This page is sponsored by Federation Rabbi Yisroel Moshe 5 Guttentag Rabbinic Coordinator, KF Kosher; Federation Shailatext The author can be contacted at [email protected] MaaserText Week 8: Halachah Discovering Maaser on Shabbos Maasertext was launched to hamincha and on, (Mishna Brura: 261:28). Shabbos has begun, this approach would not encourage members of the public Therefore, if the bulk of one’s Shabbos meal be relevant. to separate terumos and maasros. would be at risk due to its tevel status, one may Previously seen as a complex mitzvah maaser during this period. If the tevel in one’s Can produce which was not and one which is difficult to perform, food is only a side dish (eg just a salad), it is maasered be eaten on Shabbos? the system is designed to be easy and questionable whether this permission applies. Produce which has not been maasered is user-friendly. Once the local community have been tevel and may not be eaten. mekabel Shabbos, the bein hashemoshos This week, as our series draws to a leniencies are suspended. On a long summer In extenuating circumstances where close, Rabbi Y.M. Guttentag examines Friday afternoon, there typically would be time maaser was not separated and major aspects what happens when the Israeli source to maaser shortly after being mekabel Shabbos, of one’s Shabbos meal would be at risk, one of one’s produce is only discovered but on a short Friday afternoon, this would be should ask a Rov before deciding not to eat the on Shabbos. more problematic as it would be likely that the food in question. tzibbur have already been mekabel Shabbos. May one take terumos and These articles have been published Shabbos has already begun, in response to popular demand for maasros on Shabbos? and I forgot to maaser our further information on how our service A mishna in Maseches Beitza (36b) teaches vegetables, I learnt in mishnayos runs. For further questions relating to the use of Israeli produce or to that maaser may not be separated on Yom that sometimes you can maaser Tov. On Shabbos, the mishna says one may MaaserText in general, feel free to certainly not maaser produce. Rambam with a tenai on Shabbos itself, contact Shailatext by texting 07403 (Shabbos 23:14) teaches that this ruling is how do I go about doing this? 939 613 founded on two halachic concerns – firstly, This question is it is seen as fixing the fruit and forbidden in based on the teachings a similar vein to the case of tevilas keilim on of mishnayos in Shabbos. Secondly, it is seen as enacting a Maseches Demai which kinyan on Shabbos and forbidden like making teach of scenarios in an item hekdesh. which the householder Are there any exceptions to this rule? may maaser produce on A Quick Vort: Shabbos itself. I have been mekabel Shabbos The mechanics of Ma’ayanah but forgot to maaser the potatoes this method require used in the kugel – can I still that a preliminary shel Torah declaration is made on maaser the produce to permit by Yisroel Avrohom Kaye the food? erev Shabbos – a tenai. This means that any During the Friday evening/ Shabbos suggestion of adopting The posuk (Devorim 4:39) says “Know this day and lay twilight period - called bein hashemoshos this approach to save a in on your heart that Hashem He is G-d” – certain leniencies apply. In cases where family’s Shabbos cholent The Ma’ayanah Shel Torah brings Chidushei HaRIm one has no other Shabbos food, Chazal were with its Israeli potatoes lenient and allowed produce to be maasered would only work if the who explains another aspect to this posuk with which we where he won’t have Shabbos food. householder recognises are all familiar. He says that if the main thing is to “lay it The same applies for one who is mekabel the issue before shekiya on the heart” it follows that the heart must be cleansed Shabbos early on Friday afternoon from plag on erev Shabbos. Once before in order to make room for all this knowledge so that it may take root there. PERSONAL & CONFIDENTIAL RESPONSE TO SHAILOS SHAILATEXT ON ANY TOPIC WITHIN FOUR WORKING HOURS Wherever possible it is preferable to take shailos to your own rov who knows you personally. ShailaText is not intended to be used as substitute for a rov but L’zakos es horabim. For more information visit federation.org.uk/shailatext/ This week’s Shailatext is TEXT לע”נ שמעון בן שרגא ז”ל To sponsor a day/week/month of Shailatext, please email [email protected] 613 939 07403 This page is sponsored by Federation Rabbi 13 Dovid Roberts Rav, Kehillas Netzach Yisroel & Director of Education, Federation The author can be contacted at [email protected] Just Say No! Federation All is in the In the beginning of the fifth perek of (Ibid. 11.26). This is as if saying, the power – הכל בידי שמים חוץ מיראת שמים hands of Heaven, except for the fear of Heaven Hilchos Teshuva3, the Rambam identifies the is in your hand, and