Loss of Mound Star and Handy Man Hits Roosevelt in Early Part of Series 4 Garner and Howard Sports Program Washington-Lee Five Selected Sports Mirror and Navy tbe Maryland McCluskey By Associated Press. For Local Fans Today a year ago—Mrs. Estelle Out of First Three TODAY. Takes On All-Star Track Lawson Page defeated Dorothy Are Choices Hockey. Trouncing Kirby, 5 and 4, for North-South Among women’s golf title at Pinehurst. United States Hockey Associa- Three years ago—Oregon won tion winner of At Glens Title Contests playoffs, Hershey Falls Team 11th Time N. C. A. A. basket ball cham- For Rille Honors Cup Series vs. Washington Eagles, defeating Ohio State, Riverside Stadium, 8:30. pionship, Riders Have Fair Crop Blozis 46-33. in finals at Evanston, 111. Penn State Will Defend Boxing. Metropolitan Champs Shot-put Choice; Five years ago—M ichigan Of Candidates for A A. U. tourney finals, Turner’s Bow to Titleholders; Gregory and Borican swimming team took N. C. A. A. Crown in Collegiate Arena, 8. title with 75 points: Ohio State Most of Positions TOMORROW’. Marshall Erased Get 3 Places Each second with 39 and Yale third Tourney Tomorrow Baseball. with 38. B> GEORGE rtl’BER. I Special Dispatch to The Star. By Ihe Associated Press. Maryland, Navy and Penn State, Boston Braves vs. Washing- GLENS FALLS, N. Y„ March 27.— NEW March 27.—Joe Mc- Reds Auerbach. Roosevelt High ton, exhibition, Orlando, Fla. YORK. leaders in the Middle Atlantic sec- Two New Me- Cluskey, “iron-man” distance run- baseball and basket ball coach, is a Track. Jersey co-favorites. tor. are rated among the favorites ner of the New York Athletic Club, it wasn’t al- Dual meet, Roosevelt at Wash- morial High of West New York and All-Time Mark Seen pessimistic cuss, but has been named as an all-America to cop the national championship Ballston, Seton Hall of South ways thus. Reds, who came to ington-Lee High, Va., Prep Orange, runner for the 11th time in 12 in the annual rifle shoot scheduled 3:30. Herman safely are past their first-round en- years. Roosevelt last fall when Horses. As Sea Gull Rookie tomorrow In eight sectional tourna- in the On the team picked by Daniel J. Littman entered the Army, had as gagements twenty-third an- ments. The victor will be deter- Potomac races, Perris, secretary treasurer of the point-to-point nual Eastern States scholastic bas- rosy a view as the next fellow, but Edward Beale’s farm, near Po- Amateur Athletic Union for the mined by telegraphic comparison of ket ball and that’s all over, for the time being, tomac. Md., 2. tournament, tonight 1942 A. A. U. Almanac, McCluskey Nets 131 Points scores. meet (Mass.) and La was chosen as the Fifteen teams are to anyway. Holyoke High leading per- expected former in the 15-kilometer run and compete in the shoulder-to-shoul- "I’m just beginning to learn what Salle Military Academy of Oakdale, Prior the steeplechase. Burlington Tops der competition at the Naval Acad- can happen to these high school Long Island, respectively, in the ! Lou Gregory Of the Millrose A. A. emy, scene of the Eastern sectional teams.’’ says Reds, whose present Courteau in Record Line-up semi-finals. was given a place on the team for League by 30; shoot, and one of the three teams grief is the loss through scholastic Memorial cham- the ninth time, being named for mentioned is expected to win. On ineligibility of Bill Garner, left- High, defending Chakowski Second showed its >ist the 10,000 meters, 20 kilometers and a basis of winter performances the handed pitcher and slated to be As Tackle pion. power night Eagles with an over 30 kilometers. the Press. Eastern winner should capture the the No. 1 finger. He turned in four easy victory Washing- By Associated ton-Lee, holder of the Three places also went to John national title. Other sectionals are interhieh victories last year, which Metropolitan NEW YORK. March 27.