APRIL 11, 1991 0 The Voice of the StudeoL of Fluri A\ . iTallhaee, Florda 0 Vol. 73 - No. 1? FAMU Law '1 School r^ attempts comeback .. :. Bs JOHN S. COLl- CM, VES d FAMUAN Staff W~riter The end of the 190s'.x itnessed the LIII close of an institution that provided a avenue for many blacks to receive a 1v education in the field of law- the Florida A&M University College of I)iI Law. Twenty-two years later, Rep. Douglas Jamerson, D-St. Petersburg, and Sen. Carrie Meek, D-Miami, steer legislation that would require the Board of Regents to plan for the establishment of a new FAMU College of Law. I If it passes the Senate, the bill. O.J. Wllllams IU~he FAMUAN which has already passed the House. Opening soon! would provide for courses to be offered by 1993. The Black Archives will reopen its doors to the public May 1 after FAMU President Frederick S. contains special iiu~iphaes, University Attorney Bishop being ciosea due t. electrical repairs. The Archives Holifield and Coordinator for the Vice collections and over 500,000 documents pertaining to President of Academic Affairs Reginald African-American history. It will be open Monday through Friday 9 Mitchell are also strongly advocating a.m. to 4 p.m.. The community is awaiting its reopening. the establishment of the new law school. Humphries argues that, as the state's only historically black university, FAMU will have a different Athletes and fraternity members most attitude more conducive to minorities getting law' degrees. Holifield and Mitchell drafted the likely to commit date rape, study sho FAMU Law School Need Statement, a proposal to revive the school, in The perpetrator can be a friend, One explanation for this behavior is THANDEKILE N. SHANGE State November 1990. i 4UAN Staff Writer classmate, co-w'~orker, neighbor, suggested by two Florida The statement points out that boyfriend or any other individual with University researchers. 'Fraternities context in which statistics show the "tremendous She couldn't believe it actually whom the victim niay has Ccontact. create a sociocultural in sexual relations underrepresentation and unmet need of happened to her. A recent study duiic at FAMIU as the use of coercion black attorneys in Florida and across Michelle had just broken up with part of a class project in Research with women is normative," they' said. the fraternity man, the athlete this nation." Darren. Now, his best friend, Keith, Process I (SY'A 3300) and jointly Like sense of privilege and The statement also points out the wanted to "get together" with her. sponsored by The FAJlUAN and the has an exaggerated success of the former law school and Although she was attracted to Keith she Florida State Univ ersitvy\Womcn's power. "It's really a sense of power that that FAMU was ranked the 33~rd top didn't think it w'as appropriate to date Ce nter, rev ealed so me distiurbi ng reputation, undergraduate feeder of black applicants him. Statistics: comes from specialness, at he to American Bar Association law Keith went over to her place to " 15 pcrcent of the men stirvey ed moncy'...any one who finds himself a sense of schools in 1989-1990. This w'as higher discuss the possibility of a relationship. reporited they' raped a woman. center of his world feels said Ken Dryden, a Cornell than the University of Florida and She repeatedly told him she did not want " 25 pCIrcelit %%xee liaternitx' impunity'," and Hall ot Fame Florida State University, where the to become intimate with him. Wien; 50 pecenc t of these Wien xxee University graduate the Montreal State University S~ystems only' law' He kept itisistimng on sexual relations athlllet es. hockey goalie for schools are located. despite her protests and finally decided to " 26 p~erc ent of the sample indicated Canadiens. Everyone agrees that rape is a How'ard ranked first with an take "it." one or more situations of date rape ... rarely agree applicant pool six times the number of Date rape is a problem on college as acceptable behaxvior. violent crime but they' of w'hat constitutes a rape, said Gary FAMU. largely' due to its possession campuses and Florida A&M' University " 0f these men, 22 percent were about to the a law' school, according is no exception. fraternity men and 33 percent wxere See RAPE, page 5 statement. FAMU police chief Jefferson Walker athletes. The statement said the old school estimated that two or three rapes have A 1989 study' by the dean's offlice at CORRECTION had been severely' limited in size by' a been reported on campus since 1988. the Unixersi ty of Illinois at Urbana- Due to a typing crror in the story prohibition on the acceptance of white Date rape, also known as Champaign found that