CORNELL UNIVERSITY THE Hflotuft Hetennaty Hibrary FOUNDED BY ROSWELL P. FLOWER for the use of tfie N. Y. State Veterinary College 1897 This Volume is the Gift of ..?.?» ..p. La Grange. Cornell University Library SF 395.D27 1915 Productive swine husbandry 3 1924 001 170 467 * The first farmer was the first man, and all historic nobility rests on possession and use of land." —Emhrson. LIPPINCOTT'S FARM MANUALS EDITED BY KARY C. DAVIS, Ph.D. (Cornell) PROFESSOR OF AGRICULTURE, SCHOOL OF COUNTRY LIFE, GEORGE PEABODY COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. PRODUCTIVE SWINE HUSBANDRY By GEORGE E. DAY, B.S.A. PROIESSOR OF ANIMAL HUSBANDRY, ONTARIO AGRICULTUR\L COLLEGE, GUELPH, ONTARIO, CANADA. LIPPINCOTT'S FARM MANUALS Edited by K. C. DAVIS, Ph.D. SECOND EDITION REVISED PRODUCTIVE SWINE HUSBANDRY By GEORGE E. DAY, B.S.A. PROF. OF ANIMAL HUSBANDRY, ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, CANADA. g6 illustrations. xiii-\- 363 pages. f1.75 net. SECOND EDITION REVISED PRODUCTIVE POULTRY HUSBANDRY By harry R. lewis, B.S. poultry huseandryman, new jersey agricultural EXPERIMENT STATION. JJO illustrations. xxi + £j6 pages. $2.00 net. SECOND EDITION REVISED PRODUCTIVE HORSE HUSBANDRY By carl W. gay, B.S.A. PROF. ANIMAL HUSBANDRY, CHAIRMAN ANIMAL HUSBANDRY SECTION, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 1^6 illustrations. xvi-\- 231 pages. $1.7$ net. PRODUCTIVE ORCHARDING By FRED C. SEARS, M.S. PROF. OF POMOLOGY, MASSACHUSETTS AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 1S7 illustrations. xiv +JZ4 pages. $l.ys net. PRODUCTIVE VEGETABLE GROWING By JOHN W. LLOYD, M.S.A. PROF. OF OLERICULTURE, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. IQ4 illustrations. xiii+jjQ pages. fi.yj net. SECOND EDITION REVISED AND ENLARGED PRODUCTIVE FEEDING OF FARM ANIMALS By F. W. WOLL, Ph.D. PROF. OF ANIMAL NUTRITION, UNIVERSITY OP CALIFORNIA. 106 illustrations. xii -]r 375 pages. f1. 75 net. SECOND EDITION COMMON DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS By R. a. CRAIG, D.V.M. PROF. VETERINARY SCIENCE, PURDUE UNIVERSITY. 124 illustrations. xii +334 pages. $1.75 net. PRODUCTIVE FARM CROPS By E. G. MONTGOMERY, M.A. PROF. OF FARM CROPS, CORNELL UNIVERSITY. 204 illustrations xix+ 501 pages. $1.75 net. PRODUCTIVE BEE KEEPING By FRANK C. PELLETT STATE APIARIST OF IOWA. 13s illustrations. xiv +302 pages. $1.75 net. PRODUCTIVE DAIRYING By R. M. WASHBURN PROF. OF DAIRY HUSBANDRY, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 132 illustrations. xii + 433 pages. $i'.7S net. Cornell University Library The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924001170467 LippiNcoTT's Farm Manuals EDITED BY K. C. DAVIS, Ph.D. (Cornell). PRODUCTIVE SWINE HUSBANDRY BY GEORGE E. DAY, B.S.A. PROFESSOR OF ANIMAL HUSBANDRY, AND FARM SUPERINTENDENT, ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, GUELPH, ONTARIO, CANADA. 95 ILLUSTRATIONS IN TEXT SECOND EDITION, REVISED " If vain our toil, We ought to blame the culture, not the soil." Pope—Essay on Man, PHILADELPHIA & LONDON J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY 3 COPYRIGHT, 191 BY J. -B. I-IPP7NCOTT COMPANY COPYRIGHT, 19IS BY J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPAKY 3953 9- Eleclroiyped and printed by J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, U. S.A-. PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION In presenting this revised edition of Productive Swine Husbandry to the public, the author wishes to express his ap- preciation of the reception accorded the first edition, for which the demand has exceeded expectations. In the revision, new material has been added for the purpose of widening the scope of the book and making the text more gen- erally applicable to all latitudes. Certain faults of the origi- nal book have been corrected, and important , additions have been made to the illustrations. In short, an effort has been made to bring the book up to date, and to make it a suitable text- book for agricultural students as well as a convenient and valu- able reference book for the busy farmer. The author wishes to gratefully acknowledge the assistance rendered him by Professor K. C. Davis, the editor of the book, and also by Professor C. L. Willoughby of the University of Florida, who has furnished many pertinent suggestions in con- nection with the revision. Geoege E. Day. Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. PREFACE In the preparation of material for this book, the author has worked with a twofold purpose,—namely, to prepare a book which will serve as a text-book for agricultural students, and to place at the disposal of the busy farmer a reference book which will give him, in concise form, the findings of the best experiment stations in regard to the problems involved in the successful handling of swine. As to whether these objects have been attained, the public must be the judge. In the treatment of the different breeds of swine, and other topics where favoritism or partiality is possible, it has been the purpose of the writer to state the exact truth and give " both sides of the case." Where direct comparisons are ad- vantageous, they have been made without fear of criticism. Although the treatment of each topic is concise, it has been the desire to make the survey of the field as cosmo- politan as possible,—^no single section of the country has been in the writer's mind. 'No effort has been made to avoid the practical sides of the subject in order that a certain type of schools might prefer the book. On the other hand, the practical sides have been placed foremost, with the belief that all students as well as breeders should prefer to think of the subject in a practical way. An effort has been made, however, to treat the matter concisely and logically, and arrange the topics in order. The chapters have been grouped into seven parts to make them more easily referred to by both students and breeders. The review questions at the end of each chapter are given for the use of students who may not be thinking of the sub- Viii PREFACE ject from the practical side. They may also be used by the beginner as a " check list " of the problems he is to encounter from time to time in his new undertaking. The chapter on " Suggestions to Beginners " is written wdth the special desire to give the right words of counsel to those who for the first time are taking up annual breeding of swine. The beginner, the professional swine^breeder, the general fanner with a small herd, and the student have all been kept in mind while preparing this work. The author will be glad to receive criticisms of any parts of the book. George E. Day. Ontahio Agricultural College, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. CONTENTS PART I.—INTRODUCTORY CBAPTEB PAflE I. The Place op the Hog Upon the Farm 3 II. Types of Swine 9 PART II.—PRINCIPLES OP SWINE BREEDING III. Breeding and Selection 25 PART III.—BREEDS OF SWINE IV. Relation op Breed to Economy op Production 41 V. The Berkshire Breed 45 VI. The Poland-China Breed 54 VII. The Chester White Breed 65 VIII. The Duroc-Jersey Breed 75 IX. The Hampshire Breed (Thin Rind) 83 X. The Large Yorkshire or Large White Breed 90 XL The Tamworth Breed 97 XII. The Victoria Breed 103 XIII. The Cheshire Breed 107 XIV. The Essex Breed 110 XV. The Supfolk Breed 114 XVI. The Small Yorkshire Breed 116 XVII. Three Minor Breeds, —Mule-Foot, Large Black, Middle White 120 PART IV.—RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS IN SWINE FEEDING XVIII. Miscellaneous Investigations 131 XIX. Corn 142 XX. Supplementary Feeds with Corn 150 XXI. Various Grains, Meals, and By-products 164 XXII. Pasture and Soiling Crops 186 XXIII. Roots, Potatoes, Pumpkins, Apples, and Dairy By- products 205 XXIV. Preparation op Feed 213 ix X CONTENTS PART v.—FEEDING AND MANAGEMENT XXV. The Boab 219 XXVI. The Sow 226 XXVII. The Young Pigs 236 XXVIII. Fattening 243 XXIX. Suggestions to Beginners 262 PART VI.—MARKETING AND CURING XXX. Markets and Swine Products 273 XXXI. Cueing Poek 285 PART VII.—BUILDINGS, SANITATION, AND DISEASES XXXII. Buildings 295 XXXIII. Sanitation 319 XXXIV. Common Diseases op Swine 327 XXXV. Composition of Feeding Stuffs 352 Swine Liteeatuee 356 Index 357 . ILLUSTRATIONS ^IG. PAGE "Mortgage Lifters "in Comfort Frontispiece 1. Champion Chester White Barrow 6 2. Poland-Ciiina Barrow 7 3. Grand Champion Pen of Barrows 11 4. Pen of Chester White Barrows 12 5. Group of Young Large Yorkshire Sows 14 6. Diagram Showing Location of Points of Hog 16 7. Rear View of Pig of Bacon Type 17 8. Young Sow of Same Type 18 9. Land-race Sow 32 10. Chester White Boar 35 11. Large Yorkshire Boar 36 12. Excellent Type of Breeding Sow 37 13. Champion Herd of Berkshires 46 14. Champion Pen of Berkshire Barrows 47 15. Champion Berkshire Boar 48 16. Berkshire Sow of Nearly Bacon Type SO 17. Berkshire Sow 51 18. Champion Poland-China Sow 55 19. Yearling Poland-China Boar 56 20. Chester White Boar 66 21. A Prize-winning Chester White Sow 68 22. Duroc-Jersey Boar 76 23. Two-year-old Duroc-Jersey Sow 77 24. Herd of Hampshire Swine 84 25. Large Yorkshire Sow 91 26. Champion and Reserve Champion Large Yorkshire Sows 93 27. Tamworth Boar 98 28. Canadian-bred Tamworth Boar 99 29. Group of Tamworth Sows 100 '. 30. Pair of Tamworth Sows . 101 31. Two-year-old Victoria Boar 105 32. Cheshire Barrow 108 33. Essex Boar Ill 34. Small White Sow 116 35. Small White Boar 117 36. Large Black Sow 122 37. Large Black Boar 123 xi jrii ILLUSTRATIONS 38. Middle White Sow 124 39. Middle White Boar 125 40. Pair of Middle White Barrows 126 41.
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