GENERAL INDEX TO THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEOLOGIC&L SOCIETY. AC~.AND,. H. D., on Vole. Series nr. Agglomerate, vole., of Lambay I., Herefordshire Beacon, 556-562 w. 141. maps & sect. Airolo (St: Gothard), Tremola Schists Aclisina, observats, on genus, 45"72 nr., 358, 359. & pls. iii-v. Aldeburgh (Suffolk), struct, of Cor. aciculata, sp. nov., 59 & pl. iv. Crag fr. Ramsholt to, 327, 329 fig. ; .... attenuata, sp. nov., 58 & pl. iv. Crag at, 338, 339. -- costatula, 56 & pl. iii ; car. dubia Alderbury Hill (Wilts), flint from, nov., 57 & pl. iii. exhib., cvi ; plateau-gravel at, 297. elegan~ula, sp. nov., 62 & pl. iv. Aldworth (Oxon), Quartzite-gravel nr., elongata, 54 & pl. iii ; vat. cingu- 591. lata nov., 55 & pl. iii; vat. varians Alexandra Land (Franz Josef Land), nov., 55 & pl. iii. geol. feats, of, 631. -- grantoneusis, sp. nov., 60 & pl. iv. hlgous (?) borings, infilled w. silicate ---parwda, sp. nov., 64 & pl. v. of iron, 322-323 fig. -- pulchra, vat. tenuis, 52 & pl. iii ; ALLrORV, S., obituary of, Ix. car. iutermedia nov., 53 & pl. iii. Almannagja (Iceland) basalt, chem. pusilla, sp. nov., 63 & pl. iv. anal. of, 647. quadrata, sp. nov., 61 & pl. iv; Amaltheidm, short period of domin- car. striatissima nov., 62. ance, 448 ; list of genera, 459. similis, sp. nov., 57 & pls. iii-iv. Amlweh (Anglesey), metamorph, grits -- (~.) sulcatula, 64 & pLv. & shales S.W. of, 374-381 figs. ~enuisgriata, sp. nov., 60 & pl. iv. Ammonite-families, & their conn. w. -- terebra, sp. nov., 63 & pl. iv, ' Jurassic' time-divs., 443-444 ; Aclisoides, section of Murchisonia, 66. amm.-genera, g~nealogy of some striatula, 67 & pl. v ; car. Arm- 'Jurassic,' 451-452 w. table ii; strongiana, 68 & pl. v. notes on same, 452-459; list of ActeeoTsis Wiltshirei, sp. nov., 35 & same, 459-461. pl. ii. Ammonites Ishm~e, vat., 649. Aetinolite-sehists on S. side of St. -- Lamberti, 649 & pl. xxix. Gothard Pass, 357-373 figs. Mantelli, zone of, 246. Agardh :Bay (Spitsbergen), sect. along -- pettus, see Ceeloceras. valley-floor to Sassendal, 206. -- Tchefkini, 637. 'Age,' duration dependent on that of Amphistegina-beds on Bissex Hill, ammonite-families, 443-444. 545-546; at Bowmanston, 547. 654 GENERAL ~)~x. [Nov. x898, AmpthiU Clay of Beds & Lines, correL Ashes, vole., of Lambay I., 140- w. CoraUian of Upware, 616. 141. Amygdaloid of Klipriversberg, 86. Ash-rocks, volcanic, of Rotuma, 6, 7, Amygdaloidal porphyrite, etc., of 11. Lambay I., 146. Ashampstead Common (Berks), sect. An Mafiri (Rotuma), plan & sects. to College Wood, 588; high-level of cave, 8. gravels on, 597. AnaJcjme, black, assoc, w. lignite, in Ashdown Beds of Heathfield (Wald- Franz Josef Land, 647. ron), 567, 569, 570. Andesites, vesicular, of S. Transvaal, Ashley Hill (Berks), Quartzose Gravel 94; of Lambay I., 144 fig.; of of, 587, 589. Herefordshire Beacon area, 557 e~ Astacomorpha, 16. seqq. Asteroceras, Arietites Turneri disting. Andesitic rocks of Lambay I., 142- from, 452. 145. Asteroceratan Age, 447 & table i. Anglesey (N.), metamorphism of grits Auditors elected, vi. & shales in, 374-381 figs. Augite-andesites of Lambay I., 142, Angular flints & sarsens in gravels of 143. Bagshot district, 185 et s~q.. Auriferous sand ft. North Saskatche- Annual General Meeting, ix. wan River, exhib., ciii ; aurif. Anthracite in cuprif, lodes of Gt. conglom, of Gold Coast Colony, Orme's Head, 384, 389. 