whatever human activity This famous principle, articulated by R uniqueness of Man with his ability to discern man may be inclined to carry on he has a free Chanina in the gemara, is based on the passuk Good and Evil, and act freely upon (despite?) will to elect either good or evil” in this week’s parsha, where Moshe relays the that realisation. A seemingly redundant halacha – he has plea from Hashem to the people – “All I ask His prooftext, is a surprising one. already established the axiom of free will, and evidenced it from the passuk in Bereshis. What הן האדם היה כאחד ממנו לדעת טוב ורע ”from you is to fear me In 1982, the phrase “Just Say No” first purpose is served by repeating it, and offering ‘Now man has become like one of us, another passuk as a source? emerged when Nancy Reagan was visiting knowing good and bad’ Longfellow Elementary School in Oakland, The answer, I suggest, is that there are two California. When asked by a schoolgirl what The Rambam then proceeds to elaborate layers to Free Will. The first is universal, and ,צלם אלוקים to do if she was offered drugs, the First Lady and explain the possuk to us, though, integral to the uniqueness of the responded: “Just say no.” Just Say No club arguably, it is a straightforward statement, not and is entirely unconnected to being Jewish. organisations within schools and school-run requiring elucidation. To be Human is to have the basic ability to recognise Good and Evil (albeit in its most כלומר: הן מין זה של אדם היה יחיד בעולם ואין מין שני ,anti-drug programmes soon became common blatant forms), to give expression to that דומה לו בזה הענין, שיהא הוא מעצמו בדעתו ובמחשבתו in which young people were making pacts not ,Divine component, the brain, and, ultimately יודע הטוב והרע ועושה כל מה שהוא חפץ, ואין מי שיעכב .to experiment with drugs .to bow to it, and heed its call בידו מלעשות הטוב או הרע This may sound pretty banal and uncontroversial, but the idea of placing That is as if saying: “Behold, this species, Hence, the pagan societies of the generation responsibility and accountability squarely man, stands alone in the world, and there is of the mabul were held accountable for theft upon the person making the moral decision, no other kind like him, as regards this subject (despite not being explicitly commanded)4, irrespective of other conditioning factors, such of being able of his own accord, by his reason Sodom for their institutionalised indifference as poverty, peer-pressure, socio-economic and thought, to know the good and the evil, to tzedoko and social justice, and one after deprivation, weak character, etc, continues to and to do whatever his inclination dictates another, they failed to live up to being human, offend the liberal mindset. The idea that we are him, with none to stay his hand from either and were thus rejected and spurned, unworthy responsible for our own actions is increasingly doing good or evil; of the next stage in the development of 1 being challenged on many fronts . The The first observation, surely, is that the Humanity, which was the revelation at Sinai 2 Guardian published an article containing the Rambam is identifying this as elementally and direct communication from Hashem in the following quotes; human, this is unconnected with being form of the Torah. “It (Nancy Reagan’s ‘Just Say No’ Jewish! To be human is to have a G-d given This process is being emphasise by the campaign) spread fear and ignorance instead intelligence, capable of correctly identifying Rambam – the crux of the idea being that it is of information, placing all responsibility on good and evil, as well as having the ability to utterly impossible to progress to stage two, if the individual while denying them the tools act autonomously. Furthermore, he uses no one has not first acknowledged and mastered they need to make key decisions. Unless we less than three separate nouns to stress Man’s the art of being human in its fullest and truest radically change course and acknowledge ability to utilise his brain independently to sense5. The depth of Hashem’s plea to us, is מעצמו - the realities of American drug use and its determine what is good and what is evil now clear. I run the world, I am in charge of בדעתו ובמחשבתו underlying socioeconomic factors, millions of kids like me will continue to grow up and After arguing passionately and absolutely everything, except for one tiny, but say yes.” unapologetically in the subsequent halacha crucial dimension, where you are like Me – I The idea that we act as autonomous moral against the fools who argue for what is known endowed you with a tzelem Elokim, the ability agents, that of bechira – free will, is arguably today as Determinism, ie the denial of free will, to think, and understand what is right and the most fundamental idea in Judaism.
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