Zlatko Tesanovic Zlatko was born in Sarajevo (former Yugoslavia) on August 1, 1956 and passed away on July 26, 2012. InsItute for Quantum Maer, Johns Hopkins-Princeton Posions 1994-2012: Professor, Johns Hopkins University 1990-1994: Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins University 1987-1990: Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins University 1987-1988: Director's Postdoctoral Fellow (on leave from JHU), Los Alamos Naonal Laboratory 1985-1987: Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University Educaon 1980-1985: Ph.D. in Physics, University of Minnesota 1975-1979: B.Sc. in Physics (Summa cum Laude), University of Sarajevo, former Yugoslavia Fellowships, Awards, Honors Foreign Member, The Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and LeLers Fellow, The American Physical Society, Division of Condensed Maer Physics Inaugural Speaker, J. R. Schrieffer Lecture Series, Naonal High MagneIc Field Laboratory, 1997 David and Lucille Packard Foundaon Fellowship, 1988-1994 J. R. Oppenheimer Fellowship, Los Alamos Naonal Laboratory, 1985 (declined) Stanwood Johnston Memorial Fellowship, University of Minnesota, 1984 Shevlin Fellowship, University of Minnesota, 1983 Fulbright Fellowship, US InsItute of Internaonal Educaon, 1980 Zlatko Tesanovic Graduate Students (10) L. Xing (Jacob Haimson Professor, Stanford), I. F. Herbut (Professor, Simon Fraser University, Canada), A. Andreev (Associate Professor, University of Washington), S. Dukan (Professor and Chair of Physics, Goucher College), O. Vafek (Associate Professor, Florida State University and NHMFL), A. Melikyan (Editor, Physical Review B), Andres Concha (Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard), ValenIn Stanev (Postdoctoral Fellow, Argonne NL), Jian Kang (current), James Murray (current) Postdoctoral Advisees (9) A. Singh (Professor, IIT Kanpur, India), S. Theodorakis (Professor, University of Cyprus, Cyprus), J. H. Kim (Professor and Chair of Physics, University of North Dakota), Z. Gedik (Professor, Sabanci University, Turkey), M. Franz (Professor, University of BriIsh Columbia, Canada), Q. Chen (Changjiang Professor, Zhejiang University, PRC), V. Cvetkovic (Postdoctoral Fellow, NHMFL), A. Del Maestro (Assistant Professor, University of Vermont), V. Vakaryuk (incoming) Outside Collaborators (last 5 years) P. Sacramento (InsItuto Superior Tecnico – Lisbon, Portugal), A. Melikyan (Argonne NL), I. F. Herbut (Simon Fraser, Canada), V. Juricic (Leiden University, The Netherlands) 1995 (10 m); 1998 (2 w); 2007 (1w); 2010 (3 m) Topology of strongly correlated systems Lisbon 8-13 October 2000 XVIII CFIF Autumn School Quantum coherence and correlations in condensed-matter and cold-atom systems Évora, Portugal, 11-15 October 2010 Type-II superconductors in high magneIc fields (P.D.S.) Effects of disorder and magneIc fields in superconductors (José Lages, P.D.S.) Collaborator of FCT Project on Iron Pnicdes (Miguel Araújo, P.D.S.) Phase fluctuaons and pseudogap in cuprates (P.D.S.) Specific heat of pnicdes in magneIc fields (Miguel Araújo, P.D.S.) Collaborator of FCT Project on Topological Phases of Maer (P.D.S., Miguel Araújo, Eduardo Castro, Vitor Vieira, Vitalii Dugaev, Pedro Ribeiro Nikola Paunkovic) Zlatko Tesanovic on string theory "Superstringers have now created a culture in physics departments that is openly disdainful of experiments. ... There is an intellectual struggle going on for the very soul of theore%cal physics, and for the hearts and minds of young sciensts entering our field." - Dr. Zlatko Tesanovic, physicist at Johns Hopkins University Zlatko's Best Places to Eat in BalImore -- Great Food Finds in Charm City PoliIcs Finance Basketball TheoreIcal Condensed Maer Physics: Strongly Correlated Electrons, High Temperature SuperconducIvity, Quantum Hall Effect(s), High MagneIc Fields February 2009 EPL, (2009) 37002 www.epljournal.org doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/85/37002 Multiband magnetism and superconductivity in Fe-based compounds V. Cvetkovic(a) and Z. Tesanovic Department of Physics and Astronomy, The Johns Hopkins University - Baltimore, MD 21218, USA received 12 November 2008; accepted in final form 18 January 2009 published online 13 February 2009 PACS 74.20.