING r octory Loaded Shells for Speed Plus Pattern in any make of shotgun. Your dealer carries them—or. if he doesn't, there's a Write for Booklet that will tell You all about it. more alert dealer in thia section who is worth your finding Remington Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co. 299 Broadway |3 New York RANGELEY LAKES HOTEL CO., Rangeley, Maine | MINGO SPRINGS HOTEL AND CAMPS | menu including sailads, cold meats, suit when he came but changed to THE PIERCES hot mmashed potatoes, pickets, dough the linen suit in the afternoon. He % Will open on Wednesday, May 20, under the management of Mrs. B. C. :$ GO TO CAMP nuts, cake and coffee. i was looking for booze most of* the $ J. Eastman. Further particulars will be given in this ad. next week. Forty three tickets were sold from time. & & Phillips to Farmington. The commit* Saturday afternoon he made a call Mr. and Mrs. H . M. Pierce and their ] tee who had the soliciting and ar- on Moses and had a shave and lat­ help and some sportsmen went into rangements in charge were Mrs. er in the day his hair trimmed a King and Bartlett, Sunday, May 24. Flora Dennison, Mrs. Sadie Davis, little. He also asked if he might Some of those that went in were E. V. Holt and Harland White. Now LAKEWOOD GAMPS, Middledam, Maine r go into the back shop and change v Earltoai Mace, F. R. Allen. Mrs. Otis that $38.00 have to be guaranteed h,is suit, but was told there was no V One of the best all around fishing and hunting camps in the Rangeleys. Lake. ? Wit ham, Mrs. Sawyer and boy, Mrs for a train it requires considerable room on account of the wood. (, Pond and Stream fishing all near the camps. The five mils river affords the best of J Robinson, Mrs. Porter of Farmington canvassing to get the necessary a- He made a call at Preble’s drug i ► fly-fishing. Camps with or without bath room. For particulars write for free circular to .; and Mrs. H. Rankin, New York; mount pledged. store and asked for alcohol and put Capt. E. F. COBURN, Middledam, Maine. < Harry Rratten also went in. There in an order for red top snuff. were four buckboards that day. They We understand he went to Ranger crossed the river on the Ferry boat. ley on the night train and from there STRANGE PERSON through to Dead River on foot. He SEASON OF 1914 skipped his board bill at the Hilton POSES AS MAN House. Individual Camps. Rock Fire-places. Fly and Bait Fishing. Lake and Stream Fish­ PLEASANT TRIP ing for Trout. Telephone. Daily Mail. Write for Booklet. TO FARMINGTON Kingfield, May 25—About two JULIAN K. VILES & SON, Tim, Franklin Co., Maine. weeks ago a person giving the name MAY TERM ENDED Following is a list of those from of Fred Dyer of Lewiston applied to Phillips who attended the Rebekah George Crocker of this town for a SATURDAY District meeting at Farmington, May room which was furnished. The per­ 22: Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Holt, Mr. son Dyer was looking for work and Friday afternoon the oases of and Mrs. Chester Allen, Dr. and Mrs. claimed to be an old acquaintance or I Mountain View House Morrill Wing of Phillips vs Daniel E. B. Currier, Mr. and Mrs. Fred chum of one James Jamieson who J’. Field of Phillips and Morrill Mountain View* Maine Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Dana Aldrich,, is working in the woods at some Wing and Ashley J. Wing vs Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Sweetser, Mr. distance from Kingfield who comes For further particulars write or address F. Field were tried. The two and Mrs. W. Dill, Mr. Chas. Barker, to town frequently nights. It later cases being identical were tried to­ Mdms. J. E. Noble, C. F. Chandler, develops that Fred Dyer is a woman L. E. BOW LEY, gether. The controversy was over Frank Haley, Arthur Graffam, Mrs. and claims to be the wife of Jamie­ i Mountain View, Maine. the scale of certain lumber sold by mm* Joel Carlton, Flora Dennison, Lucinda son who it is understood denies the the plan tiffs to the defendant in