LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Twenty-third Parliament 10 July 1923 – 27 October 1925 Queensland Parliamentary Debates INDEX Contents of this document * 23rd Parliament, 1st Session 10 July 1923 – 2 November 1923 Index from Hansard, V.141-142, 1923 23rd Parliament, 2nd Session 29 July 1924 – 22 October 1924 Index from Hansard, V.143-144, 1924 23rd Parliament, 3rd Session 28 July 1925 – 27 October 1925 Index from Hansard, V.145-146, 1925 *The Index from each volume of Hansard corresponds with a Parliamentary Session. This document contains a list of page numbers of the daily proceedings for the Legislative Assembly as printed in the corresponding Hansard volume. A list of page numbers at the start of each printed index is provided to allow the reader to find the electronic copy in the online calendar by clicking on the date of the proceedings and then to a link to the pdf. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Twenty-third Parliament – First Session Queensland Parliamentary Debates, V.141-142, 1923 10 July 1923 – 2 November 1923 (Theodore Government) INDEX PAGE NOS DATE PAGE NOS DATE 1-4 10 July 1923 762-784 31 August 1923 4-15 11 July 1923 784-823 4 September 1923 16-51 12 July 1923 823-864 5 September 1923 51-90 17 July 1923 864-902 6 September 1923 90-130 18 July 1923 903-942 7 September 1923 130-178 19 July 1923 942-979 11 September 1923 178-214 24 July 1923 979-1018 12 September 1923 214-251 25 July 1923 1018-1060 13 September 1923 252-286 26 July 1923 1060-1095 14 September 1923 286-319 31 July 1923 1096-1134 18 September 1923 319-353 1 August 1923 1135-1164 19 September 1923 354-389 2 August 1923 1165-1202 20 September 1923 390-421 7 August 1923 1202-1240 21 September 1923 421-458 14 August 1923 1240-1266 25 September 1923 459-491 15 August 1923 1267-1306 26 September 1923 491-526 16 August 1923 1306-1344 27 September 1923 527-565 21 August 1923 1345-1367 28 September 1923 565-604 22 August 1923 1368-1403 2 October 1923 605-640 23 August 1923 1403-1434 3 October 1923 640-684 28 August 1923 1435-1468 4 October 1923 684-721 29 August 1923 1468-1508 5 October 1923 721-762 30 August 1923 1508-1541 9 October 1923 PAGE NOS DATE PAGE NOS DATE 1541-1574 10 October 1923 1864-1925 24 October 1923 1575-1624 11 October 1923 1925-1977 25 October 1923 1625-1643 12 October 1923 1978-2018 26 October 1923 1643-1687 16 October 1923 2018-2077 30 October 1923 1687-1727 17 October 1923 2077-2135 31 October 1923 1728-1763 18 October 1923 2135-2195 1 November 1923 1763-1809 19 October 1923 2195-2232 2 November 1923 1809-1863 23 October 1923 19i3. QUEENSLAND. OllFICIAL RECORD OF THJ£ U~tlA'l'E~ OJI Tllll ;D"ITRING THE FIRST SESSION OF 'fHE ']_,WENTY-THlRD. PARLIA~1ENT . 14° G E 0 R G E V. COMPRISING THE PERIOD FROM THE TENTH DAY OF ,JULY TO THE SECO~D DAY OF NOVEMBER, A.D. 19:.!3. v··o·L·:········c-:lL·i .. i .. BlDSBANE: llY AUTHORITY: ANTHO:XY JA:IlES CUl!MING, GOVERNMEJ\"T Pll.JNTER. FIRST SESSION OF THE TWENTY-THIRD PARLIAMENT OF QUEENSLAND. 