290; of Main Reef & Black Reef Antiquity of man, evid. furnished by Series, 80-86 w. plan & sects. ossif caverns in glaciated districts Avizula sp. (Franz Josef Land), 650 of Britain, lxxviii-cii. & pl. xxix. Arachnocrinus, comp. w. Petalocrinus, Avon (Bristol), evid. of submerged 437 fig.-438. valley in, 261. .4rca diluvii, its signif, as a Lenham AY~RS, Sir H., obituary of, lx. foss., 312. Azffgograptus, generic definition Arch~Ban of S. Transvaal, 75-76. modified, 513 ; note on, 515. Arctic glaciers, distinctions betw. or 514. Alpine and, 202 ; Aret. shells absent Lapworthi, 513; phylogeny of, fr. Cor. Crag, 345-346. 534-535 & table iv. Ardennes (Belgium), poss. source of ~, 514-515 fig. ; phylogeny materials of Bowsey Hill & other of, 534-535 & table iv. gravels, 589. Arenig age of Middle Skiddaw Slates, 52.5, 530; beds of St. David's & Bagshot (Surrey), gravels of district, Shelve, graptolites comp. w. those 184-195 figs. of Sk. Slates, table ii (526-527). Bagshot age of Haldon gravels, 235, Argile des Polders sup6rieure, mech. 236, 237. anal. of, 575-576 ; list of foramini- Bale Beds & assoc, igneous rocks of fera ft. Heyst, 576-,577 ; A. d. P. Lambay L, 135-148 figs. & pl. ix infdrieure, 575, 581. (map); B. B. hr. Lit,fie Orme's Arietid~e, list of genera, 459. Head, 394. Arietidan Epoch, 447-450 & table i. Balance-sheet for 1897, xxxiv-xxxv. Arietites, generic definition modified, Baldhead Glacier (Spitsbergen), 202, 452-453. 208 & pl. xvii. Arkwright's Town Station (Derby), Banker Reefs of Main Reef Series, descr, sect. betw. Duckmanton descr., 81-86 w. plan & sects. Tunnel and, I63. Barbados (W.I.), Globifferina-marls & Arms & arm-fan in Petalocrinus, 410- basal reef-rocks of, 540-550 w. map 420 figs. ; measurem, of, 422, 428, & sects. ; foraminifera fr. same, 429. 550-555. ARNOLD-Bv,MROSE, H. H., on Quartz- Barents, Cape (Franz Josef Land), rock in Carb. Limest. of Derbyshire, co]umn, basalt of, 625. 169-182 & pls. xi-xii (map & Barlow-Jameson l~und, list of recipi- microsc, sects.). ents, xxxi. Ash (Kent), Palmolithsfrom, 292 fig., Barmouth (Merioneth), submerged 293. valley at, 253. Ash (Surrey), gravel of, ] 92. BARROIS, C., visit to London, viii. Vol. 54.] 6,S~ssaXL ;~vEx. 655 BAaRow, O., on Occurr. of Chloritoid Bennane Shales = Middle Skiddaw in Kincardineshire, 149-155 fig. & Slates, 528. chem. anal. Berkshire, high-level gravels of, 585- Barry Dock (Glamorgan), old land- 600 figs. & pl. xxviii (map). surfaces at, 255, 276. Betsford (Surrey), sarsen in sandpit, Basal reef-rocks of Barbados, 540-550 187. w. map & sects. ; foraminifera ft. B~WlCK, T. ;I., obituary of, lxv. same, 5.50-555. Bezuidenvilleboring (Witwatersrand), Basalts of Franz Josef Land, 633- sect. descr., 84. 636, 646 w. chem. anal. ; of Bigsby Medallists, list of, xxxi. Gatsl~nd Series, 91; of Iceland, BrLLI~T0~, R. g., quoted, 572, chem. anal., 647 ; of Rotuma, 5, 6,10. Binfleld (Barbados), oceurr, of'Glo* Basildon Hill (Berks), Quartzose bigerina-marl predicted, 549. Gravel of, 587, 589; Quartzite- Biotite in Tremola Schists, 366--367 gravel of, 591, 593 ; local gravel of, fig. 597 ; flint-flake in same, 598. Biotite-gneiss of Tremola Schist Bastite, pseudomorph, after hyper- group, 358, 359. sthene, in Lambay andesites, 142, Bird [Reef] Series (Witwatersrand), 143. 