• V * V ' — ■•; w . ^... ., —.J- H t It' ^ •* ''V » * THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1966 PAGE TWENTT Average Daily Net Press Ron jjgatttlfgBtgr lEpgtttttg l^gralb The Weather For the Week Xhided Fair, cooler toidgbt, low 85- April 16, 1966 St. Christopher’s Mothers The Women’s Guild of Trinity 40; portly mnny tomerrov^ Circle will meet tomorrow at Covenant Church win nneet to­ DICK’S SH Ea SERVICE high near 60. About Town 8:30 p.m. at the home of htrs. morrow at 8 p.m. in Fellowship From Your Neighbor's Kitchen 14,620 Hall at the church. Slides of a 653 CENTER STREET—TEL. 643-7008 S t Bridget’s Rosary Society John Foley, 26 Llndman St. By DORIS BEDDING Manchester-^A City of Village Charm wiU q>onsor a Military Whist Mrs. Dan Carey is co-hostess. Gleaner’s program will be and Setback party tomorrow at Members are reminded to bring Shown. Hostesses are Mrs. Wil­ Good cooks everywhere in FIRESTONE TIRES (OUasIfled Advertising on Page tO)' PRICE SEVEN GENTS liam Crawford, Mrs. Jesse Ban­ MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1966 8 p.m. at St. Bridget's School articles for an auction. this country serve Pot Roast DELCO BAHERIES VOL. LXXXV, NO. 172 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) cafeteriau The event is open to nister and Mrs. Carl Berggren. often, and Mrs. Robert Reault of FR E E BRAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTOM INSPEC- the public. Tickets may be pur­ Members of Manchester Tickets will be available for a Mother-Daughter banquet May 74 Schaller Rd. is no exception. TION WITH EVERY LUBRICATION OR ^ chased at the door. Refresh- Chapter of SPEBSQSA will par­ nvents will be served. ticipate in Middletown Chapter 6. She uses a recipe given to her CHANGE. COMPLETE ENGINE TUNE UP AND Charter Night festivities to­ by her mother to make the pop­ ELECTRICAL SERVICE. It has been announced that night at 8 at Hibernian Hall, ular main course. Ladies of Assumption scholar- GENERATORS STARTERS Stack St., Middletown. The Bayles Elected Pot Boast Entire Communist Regiment sh^ applications for Blast Cath­ group will leave Bunoe Center 1# pot roast, about three olic High School should be sub­ at 7:15 p.m. PTA President mitted to the scholarship com­ pounds (chuck or round | mittee of the organization as Anthony Bayles of 295 Bum- steak) The Soladity of the Blessed 1 medium onion j soon as possible. April 30 is Sacrament of St. John's Polish ham St. was elected president the deadline. Applications are 1 tablespoon vinegar National Catholic Church will of Buckland PTA at a meeting 1 tablespoon com syrup restricted to member’s children sponsor a sale of homemade Manehesier Stores or grandchildren. Those wish­ Tuesday night at the school. 1 beef bouillon cube Threatened with Extinction Polish foods in the Parish Hall ing further information may 1 cup hot water Only Sunday after the 8:30 a.m. Other officers are Mrs. Car- contact Mrs. Bernard Fogarty, Fat or cooking oil Mass. mela Jaworski, vice president; 815 Main Street 281 Porter St., or Mrs. Salva­ Mrs. Richard Murphy, secre­ Salt to taste G/iants tore Filloramo, 375 S. Main St. tary, and Mrs. William Leone, 3 or 4 peppercorns KNOWN FOR VAIUES Manehesier Parkade Manchester TTWCA will spon­ treasurer. Saute onion until clear in hot sor a duplicate bridge game The 'VPW Auxiliary will .spon­ fat or oil in Dutch oven or Summer Time Hours 2 5 7 Reds tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Com­ Delegates to a PTA Council sor a card party tomorrow at are Mrs. Frederick Peck, Mrs. heavy sauce pan. Add pot roast munity Y, 79 N. Main St. Reg­ and brown thoroughly on all 8 p.m. at the post home. Allen Griswold and Allan Ches­ istrations will be taken at 7:45 sides. Dissolve bouillon cube in p.m. The game is open to the terton. hot water, add vinegar and corn Nearer Conformity Killed in public. Refreshments will be Davis Wiggln, phyiscal edu­ syrup. Pour liquid over roast NEW YORK (AP) — The na- go along with them and pass a LIQUORS — WINES served. cation director of Manchester and add salt and peppercorns. COUPONS GOOD High School, spoke on the need tion takes a step toward con- 1®'^ against Daylight Time. CORDIALS Cover and cook slowly until ten­ .. In Iowa, farmers complaining U.S. Trap The 'VFW will sponsor a of more physical education der, about three hours. When THURS.-FRI.