M.inutes of the MALAYA CONFERENCE OF THE .Methodist Episcopal Church January, 1933 \ \' ( .~;'\..1.{~, ·V ,4 t-. BI~1I0P J~f)\\"I" F l.EE . .\\.0\ .. S.T.R., D.O. MINUTES of the Forty-first Session of the Malaya COllference of the Methodist Episcopal Church held in Wesley Church Singapore, Straits Settlements January 5-10, 1933. Table of Contents I. Officers I (a) Of the Annual Conference I (b) Of the Lay Conference I II. Boards, Commissions, and Committees 2 J II. Daily Proceedings ;; IV Disciplinary Questions 17-21 (a) Of the United Sessions of the Annual and Lay Conferences 17 (b) Of the Annual Conference ]8 V Appointments 22 VI. Reports 30-50 (a) District Superintendents 30 (b) Standing Committees and Boards 5 ] { c) Special Committees 66 Cd) Conference Statistician (Between Pages 74 & 75) (e) Conference Treasurer 75 (f) Other Treasurers 76 VII. Memoirs 78 YI J J. Roll of the Dead. 81 (a) ~\,lembers of Conference 81 IX. Historical 82 (a) Conference Sessions 82 x. ;,,,1 isceJlaneous 83-91 (a) Plan of Conference Examinations 83 (b) Conference Rules of Order 88 (( j Supplies and Local Preachers 89 Cd) Lay Conference Resolutions 91 XI. Pastoral Record 92 XII. Index 94 "II: 1111 II: II: 1111 II II III 111111 II: 111111 ~ ~~:~:I::: :=: 1111111111111111111111111111 III 1111111111 I- H if This is to certify that this is _a complete and correct H --I record of the proceedings of the Forty-first Session of the H -:_ ;\lalaya Annual Conference and that it was adopted by the ai! Conference as its Official Record. Bow MAR, : T\\' Iii I: Secretary. 11 Singapore, 51.51. 11 l! January 11, 1933. I 11:IIIIIIIUIIIIUllmnmmllllumnnmunm:mIIIUU::IllllllmlUllllllmUUII 1I11In:~' I. Officers . Resident Bisbop: ED\VIN P LEE (a) Officers of the Annual Conference Ptesiding. MAR.\1ADUKE DODS\VORTH . .secretarll T W. BOWMAR .A ssistant Secretary J. A. SUPRAMANIAM Statistician C. D. PATTERSON Treasurer E. S. LAU Registrar ]. ]. KINGHA.I\l M iss ion Treasurer R. L. ARCHER Educational Secretary . T W. HINCH Secretary Board of Building a11d Location 1\'1. DODSWORTH R. L. ARCHER, A sst. Sec')' .. Any of the above qfficers may be addressed: 4 Fort Canning Road, Singapore, S.S. (b) Officers of the Lay Conference President :-LL\\ UN TIE:-:, Anglo-Chinese School, Singapore. Secretm'y:-]. A. P OsWALD, Anglo-Chinese School, Nibong Tebal, S.S. Treasurer:-PEH \VAH KOK,S.V.C. Drill Hall, Beach Road, Singapore. 2 MALAYA CqNFERENCE, 1933 II. Boards, Commissions and Committees Committee on Education Secretary of Education, principal A.e.S. Pen:ang. Principal A.C.S. Singapore.. Principal A.C.S. Jpoh. Principal M.B.S. Kuala Lumpur, Principal M.G.S. Singa­ pore, Principal M.G.S. Kuala LuinPllr. Board of Ministerial Training j. A. Supramaniam. Chairman,' j. J. Kingham, Registrar,. D. P. Coale, R. A. BlasdeUl. S. M. T.hevathasan, Lim Hong Ban, C. E. Fang. Li Hock Hiang. Lim Poh Ohin, N. G. Manickam, D. H. Yap, H. F. Kuehn, Fred David,. R. L Archer, Y. ]. Jesudason, H. B. Amstutz. Examiners in the Vernacular Malay R. A. Blasdell, R. L Archer Tamil S. M. Thevathasan, J. J. Kingham, ]. A. Supraman,iam Foocbow Li