PUBLIC LIBRARY. •*• RAHWAY RAHWAY# N. J. Jersey's Oldest Weekly Newspaper-Established 1822 VOL. 161 NO. 33 RAHWAY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1983 USPS 454-160 Board delay h 20 CENTS ding P By R. R. Fa.szczew.ski f fee figure f Approval of renovations The chairman of the Bui- a maximum cost of S450. of two student toilet facil- grade candy sale, year- ldings and Grounds Com- * * * music teacher for the ities at Rahway High Sch- mittee. Louis R. Rizzo, told books, Washington trip, the annual interim salary of In other action. Board 1983-1984 year at an an- ool, the cost of which was Mr. Henderson the archi- student dances, rflagazinc 515,015. day, five-and-a-half-hours estimated at $46,000 each members: nual interim salary of per day, fully federally upcoming school year for tect had set a 15% con- sale, theatrical productions, -Gave their permission -Approved the place- was delayed Monday by the -Announced the Sept. 6 518,670. funded. attaining 30 credits beyond tingency fee and the ap- seventh-and-eighth-grade for Mrs. Cheryl Carey Mit- ment of 54 handicapped Board of Education pend- meeting would deal with •-Named Donald Pennell her bachelor's degree. proximate COM of the total fund-raising, library book chell to be hired as a phy- ••Appointed Mrs. Lois J. students at oui-ofdisirici ing the receipt of a specific the appointment of person- as a secondary music -Added the names of renovations would be fair, club and class dues, stu- sical education/health tea- Kriney as a para-profes sites for (he 1983-1984 ' percentage figure for an ar- nel: possibly a discussion of teacher for the upcoming Patricia Kaspcr. Phyllis 546.000 to each bathroom. dent insurance, Board-ap- cher at the junior high sch- sional in the special ed school year. chitect's fee. - the status of school aide school year at the annual in- Strauss. Cynthia Holzman, Board members then vo- proved athletic fees and ool for the upcoming school ucation department for 10 -Okayed the attendance positions and awarding of terim salary of SI 7.515. months during the upcom- Ralph Dunhamn. Ulysses Board members announc- ted unanimously to table charities, Student Council year at tlie annual interim of Board members, the sup- bids. ing school year at S30 per Gaines, Kevin O'Brien and ed last week they were con- any action on the toilet fund-raising activities, pur- salary of $14,685. Denise Gautreau of the erintendent and assistant •-Approved the participa- ••Okayed the appoint- day, five-and-a-half-hours sidering some modest cap- facilities until a special chase of novels and period- ••Re-appointed Mrs. Mar- 19831984 substitute list. superintendent of schools, ital improvements at the meeting to be held on Tues- tion of Rahway High Sch- ment of Miss Ann Marie per day, fully federally the Board secretary/bus- icals in individual class- sha Coulsen as a para-pro- -Appointed Mrs. Diana school in the wake of rejec- day, Sept. 6. at the Super- ool in the New Jersey State McCusker as a home econ- funded. iness administrator and the rooms on a volunteer basis, fessional in the special Anderson as a clerk-typist tions twice earlier this year intendent's Office at Interscholastic Athletic omics teacher at the junior •Raised the salary of Board attorney at the New collection of fines and pro- education department for at the junior high school for of a S6 million bond issue Rahway Junior High Sch- Assn. sports program. high school for the Mrs. Diane Shusler, a Mad- Jersey School Boards Assn. ject money and the Reading 10 months during the the 1983-1984 school year ool at 7:55 p.m., at which -Accepted the resigna- 1983-1984 school year at ison School teacher, from Conference in Atlantic C'n> for major renovations to the is Fundamental Program. 1983-1984 year at S30 per at an annual interim salary time details of the tion of Vincent Nardiello as 525,825 to 526,325 for the from Wednesday to Friday. school facility. -Okayed the following of S8.160. However, at Monday's architect's fee are expected night custodian at the jun- -"•'""• I Oct.. 26 too 2828.. to be known. ior high school, effective fund-raising activities for meeting, Board member, 1983-1984 at the high sch- Barry D. Henderson, said Wednesday, Aug. 31. Meanwhile, the school ool: Several activities of the he didn't think it was good -Adopted the book, "The body did approve the in- Blue Triangle Club and business for the school body American Economy - Anal- stallation of a door between fund-raising activities of the to authorize the architec- ysis, Issues, Principles," for the library office and the high school band. tural firm of Eckert, Mor- use in the high school eco- media center at the high nomics courses. -Accepted the