19 2 3. THE GOVERNOR. His Excellency Lieutenant-Colonel the Right Honourable Srn MATTHEW NATHAN, P.C. (Ire.), G.C.M.G. THE LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR. Honourable WILLIAM LENNON. THE MINISTRY. On 6th October, 1922, His Excellency the Governor accepted the resignation of­ The Honourable EDWARD GRAN\'ILLE THEODORE a-- Secretary for Public Works. On the same day His Excellency appointed- The Honourable \VILLLU! FonGAN S1HTH as ScMetary for Public \Vorks; and The Honourable J AMES STOPFORD as a member of the Executive Council. On 2nd July, 1923, His Excellency accepted the resignations of­ The Honourable \VILLL\M McCOR)!ACK as Ho,mc Secretary; and The Honourable J on~ HARRY CoY~E as Secretarv for Public Lands a.nd a mcmbt•r of the Executive Council. · On the same day His Excellency appointed- The Honourable \VILLIAM McCom!ACK a' Secretary for Public Lands; The Honourable J A)!ES STOPFORD as Home Secretary; and The Honourable FRANK TENiso:-; BRE~>;A~ as a member of the Executive Council. When the Session opened on lOth July, 1923, tho Ministrv was constituted a follows:­ Vice-President of the Executive Council, Premier, Chief Secretary, and Treaourer- Honourable EDWARD GRANVILLE THEODORE. Secretary for Agriculture and Stock-Honourable WILLIAM NEAL GILLIES. Secretary for Public Lands-Honourable \VILLIAM McConMACK. Secretary for Mines-Honourable ALFRED JAJ>IES JONES. Attorney-General-Honourable JOHN MULLAN. Secretary for Railways-Honourable JAMES LARCOMBE. Secretary for Public Instruction-Honourable JOHN HUXHAM. Secretary for Public 'Vorks-Honourable \VILLlA>! FoRGAN SMITH. Home Secretary-Honourable JAMES STOPFORD. Minister without Portfolio-Honourabl<> FRANK TE~rso:--- BnEKNA>;. lV. THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Speaker-Honourabl·c \VrLLIAM BERTRAM (Maree). Chairman of Committoos-lVlrcHAEL JOSEPH KIRWAN, &quire (Brisbane) Temporary Chairmen of Committees:- CooPER, FRANK ARTHUR, Esquire (BTc•mer). DUNSTAN, THO:\!AS, Esquire (Gympie). KING, REGINALD MACDONNELL, Esquire (Logan). PoLLOCK, GEORGE, Esquire (Gregory). WALKER, HARRY FnEDERICK, Esquire (Cooroora). APPEL, Honourable JOHN GEORGE (Albcrt). BARBER, GEORGE PHILLIP, Esquir·e (BundabeTg). BARNES, GEORGE PoWELL, Esquire (Warwick). BA!!NES, Honourable IVALTEI! HENRY (1Vynnum). 1 BEDFORD, Honourable RANDOLPH (Jrarrcgo). BELL, ERNEST THOMAS, K;quire (Fassifern). BERTRAM, Honourable WrLLHM (Marce). BRAND, WILLIAM ALFRED, Esquire (Burrurn). BRENNAN, Honourable FRANK TE>:ISO>: (Toa!eoomlm) BnccE, HENI!Y ADAill, Ecqui'l'O (11 cnnf(/y). BuLCOCK, FUANK WILLIAM, Esquire (Barcoo). CARTER, GEollGE, Esquire (Port C'urtis). CLAYTON, ERNEST HENRY COLLET, Esquire (Wide Bay). COLLINS, CHARLES, Esquire (Bowen). CONROY, CHARLES WILLIA~r, Esquire (Jiaranoa). CoOPER, FnA>:K ARTHUR, Esquire (Brem•T). COOPER, \VILLIAM, Esquire (Roscwood). CORSER, BERNARD IlENRY, Esquire (Burnett). CoSTELLO, EDWARD, Esquire (Carnaruon). 2 COYNE, Honourable J Ol!N HARRY (TVarrego). DASH, JoHN, Esquire (Mundingburra). DEACON, \VILLIHI ARTHUR, Esquire (Gunningham). DuNSTAN, THO~IAS, Esquire (Gympie). EDWARDS, JAMES BRAIDWOOD, Esquire (Yanango). ELPHINSTONE, AUGUSTUS CECIL, Esquire (Oxley). 