Sharp Seeking Sale of KXO Fight to Rescind Order 91 -C Revived KFQD Withdraws Application NABET Wants FCC to Repeal Wartime Operators Rule TRANSACTIONS looking to the to devote full time to his law prac- sale of KXO El Centro, Calif., tice and business interests. WCAR RESUMPTION of its fight to have transfers of minority stock in- is a daytime station operating on the FCC repeal the wartime order terests in two other stations, and 1130 kc with 1,000 w. (91 -C) permitting smaller stations to use third -class operators was re- assignment of half interest in a WCNC Transaction construction permit for a new out- ported by National Association of let at Maryville, Tenn. were re- Edd Harris, manager of WCNC Broadcast Engineers and Techni- ported by the FCC last week. Elizabeth City, N. C., proposes to cians last week. Meanwhile, at applicant's request, sell his 24% interest for $11,000 NABET President A. T. Powley, FCC dismissed the application for to three stockholders who now own writing in the Broadcast Engi- sale of KFQD Anchorage, Alaska, 10.13% interests eae' : Dr. J. A. neers' Journal, said "many inde- which had elected not to follow the Gill, physician; W. K. Leary, en- pendent stations, particularly proposed Avco open -bid plan put gaged in wholesale beverage busi- through the South, are now em- into effect on a "proposed" basis ness in Elizabeth City, Roanoke ploying third -class operators even last fall. The application, involving Rapids, and Durham, N. C.; and though first-class men are avail- proposed sale of the 1 -kw outlet by S. A. Twiford, a partner in Twi- able." Asserting that "these sta- William J. Wagner for $65,000 to ford Funeral Home, Elizabeth City, tions are advertising for third -class Midnight Sun Broadcasting Co., li- and part owner of a cemetery there. operators at $80 per month" and censee of KFAR Fairbanks, was Since the buyers would attain finding them, he declared that "if NICK KEESELEY, formerly man- put into the Commission's pending control, the transfer is being ad- this situation continues, the over- ager of program sales for CBS, files last December for failure to vertised for competitive bids under all wage rates of transmitter op- ,vho April 22 joins Mutual in a follow the Avco plan [BROADCAST- the Avco plan. Other stockholders erators will be lowered and their similar position, according to an- ING, Dec. 17]. FCC authorities said are J. E. Aydlett (30 %) and Mar- value will consequently decrease." nouncement by Phillips Carlin, Mr. Wagner preferred not to sell, tha Scott Seymour (15.2 %), who Mr. Powley contended that NAB, MBS vice- president in charge of rather than offer the station on the jointly own 55% interest in Tide- "with the help of many independent programs. Prior to joining CBS public market. (Oral argument on water Broadcasting Corp. which operators," is seeking to have the three years ago, Mr. Keeseley was the proposed Avco rules will be held is seeking a new standard station order made permanent. Managers with N. W. Ayer & Son for 15 years Wednesday). at Norfolk, Va.; and Dorothy B. of small market stations were re- as talent buyer, director, producer KXO, principally owned by Air - Aydlett (0.4 %). WCNC operates ported last October to want the and account executive. fan Radio Corp., licensee of KFSD on 1400 kc with 250 w fulltime order continued, claiming a heavy San Diego, would be sold to active Assignment of the Maryville turnover in personnel makes it executives of the station and to construction permit would involve necessary, and members of the TEXAS SEPARATION Imperial Valley Publishing Co. for withdrawal of George Burne Smith NAB Small Market Stations Com- GOES TO HEARING $65,000 before adjustments, under from partnership with V. H. Mc- mittee at their October 25-26 meet- now Lean in Gateway Broadcasting Co. ing expressed general approval of ORAL ARGUMENT on the FCC's the application before the Commission. Thomas E. Sharp and sale of his interest in the pro- the use of restricted technical per- proposed decision to require sep- posed station for $2,500 to George sonnel on their stations [BROAD- aration of KGKO Fort Worth from owns 99.75% of Airfan and 21.s,' of KXO in addition to Airfan's Roby Dempster, president of Demp- CASTING, Oct. 29]. The subject is WBAP -WFAA Forth Worth -Dal- ster Brothers Inc., manufacturers expected to be discussed at the las, and on the assignment appli- 77.66% interest in KXO. It was pointed out that Mr. Sharp origi- of construction equipment, and city NAB Small Market Stations Ex- cation filed to comply with that manager of Knoxville in 1944 -45. ecutive Committee meeting in decision, was