retirement Jobs bill to fund sewers, ton, Russo and Maggio to school by Gus Bottini, resignation, with regret, of prepare drawings and spec- -Approved the following general contractor, at a Mrs. Anna Ciano, an ele- ifications for the repair fund-raising activities for maximum cost of S950. and mentary music teacher; ef- work without getting a the junior high school for similar work at the junior fective immediately. specific architect's fee. the upcoming school year: high schol by Mr. Bottini at Student photograph •Appointed John Scla- fani, Jr. as an elementary By R. R. Faszczov.ski daycare, housing Councilman Sheld, who Rahway wJll.receive Dosier of Rahway was $82,500 in federaHiiiidirig! is Councilmathe Governinn Shi»Ig HBody' ..,ks~ , ~ . •-Certified to the slate f e p re s e"n t A tfv e < o tti e hired for the position. license fee paid. The firm including 562.500 to be us- thai it has reviewed the had paid 5200 for two niu Rahway Geriatric Center He pointed out the ad recommendations made in ed for the separation of ministrator has a state chines, but the building m storm and sanitary sewers, Corp., the nonprofit body the 1982 annual audit which operates the facility, license and experience in report. spector had determined on- thanks to an agreement several similar positions in ly one machine was allowed with Union County author- also announced Rahway •Approved the removal residents have been given the area. at the Drug Fair in Rail- ized by an ordinance * # * of a S50 veterans' tax de- way. adopted by City Council on preference for jobs at the duction for 1983 from Ed- center where this is allowed. In other action, the •-Authorized the refund Aug. 8. Council: ward Leboy. of 5278 of the S347.74 paid He added in cases where •-Gave its permission for The other projects to be a state license was required -Approved veterans', by Saint John theBapiisi... -the--refund of SIO0 to -funded by (he"aid Include: for a particular job Rahway senior citizens' and dis- Russian Orthodox Church Whatagame. Inc. of Somer- Housing and commercial re- residents with such a license ability property tax de- of Rahway to the Planning habilitation, 515,000. and were considered first, and ductions totaling 59,750 for ville for an amusement Board. Rahway Day Care, 55,000. only if there were no city this year. A Tuesday. Nov. I, open- residents with the proper ing date for the daycare and credentials were others -Authorized the removal What's happening? nursing facility for senior hired. of a 5250 senior citizen's tax citizens in Rahway. the deduction from Frank and Rahway Geriatric Center, Asked by Second Ward Henrietta Stevens. Community was announced by Third Councilman John C. Marsh who the administrator of •Okayed the refund of Ward Councilman Max 54,466.36 for 1982 taxes the facility would be, Coun- Calendar: Sheld. under the Homestead Re- cilman Sheld replied Shirley bate Act. See Page 4 *T^^..:.riS,.^- •: ffiS™9".8'??^^ Annual Fishin^D^ Fishing derby hooks 367 Over 367 youngsters signed up and participated and Jennifer Sica, smallest in this year's fishing derby, and largest respectively, in held at Milton Lake Park in the II -and-1 2-year-old Rahway. category. The winners in the Boys The best fish of the day was a 13-and-a-half-inch Division included Brian bass caught by Wittke in Toth and Mike Damato the 11 -and- 12-year-old divi- smallest and largest respec sion. lively in the eight-year-old and-under bracket; Tim Sut Milton Crans of the Of- ton and Ray Solenske, smal fice of Emergency Manage- lest and largest respectively, ment provided the special police coverage and also in the nine-and-10-year-old gave his support through bracket; Ron Toth and Rahway Lodge No. 1075 of Herb Wittke, smallest and the Benevolent and Pro- largest respectively, in the tective Order of Elks Youth 11-and-12-year-old bracket, Activities Committee, pro- and Paul Ross and Mike viding the refreshments for Kaminskas, smallest and the participating young- largest in the 13-and-14- sters. year-old age group. Prize winners in the Girls The Rahway First Aid Squad had its ambulance on Division included: Laura standby at the Derby. Toth and Mary Young, "i^S^^si&^&v^S(£:'Zis^a& smallest and largest respec- ••v:-v \. ^m ,,. ,v. tively, in the eight-year-old- PICK OF THE CROP - The Rahway Recreations and-under group; Sharon /WORE CERTIFIED BEST - Adam Thomas of 249 W. Milton Baseball Team were well represented at the Infra- Mike Gabel, and second row, Sieve Williams, Fred Stin- Ave., Rahway, displays his fishing derby certificate and Zacek and Kerry Kluse, County League All-Star Game which was recenlly held ner, Brian Wiltek and Bob Sekley.
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