Selected List of Books and Journals for the Small Medical Library By ALFRED N. BRANDON, Dir-ector WVelch Mlledical Library Jolntls Hopkitns University Baltimnore, Maryland ABSTRACT This list of 358 books and 123 journals is intenided as a selection aid for the small library of a hospital, medical society, clinic, or similar organization. Books and journals are arranged by subject, vith the books followved by an author ilndex, and the journals bv an alphabetical title listing. SEVERAL selective lists of books and journals published previously have been of great value to librarians in hospital and other small medical li- braries (1-3,5-8,10,12), but some have had a particular purpose which has limited their use. Because it is the most up-to-date, the VA list (12) is now the most useful, but it is limited to one type of hospital and excludes such important subjects as obstetrics and pediatrics. Perhaps the most widely useful list of its time was that published by the American Medical Asso- ciation in 1959 (1), but it is now out-of-date, and the AMA does not intend to revise and reissue it. The journal of the American Medical Association, however, periodically lists selected recent medical books with critical an- notations by leading subject authorities (9). The present list is intended as a selection aid for the small library of a hospital, society, clinic, or similar organization. It should be considered in relation to the purposes of the particular institution and the subject special- ties dominant therein. Emphasis has been on selecting the most recent and authoritative works in the English language in each subject area. The list is by no means complete and should be supplemented by additional books and journals in the specialties of greatest interest to the clientele of the library. Very few expensive sets are noted, and inexpensive alternates usu- ally are included within the same category. No attempt has been made to list innumerable reference works, since the best selection of such tools is already available in printed form from the National Library of Medicine (11). The listing of books in nursing may be supplemented by two excellent lists. The Reference Tools for Nursing (4), put out in mimeographed form 329 330 ALFRED N. BRANDON by the Interagency Council on Library Tools for Nursing, may be obtained free of charge from the National League for Nursing. The most complete and(I helpftul list of materials for the nursing school library was compile(d by Sister Mary Concordia in 1961 and supplemented in 1963 (2). All of the books in this list are available uinless there is an "out-of-print" dlesignation. Although it is possible to order books tlirectly from the publishers, it is usually more satisfactory to choose a reliable medical book dealer in one's city or region, who can obtain any of the volumes desired, and who usually offers a 10 percent discount with postage paid. Typical of such agents are the following: Brown 8- Connolly, Inc., 779 Boylston Street, Boston, Massa- chusetts 02116; Burns 8c MacEachern Limited, 62 Railside Road, Don Mills, Ontario, Canada; Chicago Medical Book Company, Jackson X; Honore Streets, Chicago, Illinois 60612; Eliot Books, 1305 Second Avenue, New York, New York 10021; J. A. Majors Company, 139 Forrest Park Avenue, N. E., Atlanta, Georgia 30301; J. A. Majors Company, 147 So. Liberty Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70112; J. A. Majors Company, 2137 Butler Street, Dallas, Texas 57235; Matthews Medical Books, 3140 Park Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63104; Rittenhouse Book Store, 1706 Ritten- house Square, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103; and J. WV. Stacey, Inc., 2575 Hanover Street, Palo Alto, California 93404. Similarly, journals can be ordered through an agent, thus saving time in correspon(lence, purchase orders, and processing multiple invoices. It would be advisable to consult with other medical or university librarians in one's area before choosing such an agent. A few examples of these are: ArmedI Forces Subscription Agency, 1341 G Street, N. W., WVashington, D. C. 20005; F. IV. Faxon Company, Inc., 515-525 Hyde Park Avenue, Boston, Massachtusetts 02131; Hanson-Bennett MIagazine Agency, 180 No. Wabaslh Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60601; Walter J. Johnson, Inc., 111 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003; J. A. Mfajors Company, 2137 Butler Street, Dallas, Texas 57235; Moore Cottrell Subscription Agencies, Inc., Nortli Cohockton, New York; andl Steclhert-Hafner, Inc., 31 East 10tl Street, New York, New York 10003. In citing the books, the entry used by the Library of Congress is generall) followe(l. If a work has more than two authors or editors, the phrase "[and others]" is used after the name of the senior author or editor. REFERENCES 1. AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. LIBRARY. Recent Books and Periodicals Selected for the Small Medical Library. Chicago, The Association, 1959. 24 p. 2. CONCORDIA, SISTER MARY. Basic Book and Periodical List for Nursing School anid Small Medical Library. 3d ed. Los Angeles, Queen of Angels School of Nursinig, 1961. 100 p. Supplement. 1963. 