2880 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 6TH APRIL 1962 in the county of Wilts, AUTHOR and of July, 1962. Grounds named in Order for re- JOURNALIST. Court—BRIGHTON (by transfer fusing an absolute Order df Ddisohatrge—Proofs of from High Court of Justice). No. of Matter— Facts mentioned in section 26, sub-section 3 (B and 66A of 1955. Day Fixed for Hearing—2nd May, C), Bankruptcy Act, 19114, as amended by section 1 1962. 10.30 a.m. Place—The Court House, of the Bankruptcy ((Amendment) Act, 1926. Church Street, Brighton, Sussex. GOLDMAN, Ronald Mark, otherwise known as KING-MORGAN, Guy Patrick (commonly known Ronald Markham, residing at 22, Ewibank Avenue, as Guy Patrick Morgan), of 8, The Vale, Oving- Fenham in the city and county of Newcastle upon dean, Brighton, Sussex, Manufacturers' Agent Tyne, and canryfin'g on business at 69-73:, Htogh (described in the Receiving Order as G. Morgan Street, Felling in 'the county of Durham, under the (male). TRAVELLER). Court—BRIGHTON style of " Cbates" and " Northern Hosiery No. of Matter—59 of 1958. Day Fixed for Hear- •Supplies", and lately carrying on business at 328, ing—2nd May, 1962. 10.30 a.m. Place—The Old Durham Road, Gateshead', 46, High West Court House, Church Street, Brighton, Sussex. (Street, Gateshead, 10-12, Coatsworth Road, Gates- head, a'l in -the county of. Dudham, and at 32, GEORGIADES, Paul George, of 37, London Road, Shields Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, WHOLE- Kingston-upon-Thames in the county of Surrey, SALE and RETAIL DRAPER. Court—NEW- Catering Manager, lately carrying on business under CASTLE-UIPON-TYNE. No. of 'Matter— lil of the §tyle of Paul's Restaurant, at 35, London '1955. Date of .Order— 8th March, 19.62. Nature Road, Kingston-upon-Thames, and Paul's Frozen of Order made—Dasdhange granted on condition Foods Company, at 37, London Road, Kingston- that the bankrupt consents to judgment being upon-Thames in the county of Surrey. Court— entered against him in the Newcastle upon Tyne KINGSTON-UPON-THAMES. No. of Matter— County Court for £500 and' fil 10s, costs to be 24 of 1959. Day Fixed for Hearing-^th May, paid (by installments of £3 per week to the Official 1962. 10.30 a.m. Place—Kingston-upon-Thames Receiver, NewcasdeJupon-Tyne, commencing 1st County Court, St James Road, Kingston-upon- April, 1962. Grounds named1 in Order for refusing Thames, Surrey. an absolute Order of Discharge—Proofs of Facts mentioned in section 26, sulb-seotion 3 (A, B, C and MUCKEUL, Nellie May (married' woman), 32, • E), Bankruptcy Act, 19ll4, as amended by section 1 Belgrave Road, Sunbury, Middlesex, Housewalfe, of the Bankruptcy (Amendment) Act, 192(6. formerly trading as a PIAINTIiNG CONTRACTOR at -the above address. Court—KINIGSTON-UPON- THAMES. No. of 'Matter—3 of 1956. Day Fixed AiPPOINTITMiElNT OF TRUSTEES for Hearing—4th May 1962. 10.30 ajn. Place— KiMgiston-upon-Thames, County Court, St. James COLOS WolMiam George, of ,3'58, jBethmal Green •Road', Kingston-upon-Thames. Road, London, E.2, and tradiing from 370, Bethnal Green Road, (London, E.i2, as a FISHMONGER. SMITH, Henry Howard Russell, residing at 3, Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of (London Road, Baildodk in the county oif Hertford, Matter—^14 of 1962. Trustee's Name, Address and and lately carrying on business at The Kryn and iDesoription—Shaw, Francis Henry WiJMam Wain- (Lahy Canteen, Dunhams Lane, Letahwontlh in the wright, 917-99, Park Street, (London, W..1, Char- county of Hertford aforesaid, CANTEEN MANA- tered Accountant. Date of Certificate of Appoint- GER. Court—CLUTON. No. of Matter—23 of ment—23rd March, 1962. 