California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks Inland Empire Hispanic News Special Collections & University Archives 11-7-2001 November 7th 2001 Hispanic News Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/hispanicnews Recommended Citation Hispanic News, "November 7th 2001" (2001). Inland Empire Hispanic News. 345. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/hispanicnews/345 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections & University Archives at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Inland Empire Hispanic News by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CAUFUHNI«rALlFORNIA STAlt univto-.. NOV 1 5 2001 mm VETERANS DAY SUNDAY NOVEMBER 11 REMEMBER OUR ITTrRANS TUAT SERVED IN ALL OUR WARS AND OTHERS THAT GAVE THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE TO PRESERVE OUR DEMOCRACY AND OUR WA Y OF LIFE A Publication of the Hispanic Communication & Development Corporation t-. Presorted Standard I U.S. POSTAGE Wednesday INLAND EMPIRE ScS PAID November 7, 2001 III San Bernardino, CA Volume 15 PERMIT NO 118 Number 5 HISPANIC NE •A CO Serving the Hispanic Communities in the It Empire • San Bernardino • Colton • Rialto • Bloomington • Redlands • Fontana • Rancho Cue tario • Victor Valley • Riverside • Casa Blanca • Corona The Inland Empire's only Hispanic Minority Owned English Langut^ ^wspaper UNITY FORUM AT CAIFORNIA STATE GOVERNOR DAVIS APPOINTS UNIVERSITY SAN BERNARDINO TO JOHN PACHECO TO SAN BERNARDINO PROMOTE CHICANO STUDIES COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT By Angela Vasquez Governor Davis announced the Music, dancing and laughter filled the appointment of John Pacheco as Student Events Center on October 25 at judge of the San Bernardino County a Unity Forum Town Hall Conference organized to promote and establish a Superior Court. Pacheco is the sec­ Chicano Studies Department at Califor­ ond Hispanic to be appointed to the nia State University-San Bernardino. superior court level in San Bernar­ Gilberto Esquivel, of KDIF radio sta­ dino since Don Alvarez was ap­ tion and member of the National Alliance pointed early this year. for Human Rights, was the Master of Cer­ emonies. Entertainment included Lfl'o Pacheco, 48, a resident of Moreno faifnous artift and entertainer, Valley, is a partner with the law firm Mariachi Estudiantes del Inland Empire of Garza, Garza and Pacheco, which and Son Real. All came, parents and their he joined in 1995. Previously he was children, community activists, students, a partner with the law firm of Rose, to show support for a Chicano Studies Klein and Marias in Ontario from Department at Cal State. M.E.Ch. A. of Cal State, San Bernar­ 1984 to 1995. His law practice has Dr. Armando Navarro, director of Ethnic dino and University of California, River­ been in the areas of personal injury Studies at the University of California. Riv­ • Governor Davis recently appointed John erside, spoke at the Unity Forum at Gal- side and the National Alliance of Human Pacheco, above, to the San Bernardino and medical malpractice. State San Bernardino. Navarro is leading Rights organized the event. Several County Superior Court. Pacheco is a iaw the National Alliance for Human Rights in GOVERNOR DAVIS APPOINTS JOHN PACHECO Latino organizations on campus were on- partner with Garza and Pacheco. Photo the promotion to incorporate the Chicano TO SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT continued on page 12 Studies Department at the university. by iEHN Photo by lEHN UNITY FORUM Continued on Page 8 INLAND EMPIRE ELECTION RETURNS SINFONIA MEXICANA •County of Riverside •Chaffey Joint Unified School CELEBRATES 16^" ANNUAL IN THIS ISSUE Riverside Community College District Jose Medina INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS Arthur Bustamonte NATIONAL ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE Kathleen Daley Clyde Francisco AWARENESS MONTH PG3 Grace Slocum Charles Uhailey TEACHER RECRUITMENT CENTER OPENS • Corona School District • Colton School District ITS DOORSTO THE COMMUNITY PGA Sharon Martinez Robert Armenta CONGRESSMAN JOE BACA ENDORSES Bill Hedrick FRANK H. GUZMAN FOR DISTRICT Tobin Brinker ArtORNEY FOR SBOO COUNTY PGS • Riverside School District Marge Mendoza-Ware Dana Kruckenberg ARMC BURN NURSES ASSISTING WITH • Fontana School District TREATMENT OF VICTIMS OF TERRORIST Michael Goidware Laura Abernathy Mancha lArtACK IN WASHINGTON, D.C. PG5 •San Bernardino County Gus Hawthorn SBDO COUNTY SCHOOLS OUTPACE Schools area D Wayne Ruble STATE ON API IN A TWO-YEAR PERIOD PGS Lou Herz HISPANIC RECIPIENTS OF THE • Rialto School District MEDAL OF HONOR PG8 • Chaffey Community College Joanne Gilbert Maurice Calderon, right, newly in­ District TRECE SENTIDOS (THIRTEEN SENSES) PG9 Don Olinger stalled president of the Sinfonia Kathleen Brugger Mexicana, presents his goals and ob­ • San Bernardino City School FINANCIAL AID MONEY THAT COULD Katie Roberts jectives at the 16"^ Annual Installation NOT BE GIVEN AWAY PG9 Tony Dupre Gary L George of Officers at the San Bernardino GOVERNOR DAVIS APPOINTS JOHN PACHECO Lee McDougal Teresa Parra Hilton. Seated at left is Rachel Clark, TO SBDO CNTY SUPERIOR COURT PG10 Lynda Savage • San Bernardino College District San Bernardino City Clerk and Mis­ RECRUITING, RETENTION AND DIVERSITY Elsa Valdez tress of Ceremonies for the event. COMMISSION APPOINTED AT RIVERSIDE Stephanie Cereceres SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT PG11 Beverly Powell Calderon is senior vice president of , -i '. .