POSTSCRIPT. the number of his well-wishers on this side the sales. .^IMEBCIAL RECORD.-| | channel. MISCELLAN UOt'K. MISCELLANEOUS. LOTTEKIISS. auction 23. Lant \ Tl MARKET, Oct. By Evening'* Xortlicrn MhII. 7y>c Uritish ' Auctioneer*. v<MNN Queen S'ecmet..An Antwerp t DUX3PAUGU & C 1 lia*« rirpioil FOR RENT. PRIZE Com , Mt;n | Bv Itot.rrl Hill Hrolhrr, brisk vestcnlav, as for a few journal states, that the British Queen will be * "DIGGER'S OFFICE, of T * another In! «»t tr.fods runM-tin:* <>l ¦y Thai situation near nucha- 13 mu! (t.irernor ,\'/ >,,./* of 150 bbls--. at Canal at S3 60 a "WARN THE COMMITTKE'S." again put up lor ami that il that it there splendid 3 desirable TWO HOUSES AM) LOTS FOR SALE. sale, English ami Frciich Cloth Coaks, Pants, Vc-i», nan's formerly occupied by Judge of the (.Iran i Consolidated I .utter v Extract of a I.,lie/ to the should nut he a bidding to the amount of the esti¬ which Spring, Drawing Will Ik? sold us, cn TUESDAY, at CI* with " Editors, mate ami fancy articles; and .*<II «»1 will be sold JMlbflLDahncy Carr, a laige ami convenient Nn. 13: by .. :s dull at Canal, cis., Wasiunoton Oct. '41. lixed the government she will the 29: h .it I P. M , two de- w .v Cjtv, 2(1, by surveyor cheap lor cash, at ihe New Clothing Store, K4, House, an>l seven acres of LauJ, all ul which are 51 72 t;i 20 c.7 U2 39 5'.; .*»;» is <; so 53. in-t., o'clock, 'i hasten to in a he broken up, and her materials be in jLELsiral le Houses and Lots on Vennble sj. x put you possession ol it. II. very a 4.000 bushels plan, the employed West Main Street, 5 doors from Jerkins'?* in good order, The rent will lie low to S' /inncs the II'crt! I 50 ,, (.,:» cent"*. About that the W h:g Club of this place has put into construction of gun boats. Oct. -jm tenant. f,>r Tho L"t- front Hi fert each, running back W bv the Whitewater Canal, to A'fo'rtxs Ike Corner. good Possession given immediately. Fur Evening. two >'',s;:iVtV,r operation deceive the wople of Virginia. A of E.t-Rcgcnl of Spain..Iv-pnitcro to W. Wednesday feel, and have comloit..ble Wood Builcings, r:> At St. Louis, the lias an Apply GEO. TOLER, 5.010, 1 (10(1. I 900 work.' price large number of thetn left lierc on Wednesday published address to his countrymen, dated SALE.The h >iw ; ! lot on and Lisle's Row. Capita!-; $20,(XK), (i,(K)0, just finished with Kitchen, &c. cents.the latter lor prune tor Iroin Oct. Church Agent Collector, i>oo, u;oo, i.ioo, 1,300,. i,-r>K 0f The terms will lie and made v,' \>d5 last, the different sections ol Pennsylvania.. London, 10, in which he justifies the IHII, at present Henry A. Atkin¬ Oct. 1H.:f i,70u, accommodating, cairied with them a of course he the time he was IT*Olt occupiedlv 1,200. 5 of l.iiiij, (,f ;),!((. 8iK). of 700, 250 known on tin; dav of sale. * . large numl>cr print¬ pursuedduring regent, son, The hon.se i- :i two storv They the and a should he be Jvq. splendid FOR RENT. tit 2o-), &»;. .3 Nity, l.t ba!!o's. I ickets $8. R<>E»"T HILL £ BROTHER. Oct. 26. ed slips, containing returns.or purporting to expresses wish, permitted to brick building, well finished. with kitchen and sta¬ v,u- YORK MARKET, be such.of an increased vote of the return to his native to live That retired and pleasant Resilience in For Thursday Evening. Oct. 2d.ids Attciionetr*. vcrv dull at Pearls Whigs by counliy, inapriv.ite ble ofthe same material. Ii is situated on the p ,nre $4 1M; and a decrease on the side of the station. Manchester, now occupied by Thos. .1. SI2,000, 5.000. 3,000.*2,000, 1.123, ¦y.,K\ i The are large majorities, corner of M and 20th street, 11."» front, and 132 Capitals: .l ;?ij a I **7j. receipts Democrats. At the close of is to Lot is Pijiu.ipk ix F.NUMvn..'The of the 13L.M'Nance. It has a large ari l ex¬ I.2O0. III 4.1 1 of :"»<K). o 1 of 300.' NEGROES. each poll, there ^ King feet and is well calculated to have one or Esq. 1,10:1, 000, 400, r the stock in warehouse is French and rear, cellent house and ILL be sold l-v us this at 10 Liui be an emissary at hand, and in steal hi* suite i'iiibalked at Trefoil on the more erected it. The owner is garden, good stable, carriage lie., 78 Nos., 13 ballots. Ticket:- $1. niorninc, dispatch of dwellings upi»n sinolie a well of excellent water in the A"*"'V o'clock, one Negro Woman, two haste the same to Virginia, New York and Ma¬ evening the 7th in-t. for England. TheQueen aIniiit the The property will Ik* hoti'w; For Friday Evening. likely :lU. <--FU',.irts a little higher to-day. This isdonc in Ice!