Environmental Statement Wentlooge Renewable Energy Hub • Policy GP2 General Development Principles – General Amenity states “Development will be permitted where, as applicable: ii) The proposed use and form of development will not be detrimental to the visual amenities of nearby occupiers or the character or appearance of the surrounding area.” • Policy GP5 General Development Principles – Natural Environment states “Development will be permitted where, as applicable: v) There would be no unacceptable impact on landscape quality; vi) The proposal includes an appropriate landscape scheme, which enhances the site and the wider context including green infrastructure and biodiversity networks; vii) The proposal includes appropriate tree planting or retention where appropriate and does not result in the unacceptable loss of or harm to trees, woodland or hedgerows that have wildlife or amenity value.” • Policy CE4 Historic Landscapes, Parks, Gardens and Battlefields states that “sites included in the register of landscapes, parks and gardens of special historic interest and identified historic battlefields should be protected, conserved, enhanced and where appropriate, restored. Attention will also be given to their setting.” • Policy CE10 Renewable Energy states “renewable energy schemes will be considered favourably, subject to there being no over-riding environmental and amenity considerations…. Large scale proposals may be more appropriately located outside of the defined settlement boundary if no appropriate brownfield sites exist. The cumulative impacts of renewable energy schemes will be an important consideration.” • Policy T7 Public Rights of Way and New Development states that “any public footpath, bridleway or cycleway affected by development proposals will require retention or the provision of a suitable alternative. Provision of additional routes, where appropriate, will be sought in new developments, with linkages to the existing network.” Assessment methodology Wentlooge Farmers' Solar Scheme Limited 126 Environmental Statement Wentlooge Renewable Energy Hub ▪ A review of landscape designations and planning policies for the landscape, as indicators of landscape value, and of other landscape studies relevant to the area, including LANDMAP and local landscape character assessments. ▪ A survey of the site and landscape context study areas and inspection of views of the site from publicly accessible viewpoints, including a photographic survey, undertaken during April, May and October 2019. ▪ Evaluation of the features and elements of the landscape and their contribution to the landscape character, context and setting, based on these studies. ▪ Analysis of the development proposals and consideration of potential landscape and visual effects of the proposed development. ▪ Assessment of the sensitivity of the landscape to the changes likely to arise from the development. ▪ Identification of the extent of theoretic visibility of the development and potentially sensitive viewers or valued view locations, supported by a viewpoint analysis. ▪ Consideration of proposals for mitigation measures to avoid, reduce or offset significant adverse effects. ▪ Assessment of magnitude of change and significance of effects on the landscape and on visual amenity, with the mitigation proposals in place. Wentlooge Farmers' Solar Scheme Limited 127 Environmental Statement Wentlooge Renewable Energy Hub ▪ AVR Level 1: Location, size and degree of visibility of proposal. This shows the massing of the proposal within a 3D context represented by the photograph - that is, what can and cannot be seen. ▪ AVR Level 3: As level 2 + use of materials. This is a fully rendered photomontage, usually photo-realistic with texture, shading and reflections as appropriate. Assessment and Mitigation Weather 7 The data quoted are those for the England SW and Wales S district, obtained from The Met Office website: [accessed 09.05.19] Wentlooge Farmers' Solar Scheme Limited 128 Environmental Statement Wentlooge Renewable Energy Hub • Rainfall above 1mm per day, which limits visibility, occurs on an average of 148.6 days in the year, about 41% of the year • There are on average 35.7 days when air frost occurs, which can produce hazy conditions limiting visibility, about 10% of the year • There is an average of 1519.7 hours of sunshine per annum for the district of England SW and Wales, more than the Wales regional average of 1401 hours. Guidance • An approach to Landscape Character Assessment, published by Natural England, 2014; • LANDMAP information available on the Natural Resources Wales (NRW) website • Natural Resources Wales, LANDMAP Guidance Note 3: Guidance for Wales, Using LANDMAP for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment of Onshore Wind Turbines, May 2013 • Policies