Automatic Musical Instruments ESTABLISHED 1856 MANUFACTURED BY THE RUDOLPH WURLITZER Co. CINCINNATI III CHICAGO I I \ v I ...­ TWO TONOPHONES ~ THE 000 AT THE 000 FINEST RESORT IN CLIFF HOUSE THE' I WORLD OFFICE OF J. M. WILKINS CO. INC ORPORATED Cliff House, Ean Francisco, December 25, 190:{ Gentlemen: I take-great pleasure in being able to express my entire satis­ f action in cl)nnE'ction with the "Tonophone." Both instruments have _rUDe away ahead of my expectations, and a few months will see them paid for o~ , of their own earnings. Beside~ being good money-m_ik~~!, they are also great "entertainers," and :r can safely say to you that duringiny twenty-years' experience at the Cliff Hous~, I have never seen or heard of anythi~~ of this description which could give such universa l satisfa ction. Wishing you all the season's compliments and a prosperous New Year, Yours truly, J. M..WiLKiNS, Manag-er: THE TONOPHONE AUTOMATIC PIANO WITH NICKEL-IN -SLOT ATTACHMENT xxx HE TONOPHONE is a new automatic instrument constructed on entirely new principles. The principles are string, in piano form, pneumatics and T electricity. The style, shape and dimensions of the instrument are after and similar to the re8'ular upright Diano. The caSe is modeled and designed after latest patterns. It is handsome, strong and substantial, finished in ebony, veneered mahogany or quartered oak, in perfect piano finish. In the front, in place of the usual wood panels, are introduced beveled plate-glass panels, showing complete action, and when instrument is playing it proves an attractive :lnd interesting feature. The mechanism and music-producing parts of the Tonophone are on th~ principle of the regular piano, introducing pneumatics, controlling, by patented valve, the action of the hammers, which in turn are controlled by cylinder on which is the music. The possibilities of this instrument are simply marvelous. The tone is rich and charming, the action correct and perfect, the expression natura.l and truthful. The music !)roduced is equal to the efforts and results of an accomplished and artistic Dianist. One each piano are set ten pieces of music, which can be selected by the prospective purchaser. An important and invaluable point of advantage about the Tono!)hone is that it is so constructed that the cylinders are interchangeable, permitting. "where it can be agreea bly arranged, for an exchange of cylinders. The motive power is obtained and developed by :In electric: motor, which is furnished, either in direct current of 110 volts, or in alternating current and voltage, as may be called for. The motor is set in motion by a nickel, which is received by nickel-in-slot attachment. This attachment is covered by "Letters Patent," and is designed and so constructed that it throws out and refuses to take and keep any spurious coins; in this way giving absolute protection against iron washers, etc. There is on outside of case a dial, with arrow and handle attached, num­ bered from 1 to 10, re!)resenting the number of tunes on cylinder. By turning handle you set cylinder to play tune the alT0 v..' may point to. The Tonophone is the only Automatic Piano, where anyone of the tunes can be played at any time. It is further fitted with device "whereby each tune is played twice for one nickel. The earning capacity of the Tonophone has no equal and no limit. It has taken in as much as $50.00 l1er week. It requires no attention, consequently is par excellent a money-maker of the best kind. For public and private places, and resorts of every description, ther,~ is at this time nothing better on the market. It is attractive and a novelty; the music. being perfect piano music, makeR it captivating and fascinating. Complete List of Tunes for the Tonophone Mailed on Request ---------------------------------~~~~~,~~~.--------------------------I .J"" oJ The T onophone was Awarded a Gold Medal at the Pan-American Exposition .AC Buffalo ~.-\l"<!..~~"",,,r~V'-."0' ~~A,....~n~......v-.-\l- ~~<uO-'.../Yi'v.l<uO-'J~·-~~~~ ~ ~THE 'rONOPHONE~ ! ~ AUTOMATIC'PIANO WITH NICK·IN~SLOT ~ ~ ATTACHMENT _ . .~ ~~<uO-'~<uO-'~) ~l'-"./l-fV:\ ~.-\l.~.-\l"1l~~·~"""'~~~~ : .-: .:". -•.• ! ..•: : -..; ••:::: ... ... ... ..-.....- -.. ..c ... -. ~. JAN 10 1905 ::: ::: - .::.;.';~.:::;: ..:.) ••: ec.­ c 0.0'0. 2"-.0-'/y@c'-.0-'~Q"~.v-'''-~'G<:w~~~..v'Q<'--'~"'-V~'''''''--V--c"v'~~T''''_~..vo<:.0-'~..vO~~-''§ ~~~THE TONOPHONE~~I ! AUTOMATIC PIANO WITH ~ i NICKEL-IN-SLOT ATTACHMENT 2 ,~'; ~ ":"'It0--' ": ~,,~~~~(\..!I~\'0--"~~C\-.='~~0-'~~--..;y0QJ::'~~.~Q('-")h~tJ.::::!/G(O""\)()\20--'/",~-V-'l""C\-'/)~~0---?