—A new 45-12. John Borican of Asbury Park. N. J„ in scheduled at New London. Conn ; were all Roosevelt earned. Also Washington crown. individual Gulls the the scoring record, probably books Tonight Mabnken, 6-foot-7 Memorial center, 1.000-yard run, penthathlon Chicago. Wichita, Kans.: Atlania, losing a recent battle of the the in led the attack and took individual and decathlon. highest ever reached organ- Los Angeles, Corvallis, Oreg., and was Charley Howard, relief pitcher honors with 14 A1 Blozis of Georgetown was ized was set this N. Mex. and hand\ around first base and in i points. hockey history, Roswell, Ban on Fiery Frenchman named for the shot Memorial ran put. season in the Eastern Amateur Interest in Grows. the outfield. Starting strong, up The selections: Shooting for an 18-2 in the first and Interest in rifle on the Will Miss Lifted One Game edge period, Hockey League by young Tommy shooting, Flingers. do yards—Herbert Thompson, Jersey led at the half, 37-7. and at the City. N. J. Burlington, a center with the Atlan- upgrade since the start of the war, Rods regards pitching as half the In Title PADDLE who Playoffs end of the third period, 41-10. EXPERTS—Jane Stauffer, woman's champion, loo meters—Norwood (Barney) Ewell. tic City Sea Gulls. has resulted in a record-breaking battle in schoolboy baseball, so. with Penn State College never was able to will defend her and Tibor to take the man’s Final records released to- list of entries in the individual those boys missing from the first Washington-Lee title, Hazi, picked 200 meters—Harold Davis, San Fran- scoring j! With happy-go-lucky Paul Cour- cisco the unleash a consistent attack and tal- crown in the District table tennis at the Co- day showed that Burlington. 21- competition. Some 350 marksmen three of eight interhigh games, teau in the the tourney Sunday 400 meters—Grover Klemmer, San Fran- lineup Washington lied only four field goals.the entire cisco rookie from Owen Sound. are to vie for the crown Rough Rider prospects are only fair, i lumbia courts. year-old expected Eagles play host to Atlantic City two of them Eddie Cox 000 yards—James Herbert. New York who is blind in defended Iowa's The No. 1 now is Walter i game, by hoo meters—Charles Ontario, virtually being by Virgil pitcher at 8:30 on the Riverside Beetham, Colum- tonight who led the losers with six bus. Ohio. one 65 in 60 ! Pettit. The individual shoot will Lansdale, with Lee Joy. a stoutish points. eye. sc.ored goals games Stadium pond in the first of two John of 1.000 yards—John Borican. Asbury Marshall Richmond, the Park. N. and piled up 66 assists for a total follow team matches. lad. to back him up. that decide the United J. matches may tourney’s other Virginia team, also 1 mile—Leslie MacMitchell. New York of 131 points. Iowa and Minnesota, champions Roosevelt has a pretty good crop Association University t States Amateur Hockey was a first-round loser, Hazi Picked to Annex Goal From Midcourt He had a over in 1940 and are of candidates for other positions. dropping out, 5.000 meters—J. Gregory Rice. New 42-point margin ’41, respectively, championship. It is the final match before York and 32-30, Holyoke. his nearest rival. Anriv Chakowski entered again, but are not expected Mason Gittleson Bunny Citren- for al- 10.1)00 meters—Louis Gregory. New of the season District fans, In the other La Salle of 44 baum are for the first base ga-mes, York. Baltimore who taiiied goals to cut much ice with the Eastern battling have an- 15 though the same teams managed a late rally to defeat kilometers, Joseph J. McCluskey, and 45 assists for 89 leaders. six-time winner of job. and third base also will be well Table Tennis Title Settles Thriller in New York. points. Navy, other setto coming up either tomor-. School of New York protected, with three lads, Vinnie Trinity City, 20 kilometers. Gregory. Burlington broke the league's pre- this highest prize in intercollegiate row or Tuesday night at Atlantic while Seton Hall continued unde- 25 kilometers. Johnny Kelley. Arlington, Tomasulo. Sam De Shazo and George Mass. vious high of 101 points set by Abby competition, recently hung up a City. feated bv Dean Acad- •to kilometers. as best bets there. Ollie outclassing Gregory Collings while with the New York record-shattering score of 1.406 in Robertson Fields Gives Women's Marathon—Joseph While the Sea Gulls are regarded 60-46. Up Tourney Smiht, North Med- a hitter and second emy, Franklin, Mass., ford. Mass. Rovers in the 1939-40 season and nosing out a hot Maryland team Kennedy, good as more than fair nothing opposi- u.F.Pts. Cross Country—Rice came two of baseman last year, will be Wash -Lee. Memorial. O F.Pts. within goals equalling which totaled 1.399. Minnesota won probably it that Grinnell-f 0 O O 1 11 Steeplechase—McCluskey. tion in the playoffs appears Shaub.I ft Team Defeats the mark of 67 set the last with to catching. Cox.f 2 2 6 Konrad.f 4 19 Women Stars Also Arkansas 70-yard hurdles—Allen Toimich. De- goal-scoring by championship year assigned the resort city sextet will have an Play troit. A lot of the team's Phillips.f .10 2 Calak.f 0 0 0 Norm Burns with Washington last 1.388.
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