newsletter on intellectual freedom index to vols. 22-26, 1973-1977 indexed by Eli and Gail Liss Intellectual Freedom Committee American Library Association Newsletter on Intellectual Freedom (ISSN 0028-9485) is published bimonthly (Jan ., March , May, July, Sept. , Nov.) by the Intellectual Freedom Committee of the American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St. , Chicago, Illinois 60611 . Additional copies of this index may be ordered by writing to: NIF Index 73-77, American Library Association , 50 E. Huron St. , Chicago, Illinois 60611 . f7rice : $6 each. ISBN 0-8389-6393-5. A Albee, Edward, 74-80 of Illinois, 74-33, 100; 76-116 Albert, Carl, 76-76 of Indiana, 75-176; 77-83 "A&P, The," 77-110 Albert, Sheldon, 76-65 of Kentucky, 75-17 AAP, see Association of American Albuquerque Tribune, 74-60, 63 of Maryland, 73-89; 74-41, 63 Publishers Alcorn, Howard W., 74-119 of Massachusetts, 74-154; 76-16; 77-140 ABC, see American Broadcasting Aldrich, Bailey (Justice), 73-55 of Michigan, 77-33, 122, 142 Company Aldrich, Robert, 77-2 ofMinnesota, 74-61; 75-181 ABC Interstate Theaters, Inc., 74-84 Alexander, Charles, 75-78 of Missouri, 74-93 Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem, 75-86 Alexander, Donald C., 74-62 of New Jersey, 73-109; 74-61; 75-152 Abel, Bernard, 77-39 Alexander, Edward, 77-113 of New York, 73-2; 74-62, 118; 75-42, Aberdeen News Stand Inc., 73-129 Alexander, Ferris, 77-113 50, 57; 75-81' 179; 77-45, 59, 128 Abortion Eve, 76-144 Alexander, Joseph, 75-105 of North Carolina, 75-112 About Sex, 76-85, 126; 77-37 Alford, Rev. Jack, 77-141 of Ohio, 74-37 Abraham, Henry J., 73-49-50 73-32, 57 of Oklahoma, 77-55,56 Abzug, Bella S., 75-49, 107; 76-60; Algiers Motel Incident, The, Alioto, Joseph, 77-106 Project on National Security and Civil 77-10 Alistair Cooke's America, 77-150 Liberties, 77-12 Access Reports, 76-33, 84 "All About Sex," 73-91 of Southern California, 76-86, 118, Accuracy in Media, 76-91 Allain, AlexP., 73-95; 74-134 122 Ackerman, John A. (Justice), 73-114 Allen, A. Charles, 73-88 of Virginia, 73-17 Ackerman, J. Waldo (Justice), 73-139 Allen, Charles M. (Justice), 74-92 of Washington, D.C., 75-120 Ackerman, Tee!, 75-117 Allen, Dean, 77-80 of Wisconsin, 74-90; 75-86, 177; 76- ACLU, see American Civil Liberties Allen, Donald, 77-79 38 Union Allen, James G., 75-149, 152 American Federation of Government Across 110th Street, 75-75; 76-35 Allen, Milton, 73-129 Employees, 76-149 Across the Pacific, 74-17 Allen, Woody, 73-12-13 Local1760, 74-16 77-110 Action Series, Allen, W. Slater, Jr., 75-20 American Federation of Teachers, 75- Adair, Ralph, 76-36, 62, 97; 77-53, Alley, Rev. James H., 77-99 105 54,57,58 Alliance to End Suppression, 75-141; American Federation of TV, 75-196-97 Adams, Ann, 77-56, 57 77-63 American Federation of Television and Adams, Arlin (Justice), 73-111 Allied Artists Picture Corporation, 74- Radio Artists, 75-45 Adams, Chalmers, 77-25 93; 75-17; 76-25, 154 American Friends Service Committee, Adams, Dr. John B., 74-162-63 Allman, Reneau (Justice), 76-17 Military Law Project of, 75-146 Adams, Gibb, 73-92; 74-22 Allman Brothers Band, 75-184 American Graffiti, 75-17 Adams, Olin L., Jr., 73-105 Allport, Peter, 77-35 American Heritage Dictionary, 76-34, Adams, PaulL. (Justice), 73-15 All Right, Everybody Off the Planet! 