W^ SIMILKAMEEN STAR. Devoted to the Interests of Princeton and the Similkameen Country. 5 Voj.. i. No. 29, PRINCETON, B. C, SATURDAY, OCT., 13th, 1900. $2.00 PER YEAR This month practically marks the Personal Hen tion. VIEWING THE CAMP close of the prospecting season, and quite TO BUILD AT ONCE a number of the boys have gone out to A. E. Howse left on Sunday's stage for Boundary, Kootenay country and other Nicola. k points to look for work, so as to be able The first month of a very successful "7 j^ Mr. Penaluna Sizing Up the to carry on their work next season. In Keremeos-Princeton Road to school has past it/Princeton. «-»» 'ery instance the boys leave with the Mines. Receive Attention. Mrs. Allison and daughter werepassen* intention of returning next summer, and gers on the last outgoing stage. £ whojhave their assessment work done two seasons ahead will return and carry Fred Revely and E. Burr started for development work. The courage and Greenwood the first of the week. Jrogregressivei Work to be Done by thenerge y displayed by the boys in pushing Government Buildings Will be Let By Harry Duncan, manager of A. E. I Monte Mira Company—Podunk work on their claims under the difficulty Contract—Brief News of a Local Howse's store at Nicola Lake arrived on Claim to the Front. and hardships so many of them have to Nature. today's stage. combat with, simply shows their George Aldous returned to Princeton bounded faith in the country. via the Hope trail today, after an extend­ mm. ed visit to the Pacific coast. / Mr. Jas. Penaluna, Engineer for the At It Again. The Chief Commissioner of Land and Messrs. Neaves and Slater, two gentle­ Tharsus Copper and Sulphur Co., of Glas­ Ex-Gov. Dewdney is the conservative Works has issued instructions to Arthur men from England, who are visiting Mr. gow, Scotland, has been busily engaged nominee to oppose Aulay Morrison in the Stevenson, Road Engineer for West Yale, the past week investigating the merits of W. J. Waterman, were passengers on to­ Westminster riding at the forthcoming to at once begin work on the Princeton Copper mountain. In company with day's stage. Dominion election. The Gov. has a hard end of the Princeton-Keremeos wagon Messrs. Cramer and Stevenson he explor­ fight on his hands, as Mr. Aulay is very Mr. Thos. Miller, of Greenwood, B. C, road. It is the intention of the gov ed and visited the greater part of the popular in both Westminster and the who has been visiting JPrinceton and the mountain, securing samples as he wen rounding disticts. ment to push the work to immediate principal mines in the vicinity, returned Upon returning to Princeton he at on< completion. Owing^^tothe lateness of home via Keremeos on Monday last. proceeded to find out was in the samplj the season it is th^ght advisable to build Wardle & Thomas are making some obtained by a thorough analysis. In r Polling Day November 7th. The official announcement was madi the road under government supervision extensive improvements on the meat gard to his opinion of the mountain he market. The new front and a fresh coat has ve. y little to say at present as he on Wednesday last that nominations for instead of calling for tenders as origi- the Dominion election will take pit of paint makes it have a very neat ap­ doubtedly prefers to keep it for his t lly intended. As many as possible October 31st. The writs are reJurnahte+: pearance. benefit. Next week atrip will be madi 11 be employed, as the work will be Kennedy mountain where he will look on Dec. 5th. £/*** Mr. and Mrs. Murray of Vancouver are M In British Columbia, the etectiojifl^ln 1arrange d in sections, each section being visiting Mr. and Mrs. Pooley of Nicola over the situation in that camp. Mr. Penaluna's intention to stay in this the Burrard district and in Yale^Cariboo- under a competent foreman. The wages for a short vacation. Mr. Murray is man­ part of the country for several weeks his Kootenay will be left to the discretion oi paid will be $2.50 per day. ager of the Bank of British Columbia at views and opinions of the country as a the returning officers. The returning Vancouver. offic^ra appointed for British Columbia whole will be awaited with great interest The government building at Princeton Charlie Richter, wife and family, were by the people of the Similkameen. It is are: victoria, J. G. BrowiK of Victoria; Vancouver, C. H. Barkefj*Nanaimo; Bur­ will be built at once. Plans among the arrivals on today's stage. Mr. to be hoped that Mr. Penaluna's com­ and Mrs. Richter will occupy the hand­ pany will see their way clear to take up rard, Duncan C.