What do Chaim. Berlin, Lakewood, Mir, Ner Israel, Telshe and Torah Vodaath have in C01Il.1Il.On? Talmidimfrom Ohr Somayach! That's right. Ohr Somayach alumni are among the finest talmidim at major Yeshivos in North America and Israel. And there are thousands more following their professions-who are committed and active members in Jewish communities throughout the world. Ohr Somayach is the largest international network of colleges and programs for introductory Jewish studies. Thousands of students and pro­ fessionals have rediscovered Jewish learning and living at Ohr Somayach programs through­ t out Israel, North America and around the world. This year marks the 13th anni­ versary of Ohr Sornayach. Thir­ teen years of effectively reaching out to young Jews and introduc­ ing them to Torah and Mitzvos. Come celebrate with us at the ' Ohr Somayach Bar Mitzvah Simcha and Scholarship Dinner Sunday, 5PM October 27/12 Chesvan 5746, at the New York Hilton. For reseivations and more information, call or write today: American Friends of Ohr Somayach Tanenbaum College 39 Broadway, New York, NY 10006 (212) 344-2000 AU proceeds from the Ohr Somayach Bar Mitzvah Dinner and journal will go to a special student scholarship fund. THE JEWISH OBSERVER (ISSN 0021-6615is published monthly, THE6WISH except July and August, by the Agudath Israel. of. America, 5 Beekman Street, New York.N.Y. ltJSERVER 10038. Second class postage paid at New York. N.Y. Subscription $15.00 .per year: two years. $27.00; three years. $36.00. Outside of the United States (US fUnds only) In This Issue... $20.00. $25.00 in So. Africa and other Pacific countries. Single copy: $2.00; foreign: .$2.50. Send address changes to The Jewish Observer. 5 Beekman St.. N.Y .. N. Y. I 0038. Printed in the U.S.A. •' RABBI NISSON WOLPIN Editor Editorial Board DR. ERNST BODENHEIMER _Chairman RABBI JOSEPH ELIAS JOSEPH FruEDENSON Religion in the Public Arena: RABB1 NossoN.scHERMAN RABBI MOSHE SHERER How Do We Best Protect Our Interests? Management Board 4 Beware of Your "Friends," Rabbi Berel Wein NAFTOLI HIRSCH 5 Walk the Tightrope, Dr. Aaron Twerski !SMC KIRZNER RABBI SHLOMO LESil'i 11 Notes From a Jewish Lobbyist: NACHUM STEIN The View frc1m California, Dr. Irving Lebovic Business_ Mariager RABBI YOSEF.C. GOLDING 13 The Out-of-Towners: A Personal Narrative, Emmy Stark Zitter 19 Succos: The Encounter Between Judgment and Joy, Shimon Finkelman THE JEWISH 0BSERVERd6es not asstlme res,o_n,sibility ,for: the 25 The Old Man C<1•unted to Nine, a narrative by Yisroel Reisman Kashrusorany-ptOl:luct or servtce advertised !rt its pages. Books in Review ©Copyright 1985 29 At the Centtir of the Universe 29 Machzor Zichron Reuven (Artscroll/Mesorah) 30 Gateway to Happiness ocL 85. VOL. xvm No .. 9 30 In Search of Happiness 30 Time is Life 30 Soul Survivc1rs 31 Letters to the Editor Religion in the How Do We Best "Beware of Your 'Friends'," says Rabbi Berl Wein IGNORE THE NON-STARTERS I must open with a caveat, ''I am not a navi {prophet). nor a ben navi {a nov· ice prophet)." 1 do not know what the he issue of religion and its morrow brings for the Jewish commu· proper place in American public nlty in this country. And I am quite T life is a most sensitive one. And aware of tbe futility of predictions as far for the Jewish community in this coun­ as the Jewish people and its fate Is con­ try it may be even more sensitive and cerned. But there are issues that should important tban for other segments of be raised, and not raised merely by the our pluralistic society. History has devil's advocate {which I am not), but taught us that the Jews always have that on their own, deserve careful much to lose in a climate of religious thought and consideration. This is an fanaticism. And, tberefore, I wish to ad­ enormously complex problem and it dress myself to this problem with cau­ will not brook simplistic solutions. tion and, I hope, insight. Firstiy, I believe that Jewish organi­ 1 do not intend to discuss what Is zations should have a low profile on is­ good for America. I do intend to express sues that are not truly vital to our sur­ my opinion as to what is good for the vival. Jewish individuals will and Jewish community in America. In should continue to speak out on those practice, I believe tbat tbe particular in­ issues. But I feel that we have to be terests of tbe Jewish community and enormously cautious in our organiza· tbat of America generally coincide. But tional position on issues of the day. We that is not the thesis of my have to be selective as to what issues