http://chicagoacs.org NOVEMBER • 2008 CHICAGO SECTION AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Joint Meeting of the University of Chicago Department of Chemistry and the Chicago Section ACS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2008 The Parthenon Restaurant Vegetarian Spinach-Cheese Pie, Vege- PRESENTATION OF STIEGLITZ 314 South Halsted Street tarian Pastitsio (Macaroni baked with LECTURE 8:00 P.M. Chicago, IL broccoli, Bechamel sauce and Kefalotiri), 312-726-2407 Dolmades (vine leaves stuffed with rice, meats and herbs), Rotisserie-roasted DIRECTIONS TO THE MEETING lamb served with rice pilaf and roasted potatoes. Desserts: Baklava (flaky layers From Kennedy (I-90) or Edens (I-94): of Phyllo baked with nuts and honey) Drive downtown and exit at Adams and Galaktobouriko (flaky layers of Phyl- Street. Turn right to Halsted. Turn left at lo with vanilla custard and baked with Halsted. Restaurant is approximately syrup. Beverages, bread and butter. 1.5 blocks on the west side of the street. The cost is $30 to Section members who From Eisenhower (I-290): Drive east have paid their local section dues, mem- to Chicago. Exit at Racine and turn left. bers' families, and visiting ACS members. Go to Jackson Boulevard and turn right. The cost to members who have NOT Take Jackson to Halsted. Turn right at paid their local section dues and to non- Halsted. Restaurant is approximately Section members is $32. The cost to stu- 1/2 block on the west side of the street. dents and unemployed members is $15. Seating will be available for those who PARKING: Free valet parking. Parking wish to attend the meeting without dinner. Dr. Joan F. Brennecke, Department is also available on the nearby streets of Chemical and Biomolecular Engi- or in a nearby lot for a charge. neering, University of Notre Dame, NOTICE TO ILLINOIS Notre Dame, IN JOB CLUB: 5:00-6:00 P.M. TEACHERS Title: "Ionic Liquids: Worth Their Salt" The Chicago Section ACS is an SOCIAL HOUR: 5:30-6:30 P.M. ISBE provider for professional Abstract: Ionic liquids are non-volatile (Cash Bar) development units for Illinois teach- organic salts that have low melting points, ers. Teachers who register for this frequently below room temperature. Typi- DINNER 6:30 P.M. month's meeting will have the cal compounds are comprised of a quater- opportunity to earn up to 4 CPDU's. Dinner reservations are required and nary ammonium, quaternary phosphoni- um, imidazolium or pyridinium cation with should be received in the Section Office NATIONAL MEETING TRAV- via phone (847-647-8405), fax (847-647- a wide variety of common anions. Since 8364), email (chicagoacs@ amer EL GRANTS AVAILABLE they cannot evaporate and cause air pol- itech.net), or website (http:// Chicago FOR STUDENT AFFILIATES lution, they are being vigorously investigat- ACS.org) by noon on Monday, November ed as promising alternatives to volatile Travel grants are available to active 17. PLEASE HONOR YOUR RESERVA- organic solvents. We will discuss the Student Affiliates chapters with stu- TIONS. The Section must pay for all din- physical and chemical properties of ionic dents who are presenting research or ner orders. No-shows will be billed. liquids and show how these properties chapter posters in the Division of can be tailored or tuned by judicious Chemical Education's Undergraduate MENU: Greek Family Style Dinner-- choice of cation, anion and substituents. Research Poster Session. Apply by Appetizers: Saganaki (Kaseri cheese Although water-stable ionic liquids January 12, 2009! flamed in brandy), Gyros (roasted slices have only been known for about fifteen Go to http://portal.acs.org/portal/ of lamb and beef), Taramosalata (fish years, they have already been intro- acs/corg/content?_nfpb=true&_page roe blended with lemon and olive oil); duced in numerous industrial processes. Label=PP_ARTICLEMAIN&node_id= traditional Greek salad. Main course: They are being investigated for many 1298&use_sec=false. (continued on page 2) 11/08 2 serves on the Governing Board of the (continued from page 1) Put your ad here Council for Chemical Research (Chair for more applications, including as solvents Reach prospective clients 2007) and has served on the National Sci- for reactions, as nonvolatile electrolytes by advertising in ence Foundation Advisory Committees for in batteries and solar cells, for gas and The Chemical Bulletin Engineering and Environmental Research liquid separations, and as heat transfer .............................. and Education, and the American Chemi- fluids and high temperature lubricants. For more information, cal Society Green Chemistry Institute Gov- We will discuss these applications, with contact the Section office erning Board. She has been selected to be particular emphasis on our own work Phone: (847) 647-8405 the U. S. scientific representative for the developing ionic liquids for removal of Fax: (847) 647-8364 G8 International Green Network. She carbon dioxide from flue gas and as sol- chaired the 7th International Symposium vents for liquid-liquid extraction. on Supercritical Fluids in 2005 and ran a Council for Chemical Research NIChE Biography: Joan F. Brennecke is the conference on ionic liquids that same year. Keating-Crawford Professor of Chemi- IN THIS ISSUE She has co-authored more than 120 scien- cal Engineering at the University of tific and technical articles. Notre Dame and Director of the Notre 1 – Dinner Meeting Dame Energy Center. She joined Notre 1 – Student Affiliates Travel Dame after completing her Ph.D. and M.S. (1989 and 1987) degrees at the Grants University of Illinois at Urbana-Cham- 2 – 2009 Section Dinner paign and her B. S. at the University of Meetings Texas at Austin (1984). Her research interests are primarily in 3 – ChemShorts for Kids: the development of less environmentally Weather Barometer harmful solvents. In particular, her 3 – Julius Stieglitz Lecture research has focused on studies of supercritical fluids, including supercritical 4 – Great Lakes Regional CO2 and supercritical water. She was Meeting awarded the 2001 Ipatieff Prize from the 4 – Global Challenges/ American Chemical Society in recogni- tion of her pioneering high pressure Chemistry Solutions studies of the local structure of supercrit- 5 – Stieglitz Lecturers 1940- ical fluid solutions and the effect of this 2008 local structure on the rates of homoge- neous reactions. Much of her current 5 – November Historical research involves ionic liquids, which Events in Chemistry are organic salts that are liquid at tem- 7 – Science Fair Judges peratures around ambient. These salts have received tremendous recent atten- Needed tion as potential substitutes for volatile 7 – Latin American Chemical organic solvents since the ionic liquids Program are non-volatile and, thus, cannot con- tribute to air pollution. In developing 8 – Job Club these solvents, Dr. Brennecke’s primary 8 – Welch Award in interests are in the measurement and Chemistry modeling of thermodynamics, thermo- physical properties, phase behavior and 9 – WCC Column: Susan V. separations. She was awarded the 2006 Olesik Professional Progress Award from the 9 – ACS Visits China American Institute of Chemical Engi- 2009 SECTION DINNER 10 – 2009 Herman Skolnik neers in recognition of her ionic liquids MEETING DATES research and received the J. M. Praus- Award nitz Award at the Eleventh International January 22 Jointly with AIChE 10 – Faculty Grant Programs Conference on Properties and Phase February 27 Jointly with Kilpatrick Equilibria in Greece in May, 2007. Lecture at IIT 10 – December Food Drive Dr. Brennecke is the recipient of a 1991 March 27 Public Affairs Meeting 11 – Science History Tour Presidential Young Investigator Award April 24 11 – Muslim Women Scientists from the National Science Foundation, May 15 Gibbs Award Banquet the 1998 University of Notre Dame Presi- June 19 Distinguished Service Network dential Award, and the College of Engi- Award; 50-year 11 – 2008 Transatlantic Chem- neering’s Outstanding Teacher of the members istry Symposium Year (2000) and Kaneb Teaching (2002) September 25 Education Night at awards. She has served on the Editorial Loyola 11 – Ad Index Advisory Boards of Industrial and Engi- October 23 Basolo Award Dinner 12 – International Research neering Chemistry Research, the Jour- with Northwestern Experiences for nal of Chemical and Engineering Data, November 18 Green Chemistry and the Journal of December 4 Holiday Party - Jointly Undergrads Chemical Thermodynamics. She also with Chemists' Club & 12- Calendar Iota Sigma Pi 11/08 3 spheric pressure so your barometer needs a constant temperature in order to November, 2008 Vol. 95, No. 9. Pub- be accurate. Keep it away from a win- lished by the Chicago Section of The dow or other places that experience American Chemical Society, Editorial The Elementary Education Committee temperature changes. Staff: Cherlyn Bradley, Editor; Fran of the Chicago Section ACS presents Kravitz, Associate Editor; Fadwa Al- this column. They hope that it will reach So how do you predict the weather? Taher and Richard Treptow, Proof- young children and help increase their Weather patterns have regions of high readers; Frank Jarzembowski, Publi- science literacy. Please cut it out and and low atmospheric pressure. Rising cations Business Manager. Address: pass it on to your children, grandchil- pressure means dry, cool, and calm 7173 North Austin, Niles, Illinois dren, or elementary school teachers. It is weather. Dropping pressure forecasts 60714; 847/647-8405. Subscription hoped that teachers will incorporate rain, wind, and storms. rates: $15 per year. Frequency: some of the projects in this column into monthly-September through June. their lesson plans. • Quickly rising pressure (over a few hours or a couple of days) after a A Simple Weather Barometer period of low pressure means you THE CHICAGO SECTION’S can expect some good weather. JULIUS STIEGLITZ LECTURE Kids, it's easy to make your own weath- FOR 2008 er barometer! Using simple instru- • Slowly rising barometric pressure ments, people predicted weather back in (over a week or so) indicates good We have remembered and honored the old days even before we had Doppler weather that will remain for a while.
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