^:Gregor, Vancouver; ready and tenderders forj&for the work will be r Westmifoer, T.JLArmstrong,West- some cottage on Bridge street, which has some of properties, as we fully realize asked for shortl been prepared for their reception. what a great benefit it would be. We minsterister;; Y&e-Caribc^Kootenay, D. J. believe that our prospectors and claim McDonald, Kamloops. EXPOSITION NOTES. Wm. Hine and Wm. Lowe of Kere­ owners will gladly accept any reasonable Vancouver, Oct. 9.—Polling day meos arrived in Princeton Sunday from ^proposition, and in fact, would be will- Burrard will be fixed by the returning Visitors At the Kamloops Fair From Hope. They have both spent a pleasant \ing to go even tfaore than half way. officer at some day later than November the Nicola District. holiday in the coast cities but are glad to 7th, probably November 15. From the Kamloops Sentinel. get back to the Similkameen. Messrs. Sre ring and Burns are ii^town Thos. Hunter came in from Princeton John Ferguson McCrae, of Rossland, from Summers creek and Mammon! lake reported that polling day in Yale Wednesday. districts. They speak very highly of arrived on today's stage. Mr. McCrae is and Cariboo districts will be fixed for Mrs. A. R. Carrington, of Nicola Lake, here to meet Hugh and Duncan McRae, that partlof the country and upon their November 15th. return will be accompanied by Mr. Pen- is spending a few days with friends. and will examine the properties on Cop­ The candidates in Yale-Cariboo-Koote- F. W.Jackson, of the Triangle ranch, per and Kennedy mountains owned by Quilchena, is in town. Jack Swansbourough went nay are A. H. McNeill of Rossland, Con­ them, with a view to making arrange­ ments for active development this winter. out to Wolf creek to look at the. progress servative ; Wm. Galliher, of Nelson, Lib­ Geo. B. Armstrong, of Lower Nicola, done on the Podunk claim of which he is eral and Chris Foley, of Rossland, Labor. came in for the Exhibition. the proud owner. Messrs. Davis and Geo. R. Philp, of Nicola Lake, is Sold Life Dearly. Roland who are doing assessment and de­ The new provincial lists of voters will spending a few day in town. London, Oct. n.—A special dispatch velopment are bringing out a fine show­ not be available at the Dominion elec­ Bob Clarke is in from Nicola Lake to from Lydenberg says: "A Boer prisoner tells the story of the way in which a pa­ ing and the claim promises to be one of tion, so the old lists prepared last May enjoy the races and look up his many trol of five troopers of Strathcona's Horse \<^ie leaders on Wolf creek. will be used. This %will prevent a num­ \?jfix. T. A. Rogers, the general manager ber of eligible voters in the Similkameen under Sergeant Brothers, met death. Jos. D. Lauder, JSovernment Agent at It appears that they were suddenly sur­ of the Afonte Mira Mining Co., who has district from using the franchise, but it Nicola Lake, ^spending a week's holi­ rounded by a strong force of Boers. The been in Chicago lately making arrang- will be impossible to get new lists ready day in town, ' Canadians indignantly refused to sur­ ments for active work on several of the time for the election. Mrs. Pooley, Mrs. A. E. Howse and render, and a murderous fire was ex­ company's properties in the Aspen Grove -. Special Notice, d/ Miss Douglas came in from Nicola Lake changed at short range, until every man district is expected to return the first of Wednesday for the Exhibition. was riddled with bullets, but not before the week. This company has been bus- ' A special meeting will be called at an Rev. Thos. Neville and Mrs. Neville of each Canadian accounted for three Boers. ily engaged all summer in prospecting early date for the purpose of arranging Nicola Lake, are spending a few days in and acquiring valuable properties and it the Princeton School district and ap­ town. Before returning home Mr. and Liberals Defeated. is their, intention to proceed with their pointing trustees and secretary of the Mrs. Neville will visit Vancouver, The latest returns from the British development work on a larger scale. Princeton school board. Notices of the date of meeting will be posted in town, elections show: •(Messrs. French and Day are out doing rnestly requested Princeton merchants all carry Blue Ministerial seats 315 assessment. : Ribbon Extracts. Opposition seats 198 THE SIMILKAMEEN STAR. 4*//* I News of the Province fcfil Al I AN New General itorofthe U Store -r 11Boo t We carry a well assorted stock of Clothing, Gents' Furnish­ iage to Mr.
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