NEWSPAPER MARCH 6, 1982 $2.75 Oak Ridge Boys Hits of the Week SINGLES SLEEPERS ALBUMS A TASTE OF HONEY. "I'LL TRY SOM NG ;IAN MORRISON. 'CLEANING WINDOWS ALABAMA. "MOUNTAIN MUSIC." NEW" (prod McKay) (writer Robihl (prod Morrison) (writerMorrisoni Wi anunshakeable iu-IDEr one coun- son) (Jobete. ASCAP) (3 45) Janiqd (Essential. BMI) 1418) Vans inimi- try LP (and huge crossover success) Marie Johnson s breathy. Enticing table vocal style is always a welcome berind them. this should create vocal is adorned with exotic :. sound for tired AOR-pop ears Cn heivy retail traffic with *h s release -he and percussion on this go -g this initial release from his newtitle cut is a rolltckirg to of the hE to Srnokey Robinson -penned Beautiful Vision LP he s at his best. bluegrass. and Creederce sG-een from the forthcomingLadies of -the backed by a crack rhythm sectiol River'is covered a:A AHL1-4229 Eighties LP Capitol 5099 Warner Bros 50031 E.-..8) RICK SPRINGFIELD. "DON'T TALK TO LAURA BRANIGAN, "ALL NIGHT WITH ME" BL:KNER & GARCIA, -PAC-MAN STRANGERS" I a Olsen) (prod White-Mathieson) {write-. FEvER." Instead oorxrying abDut (writerSpringfiel Super Ron Montan) (Special Old Sock. ASCAP)yids.) games sapping recxd sales why Roble Porter. BMI) ( 0) Equipped (3 50) From :he forthcomingBrari-not capitalize on the :re -d? That bt of with a snappy rockeat anct sharp gan LP this powerful ballad revea swisdom has yielded = 03 -Lie title sin; le chorus hook. Spnnield is ready to Laura s stunning vocal talents The and-ributes to populEr gE Tes like Cen continue his hot streak with tnis cut hook s lusty passion is sure to open tipE and "Mouser ac- (with fait- fu tfrom the newSuccess Hasn t pop and A C radio earsAtlanticele:-ronic sounds) nildelight N... or, Spoiled Me YetLP RCA 13070 4023 pus -ers Columbia 7941 LIN IPLICKINGHAM, "IT WAS I" (prod DWIGHT TWILLEY, "SOMEBODY TO LOVE'MILLIE JACKSON, "Ll'oE AND CIJIT- Buckingham-Dashut) (writerPax- prodTwillev-Plotkin) (writerTwi- RAJGEOUS." The firstladiroftellinitI ke ton) (The Hudson Bay Desert Palms. EMI (Skyhill. BMI) 451 AOR is a - it is spares no epithets.ortIhisspor tare- BMI) (2 39) Following the success of ready in love with this initial single ous I ve collection re ngi -14 'rom raps! ke r - his top10 Trouble. Lindsey from tf'e new Scuba Divers LP. Twi - I Fad To SayIt 1c. 'melodic pe reaches back into his bag of 60s ley s label debut The rhythm throbsma -ces such as Stewart s s - tricks for this cute pop -rocker His af- and guitars ring -while Dwight pro- soh. andStill at fected vocal phrasing is a cinch on vides a coripelling vocal perfor- the -(bald langua h=r iI e pop radio. Asylum 47408 mance EMI America 8109 rtE:ring SP -1-6 KOOL 8. THE GANG. "GET DOWN ON IT" 'RICHARD "DIMPLE FIELDS, "IF IT AIN'T DWIGHT TWILLEY. **SCUBA 0 V- prod Deodato) iwri-ersBell- ONE THI ... IT'S ANOTHER 'ERS." Last week's PleVrnaker s -he Tailor -group) (Delight;u1 Sir n d , prod F ds-Wilson)(writers Iab31 debut of :ati sonh skated pop- Decade. BMI) (3 33) James ylor f Fields-Wils I IOn the Boardwali-. roc-er who s simultarecusly ridirg -he gives a pep talk to the wallfloWers of Dat R chfiel Kat. BMI Songs Ca crei-s of critical cti-n, expanding: the world on this kinetic da r from Sing. ASCA 1 1355)Fieldsligh deN.Dtion and acceptance. 'm the'Something Special P. The smooth tenoalternates between Bac- Again an rg e "Somebcdy chant -like chorus hook i gious. rap and a sochang croon on this ba To eve are a the :Os that sill De-Lite 818 (PolyGraml lad Boardw 7-11-139 sur ace EMI A ST '7064 (8.33). baYs today music print! 1114*. virr 111. .otte 'If, 411, tol*-0 I Music by CHARLES STROUSE W4'i". * ,,.,I.., Lyrics by MARTIN CHARNIN COLUMBIA PICTURES' MOVIE OF THE YEAR FROM RASTAR BIG 3 MUSIC CORPORATION, the music print division of UNITED ARTISTSMUSIC, is pleased to announce the distribution of a complete line of sheet music and music books associated with the most eagerly awaited motion picture musical of theyear. AN;,, -Theone -stop source for everything that's anything iAnnie music print! 729 Seventh Avenue New York, N.Y. 10019 Sales & Merchandising Inquiries: NEW YORK (212) 575-2971 LOS ANGELES (213) 469-3600 MARCH 6. 