DIRECTORY.] DURHAM. SlLKSWORTH. 28,5 Osborne Pattinson, bailiff, 8 Durham rd RobsonJohnson,decorator,46Durham rd Tennett Geo. insur.agent, 5 Durham rd Oxley Mary (Mrs.), fruiterer,9 Derwent Robson Ellen (Mrs.), Derwent P.H> 35 Todd Edward, butcher, Derwent street street & Foundry road Durham road Turner Anthony Evelyn, tailor, 47 Palliser James, grocer, 5 Foundry road RobsonMary(Mrs. ),beer retlr. 1Fndry.rd Durham road Palliser 'William, grocer, 81 Derwent st Rule Henry, grocer, 48 Durham road WaltonAnthony,shop'kpr.6 5Derwent st PeartAnn(Mrs. ),hardwr.dlr. Derwent st Rutter Anderson, Railway inn, SI '"ralton Joseph, greengrocr. Derwent st PinkneyJane(Mrs. ),drapet-,4oDurhm. rd Durham road WaltonMary(Mrs. ),grocr. Walton's row Potts Annie(Mrs. ),grocer,54 Derwent st Sanderson .rsph. shopkpr. I St. .Aidans st Westgarth Edwd.confectr.8 Derwent st Powlesland Hannah (Mrs.), grocer1 Sloane Edwsrd, chemist & grocer, Post WestgarthJohn,china &glass dealer,37 Benfieldside Edge road officel 77 Derwent street Durham road Raw William, auctioneer,54 Durham rd SpencerMary(Mrs. ),shpkpr. x8Tinml. pl Whinney Thomas, clerk to the burial Ramsay William, registrar of births & Stevenson Faby, spopkpr.66 Derwent st board, Cemetery cottage deatQ.s for Consett sub-district, St. Strachan William, plumber & gasfitter, Wilson Jn. farmer, Rose cot. Blackfine Aidans street , 24 Durham road 1 WilsonSamuel,hair dresser,Derwent st Reid George, grocer, 62 Derwent street Swainston Matth.grngro. 73 Derwent ~>t Wilson·wm. butehr.&grocer,Derwent st RichardsonRobt.shopkeepr.l'~undry rd Taylor Edward & John George, monu- Winter Geo.(Mrs. );furn.dlr.Derwent st RichardsonThos.insurnceagt.sQueen st mental sculptors, Durham road W oodWm. blacksmith,BackstoneBrn.rd Richardson WilliaJp.,draper,Fou.ndry rd Telford Edward, insurance agent, 27 Young Jn. Rose & CJ:ownP. H. Derwent st Robinson Geo.Ja.s.grngro.64Derwent lilt Backstone Burn road · SHOT TON with SHOTTON COLLIERY form are the principal landowners. The soil is clayey and sandy ; a township, with a station on the Sunderland and Hartle- subsoil, clay and gravel and limestone. Crops, wheat, oats, pool branch of the North Eastern railway, xo miles from barley, turnips and potatoes, with a large area in pasture. Durham and 12 south from Sunderland, in the South The acreage is 3,7oi ; rateable value, £4,959 ; the popula­ Eastern di\tision of the county, Castle Eden petty sessional tion in x88l was 2 7 I3I- division, Easington union, Hartlepool county court district, PosT & M, 0. 0., s. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Shot- rural deanery of Eas'ington and archdeliconry and diocese of ton Qolliery.-Mrs. Phrebe .Anderson, sub-postmistress Durham. The church of St. Saviour, at Shotton Colliery, Letters arrive from from Castle Eden station at 8 a.m.; erected in 1852 and consecrated in x854, is a building of.ston~ dispatched at _30 p.m, Has well is the nearest telegraph consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, porch, vestry and a office 4 western turret containing one bell: there are sittings for about 400 persons. The register dates from the year 1854. The WALL Box at Shotton village cleared 5·5 p.m living il! a vicarage, net yearly va1ue £590• with house, in ScHOOLS:- the gift of the Bishop of Durham, and held since I867 by Colliery (mixed & infants), built in 1845 & since enlarged the Rev. Thomas FredePick Hardwich, medical associate of for 430 children ; average attendance, 200 boys & girls &• King's College, London. There are Wesleyan and Primitive 90 infants; John Corbett, master; Mrs. Ann Martin, Methodist chapels at Shotton Colliery, a village about I girls' mistress; Miss Emily Kneale, infants' mistress mile 'West from Old Shotton, chiefly the abode of colliers. ~hotton Endowed, founded by Edward Whalton esq.-; value Here are brick and tile works, but the colliery is not now of the endowment £2~, with residence for the mast~r; working. The Ecclesiastical .Commissioners, who are the Henry Fenwick, master lords of the manor, the Rev. John Burdon J.P. the Colliery Shotton Bridge Railway Station, John Glenwright, station Company, Anthony Wilkinson esq. and Lord Northbourne mastel" Shotton. 