- was n fleeted on leave of her hus¬ quittin? city. vard. Possession given on* the 1st Jan. 184f». 1.200. 1.010 Girls and one like!v Man. ¦- order to the deeply 3.000, z. ryland. dampen taking s; firI low, and on verv easy terms, viz: one-lhird Capitals: §8.000. 1,800, RO. IIILL & ,' \ si j. Good wheat brings §1, j of the where on band, this her first from the to GEO. W. TOLER, BROTHER, - ings people the elections come oil being separation the resi iue at 1*2 and |s months, with inter- "Apply &c.. i£c. 00 12 ballot-. Tickets $3. V. Wc. Rve 74 a 75c. South- since her cash, < . i. I:>.tf an i Collector. Lisle's Row. Xu», Oct. .11Auctioneers."33 the 4th, and after. The Executive Committee de¬ King mariiage: she was observed to c-t. to GEO. W. TOLER, Agent For Saturday Evenir,jr. sires me to of to notice the same shed tears. About day-break the following morn¬ Apply nn BAGS Rio and is firm, but the enquiry request you please the French Oct. 2H Ag ml and Collector, Li-le's Kow. FOR RH.Vf, Capital-: $0,000. 2,000, 1.000. 1.340. 1,000, 1 Java, Laguira Cotlee, s pjt,'market in your paper, or to have the same in ing, squadron approached the Engli-h -i__i The Store and on Main i\e. 12 Tickets *i'UU 10 Hogsheads ol I'orto Rico. New 7>,.sales reach only 300 bales, chiefly published and the inhabitants of the Dwelling ft., &e., 72 Nos. ballots. 52. hand bill form, and circulate them, provided this coast, Portsmouth, H.LEGM.Ktkodlctohv Lk<.- a lew doois lielow the Old Market, tc- to SiorHn. Orleans and Muscovado r'. We annex the quotations: naval <>t woie on jjj (iiithi/ .S' .'i'.;/(. s !h firiiir't Sugars, should reach you in time. great port England, early the MEDICALCiti:i:i:s..The Lec'urps, introductory to the ^V4l-®s?cently occupied by John E. Laughton, Drawing reeive! ?¦vcnin«r. Novem¬ 100 Sack** ol Liverpool S;.!;. well tilled. look-out for and Monday > vfRpOOb CLASSIFICATION. "N. R There is to be, also, a band ol this same it, made every wcess-iry prepara¬ regular course of Lecturc« in this Irjs:it'«:i.-n, w»5! Esq., a shoe stoic. Apply t" i 100 Barrels t N. ( .. No. 1. neit tion lor the visitor. ber l:h. Grand Scheme' Sp!-nd; Capita!-- wax Herrings, .V / 'i"itlu. .N.O/'/.&.l.W'ife. Club, as above referred to, stationed in the States distinguished commence on 2>th. at 1*2 o'< lock, and GEO. w. TOLER, Till 'A-s o| S|iei'int and tallow Candle-*, ' Monday, 1 .*1.000 5.00o. 3,000, 2.3(i8. p- 5 a above named, to teceive and circulate the 'I he meeting of the Sovereigns was of the l e the week. ii! the or- Lisle's Row. $40,000, Old ("ii' -v. imitation !!j.t»li>li. t a 4i same; contir.ticddiiring following Agent and Collector, &c. 7") -N'.'v. 15 ball . > Ticto i- S15. A very sujv- a r>i a very mischievous for nothing.as Polk most affectionate character, without any formal i!er. The new being Oct. 1,000, riot, handsomely put in small phv, or Colley Building prepared, scheme to ii; and will lie cold ceremonial greet nig*. When the a' 1*2 splendid buy by package. ' 100 Bales of Piiuie well (IJ 6 a 65 Dallas certainly elected. The Whigs King will lw iip.-ned on Mon lav. o'clock, on for sale. received evening, Nov. llth. cured Hay. a ll; 6J a G| of this are scared." alighted. he embraced hei Maje-ty in a moM cor¬ which occasion the Kev. Dr. Plumer will de¬ Drawing Monday 20,00(1 Fir?t rati- Barrel Staves. ,'linc. city desperately dial and affectionate j a j The subscriber ha» fur sale, within the lid . $30,000! 13 000, 7,">00. 5,000. a l'« 7 a 7j manner, and immediately liver a Dcdicatoiv Address anl I'raver.afler Splen 'apitals: A small quantity of Prime Olii Rye Whiskey, t">! From, anrthcr her his f m suburbs o! the several small houses 100 of \c.
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