LOCALITY MAP Compartment: 2418 State Forest: Tallaganda No: 577 SOUTH COAST IFOA QUEANBEYAN MANAGEMENT AREA 23> On FCNSW Scale: 1:100,000 unsealed ³ gravel roads Tallaganda NP Tallaganda SCA YANDYGUINULA CREEK 2 4184 18 Yanununbeyan NP v®Ñ BOURKES CREEK SHOALHAVEN RIVER Á Á H Á Captains Flat ! State Forest National Parks G Emergency Meeting Point ! Towns & Localities Planning Unit Formal Reserve P Helicopter Landing Site Sealed Road Major Forest Road Vacant Crown Land Informal Reserve Á Evacuation Route Minor Forest Road Non Forest Softwood Plantations Major Rivers Á Haulage Route Freehold Water Prepared By: Lee Blessington Harvest Plan Operational Map Compartment: 2418 Version: 2 PLANNING SUPERVISOR APPROVAL ........................................................................................ State Forest: Tallaganda No: 577 32> APPROVED: Lee Blessington Southern IFOA - South Coast On FCNSW ³ unsealed DATE: 02/04/2015 Map Sheet: BOMBAY 8827-3S, BENDOURA 8826-4N gravel roads 29 730 31 32 71 71 ÉÉ Tallaganda NP 4 H 19 H 6070 6070 H 18 3 H H6 Lot: 1 DP: 1162481 H 2 Lot: 2 úF 7 DP: 1162481 H 69 69 Lot: 1364 DP: 568928 ÉÉ H5 _ ÉÉ 9 H 1 H Bú 8 H H10 úC H 11 A # # # # 68 68 úE úC2 ú C3 A 67 729000E 730 31 32 LEGEND HARVEST AREA NON HARVEST AREA STREAM EXCLUSION ZONES (EPL IHL 1/2 & TSL) BOUNDARIES FMZ 4 / RU1 / STS - Heavy Special Management (FMZ 2) Feature Filter Strip Protection Zone Operational Zone ÉÉÉÉÉÉ State Forest Boundary TENURE Harvesting Protection (FMZ 3A) Unmapped 5m 5m 110m0m ÉÉÉ ÉÉÉ Compartment Boundary National Park Estate Non Forest Use (FMZ 7) (powerline) 1st Order 5m 5m 10m ROADS Ridge & Headwater Habitat (40m) Major Forest Vacant Crown Land 2nd order 5m 15m 10m EEC - Montane Peatlands and Swamps Minor Forest Neighbours - Private Property 3rd order 5m 25m 10m EEC - Tablelands SG, BS, CB and VIM Grassy Woodland EPL Standard Existing (Major) 4th order 5m 45m 10m EPL Standard Existing (Minor) FAUNA FEATURES IHL 4 _ Spotted-tailed Quoll Wetland & Buffer (10m OR 40m) DUMPS & CROSSINGS A Powerful Owl Owl Landscape H Temporary Dry Weather # Olive Whistler FMZ 4 / RU2 / Excluded Forest ú Existing Crossing MAP FEATURES ! DRAINAGE Underground Cable Proposed Control Line Mapped LIC Drainage 0 125 250 500 750 1,000 Scale: 1:15,000 Meters Contour Interval 10m G:\Planning\HarvestPlans\South Coast\Tallaganda\Cpt-2418-2423\HP_BB_2418_15\HP_BB_2418_15.mxd Prepared By: Lee Blessington Harvest Plan Forest Type Map Compartment: 2418 Version: 2 State Forest: Tallaganda No: 577 32> Southern IFOA - South Coast On FCNSW ³ unsealed Map Sheet: BOMBAY 8827-3S, BENDOURA 8826-4N gravel roads 29 730 31 32 71 71 111 ÉÉ 154 4 154 H131 19 159 H 6070 6070 111 18 111 H 3 H H 6 131 úF 111 H 2 H7 69 155 69 111 159 ÉÉ H5 ÉÉ 131 131 9 1 H H 151 Bú 154 154 8 10 H 151H 154 C 152 ú H11 159 131 140 152 68 159 159úE ú C2 159 úC3 729000E 730 31 32 LEGEND ForestTypes_MainTypeNo Hectares BOUNDARIES FOREST TYPE (RN17) 111 45 ÉÉÉÉÉÉState Forest Boundary Type 111 Peppermint ÉÉÉÉÉÉ Compartment Boundary Type 131 Peppermint - Mountain / Manna Gum 131 30 ROADS Type 140 Snow Gum - Mountain / Manna Gum 140 9 Major Forest Type 151 Brown Barrel - Messmate 151 4 Minor Forest Type 152 Messmate - Gum 152 6 