frat men, one- concerning tuiton increaues, the students into FAMU and was therefore acquaintance rape, occurs w'hen a woman fourth of the male students. tom mi tied correct amount ' r in-state graduate hard to justify financially. is forced, coerced or manipulated into o',er hlf1f thei' ii nt sequel , .iult, at studentK s oululbek .9 per credit t&o ' See LAW, page 4 has inc sec xxith cn.eone K>a'knews. hour :!, This is the fast spring issue of Thef4A W§'Z! 2 The Famuan / April 11, 1991 S~ational Senate Committee OKs EU ews new civil rights division Alexander OKs minority scholarships, By REGINALD B. MINOR disc rim i nation. FAMMUAN Staff Writer "The legal system has always been but students file suit The Senate Governmental dominated by white males and in many Operations Committee unanimously cases there is substantial evidence where pictures of color (with regards to social hearings and a student lawsuit that claimed schools approved a bill by Majority Leader, Peter (CPS)-- Atmtd congressional and economical status) has altered many discriminate against white people, the U.S. Department of Education came full circle in Weinstien D-Broward, creating a Civil decisions," he said. its view of minority scholarships March 20. Rights Division in the Department of The Supreme Court Racial and Now it is OK again for campuses to have special scholarships set aside for Legal Affairs. Ethnic Bias Study Commission, on minority students. The bill provides the division with which Chief Justice Leander Shaw In one of his first acts as U.S. Secretary of Education, Lamar Alexander advised the authority to investigate served, recomended the division in an schools to ignore all changes made in the department's policy on race-exclusive discriminatory practices within the effort to eliminate discrimination in the scholarships before he took office on March 18. judicial system and take legal action courts system. But just a day after Alexander approved race-based scholarships, a group of students against anyone, including agencies and The study' revealed that black males filed suit to force public campuses to stop offering them. law enforcement, who engages in going through the legal system receive The controversy has been brew ing since December, when a department official sent harassment, intimidation and other harsher penalties than other individuals, a memo nioting that 'minority-only" scholarships in effect discriminated against white prohibited conduct that infringes on the and that there are fewer black males who people and could cost schools their federal funding. rights of others. are lawyers, judges and public defendants. then the Education Dept.- which oversees most federal college programs Rodney Hurst, legal assistant for Since The study also reveals that the system has issued a series of clarifications. Sen. Arnett Girardeau, said the state of tends to be bias against blacks in general. At a Mlarch 20 press conference in Washington, D.C., Alexander promised to end Florida has a history of racial and sex the confusion, adding a committee will review the policy over the next six months. "Colleges and universities should keep doing whatever they're doing," Alexander said. "Work w ith us to develop a policy. Then we'll have a policy, and we'll work with them to help them make any adustments at that time." CamusNotes Yet six months is too long for seven white students who sued the department minority March 21 to try to force it to bar tax-supported college from awarding CARNIVALCORRECTION scholarships. The seven students are from the universities of California at Los Angeles, Iowa, The Beta Alpha Chapter of Delta Virginia, Texas and Southern California and Mercy and Macalester colleges. Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. will be The FAMUJAN incorrectly reported Their lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court by the conservative Washington Legal hosting a carnival for the Ronald that sketches for the mascot contest Foundation on the students' behalf, said minority scholarships violate the 1964 Civil McDonald House on Friday, April 12 would be accepted until April 25. Please Rights Act, which bars awarding financial aid "based solely on the race of the from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. on the Paddyfote do not turn in anymore entries all recipient." lawn across from S.B.I. sketches have been accepted. CHIROPRACTIC: le i THE BEST PROFESSION RICA Chiropractic is expanding: more than 40 (0K)practicing doc tor,, of hiropract ic ONETIONS and lesser than II() ttilnt,i chtiropraIctor,, in the USA. Opportunitie. are growsing. 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