m m Member of Audit Bureau of Cireulattono Charity Nuns to Erect PARISH TO BE ESTABLISHED Hospital in Cheyenne IH OEHVER’S EAST SECTIOH Contents Copyrighted by the Cstholie Press Sodety, Ine. 1946— Permission to reproduce. Except on At Cost of $1,000,000 Artides Otherwise Marked, given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue Full Square Block A drive to raise $200,000 as Cheyenne's contribution to the $1,000,000 hospital that is to be erected in the capital city of Wyoming by the Sisters of Charity of Leavenvsrorth has been announced by the Citizens’ committee. The campaign will be conducted from Nov. 25 to Dec. 14, Fred W. Marble, general chairman, rejwrts. Bishop Patrick A. McGovern has At E. 8th Avenue donated the five-acre site upon which the new institution will stand. DENVER CATHOLIC The Sisters of Charity have announced through the Citizens’ committee that the com­ plete building program will, cost in ex^ss of $1,000,000. The hospital will have a capacity And Elm Purchased of slightly more than 100 beds, not including bassinets, and will make available to the citizens of Cheyenne and the entire community one of the finest up-to-date hospitals in the whole country. Paraebial Plaal Will Ba Dedieaied to Chrisl Iha De Paul hospital yvill make available the most modern surgical, medical, and chemical REGSTER facilities for physicians in the diagnosis and treatment of patients, and will be capa'ble at The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Kiag; Preeiois Nood Sisters Engaged all times of rendering a program of health and service to all groups in the community. Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Hail), a Large Spedal Service, Seven Smaller It will provide facilities for x-rfiy, serological and diagnostic tests as required by state Services, Photo Features, and Wide World Photoa (S cents per copy) To Teach la School and local health departments. VOL. No. 12. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1946. $1 PER YEAR. Copyrlchtcd ( BcImm Mot Btton Moon Nor, IB, 1C4S, Whether to Preu or Radio Bishop McGovern has given his approval to the program and, XLn. through his generosity, the five-acre site upon which the hospital will To serve the rapidly increasing Catholic population in the eastern part of Denver, a new parish, dedicated to Christ be located has been deeded to the Sisters of Charity. Generous Gifts the King, will be established at E. 8th avenue and Elm street, De Paul hospital, one of a group of non-profit hospitals admin­ Sketch of Million-Dollar Hospital the Chancery office announced this week. It is the first istered under the title of the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth, Kans., of several new parishes contemplated for the capital city is to be incorporated under the law of Wyoming. The services of Asked for Work and its suburbs. Others will be announced as soon as neces­ De Paul hospital jp:e to be made available to all, irrespective of race, sary arrangements can be made. class, or creed. Arrangements are being made fdt the payment of pledges Of Catholic U. A full square block of property, the last available site in and gifts to the hospital campaign over a three-year period, and such a choice location in that area, has been purchased at a cost of gifts are deductible when figuring income for tax purposes. The annual collection for the approximately $25,000. Including 48 lots, the property is The Citizens' committee of Cheyenne has been the motivating force Catholic University of America is bounded on the south by E. 8th avenue, on the west by Elm in bringing the new hospital to the community. Last May, resolutions to be taken up in the Archdiocese street, on the north by E. 9th, ana on the east by Fairfax. were passed directing the formation of this committee immediately to of Denver Sunday, Nov. 24. Arch proceed with the project of raising |200,000 in donations to be given bishop Urban J. Vehr urges gen­ Boundaries Not Yet Set Up erous donations to the splendid the Sisters of Charity as Cheyenne’s part'of the proposed new hospital work of the university in the fol- No definite boundaries for the new parish have been es­ A surs'ey showed that the area served by Cheyenne would require lowirig letter: tablished as yet. Surrounding parishes, which probably will an absolute minimum of 225 available hospital beds for the area em Nov. 11, 1946 be affected, include Blessed Sacrament, St. John’s, and St. bracing 55,000 persons. The Sisters of Charity made known their will­ Reverend dear Father and James’. It is anticipated that a pastor will be appointed in. ingness to contribute $800,000 toward the building of the new De Paul Beloved People: the