UEFA Route de Genève 46 CH-1260 Nyon 2 Union des associations Switzerland européennes de football Telephone +41 848 00 27 27 Telefax +41 848 01 27 27 UEFA Handbook.qxp:complete 10/8/11 07:55 Page 2 Contents Table des matières | Inhaltsverzeichnis UEFA Club Competitions 3-4 Calendar – 2011/12 UEFA Champions League 3 Calendar – 2011/12 UEFA Europa League 4 UEFA Member Associations 5-110 Albania | Albanie | Albanien 5 Andorra | Andorre | Andorra 7 Armenia | Arménie | Armenien 9 Austria | Autriche | Österreich 11 Azerbaijan | Azerbaïdjan | Aserbeidschan 13 Belarus | Belarus | Belarus 15 Belgium | Belgique | Belgien 17 Bosnia & Herzegovina | Bosnie-Herzégovine | Bosnien-Herzegowina 19 Bulgaria | Bulgarie | Bulgarien 21 Croatia | Croatie | Kroatien 23 Cyprus | Chypre | Zypern 25 Czech Republic | République tchèque | Tschechische Republik 27 Denmark | Danemark | Dänemark 29 England | Angleterre | England 31 Estonia | Estonie | Estland 33 Faroe Islands | Iles Féroé | Färöer-Inseln 35 Finland | Finlande | Finnland 37 France | France | Frankreich 39 Georgia | Géorgie | Georgien 41 Germany | Allemagne | Deutschland 43 Greece | Grèce | Griechenland 45 Hungary | Hongrie | Ungarn 47 Iceland | Islande | Island 49 Israel | Israël | Israel 51 Italy | Italie | Italien 53 Kazakhstan | Kazakhstan | Kasachstan 55 Latvia | Lettonie | Lettland 57 Liechtenstein | Liechtenstein | Liechtenstein 59 Lithuania | Lituanie | Litauen 61 Luxembourg | Luxembourg | Luxemburg 63 Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia | ARY Macédoine | EJR Mazedonien 65 Malta | Malte | Malta 67 Moldova | Moldavie | Moldawien 69 Montenegro | Monténégro | Montenegro 71 Netherlands | Pays-Bas | Niederlande 73 Northern Ireland | Irlande du Nord | Nordirland 75 Norway | Norvège | Norwegen 77 Poland | Pologne | Polen 79 Portugal | Portugal | Portugal 81 Republic of Ireland | République dʼIrlande | Republik Irland 83 Romania | Roumanie | Rumänien 85 Russia | Russie | Russland 87 San Marino | Saint-Marin | San Marino 89 Scotland | Ecosse | Schottland 91 Serbia | Serbie | Serbien 93 Slovakia | Slovaquie | Slowakei 95 Slovenia | Slovénie | Slowenien 97 Spain | Espagne | Spanien 99 Sweden | Suède | Schweden 101 Switzerland | Suisse | Schweiz 103 Turkey | Turquie | Türkei 105 Ukraine | Ukraine | Ukraine 107 Wales | Pays de Galles | Wales 109 Professional Leagues | Ligues professionnelles | Profiligen 111-114 Statistics | Statistiques | Statistiken 115-116 UEFA Handbook.qxp:complete 10/8/11 07:55 Page 3 2011/12 UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE 25/8/2011 Group stage draw (Monaco) 13-14/9/2011 Group stage, matchday 1 27-28/9/2011 Group stage, matchday 2 18-19/10/2011 Group stage, matchday 3 1-2/11/2011 Group stage, matchday 4 22-23/11/2011 Group stage, matchday 5 6-7/12/2011 Group stage, matchday 6 16/12/2011 Round of 16 draw (Nyon, Switzerland) 14-15/2/2012 Round of 16, first leg 21-22/2/2012 Round of 16, first leg 6-7/3/2012 Round of 16, second leg 13-14/3/2012 Round of 16, second leg 