EPL Standard Existing (Major) Type 154 Brown Barrel EPL Standard Existing (Minor) Type 155 Brown Barrel - Gum 154 169 Type 159 Mountain / Manna Gum 155 26 DUMPS & CROSSINGS 159 61 H Temporary Dry Weather ú Existing Crossing DRAINAGE Mapped LIC Drainage 0 125 250 500 750 1,000 Scale: 1:15,000 Meters Contour Interval 10m G:\Planning\HarvestPlans\South Coast\Tallaganda\Cpt-2418-2423\HP_BB_2418_15\HP_BB_2418_15.mxd Southern IFOA – Compartment 2418, Tallaganda State Forest, Queanbeyan Management Area HARDWOOD FORESTS- SOUTHERN IFOA SOUTH COAST HARVESTING PLAN Tallaganda State Forest - Compartment 2418 Certification This plan has been prepared in accordance with the Integrated Forestry Operations Approval issued under the Forestry and National Park Estate Act 1998. The Harvest Plan Standard Conditions for Hardwood Forest Operations in South Coast apply to this operation. Prepared By: Kevin Petty Updated & Lee Blessington Harvest Approved By: Planner Planning Supervisor Signature Kevin Petty Signature Lee Blessington Date 16/04/2003 Date 02/04/2015 Note: Approval includes the Harvest Plan Operational Map (HPOM) with the corresponding approval date displayed on the map, verifying final approved version. Other maps included with this plan are Locality, Forest Type, and Cultural Heritage (limited distribution). Description of Proposal Harvesting of Hardwood forest Harvesting of Hardwood forest, using Single Tree Selection silviculture subject to the Southern IFOA requirements will be undertaken within this planning unit. Timber harvesting will not be licensed under the EPL. The primary product of the harvesting is high quality large sawlogs (quota logs), small high quality sawlogs, veneer logs, girders, poles & piles where timber markets are available. Parts of felled logs that do not meet high quality log specifications are segregated and graded into other classifications such as salvage sawlogs, pulp logs & miscellaneous timbers e.g. split & round posts, firewood, mining timbers & craftwood. The availability of miscellaneous timbers depends mainly on forest types, log defectiveness & market conditions at the time of harvesting. Clause 22 – Integrated Forestry Operations Approval (IFOA) Consideration All relevant factors have been reviewed taking into account the volume and monetary value of each forest product to supply Term Agreement Holders. The harvesting operation also complies with Clause 22 of the IFOA. Attachment 1: Site Safety Plan prescribes safety requirements and Medical Emergency Evacuation Plan for this harvesting operation. Attachment 2: Roading plan prescribes roading requirements for this harvesting operation. HP_BB_2418_15 09-04-15 1 Southern IFOA – Compartment 2418, Tallaganda State Forest, Queanbeyan Management Area Abbreviations used in this plan FT = Forest Technician, HC= Harvesting Coordinator, PtS= Protection Supervisor, HS = Harvesting Supervisor, RC = Roading Coordinator, IFOA = Integrated Forestry Operations Approval. Area Identification and Yield Estimates State Forest Compartment/s IFOA Management Certification Region Area Tallaganda 2418 Southern Queanbeyan AS4708:2007 ISO 14001 Cpt Total Plan Compartment ID 10881 NA Gross Area (ha) 347 347 Net