• FIFTIOEN CENTS A WEEK. NEW ORLEANS, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 18, 1849 VOLUME I NUMBER 374. [From the N. Y. Literary World.] REMOVAL. ties of New Orleans are in league with the cabmen T>RIESTLEY & BEIN have removed their entire Stock FASHIONABLE DANCING ACADEMY WANTS. THE DAILY CHESCEN 21 Xttanljattaner in Nero GDrkane. and shoemakers." JL of HARDWARB.IRON. &C..&C-, ^ Who knows ! from No«. 19 New Levee and 36 and 40 LADIES' CALISTHENEUM : A S'TUATION WANTED-Br a »«vir. penevsrin« rllRLISHK» KVKKY l>AÏ—SUNDAYS «XCEITICU— THg MUNICIPALITIES—THIIR ARCHITECTURE AND I have often thought with pity of the New Or­ Tchoupitoulas street, to their New Stores, xA man. in s Grocery or WeMern Produce Store, u Ssles- PROMBNADKS. No8. 89 and 91 CA P Street, opposite APOLLO ROOMS, man, or I m any capacity in which he can make hinuelf ine Bv HAYES, M'OUTRE ft OO. leans-ward exiled lielles of Broadway, and Wasli- Natchez street, where they have on hand and are constantly CARONDELET 8T H E ET, NEAR UNION. fnl. salary not. so much an object a* immediateemployment * M. S. M < LIRH..J. C LARttg. .J. o. PltRSUX. [Below we give another of the clever sketches of itigfon, and Chestnut streets, so used to the pecu­ receiving by arrivals from Foreign and ^mestic Manufac­ Aw communication addrened to X. B„ Cranent Office. R. ST. MAUR STUART respectfully intimates to will be promptly attended to. \w* a Manhattaner in New Orleans. From his descrip­ liar delights of their own promenades. In some turers, full supplies of every description of GOODS in their > mine— No. SIff St. Charles Street. line, which they offer for sale at the lowest market prices, and MHeads of Families, and those spending the tions of our streets, and comparisons with those of rash moment, when fate presented to their eyes the on accommodating terms. Country Merchants, Planters. winter in NewOüeans, that, owing to his numer­ dissolving view of a young gentleman in a tender Mechanics and purchasers generally, are requested to call ous engagements, his days of Tuition at the above! Gotham, one would lie led to suppose that New- Rooms, will have to be as follows : Famify. Good reference» can be given. Apply a, the ow­ N E W . O RL E A N S . and impassioned attitude, whispering vows of love, and examine for themselves. The following embraces ^ ner of Live Oak and St. Andrew street,, Lafayette, ink tf York would lie for us Orleanois a paradise of clean­ portion of their stock on hand and afloat, viz : CHILDREN'S CLAS»—Monday. Wednesday, and they forgot, w hile spsaking tlie tremulous " yes," 300 tons English BAR IRON, round, square and flat ; Friday. from 3 to 6 p. M. WANTED. ' ! THURSDAY MOHNINO, JANUARY 18, 1849. liness ; but if we can believe newspaper accounts that their ardent lover was a New Orleans exile ; 50 do. Best Cable .. .. •• •• LADIES' CLASS—Same Days, from 10 to 12 A. M. SITUATION by a middle afed woman a» a child'• 50 do. Pennsylvania GKNTLBMKN'S CLASS—Monday, Wednesday, and Friday A nurse in a family wheietheiemcei of a whit* penon aie the Bowery is not remarkably free from impurities, and little thought what a fate awaited their gaitec Evenings, from 7 to 10. Independence Route to California, 300 do. Tennessee preferred. Satisfactory reference« a> to the character of the and Broadway itself feels the benefits of " Free boots and their bridal attire, when they shipped 10 do. do. Boiler Iron ; tjh Parents and Guardians will at aii times have iree applicant will be given by applying at thi» office. dSD Willi the view of furnishing those who intend themselves to the Crescent City. Trade in the lat­ 10 do. Pennsylvania do.; access to the Classes, to witness the individual, not the col­ Soil." Mr. Manhattan, however, does very well, ter lias put shopping on short commons, and its ex­ 300 bundles Braziers' Rods, K, 5-16 and round : lective style of imparting instructions. WANTE D. poing to California with all the information within 300 do. Sheet Iron, 10 to 26; , Semi-monthly Soirées, for the Pupils only. d!3 SITUATION a» CLERK in a Mercantile House or as though he is not eiactly informed concerning the tent is bounded by some half dozen narrow ill paved 800 do. Hoop Iron. % to 4 inch ; , . A assiitant in a Clerk'» Office of a Court, is wanted by a our reach, we copy the following estimate of tin streets. FASHIONABLE DANOING ACADEMY, middle aged man who ha> had some experience in either organization of our city government, and we do ICO do. Band Iron, 1J4, l>s, 1%, 2 and 2^s inch ; capacity, having been a resident of thi» city fat torn» yean necessary ei|iens.'H on the Independence route : And yet, on sunny days in autumn and winter, 100 plates Tennessee Plough Iron : AMD LADIES' CALISTHENEUM, think the magisterial