7! fLJIainfccnlcr 'mf SIXTY-THIRD YEAR CHATSWORTH. ILLINOIS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17. 1936 N a i s CHRISTMAS PARTY THOUGHTS ON THE JUST A SUGGESTION HOLIDAY SEASON EARL WATSON i The Germanville Community BOARD FAILS BIGH SCHOOL’S If you are open to a Christmas club met at the home of Mrs. Vel­ The holiday season is approach­ FOOTBALL TEAM suggestion that will make some [ ma O’Brien Thursday afternoon ing rapidly. Soon, very soon, it friend or relative happy for 52 DIES QUICKLY for the annual business meeting seems, our stores will become ver­ weeks in the year—here it is. and Christmas party. The fol­ TO NAME NURSE itable beehives of activity. It is CAGERS REMAIN Give them a year's subscription to GIVEN BANQUET lowing officers were elected for then that the job of clerk or sales­ The Plaindealer. Former resi­ the ensuing year: man in the average retail store is dents living in distant parts of the 1 FRIDAY.DEC.il President—Mrs. Hazel McGreal. AT LATE MEET not one to be envied. It is rush, UNDEFEATED country would delight in this kind BY COMMUNITY ! Vice President — Mrs. Emily rush, rush, from morning till i of a gift. It would be just like ChaUworth Man a Victim N etherton. night Is it any wonder that 1 a letter from back home every Secretary—Dorothy Weller. Supervisors Have a Busy sometimes patience gives way \ Chatsworth Defeats Chenoa week. And every week when they Normal Coach and Other# of Heart Attack at Treasurer—Mrs. Luella Oliver. when irritated nerves are extend­ by Score of 48 to 10 sat down to read and enjoy it they Give Inspiring / Press Reporter — Mrs. Eva Time in Pontiac ed beyond the limit ? would think of you and in thier HU Home. Schroen. We urge the public, therefore, Friday Night. Last Week. hearts would thank you again for Speeches. * / Pianist—Mrs. Velma O’Brien. to do your Christmas shopping your thoughtfulness. What other i After the business session con­ now, as early as possible. You i Chatsworth community w as gift could you make for as little Chatsworth Community Club !■ tests and games were enjoyed. | cannot get the service you cannot The Orange and Blue of Chats- money that would reach them to be congratulated the~*uZ shocked and grieved Friday aft- En^ia^Ruppe'r’and S The December meeting of the atulated upon the sue- possibly have the range for selec- worth high school is stiU waving bright and fresh 52 times a year. Cess of the e i^ i m L 5 2 £ ernoon when news spread that Netherton were first prize ^ Livingston county board of super- j banquet given Monday tion if you wait until the last min- .over a clean athletic field for the and that would eagerly look for- nlght in h o ^ trf C haS ^S h Earl Watson had died suddenly at nor of the C ners. At the close of the meeting vlsors adjourned last Thursday ute. Start your Christmas shop- ;present school year by virtue of a ward to receiving? And we ll loL shin h™h his home in the south part of the was an "exchange of gifts! evening after being in session for ping right now, and start here in ;48-10 massacre of Chenoa high notify the one you want To give S ^ ^ w tL u ^ e a ^ ^ ’nie11'’^ ! * ! vdJf®e.’ Lunch was served by the hostess. th^ee days. W hile he was of a ra th e r fra il _________. I t w as thought th a t a county Chatsworth. We have had an school last Friday night. The the paper to who is responsible In J wLs ir^T ndab^eoS £ opportunity to note the stocks m i Reserves started a new winning for the subscription, too. See if I)10Cram *** constitution and had not been DOROTHY JOHNSON nurse would be named at this local stores and we assert with- streak for themselves by winning you can think of any happier * 8 excellent in ev e ry way and the dinner thoroughly been well some time it was not WFT>S LLOYD DRILLING mee,ing by the board but the out fear of contradiction that you the preliminary game 22-12. suggestion. We can’t. generally known that he was ill j AT DWIGHT DEC. 5 ™ tter was left to a committee to cannot do better anywhere else in 1 Hummel Has Field N i g h t ------------------------ -__. pleasing. The ladies of the Evan­ until the death message came. • gelical church served 138 platea | act. There were twelve apppli- this section of the state. Chenoa had only one letterman LOCAL PLAYERS Funeral Services Sunday and won high praise for their pal­ Miss Dorothy Mae Johnson, of ca"ts b u \ the appointment appar- j left from last year and did not SUCCESSFUL IN Funeral services were held Sun- .... ... j ently had simmered down to two, atable dinner, served promptly day afternoon at 2 o’clock in the Chatsworth“ el?ln- ™d wereUoyd married in Mrs’ Frances B Maley, of near : SM ftS XSTSr c o u n t y c o n t e s t Methodist church, conducted by , n' Fairbury, and Mrs. Margaret R. NEW MACHINES >ol had a field night under the The C h a .