~ Can also be had with Lever Attachment The Tonophone is an entirely new instrument and has only lately been perfected. It plays ten tunes, automatically, with expression. Any number of new tunes can be produced at small cost. The cases are finely finished, mahogany or oak veneered. STYLE 1. Oak or Mahogany, including one cylinder, with direct current motor, $600.00 STYLE 2. The same equipped with alter­ nating current motor $650.00 SOLD FOR CASH OR ON MO~THLY PAYMENTS Extra Cylinders, ten Tunes $40.00 Cylinders Exchanged for . 5.00 In ordering always state what kind of electric current you have; if it IS direct current state the number of volts, if it is al ternating current, state volts, number of cycles and number of alternations. ,- -~-"-'----~-'------------------------I rH~"-' O'N' ,~<~,,," , , "n' ,'yYmc'~~ 'C"~=''''C, ",C' ~e',,,~ YeW"""'~"'- -'~""'_'''~! ! The Tonophone Was Awarded a Gold Medal ~ ~ at the Pan -American Exposition toM Buffalo B ~ 2 ?~<:WQ<,--,/V<';j'''-.0-'~O,''--"rv-.~'''..~~.v0~)0'..~'-' V~IU'-J/Yru";)~N"~O_<'--'~~Tct~J"Q.0-'~~ 3 The T onophone was Awarded a Gold Medal at the Pan-American Exposition .AC Buffalo ~.-v"~~./Y'""..v:.~~~~~l1..t'-',,/}"1:>'_C'-'~~<u..~~IU)J~ ~THE KEYBOARD TONOPHONE~ ~ AUTOMATIC PIANO \'\lITH NICKEL·IN·SLOT ~ ~ ATTACHMENT ~ ~ CAN ALSO BE PLAYED BY HAND THE SAME AS ANY OTHER PIANO. .~ ~1Ul-'~~Ql\'!>~~Yi'V<>I1..(u~<u..~._<."'-~~"-'.-IYi'r;,·~~·~.,..~~IU)J~ 4 AUTOMATIC PIANO WITH NICKEL-IN-SLOT ATTACHMENT Can a),o be played upon the same as any other Piano, without removing any attachments. Can also be had witb Leever .dttacbment The Tonophone IS an entirely new instrument and has only lately been perfected. It plays ten tunes, automatically, with expressIOn. Any number of new tunes can be produced at a small cost. The cases are finely finished, lVlahogany or Oak double veneered. Ivory keys. STYLE 3. Oak or lVlahogany, including one cylinder,~with direct current motor, $750.00 STYLE 4. The same equipped with alter­ nating current motor $800.00 SOLD FOR CASH OR O~ MONTHLY PAYl\lEl\'TS Extra Cylinder, ten Tunes 510.00 Cylinders Exchanged for 5.00 In ordering always state what kind of electric current you have; If it IS direct current state the number of volts, if it IS alternating current state volts, number of cycles and number of alternations. Complete List of Tunes Alalled [,pon ·J(equest. r~N~ :",'~' =~. N ••. "C .W"'~.~. ~~V~T,' %~'.W~R, ~".~V~~c"·~. , ~ The Tonophone was Awarded a Gold Medal , at the Pan-American Exposition ~ Buffalo ~~;;-Ul)~~(--L"-""""""'~-cl~~~"'((( ")/X~, t'---"Y}~,t..G!-Av':;O)j)"'~~()C,,",.../),"'r;::)a ('.,,~ ."_(-..5 ~- _ '-.. "" ~~c.~~0---'./)/@"- 5 The Pianino Nickel-in-Slot Electric Piano, with 44 Notes. In a Handsome Oak or Mahogany Case HE PIANINO is the product of many years experience in building Automatic Electric Pianos, and is presented T to the public as the acme of perfection. The Pianino is the only Electric Piano playing from perforated music rolls which is an absolute success. T'he music is played with such accuracy and expression that it is almost im­ possible to believe that the instrument is played mechani­ cally and not by expert human hands. The Pianino is the only Electric Piano fitted with an automatic re-winding device, which, when the end of the roll is reached, automatically re-winds itself in thirty sec­ onds. The Pianino therefore requires no attention, which makes it valuable for all public places of amusement. Another important feature not found on any other au­ matic piano is the regulating device, whereby the time can be changed to any desired terp po. The perforated paper music rolls are only 5~ inches wide; contain six pieces each, and play from 15 to 20 minutes. As a money­ maker the Pianino bids fair to head the list. STYLE 1. Including one roll of music, upon which there are SIX pieces, with direct current motor $500.00 STYLE 2. Including one roll of music, upon which there are six pieces, with alternating cur­ rent motor $550.00 f0-'--,,~,eN~10C"'/v@;)~V-0;-0"~V",",\)o ~.< _ ) '(" ').~~~«lo ~' v _ ".,~_/)-.--;:" - v.' o,,-,./vru;,~~.-v"~./u~~ ~ ~ ~ The Pianino is Neat and Compact, Occupying ~ ~ 't't't't1''t a Very Small Space 't't't't't't g ; Z ~·~,o{/'nY<l"-l'-'~'O~.-v;,<!"cY---'r0n',·. '1 ~- -2--0",T'~"~",J"Q.(u~o'LC'-'~~.-v.'~~av- ~.-v;,~ 7 LIST OF MUSIC ROLLS FOR PIANINO. $$ PRICE, $4.50 EACH. ~~ Roll No.1. Roll No.8. 1. Amoureuse-\Valtz........Rudolph Berger 1. The Palms-Song................J. Foure A Coon \\'111 Follow a Band-Song... 2. Mice and Men-Song.................Witt · ............................G€o. Braham 3. Torreador's Song (from ··Carmen·).. Any Old Place I Can Hang My Hat Is .............................Geo. S. Bizet Home, Sweet Home. to Me-Song- 4. Loyey Mary-Characteristic.....-..... · ......... " ...................J. Schwartz · .......................... Chas. Kohlman 4. Dance of the Song Birds-Polka... 5. The Gondolier-:March......W. C. Powell · .....................Benjamin Richmond 6. Society E'wells-Cal{e 'Valk ..J. L. Ritchie 3. Hot Scotch-March.....'Ym. C.
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