1982 VSDA Names Officers, Sets Bylaws Quincy Jones, 'Bette Davis Eyes' LOS ANGELES-During two During the meetings, the board days of meetings here last week (23unanimously voted to oppose the and 24), the board of directors of theMathias amendment to the DiCon-Dominate 24th Annual Grammy Awards Video Software Dealers Associa-cini bill now pending in the U.S. By SAMUEL GRAHAM tion (VSDA) elected national of-Senate and the Edwards bill pend- ficers, adopted a charter anding in the U.S. House of Represen- LOS ANGELES-Producer/point belonged to the late John bylaws, and took official positionstatives on both the royalty tax issue arranger/artist Quincy Jones andLennon. on pending legal issues affectingand the qualification to the right ofthe former number one single "Bet- "Double Fantasy," the ex-Beatle's the business practices of videofirst sale doctrine (by which dealerste Davis Eyes," with nine awardsGeffen Records collaboration with software dealers and the industrycan legally rent videocassettes pur-between them, head the list of mul-his wife, Yoko Ono, and the last as a whole. chased from a distributor). Thetiple winners of the 24th annualrecorded work released during his Elected as officers of the associa-VSDA does, however, support theGrammy Awards, presented by thelifetime, was named Album of the tion are the following: president,DiConcini bill when stripped of theNational Academy of RecordingYear. Ono made a surprise appear- Frank Bamako of The Video Place; (Continued on page 70)Arts and Sciences at the Shrineance to accept the Grammy, and the secretary, Weston Nishimura of Auditorium here last Wednesdaysustained ovation given her and the Video One Video; and treasurer,Murray Kaufman, (24). couple's young son, Sean, provided Cheryl Benton of The Video Sta- Despite the stature and sheerthe show's warmest and most emo- tion. Radio Pioneer, Dies number of Grammys awarded totional moment. Previously announced had been Jones (including Producer of the "Bette Davis Eyes," recorded by the retention of a full-time staff LOS ANGELES-Murray Kauf-Year and six others, all tied to hisKim Carnes for the EMI America consisting of executive vice presi-man, known to New York radio lis-own "The Dude" album and Lenalabel, earned a Record of the Year dent Joe Cohen (who is also viceteners as "Murray the K," died lastHome's "The Lady and Her MusicGrammy for Carnes and producer president of the National Associa-Sunday (21) at his Los AngelesLive on Broadway") and "BetteVal Garay and a Song of the Year tion of Recording Merchandisers,home. Kaufman, who had re-Davis Eyes" (winner of both Recordnod for songwriters Jackie De - VSDA's parent organization); vicemained active in radio until lastof the Year and Song of the Year),Shannon and Donna Weiss, who president Risa Solomon, and execu-year despite his long struggle withfew who witnessed the ceremony,also performed their composition tive director Barry Locke. In addi-cancer, was 60 years old. either in person or via CBS -TV'sduring the telecast. The fourth of tion, a staff of 12 has been hired to During the 1960s, Murray the Ktwo hour and 20 -minute telecast,the major general Grammys, Best help carry out VSDA programs. (Continued on page 30)would deny that the evening's highNew Artist, went to Sheena Easton, also an EMI America artist. Jones, meanwhile, seemed to Total Experience Alternative Music Press Covers spend most of the evening traveling back and forth between his seat and Signs New Label Deal Thriving Local Rock Scenes (Continued on page 24) With PolyGram Records By LAURIE LENNARD LOS ANGELES-Ending monthsII NEW YORK-Thirteen months With Rolling Stone no longer a of legal conflict, PolyGram Records ago, when Rolling Stone maga-full-time rock publication, the op- and Total Experience Productionszine's readers picked up issueportunity is ripe for alternative have signed contracts creating anumber 336, they found the musicpublications to prosper. In the last new label, Total Experience Rec-section near the back of the maga-several years, in fact, dozens of di- ords, to be distributed by Poly -zine instead of in the front. Thisverse rock papers have thrived on a Gram. change in Rolling Stone's formatlocal and regional basis. They Total Experience, home of mil-was an important juncture for rockrange from irregular -sized fanzines lion -selling acts the Gap Band andjournalism. While the magazinethat are hand -typed, run off on an- Yarbrough & Peoples, had filed suitcontinues to cover music, it is obvi-cient printing presses or Xeroxed - last year against PolyGram (Rec- ous that music is no longer its onlylike Columbus, Ohio's The Offense ord World, Sept. 5, 1981) to voidinterest. Rolling Stone, once the ul-with its circulation of 1,000 -to their contracts with the label. Attimate alternative music paper, istypeset newspapers with circula- the time, the lawsuits were said tono longer the arbiter of pop musictions close to 100,000, like Seattle's (Continued on page 73)taste it once was. (Continued on page 59) Rec°rd 1.14781dSales IndexChart Success of Medleys Albums Last This Singles 450.0 - 1.---1Yoar 'fun Raises PublishingQuestions 400.0 By BRIAN CHIN 350.0 300.0 NEW YORK-The medleyinvolved, a number of standard 250.0 genre, if it can be called that, hasnegotiating points are evolving in 200.0 made far more impact overseasthe necessarily complicated process 160.0 173 than in the U.S., but its sporadicof clearing a medley for release, 100.0 success, most recently in the Beachwhile the benefit to the songwriter 50.0 Boys' top five medley and the Royalis becoming more definable.
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