52 p. LIST FOR THE SMALL MEDICAL LIBRARY 331 3. DELISLE, MARGARET M. The Medical Library; a Vital Force. St. Louis, Missouri, The Catholic Hospital Association, 1957. 29 p. 4. INTERAGENCY COUNCIL ON LIBRARY TOOLS FOR NURSING. Reference Tools for Nursing. 11 p. Mimeographed. Available from the National League for Nursing, 10 Colum- bus Circle, New York, New York 10019. 5. KEYS, THOMAS E. The hospital medical library. New York J. Med. 65: 303-312, Jan. 15, 1965. 6. LETOURNEAU, CHARLES U. The medical library in the small hospital. Hosp. Manage. 85: 59-63, 134, June 1958. 7. LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Books and Periodicals for Medical Libraries in Hospitals. Rev. ed. London, The Library Association, 1962. 8. PRIME, L. M. The hospital medical library; organization and management. Bull. Amer. Coll. Surg. 40: 225-267, July-Aug. 1955. 9. Recent medical books. J.A.M.A. 188: 192-201, Apr. 20, 1964. 10. SASKATCHEWAN. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL AND SCHOOL OF NURSING. Suggestions for Books and Journals for Hospital Libraries. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 1963. 12 p. Mimeo- graphed. 11. U. S. NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE. Basic Reference Aids for Small Medical Li- braries. Bethesda, Maryland, 1963. 15 p. Available upon request. 12. U. S. VETERANS ADMINISTRATION. Basic List of Books and Journals for Veterans Ad- ministration Medical Libraries. 1964 Revision. 23 p. (G-14, M-2, Part XIII, August 3, 1964). Available upon request from U. S. Veterans Administration, H Street and Vermont Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C. 20420. BOOK LIST ALLERGY 1. CRIEP, LEO HERMANN. Clinical Immunology and Allergy. New York, Grune 8c Stratton, 1962. $18.75. 2. HARKAVY, JOSEPH. Vascular Allergy and Its Systemic Manifestations. Washington, D. C., Butterworths, 1963. $10.75. 3. PRIGAL, SAMUEL J., ed. Fundamentals of Modern Allergy. New York, Blakiston, 1960. $18.50. 4. SPEER, FREDERIC, ed. The Allergic Child. New York, Hoeber, 1963. $16.50. ANATOMY 5. AREY, LESLIE BRAINERD. Developmental Anatomy; a Textbook and Laboratory Manual of Embryology. 7th ed. Philadelphia, Saunders, 1965. In preparation. 6. BAILEY, FREDERICK RANDOLPH. Bailey's TeNtbook of Histology. 15th ed. by Wilfred M. Copenhaver. Baltimore, Williams gc Wilkins, 1964. $13.50. 7. CALLANDER, CURLE LATIMER. Callander's Surgical Anatomy. 4th ed. by Barry J. Anson and Walter G. Maddock. Philadelphia, Saunders, 1958. $21.00. 332 ALFRED N. BRANDON 8. GARDNER, ERNEST DEAN [and others]. Anatomy; a Regional Study of Human Structure. 2d ed. Philadelphia, Saunders, 1963. $17.50. 9. GRANT, JOHN CHARLES BOILEAU. An Atlas of Anatomy. 5th ed. Balti- more, Williams & Wilkins, 1962. $19.95. 10. GRANT, JOHN CHARLES BOILEAU, AND BASMAJIAN, J. V. A Method of Anatomy. 7th ed. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1965. In prepa- ration. 11. GRAY, HENRY. Anatomy of the Human Body. 27th ed. Edited by Charles Mayo Goss. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1959. $17.50. 12. HAMILTON, WILLIAM JAMES [and others]. Human Embryology; Pre- natal Development of Form and Function. 3d ed. Baltimore, Wil- liams & Wilkins, 1962. $12.50. 13. STRONG, OLIVER SMITH. Strong and Elwyn's Human Neuroanatomy. 5th ed. by Raymond C. Truex and Malcolm B. Carpenter. Balti- more, Williams & Wilkins, 1964. $13.25. 14. THOREK, PHILIP. Anatomy in Surgery. 2d ed. Philadelphia, Lippin- cott, 1962. $22.50. ANESTHESIOLOGY 15. ADRIANI, JOHN, ed. Appraisal of Current Concepts in Anesthesiology. St. Louis, Mosby, 1961-64. 2 Vols. Vol. 1, $7.75; Vol. 2, $10.75. 16. ADRIANI, JOHN. Techniques and Procedures of Anesthesia. 3d ed. Springfield, Illinois, Thomas, 1964. $10.50. 17. ARTusIo, JOSEPH FRANCIS, AND MAZZIA, VALENTINO D. B. Practical Anesthesiology. St. Louis, Mosby, 1962. $7.75. 18. COLLINS, VINCENT J. Fundamentals of Nerve Blocking. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1960. $9.50. 19. COLLINS, VINCENT J. Principles and Practice of Anesthesiology. 2d ed. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1965. In preparation. 20. DORNETTE, WILLIAM H. L., AND BRECHNER, VERNE L. Instrumentation in Anesthesiology. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1959. $8.00. 21. DRIPPS, ROBERT DUNNING [and others]. Introduction to Anesthesia; the Principles of Safe Practice. 2d ed. Philadelphia, Saunders, 1961. $8.00. 22. HALE, DONALD EMERSON, ed. Anesthesiology. 2d ed. Philadelphia, Davis, 1963. $25.00. 23. SHIELDS, JOHN R. S. Handbook of the Practice of Anesthesia. St. Louis, Mosby, 1963. $6.85. 24. SMITH, ROBERT MooRs. Anesthesia for Infants and Children. 2d ed. St. Louis, Mosby, 1963. $13.50. LIST FOR THE SMALL MEDICAL LIBRARY 333 ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM 25. FLATT, ADRIAN E. The Care of the Rheumatoid Hand. St. Louis, Mosby, 1963. $11.50. 26. HOLLANDER, JOSEPH LEE, ed. Arthritis and Allied Conditions; a Text- book of Rheumatology. 6th ed. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1960. $20.00. 27. MILCH, ROBERT AUSTIN. Surgery of Arthritis. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1964. $11.50. BIOCHEMISTRY 28. CANTAROW, ABRAHAM, AND SCHEPARTZ, BERNARD.
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