17312 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 13 September 6, 2006 A SALUTE TO REGINA CARTER album’’ she says ‘‘I chose ‘How Ruth Felt,’ HONORING DR. CLINTON BRISTOW, which is a commissioned piece that I wrote for JR. HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. a woman named Ruth Felt, President of San OF MICHIGAN Francisco Performances, and Arts organiza- HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion in San Francisco. I spent some time as an OF MISSISSIPPI Artist-in-Residence there, teaching music to Wednesday, September 6, 2006 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES disadvantaged children and spreading the joy Wednesday, September 6, 2006 Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, as Dean of of music to people in community centers and the Congressional Black Caucus, and Chair- churches around the Bay area. Ruth helped Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- man of the Jazz Forum and Concert that oc- me tremendously while I was dealing with my er, I would like to recognize the life of Dr. Clin- curs during the Congressional Black Caucus mother’s illness. I included ‘How Ruth Felt’ on ton Bristow, Jr., president of Alcorn State Uni- Foundation’s Annual Legislative Conference, I my album as a way to say, ’Thank you.’ ’’ versity. rise to salute the achievements of violinist Re- Now Regina Carter is looking forward to a Dr. Bristow, 57, became president of Alcorn gina Carter, a rising star in the field of jazz. brighter 2006, filled with sharing the memory State University, one of three Historically The following biography is found on her own of her mother and the music of I’ll Be Seeing Black public Universities in Mississippi, on Au- web site. It chronicles a career of accomplish- You: A Sentimental Journey with people in a gust 24, 1995. Prior to becoming president of ment already deserving of high recognition, live context. ‘‘When I perform now, she Alcorn State University and 11 years of serv- and of this body’s thoughtful attention and re- shares, ‘‘I feel different when I go on stage ice and leadership, Dr. Bristow served as spect: . stronger . like I’ve gone through president of the Chicago Board of Education, Regina Carter’s immersion in music began something and really lived! I still get nervous, dean of the College of Business at Chicago at the age of 2 when she took up piano fol- but all of those negative, critical voices that I State University, and vice president at Olive- lowed by violin at the age of 4. Forever in- used to hear in my head are gone. I think Harvey College in Chicago. debted to the Suzuki method of music teach- that’s my mother . making me realize that Dr. Bristow was committed to increasing the ing, the approach freed her from the rigid re- none of that is important. This is my stage percentage of minority students attending straints of solely reading music and opened . It’s what I do . and I’m having a good graduate and professional school and increas- her to the wonders of improvisation. Though time.’’ ing the public’s awareness and appreciation of her original focus was classical music, with the the value and contributions to society by land hope of being a soloist with a major sym- f grant universities through their research, ex- phony, the pull of Detroit’s rich soul music leg- tension programs, and overall excellence. acy and the discovery of jazz broadened her 200TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE Under Dr. Bristow’s direction, Alcorn doubled horizons. TOWN OF OTISCO CELEBRATED the percentage of students attending graduate/ Regina attended Detroit’s prestigious Cass ON AUGUST 12, 2006 professional school, improved retention and Technical High School. Upon graduating, she established a faculty research incentive pro- departed for the New England Conservatory of gram to enhance research in the life sciences, Music, only to return to Michigan’s Oakland HON. JAMES T. WALSH where the university has become a national University, seasoning her chops by gigging OF NEW YORK leader in the production of African-American with several local musicians. She later joined IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES baccalaureate graduates in the life and agri- the attention-grabbing all-female quartet cultural sciences. Straight Ahead which recorded two albums for Wednesday, September 6, 2006 President Bristow was a visionary who Atlantic Records. Carter departed the band in Mr. WALSH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to worked closely with the administration and the 1994, recording two solo albums for Atlantic recognize the 200th anniversary of the Town community to move Alcorn forward academi- while also making the most of her newfound of Otisco. Tucked away in Central New York, cally. He referred to Alcorn State University, a New York connections by working with the the Town of Otisco was formed from parts of college of 3,500 students situated in rural Mis- likes of the String Trio of New York, Muhal the neighboring towns of Pompey, Marcellus, sissippi as the ‘‘Academic Resort’’ and Richard Abrams, and Greg Tate and the Black and Tully. Over its storied 200 years, the ‘‘Communiversity.’’ He believed in quality edu- Rock Coalition. Town of Otisco has gone through many cation and made a difference in the lives of Carter joined Verve Records in 1998 and changes: In 1798, Oliver Tuttle was the first each of his students and believed that each has since recorded four critically acclaimed settler in Otisco, clearing land with his sons on student could make a difference in the world. works of astounding maturity and variety: the north end of Otisco Lake. Tuttle left, only The students were inspired by his passion for Rhythms of the Heart, Motor City Moments, to return with his entire family 4 years later. education and his belief in the success of their (also produced by John Clayton), and Paga- The Town of Otisco was officially created in careers. Dr. Bristow cared deeply for the stu- nini: After a Dream (for which she made his- 1806, as more settlers began to call the area dents and felt personally responsible for their tory by being the first African American and home. As the population grew, the town began education and stressed the importance of jazz musician to travel to Genoa, Italy to per- to experience changes such as the creation of graduate and professional schools. He estab- form and record with the legendary Guarneri a turnpike road started in 1806 to connect the lished relationships with universities in several del Gesu violin owned by classical music vir- Town of Otisco to the Town of Skaneateles. countries and was responsible for imple- tuoso Niccolo Paganini), and a duet project menting exchange programs and increasing with pianist Kenny Barron entitled Freefall. Her Otisco has contributed its part to our nation. the number of international student enrollment. playing has also graced work that includes There are 42 Revolutionary soldiers and 57 President Bristow understood the needs of the filmmaker Ken Burns’ soundtrack for the PBS Civil War soldiers buried in the town, all of university and the Alcorn community and used documentary, Jazz. Wynton Marsalis’ opera whom called Otisco home. Otisco also had his shrewd business sense to help secure Blood on the Fields; Cassandra Wilson’s trib- nine soldiers in the War of 1812, 22 soldiers Federal funds to improve the ‘‘face’’ of Alcorn ute to Miles Davis, Traveling Miles; and the in WWI, and 26 soldiers in WWII. State’s campus. queen of hip-hop soul Mary J. Blige. In the The town’s population has slowly grown Dr. Bristow earned a B.A., J.D. and Ph.D. summer of 2006, Regina will join Latin Jazz from 1,850 in the mid-19th century to 2,500 in degrees from Northwestern University in pianist Eddie Palmieri for some dates related 2000. Blessed by a pristine landscape and the Evanston, Illinois, and an MBA from Gov- to his latest recording, the Grammy award- beauty of Otisco Lake, the town provides a ernors State University in University Park, Illi- winning, Listen Here, on which she was also throwback feeling to the old days of small nois. a guest. town living. To this day, farming is at the cen- The contributions Dr. Clinton Bristow, Jr. Among her personal accomplishments is ter of life in Otisco, and the lake is still the made to Alcorn State University will never be work she has done to spread the love of main area for activity. forgotten. He touched the lives of many stu- music to others, something that is touched On behalf of the constituents of the 25th dents and alumni throughout his 11 year ten- upon in her one original composition on I’ll Be District of New York, I congratulate the Town ure as president of Alcorn and will truly be Seeing You. John Clayton always insists that of Otisco and its citizens, both past and missed by the university, community, and his I write at least one original piece on every present, on 200 years of history. colleagues throughout the country. 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