3 FAHRELL, GEORGE PmTCHARD, Esquire (Rockharnpton). FEBRICKS, MILES ALOYSIUS, Esquire (South Brisbane). FOLEY, 'IHO:\IAS ANDREW, Esquire (Leichhardt). FRY, JAMES PoRTER, Esquire (Kurilpa). GILDAY, JOHN THEOPHILUS, Ecquire (Ithaca). GILLIES, HonrJtll'able WILLIAM NEAL (EaclLam). GLEDSON, DAVID ALEXANDER, Esquire (Ipswich). I:!ARTLEY, HAROLD LESLIE, Esquire (Fitzroy). HUXHAM, Honourable JOHN (Buranda). HDiES, MAURICE PATHir''• Esquire (TrncnHille). JONES, Honourable ALFRED JAMES (Paddington). KELEO, \YILLIAM, Esquire (Tundnh). KERn, JAMES STEVINGSTONE, Esquire (EnoggC'ra). KING, REGINALD MACDONNELL, Esquire (Logan). KIRWAN, MICHAEL JOSEPH, Esquire (Brisbane). LAND, EDWARD MARTIN, Esquire (Balonne). LARCOMBE, Honourabl-e JAJ!ES (Keppel). LLOYD, \VILLIA'\f FIELD, Esquire (Kelt·in Grorc). LoGAN, GEORGE ANDREW, Esquire (Lockyer). MAXWELL, JAMES FRANCIS, Esquire (Toowong). ------------------------------ 1 Took his seat on 30th October, 1923, vice Hon. John Harry C.oyne, resigned. 2 Resigned his seat on 31st July, 1923. a Elected on 17th February, 1923, during recess and before the ilissolut.ion of the 22nd Parliament. 1Jioc Francis Michael Forde, Esq., who resigned his se::tt on 5th October, 1923, to become a candidate. for the Federal Division of C"pricornia. V. THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMEL Y-conunuea. MoCORMACK, Honourable \YILLIAM (Cairm). McLACHLAX, PETER ALFHED, 1£squiru (Jl erthyr). MOORE, ARTHUR EDWARD, Esquire (Aubi(lny). MORGAN, GODFREY, Esquire (Murilla). MULLAN, Honourable JOHN (F'linders). NOTT, FREDERICK LAKCELOT, Esquire (Stanley). PAYNE, JOHN, Esquire (Mitchell). PEASE, PERCY, Esquire (lierbert). PETERSON, J AMES CHRISTIAN, Esquire (JY ormanby). PETRIE, ANDREW LAKG, Esquire (1'oombul). POLLOCK, GEORGE, Esquire (Gregory). RIORDAN, DAVID, Esquire (Burke). ROBERTS, THOMAS ROBERT, Esquire (East Toowoomba). RYAN, HENRY JoSEPH, Esquire (Cook). SIZER, HcBERT EBEXEZER, Esquire (Samlgatt). SMITH, Honourable WILLIAM FoRGAN (Mackay). STOPFOHD, Honourable JA}JES (Jlount Jlo:·gan). SW.\YXE, EDWAHD BOWDICH, Esquire (Jlitani). TAYLOR, CHARLES, Esquire (Windsor). THEODORE, Honourable EDWARD GRANVILLE (Chilla(!OC). VowLES, \YILLIA;u JOHN, Esquire (Dalby). VVALKER, HARRY FREDERICK, Esquire (Cooroora). WARREN, RICHARD JAMEB, F•.quire (Murrumba). WEIR, DAVID, Esquire (Maryborough). WELLINGTON, \VILLIAM JOHN, Esquire (Charters 1'owera). WrLSON, THOMAS, Esquire (Fortitude Valley). WINSTANLEY, YERNON, Esquire (Queenton). WRIGHT, ALBERT HENRY, Esquire (Bulirnba). COMMITTEES. LTBRARY.-Mr. Speaker, J\Ir. Dnnstan. Mr. Elphinston0, Mr. ('ollins. Mr. Pease, Mr. Nott, and Mr. G. P. BarnPs. PARLIAMENT.\RY BUJLDINGR.-Mr. Speaker, Mr. Payne, Mr. Riordan, Mr. Kerr, .Mr. Petrie, Mr. Morgan, and Hon. E. G. Theodore. PRI);TI};G.-Mr. Speaker, Mr. Kirwan, J\Ir. Barber, Mr. Glcdeon, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Dash, and Mr. Swayno. REFRESH}JENT ROOiiiS.-J\lr. Speaker, Mr. Kirwan, Mr. Ryan, Mr. \Vileon, Mr. Corser, Mr. Maxwell, and Mr. King. STAXIJI);G 0RDERS.--Mr. Spr·'1ker, Mr. King. Mr. Taylor. Mr. Moore. Mr. Gilday, Mr. Ferricks, and Hon. E. G. Theodore. PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSION. Mr. Payne (Chairman), Mr. Collins, :Ylr. F. A. Cooper, Mr. W. Cooper, Mr. Corser, Mr. Gilday, and Mr. Roberts. ELECTIONS TRIBUNAL ELEC'TWXS .TT:JJGR-His Honour Mr. ,Justice Shand. Queensland Parliamentary Debates, V.141-142, 1923 10 July 1923 - 2 November 1923 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. INDEX TO SUBJECTS. Address in Reply, 7. BILLS-continued: Answe:· of Governor to, 178. Dingo and Marsupial Destruction Act Amendment (initiation),
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