1937. Day Fixed for Hearing-J24th May, 1962. i!0.30 a.m. Place—The Court House, Stuart Street, (PECK, Arthur William, off 52, Meadlway, Cuffley, (Luton. Potters Bar, Middx., COMPANY DIRECTOR, de- scribed in the Receiving Order a® a Waste and Scrap Dealer, carrying on business at Sopers Road, The following amended notice is substituted for Cuffley, Potters Bar, Middx. Court—(HIGH that published in the London Gazette of 30th COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—773 of March, 1'962: 1961. Trustee's Name, Address and Description— CHAULIFOUR, Ronald Gordon, of 303, Lavender Madleod, Torquil John Murdoch, 4, BudderSbury, Hill, Battersea, SjW.lll, formerly carrying on busi- (LondkMi, EjC.4. Chartered Accountant. Date of ness as BjM-iC. (Press at 400, Hornsey Road, London, N.19. 'PRINTER. Court—WiANDSWORTH. No. 'Certificate of Appointment—(22md March, 1962. of Matter—4 of 1956. 'Day Fixed for Hearing— 2nd 'May, 1962. 10.30 a.om. 'Place—iWandsworth p.URDiY, Charles Anthony, of 48A, (Barkston Gardens, County Count, The 'Court House, Garrett Lane, Soulth Kensington, London, S.W.5, FREE-LANCE Wandsworth, S.W.1S. JOURNALIST. Count-^HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—67(3 of 1961. Trustee's (Name, Address and Description—Shaw, Francis Henry William Wainwrijght, 97-99, (Park Street, ORDERS MADE ON APPLICATIOiNS FOR 'London, W.I, Chartered Accountant. 'Date of DISCHARGE 'Certificate of Appointment—23rd- March, 1962. HENNESSY, iSidney Joseph (Patrick, of 43, Ashley Gardens, London, S.W.I, Motor Car Dealer, lately ROBERTS, Joan Margaret (married woman), of 77A, carrying on 'business as JPorchester Motor Car Sales Hamlet Court Road, Westoliff-on-Sea, Essex, at 240, Harrow Road, London, W.2, described in formerly residing at '18, Oaikleigh Park South, the Receiving Order as Sidney Henmessy, of 397, Whetstone, London, N.20, OLUB PROPRilE- Calb'le Street, Stepney, London, E.I. lately carrying TRlESlS, and carrying on (business ait 1911, Darkes on business at The Garages, Kensington Court, (Lane, (Potters 'Bar, Middx., under the style of the London, W.8. Court-JHIGH COURT OF JUS- "Doric Club". Court--HIGH COURT OF TICE. No. of Matter—^614 of 1957. Date of JUSTICE. No. df Matter—,195 of 19i60. Trustee's Order—28th Feb., 1962. Nature of Order made— Name, (Address and Description—Mahony, Daniel, Bankrupt's discharge refused with 'liberty to apply 4-7, Chiswell Street, (London, E,Cjl, Chartered to vary this Order at the expiration of one year Accountant. Date of Certificate of Appointment— and six months on evidence of good behaviour 213rd March, 1962. meanwhile. Grounds named in Order for refusing an absolute Order of Discharge—Proofs of Facts STSMiAN, Myer, of (61, Dudley Court, Upper Berkeley mentioned in section 26, sub-section 3 (A, B. C, Street, (London, W.I, Salesman; SUSMIA'N, Philip, D and F), Bankruptcy Act, 1914, as amended by of Ili2, Maryborough House, Sheen Road, Richmond, section 1 of the (Bankruptcy {Amendment) Act, Surrey, Designer and (Production Manager; and 1926. And whereas it has been proved: that the SMVDAN, Yetta (widow), of 77, (Dorchester Court, Bankrupt has been -guilty df gross misconduct in Heme (Hill, (London, SJEj24, of no occupation, relation to his property and affairs. lately trading in partnership as " Y. Sismani" and "Wyessa", both at 39, Eastcastle Street, London^ TAYILOR, Frank, now residing at Heathfield Garden, W,l, MtAIKEIRlS-UiP of LADIES OUTERWEAR, (Nursery Lane, Alwoodley, Leeds, and carrying described in the Receiving Order as Y. Sisman (a on business at 37, Beeston Road, Leeds, 11, as (firm), Dealers in Textiles. Court—MICH COURT "West ORdding Builders," 'BUILDER. Court— OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—779 of 1961. LEEDS. No. of Matter—19 of 1950. Date of Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Shaw, Order—44th March, 1%2. Nature of Order made Francis (Henry William Wainwright, 97-99, Park —'Bankrupt's discharge suspended for four months Street, London, WJ1, Chartered Accountant. Date and that he be discharged as from the 14,th day of Certificate of Appointment—32nd March, 19i62..
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