- the Arrowhead Credit Union. WHArSUPATPRO? R611 Don Singer Photo by IEHN Inland Empire Hispanic News Wednesday, November 7,2001 EDITORIAL EDUCATION SHOULD CATER TO THE STUDENT POPULATION With Hispanics reaching over 30 program is also part of the proposal. community." Navarro said. "Kids who grew up and graduated percent of the student body at Cali­ Headed by Armando Navarro, So why is there such an effort from high school here should not be fornia State University-San Bernar­ chairman of the Ethnic Studies De­ about establishing Chicano Studies at priced out of a future," Davis said. dino, the development of a Chicano partment at UC- Riverside, the orga­ CSUSB when there is an already The bill also authorizes the CSU Studies Department at that campus is nization submitted a 16-page proposal flourishing program at UCR? trustees to waive or reduce tuition rates very logical and imperative. in May calling for a department that The key word is accessibility. for full-time foreign students of excep­ CSUSB currently offers only would combine "academic rigor with UCR is very research-oriented and it tional scholastic ability and prior scho­ seven classes that deal with the community participation." is very expensive. CSUSB is much lastic achievement. Chicano experience. He states that our students are be­ more accessible to our people and What this will mean for the San A 17-member committee of ad­ ing denied the opportunity to learn much more affordable." Bernardino CSU campus is an even ministrators. faculty & students has about themselves and the plethora of Tuition for one year at UCR is greater influx of Hispanic students, been created at CSUSB to assess the contributions that we have made as a $4300; for CSUSB it is $1800. Ad­ and needless to say, a greater demand different aspects and issues involved people to this country. In addition he mission requirements at CSUSB are for Chicano Studies. in the idea of establishing a Chicano states "We are looking to develop a also less stringent. If the initiative is successful, Studies Department at the school. The model that can be used at the commu­ A recent development adds em­ CSUSB will be the ninth in the 23- decision of the committee will have a nity college level and the high school phasis to the call for Chicano Stud­ campus CSU system to have a depart­ dramatic affect on the Inland Empire, level." ies: Gov. Gray Davis signed AB 540, ment of Chicano Studies. the CSU system and the state. The The proposal recommends subject which qualifies long-term California The recommended model emulates recommendation by the committee is courses include regional music of students, regardless of citizenship, for the Chicano Studies department at Cal- expected by December. Mexico, survey of Mexican philo­ in-state tuition status at the Califor­ State Northridge, which began in 1969 CSUSB President A1 Kamig has sophical thought and political orga­ nia Community Colleges (CCC) and and has grown into the fourth-largest been progressive thus far in terms of nizations of the barrio and other re­ the California State Universities department on campus with 25 full- reaching out and appealing to the His­ lated subjects. Since the Chicano in­ (CSU). time faculty members. Students finish panic community. Todate. he has re­ fluence is becoming more and more a This new legislation is designed to the program to become politicians, sponded positively to the call for part of every day life for all Ameri­ make college more accessible to high teachers and activists. Chicano Studies. cans. specialized studies can help school graduates who do not hold le­ The progress that has occurred, in The National Alliance for Human bring about understanding among cul­ gal residency status. Now, however, terms of educational and facility ex­ Rights is spearheading an effort to es­ tures and prevent prejudice within our students may be exempt from paying pansion at CSUSB has been impres­ tablish a Chicano Studies Department diverse community. non-resident tuition at the CSU and sive and phenomenal to many in the at CSUSB. The department would re­ Of utmost importance to many of CCC. Inland Ernpire. quire a chairperson, faculty members the "older generation" is American- This will undoubtedly increase the The implementation of a Chicano and a facility. Related courses would bom Hispanics to leam about their already considerable enrollment of Studies Department will, without a be designed to give students the op­ I history. "Chicano studies is a very Hispanic students at CSUSB since the doubt, enhance the progressive success portunity to select Chicano Studies as positive, intellectual bridge to not only requirement to pay higher tuition will of our learning institution.
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