16/3/2012 Quarter-finals and semi-finals draw (Nyon, Switzerland) 27-28/3/2012 Quarter-finals, first leg 3-4/4/2012 Quarter-finals, second leg 17-18/4/2012 Semi-finals, first leg 24-25/4/2012 Semi-finals, second leg 19/5/2012 Final (Munich, Germany) 3 UEFA Handbook.qxp:complete 10/8/11 07:55 Page 4 2011/12 UEFA EUROPA LEAGUE 26/8/2011 Group stage draw (Monaco) 15/9/2011 Group stage, matchday 1 29/9/2011 Group stage, matchday 2 20/10/2011 Group stage, matchday 3 3/11/2011 Group stage, matchday 4 30/11-1/12/2011 Group stage, matchday 5 14-15/12/2011 Group stage, matchday 6 16/12/2011 Round of 32 and round of 16 draw (Nyon, Switzerland) 16/2/2012 Round of 32, first leg 23/2/2012 Round of 32, second leg 8/3/2012 Round of 16, first leg 15/3/2012 Round of 16, second leg 16/3/2012 Quarter-finals and semi-finals draw (Nyon, Switzerland) 29/3/2012 Quarter-finals, first leg 5/4/2012 Quarter-finals, second leg 19/4/2012 Semi-finals, first leg 26/4/2012 Semi-finals, second leg 9/5/2012 Final (Bucharest, Romania) 4 UEFA Handbook.qxp:complete 10/8/11 07:55 Page 5 Albania Albanie | Albanien Federata Shqiptarë e Futbollit (FShF) COMMUNICATION Address Rruga e Elbasanit President Armand Duka AL-Tiranë General Secretary Eduard Prodani Tel +355 42 346 605 Media Officer Tritan Kokona Fax +355 42 346 609 Year of Formation 1930 E-mail [email protected] Website fshf.org National Stadium Qemal Stafa, Tirana (16,230) DOMESTIC COMPETITION SUMMARY 2010/11 KATEGORIA SUPERIORE FINAL TABLE Home Away Total Pld W D L F A W D L F A W D L F A Pts Comp 1 KS Skënderbeu 33 17 0 0 37 6 6 4 6 15 17 23 4 6 52 23 73 UCL 2 KS Flamurtari 33 17 0 0 47 7 5 3 8 15 19 22 3 8 62 26 66 UEL 3 KF Vllaznia 33 11 4 2 26 15 6 4 6 14 12 17 8 8 40 27 59 UEL 4 KF Laçi 33 10 3 4 23 13 4 2 10 21 31 14 5 14 44 44 47 5 KF Tirana 33 9 4 4 28 12 2 7 7 14 19 11 11 11 42 31 44 UEL 6 KS Bylis 33 11 3 2 25 10 2 1 14 19 38 13 4 16 44 48 43 7 KS Kastrioti 33 10 3 3 28 16 1 6 10 12 31 11 9 13 40 47 42 8 KS Teuta 33 8 5 3 27 16 3 4 10 11 24 11 9 13 38 40 42 9 KS Shkumbini 33 10 4 2 32 24 2 2 13 11 30 12 6 15 43 54 42 10 FK Dinamo Tirana 33 6 6 5 23 20 4 3 9 23 30 10 9 14 46 50 39 11 KS Besa 33 8 5 3 19 14 2 4 11 16 33 10 9 14 35 47 39 Relegated 12 KF Elbasani 33 3 3 10 18 30 1 0 16 12 49 4 3 26 30 79 12 Relegated NB KS Flamurtari and KF Elbasani – 3 pts deducted. For the 2011/12 season, the top division has been increased to 14 teams. Top Scorer Daniel Xhafa (Flamurtari), 19 goals Promoted Clubs KS Pogradeci FK Tomori KS Kamza KF Apolonia Cup Final KF Tirana – FK Dinamo Tirana 1-1 (aet; 4-3 on pens) 5 UEFA Handbook.qxp:complete 10/8/11 07:55 Page 6 Albania | Albanie | Albanien CLUBCLUB COMMUNICATION COMMUNICATION 2011/12 2011 KF Apolonia KS Kastrioti KS Teuta Rr. 16 Prilli, Rr. R. Aranitasi Lagja nr 2 Krujë, Kastrioti Stadiumi Niko Dovana L.18, Rr. A. Goga AL-Fier AL-Krujë AL-Durrës Tel +355 42 251 311 Tel +355 824 21 86 Tel +355 52 217 98 Fax +355 42 251 312 Fax +355 824 21 86 Fax +355 52 217 95 Web kfapoloniafier.wordpress.com