-z – Theories and models of superconducting state PACS 75.30.Fv –Spin-densitywaves PACS 71.45.Lr –Charge-density-wavesystems VOLUME 69, NUMBER 24 PH REVI EW 14 DECEM BER 1992 –RecentdiscoveryofsuperconductivityinFe-basedlayeredcompoundsmayhaveYSlCAL LETTERS opened a new pathway to the room temperature superconductivity. A model Hamiltonian describing FeAs layersCritical is introduced,Fluctuations highlighting thein crucialthe Thermodynamics role of puckering of As atomsof inQuasi-Two-Dimensional promoting d electron itinerancy and warding off large local-moment magnetism of Fe ions, the main enemy of superconductivity. Quantum many-particle effectsType-II in charge, spinSuperconductors and multiband channels are explored and a nesting-induced spin density-wave order is found in the parent compund. We argue that this largelyZlatko itinerantTesanovic, antiferromagnetismltl ~2l Lei andXing, high(tlTc lslitselfLev areBulaevskii, essentially tiedltl toQiang the Li, l4l and M. Suenagai4l multiband nature of~'lDepartment the Fermi surface.of Physics and Astronomy, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland 81818 ~ l Theoretical Division, MS B868, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 875/5 Copyright c EPLA, 2009 ! Max Plan-ck Insti-tnt, High Fie-ld Magnetlabor, 880/8 Grenoble, France ~ l Division of Materials Sciences, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11978 (Received 26 May 1992) Recently, a surprising new path to room-temperature superconductivity might haveThermodynamic been discovered.quantities The in quasi-2D type-II superconductors exhibit characteristic scaling be- A quaternary compound LaOFePhavior wasfor alreadyhigh fields knownin the tocriticala) region around H,2(T). Usingb) a nonperturbative approach to the become superconductor belowGinzburg-Landau 7 K [1], whenfree its dopedenergy functional, the scaling functions for the free energy, magnetization, en- and speci6c heat are evaluated in closed form. The experimental for sibling LaO1 xFxFeAs turnedtropy, out to have unexpectedly a B data B Bi&Sr2Ca2Cu30yp − are presented which are in agreement with the theoretical results. high Tc =26K [2].Evenhigher Tc’s were found by rare- earths (RE) substitution, reaching the current record of PACS numbers: 74.60.Ge A A 55 K [3]. These are the first non-cuprate superconductors y exhibiting such high Tc’s. x The surprise hereThe isproperties that the mostof type-II prominentsystems charac-have recently been schemes have been used Bin the past to reconstruct the under intense study, particularly in connection with form of outside the perturbative regime teristic of iron is its magnetism. By conventional wisdom, c) f(z) (z » 1), the superconductivityhigh-temperature in RE-OFeAssuperconductors compounds is unex-(HTS). A fundamen- and, in particular, in the crossover region around x = 0 pected, all thetal moreproblem so sincein itthis apparentlyfield is residesthat of incritical FeAs behavior arising [H,2(T) line]. These schemes include the diagrammatic layers. Followingfrom standardthermal ionicfluctuations. accounting,Several rare-earthsexperiments point to approach, [8] Pade and Borel-Pade approximants to the + are 3 ,whileAsandOare3the importance− andof fluctuations 2−,respectively.Onein the thermodynamics of perturbation series [9], and possible connection with a + then expects FeHTS to be[1 in—6]. its 2In configuration,a recent experiment, two of its 4Welps et al. [3] ob- simple OD GL theory in zero field. Recently, a nonper- electrons givenserved away tothat fill Asthe andsuperconducting O p-orbitals, withcontribution assis- to the mag- turbative approach to this problem has been developed tance from a singlenetization rare-earthand resistivity atom. Theof remainingYBapCu30p six crystals displays in Ref. [10]. In this Letter we use this approach to solve d electrons fill atomic orbitals of Fe in the overall tetrago- three-dimensional (3D) scaling behavior Fig.in the 1: (Colourvariable on-line)for (a)the Thethermodynamics structure of theof parentquasi 2D type-II supercon- nal As/O environment (fig. 1); the lower three t orbitals [T —T,(H)]/(TH) Is around 2theg critical compound,temperature within FeAs layerductors (Fe: red,in the As: green)vortex onphase top of REOand derive an explicit form should be filled while the upper two eg orbitals should be the general vicinity of the upper critical fieldlayersH, (RE:(Tz). yellow,Li O: blue);for the blueAfter squarei.ntroducing in the FeAs planethe correct collective vari- empty. However, the Coulomb interactions intervene via corresponds to the “planar”f(x) unit cell (b). We denote two Fe and Suenaga noticed that the magnetization of highly overall Hund’s rule. The simplest realization[6] of this is to fully atoms with A and B, whileables, the twothe As atomsamplitude that are displacedof the order parameter @(r) anisotropic Bi2Sr2Ca2CusOtn crystals near critical tem- and positions of we in- occupy a low t2g orbital while storing the remaining four up and down with respect to the layer arevortices, representedproceed by to perform the electrons into theperature spin-upcan states.be Thedescribed result isby athe total2D spinversiondottedof andthe crossedscal- circlestegration respectively.over (c)the Theoverall evolutionamplitude of d- exactly [10]. As a S =2ofFe++,ing withfunction the associatedin the localvariable magnetic[T moment—T,(H)]/(TH)tIz.orbital energyThe levels fromresult, the tetragonalthe
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