scheduled by the nally planned to have his son, Don- ald, operate the El Centro station Mr. Smith attributed his desire for Washington April 22-23. Commission last week. No date was withdrawal to ill health. Gateway C. A. Allen, NABET national set. but that the son was killed in action over Germany. has been assigned 1400 Ire with representative, said the union asked FCC issued its proposed findings power of 250 w fulltime for opera- FCC last December to rescind the in the case, one of the last of the Buyers Listed tion of its station. rule. duopoly proceedings, last Novem- ber [BROADCASTING, Nov. 19]. Li- Buyers and approximate inter- censes of all three stations were ests each would have were listed as then extended to May 14. The sta- Kenneth H. Thornton, KXO mana- INTENSIFIED RADIO WAVES ger for the past five years, two -thir- tions filed exceptions to the ruling Bell Labs New Metal Lens to Be Installed and later were granted a postpone- teenths; Mrs. Belle Hovey, KXO ment of oral argument until the advertising manager, and her hus- i !n New York -Boston Microwave Relay assignment application could be band, Harvey H. Hovey, two-thir- considered by the Commission. teenths jointly; Paul A. Jenkins, NEW METAL lens to focus radio that focused radio waves. Design The application provides for president of Imperial Valley Pub- waves will be of value in broad- theory was worked out and sys- liquidation of KGKO Broadcasting lishing Co., publisher of two casting and television as well as tems of plates were built to dup- Co., which the Commission claims dailies at El Centro and onn at other types of electronic service, licate the action not only of con- is controlled through interlocking nearby Brawley, two -thirteenths; according to Bell Telephone Labs. vex and concave lens but also other directorates of Carter Publications Edith J. Jenkins, secretary of the It will be first used in the New optical devices such as half and Inc., licensee of WBAP, and A. H. publishing firm, three- thirteenths; York -Boston microwave relay sys- quarter -wave plates and prisms. Belo Corp., licensee of WFAA. Imperial Valley Publishing Co., tem now under construction. The familiar "dish" antennas ^, arter and Belo would hold the four -thirteenths. Station operates Developed by Dr. Winston E. used for focussing, according to KGKO license, and WBAP and with 250 w fulltime on 1230 kc. Kock and associates of the Bell Bell, demanded extreme tolerances, WFAA, which already share time George M. Stutz. attorne- ..nd technical staff, the lens operates were often hampered by shadow- on 820 kc and alternate in pro- businessman, proposes to sell his on a principle resembling that of ing effects, and required extremely gramming KGKO, would then di- 3n.2 %r interest in WCAR Pontizc a magnifying glass, which delays accurate adjustment which could vide time competitively on KGKO's Mich., to H. Y. Levinson, half the advancing wavefront at the easily be knocked out. The metal 570 kc frequency [BROADCASTING, owner, president and general man- center of the lens. lens is said to be free from these Jan. 28]. ager of the station since it went Main obstacle in working out this disadvantages. on the air in 1939. Price is $42,400, type of lens has been the greater It has been made in sizes vary- according to the application, which wavelength of radio waves, rang- ing from 18 -inch to 20 -foot size. Mary T. McGrath was submitted for a decision on ing from an eighth to a third of a A 10 -foot square lens will be used MRS. MARY T. McGRATH, 77, whether prior consent of the Com- mile in the case of commercial on the New York -Boston hookup. mother of D. Harold McGrath, mission is required. Other stock- broadcasting. In such cases the Energy is fed through a wave superintendent of the Senate Radio holders- Attorney Thomas Chawke lens would require a diameter at guide behind the lens and the waves Gallery, died last Tuesday at her (8.4 %), Attorney Morris Garvett least several times the wavelength. then spread out along a horn -like son's home in Washington follow- I s on,1, and Dr. L. Warren Gatley Taking the waveguides devel- shield into the lens, which focusses ing a long illness. She will be (5.2 %) -may participate in the oped some years ago for micro- them into a pencil -beam. A similar buried Wednesday in Silverton, purchase in proportion to their waves and used in radar, Dr. Kock setup at the receiving end reverses Ore., her former home. present holdings. Mr. Stutz plans devised an array of metal plates the process. BROADCASTING Telecasting April 15, 1946 Page 109 .
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