1 Saint Raiph & Frauces (Miss), farmers, Goyns Stephen, greengrocer Edder acres Graham Thomas, Beehive P.H Hudson Ralph MilbankeJ.P.Shottonhall Scurr Robert, farmer, Acre ridge Hepplewhite Thomas, butcher Taylor Mrs. Hall farm Sweeting Ann (Mrs.), farmer Hutchinson Joseph Scott, butcher COMMERCIAL. Taylor Hannah(Mrs. ), farmr. Hall farm Johnston Henry, beer retailer Thompson Robert, Black Bull P.H. Mason Charles, shopkeeper Cowen Geo. farmer, Cotsford grange Todd Thomas, tailor Mather James, brick & tile mauufactr Edgar John, farmer Mawston George, grocer & draper Ellison William, farmer, Eden hall Shotton Colliery. Miller John, beer retailer English Geo. & Son, farmers, Howletch Dunscombe George Mitchell John, Albert inn Fenwick Henry, farmer Ethell Rev. Thomas Henry [curate) Parkin Thomas, Commercial inn Harrison Joseph, farmer, Dean house HardwichRev. Thos.Fredk. TheVicara5e Reed Robert, butcher Hornsby George, shopkeeper Mather James Robinson Thomas, farmer, White ho Hornsby J n. Hutchinson,BlackHorse:a.H coMMERCIAL. Scott Charles William, putcher Hornsby Thomas, blacksmith Alderson James, farmer, Low hills Snowdon James, Colliery inn Jameson William, wheelwright Bullock William, general dealer Stephenson Matthew, draper & grocer JohnsonCharles, miller (water) Burdess Margt.(Mrs.),earthenware dlr Storey Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Fleaming Lugg Cha,rles, boys' school Carr William Wilson, grocer & draper field Mitchell George, tailor Dodds Thomas, grocer Yates John William, boot & shoe maker Oxley Joseph, farmer, Black bills Dunscombe George, surgeon SILKSWORTH is a parish and village, situated 3 miles ' portion of this township consists of strag-gling farm-houses. south-west from Sunderland, in the north division of Easing- GRINDON, 2 miles north-west, is a small hamlet here. The ton ward, in the Houghton-le-Spring division of the county, area is I,988 acres; rateable value, £12,788; the pppulation and consists of the townships of SILKSWORTH and TU:NS'l'ALL, in 187I was 3~, and 40I in I88t. the former iu Houghton-ie-Spring union and the latter in P,u-ish Clerk or Sexton, William Smithson. Sunderland union, county court dist~ict and petty sessional PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Silks- division ~f Sunderland, rural deanery of Wearmouth and worth Colliery.-Mrs. Elizabeth ~kelton, postmistress. archdeaconry and diocese of Durham. The church of St. Letters arrive from Sunderland at 9 a. m & 2.40 p.m.; & Matthew, erected in I87;r, is a building of stone in the Early dispatched at 3·55 & 8.40 p.m. The nearest telegraph office Enghsh style, consisting of chancel, nave of four bays, aisles, is 1,1.t Sunderland south porch and a small turret containing 2 bells: in the PoST & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, New chancel is a stained memorial window to the la~ William . Tunstall-Stephen Jennings, postmaster. Letters arrive Robinson Robinson esq,: there are sittings for 500 persons. from Sunderland a.t 9 a.m. & 7. 30 p.m.; dispatctxed at The register dates from the year 1:872. The living is a 3. 45 & 8.35 p.m. Sunderland is the nearest tele51"aph vicarage, gross yearly value from the Ecclesiastical Corn- office · missi~ners £3oo, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Durham, and held since 1868 by the Rev. John James School (mixed), built in I852, for 6o children; average Brown M.A. of University College, Durham. There is a attendance, $7 ;·Miss Isabella Foster, mistress W esleyan Methodist chapel here. The Drill Hall of theNos. Tunstall is a small township in this parish, in Sunder­ 8 and 9 batteries of the 2nd (Seaham) Durham .Artillery Vol­ land union, 2 miles south-by-west from Sunderland. 'l'ne unteers was. erected in I883 by the 5th Marquess of l.ondon­ high and wild ridge of limestone here terminates in two round derry. Silksworth Hall, an ancient edifice, the property of depressed summits, called "Maiden Paps," from which there William Gray Robinson, of Quedgeley House, Gloucester, is is a fine view of the coast from Tynemouth to Hartlepool ; now occupied by Robert Pile Doxford esq.: near the hall for• the;y also form a beacon to the mariner approaching Sunder­ merly stood a chapel, dedicated to St. Leonard. Silksworth land port. Here is a Catholic chapel dedicated to St. House, the seat of John Beckwith esq. J.P. is a handsome Leonard and an iron Primitive Methodist chapel. The prin­ modern mansion. The principal landowners areWilli.am Gray cfpal lar.downers are the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, who Robinson esq. who is lord of the manory John Beckwith esq. are the lords of the manor, the trustees of the late John .J.P. Richard Laurence Pemberton esq. of Seaham Harbour, Gregson, J. M. Ogden and George Dawson esqrs. The soil Richard Orrnston and Hepburn Thomson esqrs. A great is light and loamy ; the subsoil, gravel and limestone. The .
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