84~ Bathamgate (Derby), quartz-rock of, Bissex Hill (Barbados), Globigerina- 177. marls & basal reef-rocks of, 540A BAT~ER, F. A., on Pe~alocrinus, 401- 555 w. map, sects., & list of 441 figs. & pls. xxv-~xvi; exhib. foraminifera. specim, of Hapalocrinus Victoria, Black Reef formation in S. Transvaal, cvii, 441. 86. Bathonian, ehronol, misuse of term, Black Shale Coal (seam), 164. 442. BLACKMORE, H. P., exhib, flints fr. Batsford (Gloucester), Quartzite- Alderbary Hill, cvi. gravel of, 595. BLA~, J. F., Revindication of Llan- Battery Reef Series----Kimberley Series, beris Unconformity [title only], v ; 83. Laccolites of Guteh labs.l, 12-13. BAUEEtM).~, H., on Intern. Geol. Con- BLA~FORD, W. T., receives Lyell gress, iii ; elected Auditor, vi. Medal for W. Waagen, xlv, xlvi. Beach, travel of, along S. coast of 'Blue Crag' at Gedgrave & Sud- Engl., 315. bourne, 323. Beaches, raised, in Franz Josef .Land, Bod-y-Sgallen (Little Orme's Head), 638; in Spitsbergen, 205 et seqq., Carb. Limest. rocks of, 391, 393, 214; in Cornwall, newer than 397. stream-tin gravels, 274-275. Bokkeveld Shales, Devon. age of,95' Beach-material, redeposited, moraines 100. in Spitsbergen formed of, 210, BoldSrien Sea, S. & W. limits of, ' Beach-sandstone' of Rotuma, 5, 11. 315, 316 map. B~.ASLEY, I-I. C., quoted, 385, 398. Bolsover Tunnel (Derby), Permian & Beer (Devon), quarry-sect, descr., Coal Measures in, 161-162 fig. & 242. pl. x (vert. sects.). Beer Stone, comp. w. Widworthy BON~rEY, T. G., on Garnet-Actinolite grizzle, 241. Schists on S. side of St. Gothard 'Beheading' of valleys, 279 et segq., Pass, 357-372 figs. ; on pebbles & 289. rock-fragments fr. Quartzite-gravel 21elemnites sp. (Franz Josef Land), of Rose Hill, Caversham, 592. 650 & pl. xxix. Bonsall (Derby), quartz-rock & Belgium, Diestien fauna comp. w. quartzose limest, hr., 170-176 & those of Cot. Crag & Lenham Beds, pls. xi-xii (map & mierose, sects.). 317-320 ; see also Ardennes, Liege, Booming Glacier (Spitsbergen), 203, ere. 207 fig. & pls. xvii-xix; moraines Bell Bar (Hefts), Qtmrtzose Gravel of, 209. of, 589. Boreal shells absent ft. Cor. Crag, Bell I. (Franz Josef Land), raised 345-346. beaches, etc. of, 630. Borings, deep, on Witwatersrand, 83, Bell Sound (Spitsbergen), glacial beds 84. on shores of, 213, 216 fig., 217. Bothas Series -- Main Reef Series, 83 656 G~NERAL ~Dv.x. [Nov. I898, Boulay Bay (Jersey), pyromerides of, JBryograptus ramosus ear. cumbrensis 10J-118 figs. & pl. vii. nov., 471 figs. ; phylogeny of, 531, Boulder Clay of Ffynnon Beuno & 532-533 & table iv. Ty Newydd Caves, 131,132; absent Buckland (Dover), shells from, exhib., in sections along Lincoln & Chester- CX. field Ry., 167, 168 ; occurr, in Tawe BUCKMAN, S. S., on Groupg. of some River, 253; hr. Neath, etc., 254, 270- Dies. of so-called ' Jurassic' Time, 271 ; (?) !n S. Devon, 271-272 ; on 442-462 w. tables i & ii. Gt. Orme s Head, 382. Bull Ring (Derby), limest, w. quartz- Boulder-terraces in Spitsbergen, 214- crystals nr., 178. 215. BULLEN, Rev. R. A., exhib. Somali- BOtTLe, M., elected For. Corr., ceil. land implemts., cvi ; exbib, specims.
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