dignity of our city somewhat 500 Tennessee Ploug i-share Moulds; APOLLO ROOMS, ÇARQNPBLKT STRKKT, H KAR UNION. Pa»t. The best reference» can be given. Addnai Q. Y. at From Independence, or Westport, in Missouri, to compromised by the anecdote—we must consider it rich bonnets and feathers and dresses dare all the 1000 kegs Cut NAILS and SPIKES; d» perils of box-encumbered, omnibus-bespattered trot­ ST. MAUR STUART, Profggor of DANCING. , LABORERS WANTED. the Sacra'mento in California, by wjny of the South apocryphal—concerning some past or present incum­ 100 kegs Pressed Spikes- H• and the only teacher of CALISTHENICS Pass of the Rocky Mountains, is a journey of about toirs, to plan and carry out the usual feminine at­ 300 boxes TIN PLATE, Pont Pool: _ ^ , in the South, respectfully intimates to his former T ED T Ware- bent of the Mayoralty.— Cres.] 30,000 IU. BRAZIERS' COPPER. 10 to120 ib sheats: Pupils and the public of NewOrleans, etc., that his WÄ . - W« ninety days. To leave the Missouri at Council Eds. tacks upon the articles of dry goods and millinery 5000 lbs. Block Tin, Spelter. Zinc, &c.; did 158 Tchonpitonim it so temptingly, tastefully, and liberally displayed Classes will open on MONDAY. December 11, in Bluffs, nnd go up the north side of the Platts, the Statistics of municipal law and policy are not 20,000 lbs. Cast, German, Shear and Blister STEEL: the above splendid and commodious New BALL HO, FOR CALIFORNIA! distance is about the same ; and either rout3, for very amusing or attractive, we know ; but to a pair within the circuit of these half dozen blocks. Alas! M ANVILS, VICES. SMITHS' BEL- ROOM, (the largest in the citv,) expressly fitted uo for a I « consequence of the great number of persons <Usiring to that the fairy pedestrians of Chartres ami Royal ' LOWS,Sledge and Hand HAMMERS; Select Dancing AdMemy—brilliantly illuminated ana decor­ J. go to California, many persons have been precluded from p reoiiH going out in the spring, teems to us prefer­ of Manhattan eyes, accustomed in the time of Stocks ana Dies, Screw Plates, Fire Irons ated : a large and oonvenient private entrance, with every securing passage on the fine ship ARCHITECT. A peraon able to that by way ol' i'anunui» The expense of spring tides to lietliink him of certain aldermanic streets should be so little noticed, and so remorse­ and Smiths' Tongs; _ other accommodation to render the Pupils comfortableduring having his passage engaged on that vessel, is Willing to dis- gelling toCalifornia will be le3S than by the southern routines, and at all times from Brooklyn heights or lessly nudged by the passing crowds of men, whom Files and Rasps, American and English LOCKS of every their attendance. pose of it for $226, as he desires to accompany a part/ of the task-inas>ers of " business" are urging on from description ; Mr. Stuart's superior capacity as a teacher of the Fashion­ friends by the land ronte. A Premium of $100 has been route ; the, emigrants will ha inured to the hard­ Trinity st?eple, to regard New York as one beauti­ SIiding-door Furniture : Hooks and Plate Hinges ; able Dances, is so well known and appreciated, not only in offered for passage by the Architect, bet he will sell for $235. IP ship which they must undergo in the country, and ful arid systematic whole, it is very odd to strain »•orner to corner, from store to store, and from post- Butt and Parliament Hinget; Woodscrews ; this State, but, as a Teacher of Dancing, to the elite at the Apply at this Office. jalO will have, besides, the advantage of a S|T3ciesof the vision over the details of the legal divisions and office, custom-house, and banks, to and fro. Shutters and Fasteners 01 every description, and patterns; inany Fashionable Watering Places throughout the Union, No! New Orleans lias no promenade. The exis­ BITS, CUT TACKS and BRADS ; that it is deemed unnecessary for him to enumerate all the profsrty, such a^ wagons, haines», etc., very use­ municipal governmental plottings prevalent in the Brass and Block Tin Cocks and Faucets ; . FANCY and FIGURE DANCES he teaches. The fol­ ful in the gold region. Crescent City. But in these days of guide books, tence of one as a lounge would be an anomaly. Hand, Panel, Bra&s and Iron-back SAWS ; lowing are a few of the most fashionable: Cachucha, a la Crosscut, Mill, Pit and Circular Saws; countant, for the opening of new setts of Books : the closing To go in com|Biiiies of ten persons, associating gazetteers, and news, none need to t)3 more than And the magician who could give her one would Fanny Cento ; Cracovienne, a la Elssler ; Domino Noir : or adjusting of old ones, and the régularisation ot all kinds of never dare llie attempt.
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