-SAT. formlty m summer time Sun- ^ daylight Minimum Prices Seafood Night for members and teachers and equipment to pro­ tender, remove from liquid. day. time, instead of three, got no- SAIGON, South Viet guests tomorrow from 6:30 mote a better jAysical educa­ Thicken juice with flour or HURRY . Don’t miss out on these wonderful coupons— I When the time comes for where. The governor says he Nam (AP) — U.S. Marines ARTHUR DRUe p.m. to midnight at the post tion program in Manchester cornstarch for gravy. turning the clock ahead an hour likes fast tlmp. and South Vietnameae home. schools. 'Leftover pot roast, Mrs. Just clip out coupons and take them to your MANCHESTER | _ at 2 a.m. Sunday unless you western area cf Missouri troops threatened today to Reault says, makes wonderful GRANT STORES. also is a holdout, but St. Louis is wipe out an entire Commu­ Beef Stroganoff. want to do It earlier and go to ^ fj^ht hard to bring nist regiment after killing Artificial heart implanted in the chest of Marcel L. DeRudder is shown at work bed — the lineup of states on Beef Stroganoff at least 257 Reds in the Cut leftover pot roast into GUP COUPONS AND SAVE after the surgery was completed in Houston yesterday. (AP Photofax). ‘fast” time and on standard (See Fage Six) one-inch cubes and warm in time wlU' remain about the , . ------- bloodiest fighting in a gravy. Add one cup sour cream same as last year. month. and medium can of mushrooms Nineteen wiU observe daylight Backed by ortlUery end air WE COULD to about two cups of gravy. saving time statewide, and 12 o f f l t C i S € W S strikes, the alUed battalions nailed down the mixed North Serve over egg noodles. Possible Brain Damage partly. —— — — ^ — The law does not require any Vletnam®8e-Viet Oong force' in Mrs. Reault is a native of the seniib hills 10 miles north­ Deteroit, Mich., and attended state to adopt dayUght saving time, but it does demand that a NHRR FOes west of Quang Ngai on the Michigan State University northern coast. NOT RESIST.... where she received a degree in state which uses fast time at all Clouds Heart Operation Blocking units moved in to cut must use the federal dates — Pact to Sell psycholog;y and philosophy. off a CJommunlst flight to the With pork and bacon at these budget saving She and her family came to ‘‘The le((t ventricular bypass ^ bas mountains In the east. U.S. offi­ Manchester eight years ago. In some states the period has cers reported from the battle­ prices, we just could not pass them up... although Her husband is administra­ Freight Line ground that the Communists tive assistant in the claim de­ (Herald photo by Satoriiis) “.a t - “ 1T . - S r s : were caught in a trap and said we had already advertised chuck and sirloin tip partment of the Aetna Life isfactorily” in a 65-year- cLdmon wast. in a naUon with four time zones NEW HAVEN, Conn. MRS. ROBERT REAULT condition was good. mal range. ...oHis chest is dear on raUritv «t ni«red Individ- (AP) — The New Haven the fighting was continuing. and Casualty Co., Hartford. -old patient today after a rpjjg device. domed-shaped X-ray film processed within the plenty ot rugg roasts at a saving of 20c lb. on many cuts. Serve ualism. Railroad has filed in U.S. The Communists set up a The couple has three children, dramatic operation that pump about the size of a tennis past hour.” Janice, 10, Bobby, 7, and Tom­ Friday, April 29 at 8 p.m. at Next year the law is not man- blaze of automatic-weapons fire pork with brown gravy, mashed potatoes, fresh couid'^usher in a new era in b i i:i s ” outoide the body and is ' However. DeRudder was still ^ *Lto;e"tte from the villages of Binh Back my, 1. the church. IN STAN T CHARGE IT ANO SAVE trAafmPTit o f h ea rt attached to two tubes, each not considered out of danger datory, w hich it would sell the treatment OI neart aiiacnea w tvw luuk», C ^ ^ aummer of 1967 roUs around, ArkArnf oTifl to a and Chau Nhani, but the Leath­ asparagus and strawberry shortcake. The Reaults are co-secre­ She is also a member of the disease. about an inch in diameter and with the next 12 to 24 hours con^ its freight operations to a Women’s Club of Manchester, INTERIORS ernecks took both in their east­ taries of the 50-50 Club of St. MeOiodst Hospital authorities about gix inches long, which sldered critical for him propose d Pennsylvania- ward drive. The rain of steel and a council delegate for the 1 ‘‘God’s time” will need a state Mary's Episcopal Church. Mrs. na'id today the ^patient had^ not. *have___ tbeen___ __Implanted/lofimrolv in nnwthe pa- ”We definitely now keep a New York Central Trans- Waddell School PTA. Her hob­ from the air reduced Commu­ BLOCK CHUCK Reault and her daughter will What to do recovered consciousness lin c e tient’s chest and attached to his close eye on him,” said DeBak- portation Co.
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