presentation. are truly vital to us and as to those is­ sues which superficially appear to be of *These written presentations are based on a symposium held last year at the interest to us as religious people. For in­ 62nd National Convention of Agudath Is­ stance. gay rights, the ERA amend­ rael of America. ment and support of Israel are issues that affect our very survival and life Rabbi Wein, ofMonsey, N. Y., is dean ofShaarei style. Prayer in public schools. text­ Torah of Rockland County and the Bas Torah book revision, creches and Nativity Academy, as well as Rav of the Congregation Bais Torah in the same community. (continued on page 6) 4 The Jewish Observer/October, 1985 - Public Arena Protect Our Interests? "Walk the Tightrope," says Dr. Aaron Twerski hen I was a youngster certain to be Christian prayer and thus shortly after my Bar Mitzva, clearly unacceptable. "To Whom it W I was privileged to have as May Concern" prayer is hardly a teftlla my rebbe Rav Nochem Zaks, '"1. My worth fighting for. Either way we come twin brother and I were his pet talmi­ out losers. Finally, Rabbi Wein cor­ dim. There was little that we could do rectly observes that we must carefully wrong. 1 recall that when either of us husband our precious human asked a particularly good kushya, he resources and devote them to matters would answer in his inimitable style, offirst·line importance. It is not that we ''Twerski, you're one hundred percent are short on talent. We are. however, right, but I'll show you where you're very short on people who are prepared wrong." His words come back to me to share their G- ct-given talents with now. Rabbi Wein is one-hundred­ Kial Yisroel. Taking that fact as a given, percent right...but I think that he has we must pick and choose our battles. missed the key issue and is thus very Where, then, has Rabbi Wein gone wrong. wrong? I suggest that he has made First, let me indicate where he is several fundamental errors: right. The evangelicals and some of the (I) He has written off the liberal left as radical right groups are not our friends. a significant threat to the continued They are self-righteous ideologues and viability of Torah-centered communi­ much of their religiosity is shot through ties. We are, he claims, fighting a with classical, virulent anti-Semitism. defeated enemy. Because he has, in my They do make uncomfortable bedfel­ opinion, miscast the enemy and mis­ lows for us. Rabbi Wein is also quite conceived the issues, he has correct when he says that prayer in the pronouonced a premature Kaddish public schools is a non- issue for Ortho­ over them. dox Jews. Partisan religious prayer is (2) He has made light of the issue of government aid to religious com­ Dr. Twerski, professoroflaw in Hofstra Univer­ munities. sity and Chairman of Agudath Israel of America's (3) He has exaggerated the danger of Commission on Legislation and Civic Action, is right-wing anti- Semitism. author of numerous books and articles on the law of torts and product liability. (continued on page 8) LIBERTY The Jewish Observer/October, 1985 5 "Beware of Your 'Friends'," says that is spiritually empty, the Chris­ Rabbi Berl Wein tians, the Evangelicals, the mission­ (continued from page 4) aries who have almost unlimited funds that they will pour - and are pouring - into a campaign to capture Jewish scenes, tuition tax credits, are not vital souls, the danger to us is great. And the Jewish issues. moral climate, so to speak, that will be Promoting prayer in the public created by stronger Christian in­ schools is to me a non-starter issue as fluences in our society will have, in my far as Jews are concerned. What opinion, a devastating effect upon great prayer? Whose prayer? Prayer for sections of the Jewish people who Whom and to Whom? Until those could still be reached - and in small quesitons are defined it is really not our measure. in fact, are being reached - issue. I don't know what prayer is going by us. to be allowed, if any at all, but I am con­ A famous German-Jewish philoso­ vinced that it will not be our prayer. pher related how when he was growing The Moetzes GedoleiHaTorah passed Orthodox Jewry up in pre-World War II Berlin, his father on the matter of a particular form of a came to the headmaster of the school prayer that perhaps would be accepta­ could pick up the he was attending to plead that his son ble to Jews. But that formulation of be excused from singing Christian prayer has not been accepted by any - tab on the entire songs.
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