relevant to the landscape and visual amenity in national and regional policy including Newport City Council, Local Development Plan 2011-2026, (adopted January 2015); Gwent Levels Landscape Character Assessment, April 2017, prepared by Chris Blandford Associates; and Gwent Level Green Infrastructure Strategy, April 2017, prepared by Chris Blandford Associates, • Newport Local Development Plan (Adopted January 2015) • Natural Resources Wales Website, http://naturalresourceswales.gov.uk/ • Register of Landscapes of Outstanding Historic Interest in Wales • Newport City Council Designation of Special Landscape Areas (June 2009) Photography 8 The Landscape Institute Guidance Note, Visualisation of development, September 2019, on LI website: accessed 22 October 2019] Wentlooge Farmers' Solar Scheme Limited 129 Environmental Statement Wentlooge Renewable Energy Hub Designations National Landscape Designations Special Landscape Area 9 The Landscape Institute Guidance Note, Visualisation of development, September 2019, on LI website: [accessed 22 October 2019] Wentlooge Farmers' Solar Scheme Limited 130 Environmental Statement Wentlooge Renewable Energy Hub • Newport; • Cardiff; and • Caerphilly • Maintenance of the pattern and network of drainage ditches. • Loss of landscape integrity through gradual change in character from developments including leisure, and features such as “horsiculture”. • Increased pressure for development at existing settlements and associated with major transport routes e.g.: M4 Link Road (the M4 Link Road is no longer proceeding). • Loss of vegetation associated with drainage network. • Intensification of existing land uses, such as golf courses, fishing lakes etc. • Fly tipping • Settlement edge degradation, including pollution to drainage system. Registered Landscapes of Outstanding Historic Interest Wentlooge Farmers' Solar Scheme Limited 131 Environmental Statement Wentlooge Renewable Energy Hub Historic and Cultural landscape designations Conservation areas and listed buildings 10 https://gweddill.gov.wales/docs/desh/policy/961205circular6196en.pdf 11 http://cadwpublic- api.azurewebsites.net/reports/historiclandscape/FullReport?lang=en&id=HLW%20(Gt)%202 Wentlooge Farmers' Solar Scheme Limited 132 Environmental Statement Wentlooge Renewable Energy Hub • Grade II: Former West Usk Lighthouse - Situated on the raised bank of the sea wall on the western shore of the Usk Estuary approximately 2.85km southwest of the site. • Grade I: Parish Church of St Peter - Located at the centre of Peterstone village, set back from the road, approximately 1.1km from the site. • Grade II*: Parish Church of St Bridget - Located on the western side of Church Road in St Bride’s Wentlooge, approximately 0.8km from the site. • Grade II: Gelli-ber Farmhouse and Grade II*: Parish Church of St Mary are located north of the railway to the north of Marshfield. • At Tredegar House and grounds there are a further 16 listed buildings and structure, all located over 2.5km northeast of the site. Scheduled Monuments Registered Parks and Gardens 12 https://cadwpublic-api.azurewebsites.net/reports/sam/FullReport?lang=en&id=1035 13 Register of Landscapes, Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in Wales. Part 1: Parks and Gardens, CADW, Welsh Assembly Government, ICOMOS UK, 2000 Wentlooge Farmers' Solar Scheme Limited 133 Environmental Statement Wentlooge Renewable Energy Hub Ancient Woodlands Public access Interim Summary 14 https://cadw.gov.wales/historicenvironment/protection/historicparksandgardens/?lang=en Wentlooge Farmers' Solar Scheme Limited 134 Environmental Statement Wentlooge Renewable Energy Hub • Features of the landscape which make a significant contribution to the character of the area should be retained and enhanced. Development should not have adverse impacts on these areas; • Ensure that there is no significant adverse impact on local landscape character, scenic quality and distinctive landscape features; • Careful consideration should be given to the potential effects the development proposals may have on setting of historic assets including conservation areas, scheduled monuments and Registered Parks & Gardens; and • The special character of the Landscape of Outstanding Historic Interest should be protected; • Proposals either individually or cumulatively would not cause significant adverse impact on the quality of the local environment; • Careful consideration should be given to the impact development proposals may have on residential amenity; and • Cultural heritage and ecological designations, although not specifically related to landscape amenity, are an indication of landscape value. Sensitivity, or susceptibility to change Landscape sensitivity Wentlooge Farmers' Solar
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