allegation. The Crockers at first Butterfield, Ira Davenport, S. Bangs, 1912. The following witnesses ap­ Frances Record, Proctor Smith,, deluded as to the sex of their room­ peared for the plaintiffs: Morrill Flora Kelley, Maud Beedy, M. R. er, became suspicious after a time Wing, Ashley J. Wing and Frank GRANT’S CAMPS, KEN NEB AGO, MAINE Keyes, Frank Davis, The Misses E s-, which resulted in ascertaining the Harnden; for the defendant, D. Will open for Fishermen and Tourists when the ice leaves the lakes. telle Barker, Evelyn CaWen, Daley | above facts and a notice from the... I Fj.ed Mo w Kem. We can offer you the best fishing to be had in Maine. Log cabins with Davenport, Lizzie Flagg, Lettice Crockers to leave, and so the snip- tQn ^ g G Ha„ phiaIps, w. bath. Write for information, train service etc. ED GRANT & SON CO. Harnden, Lillian Toothaker, Gladys posed Mrs. Jamieson left tor Far- Fe ^ A_ Go<I]d an„ Hewey, Elsie Badger, Lucy Linekin. mington on tlie noon train Thursday( Pre4 L . Metoatt ot Famnin«ton. The Miss Linekin is a member of the intending it is presumed to begin only contention was over the a- Nortli Anson Lodge. proceedings against her alleged hus­ mount of timber actually delivered. BLAKESLEE LAKE GAMPS Mrs. Maud Peary Foss of Mt. Ver­ band at this term of court for de­ The case went to the jury Saturday non gave a reading, “ How Jim sertion. She claDims she was mar On head waters of famous Spencer Stream near Blakeslee Lake morning and they found a verdict Brann Came Home,” by Holman F. ried to Jamieson at Camden Best Trout and Salmon Fishing, both lake and stream Salmon up to 4 a'71^} for the defendant in both cases. Day, in her usual pleasing manner. that he then gave his name as Fred pounds in size. New Camps. Open Fireplaces Write for booklet. Two appealed cases were disposed Miss Barker sang beautifully and Jamieson. She says she has worked JOSEPH H. W HITE, Proprietor, Eustis, Maine of Saturday morning, that of Patsy responded to an encore. She was in the hospitals at Lewiston and Firtier of Jay who had appealed from accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Portland, has been married before, a sentence in the lower court on a M, E. Staokpole. giving the name of Lambert for her search and seizure charge, and other RANGELEY LAKES AND Miss Vesta C. Whitten of Fair- first husband, and has one daughter. of Medrick Terrien of Jay who ap­ field, president of the Rebekah as­ Mr. Crocker claims he was corn- pealed from a 30 days’ jail sentence' t DEAD RIVER REGION sembly of Maine, plans to visit the pletely deceived by his roomer as to imposed by Justice Thompson. The lodges of this section in September, the sex from that she was able to above two cases comprised all of This wonderful fishing and vacation section is situated on a including Summit of Rangeley, Car- grow a prolific full beard which Was the criminal business transacted at rabasset of Kingfield and Hope of later explained by the knowledge the May term. high tableland in Phillips lodges. that she once traveled with Barnum Ninteen divorces were decreed by N O R T H E R N MAINE The address of welcome was de­ & Bailey’s circus as the “ Bearded Judge Haley, all that were heard at with an ideal climate for the summer vacationist, being situated approximately livered by Mrs. Fred G. Paine of Lady.” Her masquerading in men’s the term. Among them were those 2,000 feet above the sea level, with magnificent mountain scenery, pure spring Farmington, noble grand of Merrill attire in the little village of King- of Samuel S. Carleton of Weld from water, snvijrorating air; with the best of accommodations at moderate prices, field aroused ho open suspicion ex- j ^ E.na r Carlton of Boston; cruel from the modest and comfortable log cabin to the palatial and fashionable ho­ Rebekah lodge, and the response in tel, with its popular outdoor sports; and entertainments and concerts for those behalf of the visitors was by Mrs.
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