near future. hospital, if the community would raise the necessary $200,000 to com- Once each year thq'Catholics of Sisters of the Precious Blood, whose mother-house is in lete the $1,000,000 building program. Wholehearted support has our country are aski^d to contrib­ Dayton, 0., have already agreed to staff the school of the new ute to the support and extension of Ejen given the hospital program by the Cheyenne Central Labor union the splendid work done by the Christ the King parish as soon as it can be organized. Mem- and by the physicians in tfll community. Catholic University of America -j bers of this order now serve as housekeepers for Archbishop On Oct. 17, the Citizens’ committee completed plans for the cam­ The Catholic university, in its Vehr. graduate schools particularly, has paign and a number'^ of division leaders were selected. Individual names 1st New Parish Since 1944 will be announced soon. given thousands of priests, sisters, and laymen opportunity, imder Campaign Officat Set Up This is the first new parish to be established in the city Above is shown a sketch by the architect, million-dollar hospital in Cheyenne, W yo. Catholic auspices, of advanced Campaign offices have been established in the meeting room of educational and technical train­ since January, 1944, when Loyola was split off from Sacred John K. Monroe of Denver, of the proposed will be conducted by the Sisters of Charity. the Chamber of Commerce at 122 E. 17th street, with telephone 4491 ing. These graduates in turn have Heart parish and set up as a separate unit. Loyola, how­ Efforts will be made to call on practically every family in Cheyenne and served the Church as teachers and ever, already had almost a complete parish unit, including a administrators in our seminaries, church, a school in the church basement, a convent, and a Laramie county, together with business and industrial plants through universities, colleges, teacher­ out the locality. George F. Murphy and Stuart G. Cutler of the Amer­ Golden Jubilee of St. Elizabeth’s training institutions, and hospitals. rectory. The last city parish established for which complete ican City bureau are campaign counselors. So that while we are relatively far facilities had to be furnished was St. Vincent de Paul’s, The new hospital will use modem surgeries, including orthopedic removed, geographically, from erected in 1926 by the late Bishop J. Henry Tihen. Church, Denver, to Be Noted Nov. 19 Washington, all Catholic educa­ Our Lady of Victory chapel, dedicated in December, surgery and genito-urinary surgery. It will also have a hospital equip­ tional work has benefited directly ment room, central sterilizing units, record office, physio-therapy and 1937, and Our Lady of Guadalupe church, completed in De­ A Solemn Mass in St. Elizabeth’s St, Francis. Father Claude Keller- 1893, and against all advice. Fa­ or indirectly from the opportuni­ laboratory units, a completely modern maternity pavilion with necessary man, O.F.M., will assist as deacon ther Francis chose that precarious ties offered by the Catholic uni­ cember, 1936, to serve the Spanish-American Catholics in church Tuesday, Nov. 19, at 8 a.m. versity. facilities and an isolation unit for the maternity pavilion and for the will close a triduum held in cele­ and Father Berard Giblin, O.F.M., time to begin building. He hired their respective districts, have never been formally estab­ pediatric department. bration of the church’s golden Jubi­ as subdeacon. workmen who had long been out By our interest and generosity lished as parishes. Both are cared for by the Theatine Fa­ Services will be held at 7:45 of employment and were glad we can make the facilities of the The structure will consist of a basement and four stories, with a lee. The Rev. Felix Reitlingshofer, thers of St. Cajetan’s church. O.F.M., pastor, will be celebrant p.m. in the 'church on Nov. 17, 18, (Turn to Page 8 — Column S) Catholic university available to separate building for the boiler room and laundry and provisions for a of the Mass, which also commemor­ and 19. more qualified graduate students future nurses’ home. It will be so constructed as to take advantage of ates the feast of the church pat­ At t^e present time St. Eliza­ who will bring Christian philoso­ the terrain, and will include the most up-to-date facilities in hospital roness, St. Elizabeth, and the beth’s stands as an historic land­ Academy Sister phy and culture to additional thou­ EMPRESS ZITA PLEADS mark in the section of the city sands committed to their care and (Turn to Page 8 — Column 3) founding of the Third Order of which has long since lost its youth.
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