Administration of George W. Bush, 2008 / May 27 757 NOTE: The President spoke at 1:17 p.m. on the tax rate. So when you hear these politicians South Lawn at the White House. Participating in campaign and say, ‘‘We’re going to raise the meeting were Tommy Tuberville, head coach, taxes, oh, just on the rich people,’’ they’re Auburn University football team; Mark Richt, raising taxes on companies like Silverado. head coach, University of Georgia football team; Randy Shannon, head coach, University of Miami What you don’t want to do is take money football team; Charlie Weis, head coach, Univer- out of the treasuries of these small businesses sity of Notre Dame football team; and Jack across America. If you’re interested in eco- Siedlecki, head coach, Yale University football nomic vitality and growth, you want these— team. owners of these small businesses to have more money to invest. It’s good for their em- Remarks Following a Tour of ployees; it’s good for their growth; and it’s Silverado Cable Company in Mesa, good for our Nation. Arizona And so I strongly urge the United States May 27, 2008 Congress to make the tax relief we passed permanent so that companies such as The President. I’ve come to Silverado for Silverado don’t have to worry about what a couple of reasons: one, to remind our fellow their tax burden is going to be in 2 years citizens how important small businesses are come. See, we’re in—we have times of eco- to the backbone of our economy. These two nomic uncertainty right now, and what cre- brothers started this company with five em- ates more uncertainty for owners of busi- ployees. nesses like these is whether or not their taxes Robert Simpson. Five employees. are going to go up. The President. How many you got now? Robert Simpson. We have 70. And Congress ought to just declare once The President. Seventy. One of the things and for all, we’re going to make the tax cuts that’s important in law is to encourage certain we passed permanent. It will be—add peace behavior, and the stimulus package we of mind for these business leaders. It’ll make passed encouraged investment. And so the— it easier for their employees to keep a job. these guys were showing me a new laser ma- It’ll make it easier for them to do what they chine they purchased this year. And they pur- want to do and take care of their—people chased it this year because the stimulus pack- that work here. age provided a tax incentive to do that. And And so I’m thrilled to be with you. Con- the reason why that’s important is when the gratulations on—— economy slowed down, we wanted to stimu- Robert Simpson. It’s our pleasure. Thank late activity. you so much, Mr. President. And so the fact that they purchased the machine meant somebody had to make the The President. Congratulations on being machine. And when somebody makes a ma- dreamers and doers. chine, it means there’s jobs at the machine- Mitch Simpson. Thank you, Mr. Presi- making place. Plus, their employees are more dent. Thank you. productive; they’re more competitive. It The President. Yes, sir. I loved meeting makes it more likely they’re going to keep their business and expand their business. your employees too. And so the first thing I want to do is, one, Robert Simpson. Well, if you have just thank you for being entrepreneurs, and two, a minute, I have a few more back there. remind our citizens that this stimulus pack- The President. All right, good. Thank you. age that we passed in Congress is just begin- ning to kick in. And it’s going to make a posi- tive contribution to economic growth. NOTE: The President spoke at 3:07 p.m. In his The other thing that’s important to re- remarks, he referred to Robert Simpson, presi- member is that a company such as these— dent, and Mitch Simpson, vice president, as this one pays taxes at the individual income Silverado Cable Company. VerDate Aug 31 2005 10:21 Jun 03, 2008 Jkt 214250 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 E:\PRESDOCS\P21MYT4.030 P21MYT4 mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with PRESDOCST4 758 May 27 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2008 Statement on the Situation in Burma so is your Commander in Chief. Job well May 27, 2008 done. The superintendent informs me that some I am deeply troubled by the Burmese re- of you are still on restriction. [Laughter] It gime’s extension of National League for De- might be because you were caught running mocracy general secretary and Nobel Peace from the ‘‘lightning van.’’ [Laughter] Or it Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi’s house ar- might be because of ‘‘Jimmy Chad’s apple.’’ rest on May 27. Aung San Suu Kyi’s current [Laughter] Whatever the reason you got your house arrest dates back to May 2003, when form 10, help has arrived. [Laughter] In she was detained following the murderous as- keeping with a longstanding tradition, I here- sault by regime-sponsored thugs on her mo- by absolve all cadets who are on restriction torcade in Depayin. The United States calls for minor conduct offenses. As for your upon the regime to release all political pris- grades, well, some things are even beyond oners in Burma and begin a genuine dialog the powers of the President. [Laughter] with Aung San Suu Kyi, the National League In becoming officers of the United States for Democracy, and other democratic and Air Force, you have chosen a vocation that ethnic minority groups on a transition to de- is both hazardous and rewarding. As a former mocracy. F–102 pilot, I know the exhilaration of flight. The United States will continue to help As the son of an aviator who was shot down the people of Burma recover from the devas- in combat, I know its perils. Whether you tation of Cyclone Nargis and will continue serve in the skies above or on the ground to support the Burmese people’s long-term below, each of you has stepped forward to struggle for freedom. Laura and I look for- defend your country. You’ve chosen to face ward to the day when the people of Burma danger in foreign lands so your fellow citizens know true liberty and democracy. do not have to face danger in our own land. And I want to thank you for making this cou- Commencement Address at the rageous choice. And all of America is grateful United States Air Force Academy in to the class of 2008. Colorado Springs, Colorado When you put on your second lieutenant bars in a few moments, you will become part May 28, 2008 of a great history, a history that is still only Thank you. Mr. Secretary, thank you for beginning to unfold. By any standard, air the kind introduction. General Moseley, power is still a relatively new phenomena. General Regni, Mr. Congressman, thank you. Men have been fighting on land and at sea Academy staff and faculty, distinguished for thousands of years, yet there are still guests, and proud family members: I am so Americans among us who were born before pleased to stand before the future leaders man ever flew. In the lifetime of one genera- of the United States Air Force. tion, our Nation has seen aviation progress I have something I’d like to say to the from that first tentative lift-off at Kitty Hawk Cadet Wing: class of 2008! [Applause] Yes, to an age of supersonic flight and space ex- that’s good. I was a little worried you we’re ploration. going to yell, ‘‘Give him the Bird!’’ [Laugh- And as flight has progressed, it changed ter] the face of war. In the 20th century, air You’re the 50th graduating class in the his- power helped make possible freedom’s vic- tory of the Air Force Academy. Each of you tory in great ideological struggles with fas- has worked hard to reach this moment. You cism and communism. In those struggles, our survived ‘‘Beast,’’ ‘‘Terrazzo sailing,’’ ‘‘fatty Nation faced evil men with territorial ambi- bags’’ at Mitch’s. [Laughter] You earned your tions and totalitarian aims who murdered the ‘‘prop and wings’’ at Pinnacle. And today you innocent to achieve their political objectives. will receive your degree and commission as Through a combination of military strength Air Force officers. Your teachers are proud and national resolve and faith in the power of you; your parents are proud of you; and of freedom, we defeated these adversaries VerDate Aug 31 2005 20:39 Jun 02, 2008 Jkt 190247 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 E:\PRESDOCS\P21MYT4.030 P21MYT4 mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with PRESDOCST4.
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