Hock Hiang, Mrs . .J. M. Hoover, D. P Coole Hokkien e. E. rang. T.. M. Huall1g Mandarin Andrew K. T. Chen. D. H. Yap Cantonese Vau Vee S<lin, Wan Yang Fan Mission Finance Committee Ex-officio: ]. M. Hoover. Abel Eklund. L Proebstel. M. Dodsworth, S. S. Paki.anathan, W A. Schurr, M~ssion Treasurer, Secretary of B. B. L., Mission Correspondent, Secretary of Education. Elective:-Goh Hood Keng, Chen Su Lan, P W. Tambyah, Fred David, Lim Un Tien. Conference Stewards Class A, for one ,-year :-S. M. T,hevathasam, Lim Hong Ban. P W. Tambyah. Class B, lor two years:-D. H. Y<liP, .f. ]. Kovilpi·IIai, Lim Gn Tien. Class C. for three ::vears:-J. A. Supramaniam, Li Hock Hiang, ]. A. P Os\va!d. Committee on Publications and Church Extension Ex-officio: C haifman, The Resident Bishop. Ex-officio: Treasurer, Secretary of the Board 'Of Building and Location. Ex-officio: Secretary, Secretary for Ohrimialn Literature. Malaya Annual Conference Members: R. A. Blasdell, S. M. Thevathasan .. Chen Su La;n, L. Proebstel. (Two members to be named by the Sumatra Mission Conference). Committee on Conference Relations Class A, for one year:-H. B. Amstutz, ]. A. Supramaniam, C. E. Fang, Lim Hong Ban. Class B. for two years:--e. D. Patterson, Y. J Jesudason, Li I-lock Hiang .. Fred David. Class C, for tbree years:-M. R. Doraisamy, E. S. Lau, Yau Yee San, R. A. Blasdell. Committee on Public Morals S. M. Thevathasatn, Li Hock l-liang, Mooi Poh Peng, Yau Y'ee San, L. A. Samuel, G. V. Summers, Fred David, D. H. Yap, j. S. Arthur, j. V Ayaduray. CONFERE:SCE BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 3· Board of Control for Holding Church 'and Parsonage Property For one year :-Goh Hood Keng, S. A. Phillips. For two years :-Li Hock Hiang. For three J1ears:-S. S. Pakianath3in, C. E. Fang. Asiatic Pastors' Bungalows Committee Goh Hood Keng. S. S. PakiaJllathan, C E. Fang. J. A. Supramaniam. Chen Su Lan, Shih Yu Shou, Fred David, D. P Coole. Committee on Christian Literature Secretary of Cbristian Literature, Chairman; W. A. Schurr, S. M. Raja­ money, J. Milton David, T,imothy M. Huang, S. M. Thev'athasan, C. E. Fang, D. P. Coole. G. V. Summers. Andrew K. T,. Chen, R. A. Blasdell. N. G. Manickam, M. R. Doraisamy. W. S. Reinoehl, Ho Seng Ong. R. L. Archer. Oommittee on the State of the Church T W. Bowmar, j. ]. KovilpiIlai, Theodore Runyan, Wan Yang Fan, j. S. Arthur, Fred David, S. A. Phillips. E. S. Lau, Lim Poh Chin, Y ]. jesudiason, C. D. Patterson. K G. Manickam. Ho Seng Oog. Miss Stella Casso Miss Emmu Walker. Committee on District Conference Minutes C. E. Fang, ]. V. Ayaduray, H. F Kuehn, V Devasahayam, Yap It Tong. Edward Isaac, J. S. Arthur. COIrk"'llittee on Text Books (Advisory) T. W. Hinch Ex-officio Cbairman, Miss Thirza Bunce. S. M. Thev:athasan. Miss Gazelle Traeger. Miss E. Stella Casso Ho Seng Ong. C. D. Patterson, L. Proebstel, F C. Sands. Board of Control of the Jean Hamilton Theological School ]. J. Kingham, Chairman; H. B. Amstutz. D. P Goole. S. S. Paki·anathan and Li Hock Hiang (Ministerial). A. E. Moreira and T K. Cheong (Lay). Oldham Hall Committee Abel