Harvestable Area (ha) 299 299 Harvest Area (ha) 205 205 Poles, Piles, Veneer & Girders 0 m³ 0 m³ Quota Logs (HQL) 800 m³ 800 m³ High Quality Small 100 m3 100 m3 Salvage 1600 m³ 1600 m³ Pulp E1 1000 t 1000 t Firewood/Misc 250 t 250 t Note: The yield estimates in the table above are derived from the Plan of Operations. Slope Classes (percent of harvest area) Cpt 2418 Slope Class % of harvest area 0-20º 87 20-25 º 10 25-30 º 3 HP_BB_2418_15 09-04-15 2 Southern IFOA – Compartment 2418, TTaallaagaganda State Forest, Queanbeyan Management Area ATTACHMENT 1: SITESITE SAFSAFETTY Y P PLLAN Worksite Information Is this Declared Hunting Area: Yes Comments: No hunting exclusion zone HaHaveve Excluusionsion Z Zoneone s signsigns bebeenen eerectrecteedd oror Yes / No checked prior to starting work daily. Comments: OSS012 – WWorkingorking iinn FForeorest DeclaredDeclared forfor HuntingHunting mustmust be implementedimplemented Description of Work to be undertaken on sitsite: - ReReferfer to descriiptionption ooff pproposalroposal above.bove. Site Supervisor Name: Contact number: Communication Radio channel number VHF: UHF Other (e.g. hand signals): TTrafficraffic m managementanagement ((dedescriibe)be) e.e.g.g. SSigignage, ge, RoadRoad closure,closure, TrafficTraffic controlcontrol TThishis pplanlan i identifiesdentifies hahaulageulage f fromrom the ccoom partmentpartment wiwill be south via Palerang Road turniturning llefteft oorr r rightight on ontoto Lowden Road or south via Cpt 22418/418/2 Road oad and left or right onto Lowden Road. Fromom LowdenLowden RoadRoad haulagehaulage wiwill be westwest viavia Rossi townshiptownship (which(which continuescontinues on toto becomebecobecome Rossi Road)Road) oror southsouth via,via, CoxesCoxes CreekCreek and HaroldsHarolds CroCCrross Roads.Roads. ForFor both haulagehaulage routes,routes, sightght distancedistancdistance ontoonnto to a majormajor roadroad isis not aann issuuee aandnd nneithereither r requiresequires a additidditional al signagesignage inin accordanceordance withwith a TrafficTraffic ControlControl Pllan. an. Dust, noise and school bus routes Dust and noise – WhereWhere loglog haulagehaulage routesroutes pass closelose to ruralrural housinghousing alongalong naturalnatural surface/gravelsurrface/gravel face/gravel roadsroads dustdust andand noisenoise mustmust be minimisedminimised toto t thehe greatestgreatest reatest extentextent practicable.practicable. TrucksTrucks shouldshould reducreducereduce speed,speed, restrictrestrict u usese to ddayaylight hou rs aandnd mminimiseinimise ththee uusese ooff engine ngine brakesbrakes through these areas. Local traffic - Lowden road is used by l ocalocal commutecommuters betweenbetween thethe houhours ofof 7:30am7:30am to 8:30 aamm and 3:3:30pm30pm to 4:34:30pm.0pm. OOnn wweekdays,eekdays, to tthehe ggreatesreatest extent xtent practicable,practicable, loglog haulagehaulage shouldshould avoidavoid commcommute time on the above road. School bus route - Rossi roadroad isis usedused byb y schoolhool busesbuses betweenbetween thethe houhours ofof 7.00am7.00am to 9.00 amam and 3.10pm3.10pm to 4:45pm.4:45pm. OnOn weekdays,weekdays,
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