GOVERNMENT GAZETTE OF THE REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA N$8.36 WINDHOEK- 13 August 1998 No. 1923 CONTENTS Page GOVERNMENT NOTICES No. 193 Merchandise Marks Act, 1941: Prohibition of the use of certain state flags, emblems, coats of arms and marks: Hungary ...................................................... No. 194 Merchandise Marks Act, 1941: Prohibition of the use of certain state flags, emblems, coats of arms and marks: Singapore .. .... .... .... .... .... .. ...... .... ........ ........ ... 15 No. 195 Merchandise Marks Act, 1941: Prohibition of the use of certain state flags, emblems, coats of arms and marks: Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Estonia, Turkmenistan, Moldova, Romania and various international organizations and institutions ............................................................................... ............................... 33 Government Notices MINISTRY OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY No. 193 1998 MERCHANDISE MARKS ACT, 1941: PROHIBITION OF THE USE OF CERTAIN STATE FLAGS, EMBLEMS, COATS OF ARMS AND MARKS: HUNGARY In terms of section 15(1) of the Merchandise Marks Act, 1941 (Act 17 of 1941), I hereby, in respect of the country mentioned below, prohibit the use of the State flags, State emblems, coats of arms and other marks set out and depicted in respect of that country in the relevant Schedule hereto as indicated below opposite to such country's name, in connection with any trade, business, profession or occupation or in connection with any trade mark, mark or trade description applied to goods, except the use thereof by that country or its mandatories: . '• 2 Government Gazette 13 August 1998 No. 1923 Name of country Schedule applicable Hungary 1 and 2 H. HAMUTENYA MINISTER OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY Windhoek, 11 February 1998 - .... No. 1923 Government Gazette 13 August 1998 3 SCHEDULE 1 MAGYAR NEPKOZTARSASAG - . '" 4 Government Gazette 13 August 1998 No. 1923 A MAGYAR NEPKOZTARSASAG CtMERE, ZASZLAJA ES FOVAROSANAK JELKEPE L'EMBLEME, LE DRAPEAU ET L' EMBLEM E DE LA CAP IT ALE DE LA REPU BLIQU E POPU LAI RE HONGROI S E ~I ORSZAGOS TALAL~ANYI HIVATAL Budapest 1967 • I ' - '. No. 1923 Government Gazette 13 August 1998 5 Nyilvanossagra hozva az ipari tulajdon oltalmara letesiilt Parizsi Uni6s .Egyezmeny 1934. evi junius h6 2-an Londonban feliilvizsgalt szovegenek 6 ter cikke alapjan. NotiJits par applicatioll d~ l'artdt 6 ter de Ia Coll­ vmtion de Paris, revisee d Loruiers en 1934. visa111 urre ttllion pour Ia proucrio11 de Ia propriere indust- rielle. - . '• 6 Government Gazette 13 August 1998 No. 1923 A Magyar Nepkozci.rsasag L'embleme, le drapeau et Ia ciDlere, zaszlaja capt'tale de la Ripublt'que es fovarosa Populaire Hongroise ~ ' 67. A Magyar Nepkoztarsasag cimere: ketoldalt . 67. L'emblimt de Ia RJpublique Populair~ Hongroiu buzakoszonival egybefogott, vilagoskek me­ se compostrrl d'un ecu rouge blanc vert d cotes zoben ill6, ivelt oldalt.i piros-feher-zold szinu arquis sur un champ bleu clair, encadre d'une pajzs. A balr6l piros-feher-zold, couronne de bU. La couronne de b/i est enlacee, d jobbrol v6ros szinu szalag fonja at. A pajzs gauche, d'u11e bande rouge. Au milieu, folott kozepen elhelyezett otagu vor6s csillag se trouve w1e hoile rouge d cinq bra11ches d'ou aranyszinu sugarakat bocsat a mezore. jaillisent des raiJOIIS d'or sur le champ. 68. A Magyar Nepkowirsasag zaszlaja piros­ . 68. L.: drapeu de Ia Republique Populaire Hon­ feher-zold szinii. groise m rouge blanc vert. 69. A Magyar Nepkozrarsasag fovarosa: Buda­ . 69. La capitale de Ia Republique Populaire Hon­ pest. groiu est Budapest. (A Magyar Nepkozranasag Alkormanya) (LA Constitutio11 til /11 Rlpubliqut Popult~irt Hortgroiu.) - No. 1923 Government Gazette 13 August 1998 7 A MAGYAR NEPKOZTARSASAG CfMERE - . '• 8 Government Gazette 13 August 1998 No. 1923 BUDAPEST JELKEPE L' 1·: 11r/Jl~111<' J,• If ut!apest - No. 1923 Government Gazette 13 August 1998 9 A MAGYAR NEPKOZTARSASAG ZASZLAJA Le drapeall de Ia Rdpublique Populaire Hougroise r-. I - 10 Government Gazette 13 August 1998 No. 1923 SCHEDULE 2 .I I ~ 1 I \I MAGYAR NEPKOZTARSASAG ·-I I ' ~ I I .. No. 1923 Government Gazette 13 August 1998 11 NEMESFEMTARGYAK HIVATALOS FEMJELEI A MAGYAR NEPKOZTARSASAGBAN a:: 1965 ivi 14 s::. tvr. is a 11/1965 P.M. s::. rt11delet alapjan P 0 INC. 0 N S 0 F F I C IE LS DE GARANT IE DE LA REP U B L I QUE P 0 P U LAIR E HONGROISE POUR LES OUVRAGES EN METAUX priscrits par le Jeerer de loi NO 14 de /'annie 1965 rt par le Jeerer 11/1965 du ministre des finances 0 R S Z AG 0 S T A LA L M A N Y I H I VAT A L Buda~t 1967 - . '• 12 Government Gazette 13 August 1998 No. 1923 Nyilvanossagra hozva az ipari tulajdon oltalmira letesiilt Parizsi Uni6s Egyezmeny 1958. evi okt6ber h6 31-en Lisszabonban feliilvizsgalt szovegenek 6 ter cikke alapjan. Notifies par app/i,arion d~ /'arrkl~ 6 rer de Ia Cou­ vention de Paris, r~visee dernierement d Lisbonne fe 31 o'tober 1958. visant une union pour Ia protwion d~: Ia proprihi industrielle. - No. 1923 Government Gazette 13 August 1998 13 A BELFOLDON Kf:SZOLT NEMESF'f:MTARGYAK Ff:MJELEI Poinfons dt garantit pour Itt ou1•ragu dt fabrication 1. P LA T I N AT A R G YAK R A 0 U V R A G E S D E P LATIN E 950 2. A RAN YT A R G YAK R A OUVRAGES D'OR 916 750 585 3. NAGY 0 B B E Z 0 STT A R G YAK R A GROS OUVRAGES D'ARGENT 925 900 835 800 4. K IS EBB E Z 0 STTARG YAKRA PETITS OUVRAGES D'ARGENT - ~<@.