Eklund. R. L. Archer. E. S. Lau, S. 1\1. The\'athac;an, J. ]. Kingham Percy B. Bell. Committee on Home Missions Officers: S. S. Pakianathan, Pr(!sident; J. A. P. Oswald, Recording Secretary; Mrs. D. H. Yap, Corresponding SecretarY; Dr. Chen Su Lan, Treasurer. Elected Members: Lim Hong Ban. Mrs. W. A. Schurr, j. A. P Oswa,ld, and J. Appaduray of Penang; Fred Da'vid, Eva M. Sadler, Norma B. Craven, Dr. (Mrs.) Lee, S. S. Pakianathan of Ipoh and Perak-Selangor; Chua 10k Han, Mrs. M. Dodsworth and Mrs. D. H. Yap of Kuala Lumpur-Malacc-a; Goh Hood Keng, Dr. Chen Su Lan and Mrs. Abel Eklund of Singapore; Lim Siew lng, Mrs. j. M. Hoover, Sia leu De of Sibu. Malaysia Commission of Religious Education Malaya A!embers: For one year-j. J. Kingham. W. A. Schurr. S. S. Pakianathan. For two yea'rs-·Eva M. Sadler, E. SteHa Casso S. K. Ratnam. For three years-Emma Olson, C. E. Fang. J. S. Arumugam (Dr successor). Associate Members: Ho Seng Ong. E. S. Lau, Fred David. Andrew K. T. Chen, WaJdD Reinoehl, H. B. Amstutz, Burr Baughman, H. H. Peterson, GazeHe Traeger. Triers of Appeals y ]. jesucja~n. C. D. PaJtter;mn, Lim Poh Chin. M. R. Omaisamy, T. W. Bowmar, Yau Yee San, Fred David. MALAYA CONFERENCE. 1933 Special Committees Publishing Minutes The Conference Secretar;,', J. ]. Kingham, S. M. Thevathasan, Conference Statistician. Editing Minutes ]. J. Kingham, Abel Eklund, Conference Statistician. Directors of the C.Y.M.S. Kuala Lumpur The KUailf3. Lumpur-MaJlacca District Superintendent, T. W. Bowmar, Yau Vee .San, Seow Leong. Commission on Public Worship and Music H. B. Amstutz, Cbairman; W. Reinoehl, Mrs. T. W. Bowmar, R. L Archer, Mrs. D. H. Yap, Timothy M. Huang, M. R. Doraisamy, Mary Whitfield, Fred David. - Conference Programme Abel Eklund, Chairman; S. M. ,Thevathasan, Secretary; E. S. Lau, M. R. Doraisamy, J. J. Kingham, R. L. Archer. Committee on Evangelism ]. J. Kingham, S. S. Pakianathan, M. Dodsworth, Goh Hood Keng, W. A. Schurr. Committee on Memorials G. V. Summers, D. P. Coole, S. M. TiheViathasa.n, C. E. Fang, Minnie L. Rank, D. H. Yap, Yau Vee San, V. Devasahayam. Committee on :Privileges Abel Eklund, E. S. Lau, M. R. Doraisamy, Li Hock Hia'ng. Committee on Resolutions R. A. Blasdell, N. G. Manickam, Lam T,oau On, Paul Schmucker, J. A. P. Oswa1ld. Committee on Proposed Reorganization of the Malaya' Conference M. Dodsworth, Cbairman; the District Superintendents, R. L. Archer, D. P Coole, E. S. Lau. ]. j. KovilpiHai, Li Hock Hiang, Fred David, Goh Hood Keng, ]. ]. K:in~.am; D. H. Yap, M. R. Doraisamy, C. E. Fang, Andrew K. T Chen, P. W. Tambyah. Co-opted members: Ruth M. Harvey, Thirza E. Bunce. Malaya Conference Members of Executive Committee Central Conference Abel Eklund, S. S. Pakianathan. DAILY PROCEEDINGS III. Daily Proceedings Thursday, January 5th, 1933 The 41st session of the Malaya Annual Conference orthe Methodist Episcopal Church was opened in Wesley Church, Singapore, S.S., at 8.30 a.m. January 5th, 1933. Communion Service. The Conference opened with a Communion Service conducted by James M. Hoover assisted by J.
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