Web Web kfteuta.com Email [email protected] Email Email [email protected] Media Officer Maksim Tashi Media Officer Media Officer Bleda Kadiu KS Bylis KF Laçi KF Tirana City Comunal Stadium Lagjia 4, Stadiumi i Lacit Stadiumi Selman Stërmasi, Rr. Muhamet AL-Ballsh AL-Laç Gjollesha, AL-Tiranë Tel +355 68 228 6071 Tel +355 222 190 Tel +355 42 568 99 Fax +355 68 228 6071 Fax +355 222 190 Fax +355 42 568 99 Web Web Web sktirana.com Email Email Email [email protected] Media Officer Media Officer Isuf Myrtja Media Officer Dritan Lundra FK Dinamo Tirana KS Pogradeci FK Tomori Grigor Heba str 1, Kompleksi Sportiv Dinamo c/o Stadiumi Gjorgji KyÁyku Stadiumi Tomorri, Lagja 30 Vjetori AL-Tiranë AL-Pogradec AL-Berat Tel +355 42 303 36 Tel Tel +355 62 34 627 Fax +355 42 223 92 Fax Fax Web dinamo.al Web Web fktomori.com Email [email protected] Email Email Media Officer Andi Matraxhiu Media Officer Media Officer KS Flamurtari KS Shkumbini KF Vllaznia Lagja Pavaresisë Rruga Skele-Vlore Bulevardi Mustafa Gjinishi Stadiumi Loro Boriçi, Musa Luli 1 Stadiumi Flamurtari, AL-Vlorë AL-Peqin AL-Shkodër Tel +355 33 222 762 Tel +355 5 123 200 Tel +355 222 42305 Fax +355 33 224 275 Fax +355 5 123 200 Fax +355 222 47513 Web skflamurtari.com Web ksshkumbini.com Web vllaznia.eu Email [email protected] Email [email protected] Email [email protected] Media Officer Moisi Dalipi Media Officer Gazmend Vogli Media Officer Gjergj Kola KS Kamza KS Skënderbeu c/o Stadiumi Kamëz Stadiumi Skënderbeu, Zona Sportive Korçë AL-Kamëz AL-Korcë Tel +355 47 200 177 Tel +355 824 2186 Fax +355 47 200 177 Fax +355 824 2186 Web Web skenderbeukorce.webs.com Email [email protected] Email [email protected] Media Officer Media Officer Tonin Frroku 6 UEFA Handbook.qxp:complete 10/8/11 07:55 Page 7 Andorra Andorre | Andorra Federació Andorrana de Futbol (FAF) COMMUNICATION Address Avinguda Carlemany President Antoni Giribet Fiter 67 3° pis General Secretary Tomás Gea Apartado postal 65 Media Officer Andrea Vidal AD-Escaldes-Engordany Tel +376 805 830 Year of Formation 1994 Fax +376 862 006 National Stadium Comunal, Andorra la E-mail administracio@ Vella (1,249) fedandfut.com Website fedandfut.com DOMESTIC COMPETITION SUMMARY 2010/11 PRIMERA DIVISIÓ FINAL TABLE PLAY-OFFS Championship Group Home Away Total Pld W D L F A W D L F A W D L F A Pts Comp 1 FC Santa Coloma 20 9 1 0 34 4 5 4 1 37 7 14 5 1 71 11 47 UCL 2 UE Sant Julià 20 6 4 0 24 4 6 3 1 23 5 12 7 1 47 9 43 UEL 3 FC Lusitans 20 7 3 0 22 6 4 2 4 21 14 11 5 4 43 20 38 UEL 4 UE Santa Coloma 20 6 0 4 25 12 4 0 6 29 15 10 0 10 54 27 30 UEL PLAY-OFFS Championship Group Home Away Total Pld W D L F A W D L F A W D L F A Pts Comp 5 CE Principat 20 5 2 3 30 16 3 2 5 19 18 8 4 8 49 34 28 6 Inter Club dʼEscaldes 20 22682941520256311285421 7 FC Encamp 20 2 1 7 14 39 2 0 8 10 40 4 1 15 24 79 13 Relegated 8 FC Casa del Benfica 20 118955028642131615976 Relegated NB League splits into two groups of four after 14 matches.
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