~~ 925 900 SlS 800 . '• 14 Government Gazette 13 August 1998 No. 1923 A K0LF0LDR0L BEHOZOTT NEMESFEMTARGYAK FEMJELEI PtnllfOns dt garalllif pour Its ouvragtt importits 1. P LA TI N AT A R G YAK R A 0 U V R A G E S D E P LATIN E 950 2. ARANYTARG.YAKRA 0 UVRAGES D"OR 916 750 585 3. EZOSTTARGYAKRA 0 U V R A G E S D' A R G E N T 925 900 835 AZONOSSAGI JEL POIN<;ONS D'IDENTITE - A NEMESF:E:MVIZSG~LO :E:S HITELES1T0 INT:E:ZET jELE POINCONSDEBUREAU '. No. 1923 Government Gazette 13 August 1998 15 MINISTRY OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY No. 194 1998 MERCHANDISE MARKS ACT, 1941: PROHIBITION OF THE USE OF CERTAIN STATE FLAGS, EMBLEMS, COATS OF ARMS AND MARKS: SINGAPORE In terms of section 15(1) of the Merchandise Marks Act, 1941 (Act 17 of 1941), I hereby, in respect of the country mentioned below, prohibit the use of the State flags, State emblems, coats of arms and other marks set out and depicted in respect of that country in the relevant Schedule hereto as indicated below opposite to such country's name, in connection with any trade, business, profession or occupation or in connection with a trade mark, mark or trade description applied to goods, except the use thereof by that country or its mandatories: Name of country Schedule applicable Singapore 1 and 2 H. HAMUTENYA MINISTER OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY Windhoek, 11 February 1998 . '• 16 Government Gazette 13 August 1998 No. 1923 Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) Crest Les Armoiries de Ia Marine de Ia Republique de Singapour (RSN) ~· 'I The RSN Crest has the State Crest superimposed on an anchor. Laurels of excellence surround the anchor. Les armoiries de la Marine de la Republique de Singapour ont les armoiries de 1'Etat superposees a une ancre. Les lauriers de 1~excellence entourent 1~an ere. - No. 1923 Government Gazette 13 August 1998 17 Joint Staff Insignia (The Singapore Armed Forces, the Republic of Singapore Air Force and The Republic of Singapore Navy) Le~ Insignes du Personnel Conjoint (Les Forces Armees de Singapour, I'Armee de 1'Air Republique de Singapour et "Ia Marine de Ia Republique de Singapour) The emblem is an anchor-shaped ensign in which a central circular - laurel is the pivot. It is superimposed on an upright dagger linked to a set of outspread horizontal wings and an anchor at its base. L'embleme est sous forme d'un ancre dans lequel un laurier central circulaire est le pivot. II est superpose debout sur un poignard rej0ignant un jeu d" $iiles deployees horizontales et un ancre a sa base. 18 Government Gazette 13 August 1998 No. 1923 Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) flag Le Pavilion de la Marine de la Republique de Singapour (RSN) •i'i' The RSN flag is red at the left upper quarter with the crescent moon and five stars. The other three quadrants are white with a red, eight pointed compass rose at the lower right. Le pavillon de la Marine de la. Republique de Singapour est rouge au quartier superieur a gauche avec un croissant de lune et cinq etoiles. Les trois autres quadrants sont blancs avec un compas ahuit points - rouges adroite inferieure. '. No. 1923 Government Gazette 13 August 1998 19 SCHEDULE 1 FLAG AND STATE EMBLEMS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE NOTIFIED ill\TDER ARTICLE 6TER (3) OF THE PARIS CONVENTION DRAPEAU ET EMBLEMES D'ETAT DE LA REPUBLIQUE DE SINGAPOUR NOTIFIES EN VERTU DE L' ARTICLE 6TER (3) DE LA CONVENTION DE PARIS - . '• 20 Government Gazette 13 August 1998 No. 1923 National Flag of the Republic of\ Singapore Le drapeau national de Singapour The flag is red in the upper portion and white in the lower portion. The red upper portion contains a crescent and five stars. La partie superieure du drapeau est en rouge et contient un croissant et cinq etoiles. La partie inferieure du drapeau est en blanc. National Crest of the Republic of Singapore Les Armoiries d "Etat de la Republique Singapour - National crest with supporters surmounting a scroll with the words "Majulah Singapura".
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