^ i C „™ i.y ' his pastor. Rev. W. W. Wohlfarth. Dougherty, of Reading township. Burial was in the Chatsworth begun housekeeping in the remod- ^ C0|J^nittee wj,f probab{y basket and rebounded nicely to Farm and Home Bureau partici- bert q Wisthuff Communitl pile up a total of 19 points. Bess pants in the fifth Livingston S , cemetery. A quartet composed of J^ t^ ^ '^ ^ C h ^ t^ rth 111 name one ^fore the first of the Mrs. Harry Felt. Mrs. K. R. For- the western part of Chatsworth^ | ARE ADDED TO I W,)h_°ne:hande^JSh®Jl1of « T ,y music and drama try-out was J>ronounced by Rev. F ^ ! goaLs. held in Pontiac Saturday night stroebel The terfield. Harry Felt and John Hei- ^he tf™*ll,Herald ! The board granted the request I n r i l PI A NT «»* nointv;Ms;:r slroetKi|, " . r r r s r . t ken, with Mrs. Fred Kyburz at .th^ ^ d^ _ th^ ly’ „. of State’s Attorney Edwards that (with 4; Knoll with 2, W ittier with zz the piano, furnished the music. L*°yd Drilling, of Chats- L U L flL I U nPI 1 -dth 4; Knoll with 2. Wittier with „.Uy . S." he be furnished a stenographer 2 and Millstead with two complet­ The casket , bearers were Louis and llno^t and an appropriation of $900 a R 1 11 e SetS 00,1 t0 be held in Chatsworth and that PllffCr innliflAmiila ITniuriefFniuritii* In Prlnrl lnr. JohnSOTl,Johnson, Oof f MclVlIl,Melvin, Wwere 0T 0 11X1110united (1 ____ ______i, _ r, a. ______ ed the scoring. I Aquua tntwistle, Ciar- , ’ . „ year was made for that purpose. Wisthuff Chicken Hatcher ; Marxmiller, Gard ^ 1 tWA° C,asses- it was in recognition of the 1936 ence Frobish, Theodore Meisen- ln anarriage at Dwight last Sat- Offer r.nv.,nm»iGovernment Kt,..*.Funds and Kyburz There were two Class A entries. foolball teanVs undefeated season urday, December 5, the Reverend helder, Arthur Walter and Ray Federal funds to the amount of played in this game but did not those with previous experience, lind capturing the title in the Leo Schmitt, pastor of the Zion ies Now Have Capacity M arr. $5,508 are offered Livingston break into the scoring column, and six class B entries, those miiion M allei ennferen^ V However, they, as well as the low without previous experience. The Tu" V y conference- A Sterling Character and Salem Evangelical churches, county for the employment of nine of 96,000 Eggs. following players were Earl Watson, son of John and officiating. I scorers, contributed materially to Chatsworth entry was in the lat- to twelve women as practical the totals of Hummel and Bess by ter class. called u]xin to speak: Bloice Bess, Mary Watson, was bom October j “The couple was unattended and nurses in the care of welfare cas­ Alien Edwards, Leo Garrity, Herb The Wisthuff chicken hatchery passing in for easy chances. Che- The Long Point unit was 9, 1886. At a very early age he Mrs- Harold L^wis acted as a wit- es. P. R. Moran, WPA supervisor Knoll, Kenneth Rosen boom and has again Increased its capacity noa was not a serious threat at awarded first place in the Class was deprived, through death, of ness- for this district, in submitting the Captain Junior Wittier. Each of by the addition of two new and any time as shown by the quarter A with their play, ’’Gadgets.’’ In both of his parents and he was Immediacy t^ t e cere- npw to tbe board of super- these students expressed himself improved incubators. scores: 10-2; 27-9, 39-9, 48-10. class B two, selections were made taken and cared for by his devot- moa>' Mr. and Mrs. Drilling went yisors )ate Tuesday, said that the as having enjoyed the season and ed sister, Miss Nettie Watson. w°uld be required to meet Each of the two incubators' Reserves Also Win without difference in grading. "T holds 25,000 eggs. To this com-1 The Reserves had a tougher Chatsworth’s play “‘A Bargain’s would ii aL su c S u l A ll^ O n Ju ly 6, 1915, he was united ^ i^Thpir h ^ ’ tho offer with an allotment of in marriage to Miss Ethel Mil- worth, which will be their home.
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