115-16, 145; 77-7,47, 101 Addict in the Street, The, 75-75 75-182 American Historical Association, 75-27; Adelson, Mervyn, 76-21, 92; 77-104 All the King's Men, 75-6 77-83 Adoff, Arnold, 73-57; 77-17 Aloha, Bobby and Rose, 75-120 American Institute of Planners, 73-13 Adult Film Association of America, Alsop, Joseph, 76-27 American Left, 1955-1970: a National 74-13, 61; 77-87, 147 Alternatives in Print: an Index and Union Catalog of Pamphlets, The, 77- Advertising Council, 73-138 Listing of Some Movement Publica­ 34, 60-61 Advocate, 76-85; 77-115 tions Reflecting Today's Social American Legion, 75-75 "Advocates, The," 74-138 Change Activities, 73-50; 74-22 Americanism Committee, 73-22 Advocates for the Arts, 75-152 Alvarado, Juan Velasco, 75-92 American Libraries, 75-127, 157-58; 76- Aertker, Robert, 75-170 Alverez, Luis Echeverria, 75-94 85 Affluent Society, The, 73-3 America in Legend, 77-133 American Library Association, 73-10- AFL-CIO, 77-94, 121-22, 176 American Association of University 11' 45-46, 61' 100, 125, 127; 74-1' Africa Uncensored, 74-82 Professors, 74-107, 133-34; 75-140; 7, 25, 42-43, 49, 101, 105, 125-34, series, 77- Again, Dangerous Vision 76-42,63 155; 75-4, 33, 35, 36, 81' 156, 161' 101 American Baptist Churches, 76-147, 154 166-68, 169, 190-91; 76-27,56,70,97, Agee, Philip, 77-132 American Bar Association, 75-31, 155, 98, 151, 152, 153, 158; 77-93, 95-97, Agnew, Spiro, 76-41 197; 76-15, 39, 75, 125, 160; 77-15 123, 125, 127' 144-45 Ahern, Bishop Patrick V., 77-74 American Booksellers Association, American Association of School Ahrens, Richard J., 76-61, 115 75-143, 158 Librarians, 74-43, 49, 105 Ainsworth, Robert, Jr. (Justice), 76-47 American Broadcasting Company American Library Trustee Associa­ Aird, JohnS., 75-18 (ABC), 73-13, 138; 74-17, 42, 52, 56, tion, 74-23 Airport, 74-145 63, 87, 91, 153; 75-10, 11, 28, 44, Children's Services Division, 74-43, Akbar, Gloria, 74-92 46, 51-52, 72, 73, 78, 93, 99, 171; 44, 105, 147; 76-33; 77-68 A-K News Company, 77-62-63 76-3, 21, 26, 46, 72, 147, 154; 77-2, Council, 73-27,42, 100, 101, 126, 127; Akron Beacon Journal, 76-66, 119 10,20,24, 141,148,177 74-25, 26, 107, 134; 75-27-28, 35, Akwesasne Notes, 73-136-37 American Civics, 77-8 37' 59, 135-36, 153-55, 157-58; 76- Alabama, 74-98; 77-69 American Civil Liberties Union 104, 109, 133; 77-126-27' 178 Auburn, 74-82 (ACLU), 73-5, 33, 54, 56, 67, 70, Executive Board, 77-127 Birmingham, 75-146; 76-128 108, 136, 138, 144, 146, 151; 74-12, Information Science and Automation Madison County, 75-165 18, 39, 56, 62, 86, 102, 118, 119, 121, Division, 75-161 Mobile, 74-85-86 122, 154; 75-21, 49, 50, 51, 53, 77, Intellectual Freedom Committee, 73- Montgomery, 73-123; 74-14, 34, 36, 78, 86, 89, 90, 109, 110, 116, 118, 100, 101, 126; 74-25, 26, 43, 44, 121; 76-17,39, 123 152, 175, 176, 180; 76-27, 57, 70, 84, 105, 107, 134; 75-5, 35, 59, 127, Troy, 73-90 91, 94, 98, 150, 153; 77-13, 15, 19, 135-36, 153-55, 158, 161; 76-31, Alabama Ethics Commission, 74-14 41, 42, 46, 74, 75, 79, 82, 104, 107, 109, 133; 77-3,67,68, 126-27, 129 Alaimo, Anthony (Justice), 74-120 112, 137, 140, 157, 164, 176-77, 178 prototype workshop, 73-65; 74-23, Alaska, 73-133; 74-100 of Colorado, 76-70 83 Anchorage, 73-146; 74-8; 76-115-16 ofConnecticut, 73-18, 19 Intellectual Freedom Round Table, 3 73-42, 100; 74-43, 44, 105; 75-127, Anderson, Wayne, 75-105 Association for Black Progress, 76-l 0 158; 77-91' 122 Anderson, William E., 75-23, 82 Association for Supervision and Cur­ International Relations Committee, Andersonville, 73-146; 75-55 riculum Development, 75-33, 35 74-107; 76-31 Andre, Gary P., 75-115 Association of American Publishers Office for Intellectual Freedom, Andreen, Kenneth (Justice), 76-15 (AAP), 75-35, 129, 143, 156; 77-82, 75-195; 76-152; 77-35, 145 Andrews, Alan, 76-127 93, 107, 146 "Papers and Other Records of Public Andrews, James S., 77-18 Freedom to Read Committee, 73-151; Officials: A Position Paper," 75- Angelico, Richard, 76-47 75-3, 24-25, 66-67, 93-94, 127, 128, 153-55 Angry Hills, The, 75-115 130, 156, 194, 197; 76-8, 32, 53- Policy on Confidentiality of Library Animal Farm, 74-27, 43; 77-150 54, 103, Ill, 112, 125, 129-30, Records, 75-27-28, 136, 153 Animal Lovers, 74-57; 75-48; 76-45 158; 77-59,88-89, 111, 131, 166-67 Social Responsibilities Round Table, Anker, Irving, 74-81; 75-140 Association of National Advertisers, 77- 73-50; 74-22; 75-127 Annex Enterprises, 74-18 35 Task Force on Alternative Library Ansell, Don Edward, 73-88, 105 Athansiou, Robert Byron, 76-25 Publications, 77-5 Anti-Defamation League, 76-14 Athay, D. Gilbert, 77-24 statement on professional ethics, 75- Ape Over Love, 76-44-45 Atkins, C. Clyde (Justice), 77-44-45 135-36 Applebaum, Gerald R., 73-92 Atkins, Charles G., 75-117 statement on revision of federal Aptheker, Herbert, 76-146, 147 Atkins, Norman R., 75-113 criminal law, 73-68, 86-87, 94; "Aquaman," 74-91 Atkinson, Fred, 77-101 75-97, 120-22, 156 Ardell, Donald, 73-13 Atlanta International Film Festival, Young Adult Services Division, 73- Are You There God, It's Me Margaret, 73-148 121; 74-43, 44, 105 77-84 Atlanta News Agency, 77-160 "ALA Protests Federal Obscenity Aristophanes, 74-111, 112 Atlanta Voice, 75-43 Measure," 77-125, 147 Arizona, 77-69 Atlantic Monthly, 76-72; 77-76 American Lutheran Church, 74-47 Phoenix, 73-109; 76-9, 68-69 AtlanticSun, The, 73-142 American Medical Association, 76-137 Tempe, 76-85 Atla Theaters, 73-144 American Nazi Party, see Nationalist Thatcher, 74-79 Auburn University, 74-121 Socialist Party of America Tucson, 75-46 Aug, Stephen, 74-123 American Newspaper Publishers Arizona State University, 76-85 Augur, 73-107 Association, 74-44; 75-179, 199; 76- Arkansas, 73-133; 74-64, 98; 75-36; Auippa, Sal, 74-117 46, 75 77-69 Aumiller, Richard, 76-63 American Opinion, 74-114 Clay County, 74-154, 156 Austin, Judy M., 77-134 American Political Science Association, ElDorado, 74-91 Austin, Richard B.
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